The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis (4 page)

BOOK: The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis
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“Damn bae…” I uttered as the sensations from both his dick and finger continued to overtake me. I loved being double-penetrated. I knew I was about to cum again, but I wanted to cum in my favorite position.

“Let me ride it,” I seductively whispered. It was time for me to release some of my frustrations out on him. I climbed up on top of him and rode like a cowgirl, riding him to my own beat while running my hands up and down on his chest. He couldn't get enough of me. He was hooked and so was I. My goal was to make sure he was weak. Once he was drained of all his energy I knew he would stay home. I was popping my pussy like a stripper and even turned around a few times causing his eyes to roll back. The harder I bounced on him, the harder his dick became. I reached back, massaging his stiff balls as he tried to keep from nutting, but I was on the verge of coming and I knew he couldn’t hold out too much longer

My high-pitched moans matched his low-toned ones in perfect harmony. The love in our eyes had us both lost.

“Damn Kay. Why you doin me like this?” he asked as I flipped around riding him in reverse cow girl. He watched my ass clap as I bounced up and down on his dick. The combination of him slapping my ass and the sound of our bodies touching made me wetter than I had ever been. With all my strength I clamped my pussy around him and we both climaxed together. After the convulsions stopped I slowly slid off of him. With his eyes closed he laid there with his dick stuck to the pool of cum on his thigh. Being the freak that I was I licked him clean before finishing us both off with a wash cloth.
Bet you stay your ass home now.


Shit! My ass had every intention on spending the entire day with Makayla, but my homeboy Jacori needed me. Jacori had just damn near got caught slipping, so this meeting couldn’t wait. If he got caught slipping, that meant the city would be dry as fuck and I couldn't afford that shit right now. If we didn't hustle and the work stopped coming in then no one would eat. I was going to go out for a few hours then be back home in time for dinner, but Makayla ass wanted to act like a spoiled brat, talking about she would leave a nigga if I left the house.

I loved the shit out of her, but sometimes I needed to get away from all her nagging. Sometimes she was down for a nigga and let me do me. She even let me fuck around with other women as long as she was involved in it, but these streets are the one thing she didn’t have no chill about. I really didn't appreciate Makayla giving me an ultimatum, but to be honest, I didn't want her to leave me. She was all I had in this cruel world. As soon as I came out of my mother's pussy, I was thrown to the state. I been a hood misfit all my life and it took me a while to find my misfit Queen.

Looking into Makayla’s beautiful brown eyes, I could see the reasonable hurt that I was causing her. I decided to stay for a while before leaving out. She was pouring her heart out to me. She was the air that I breathed and to see her crying because of me broke my heart. Knowing that I couldn't change her point of view, I simply picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. We had that Guns and Roses type of love. One minute we would be fighting; the next we’d be fucking each other’s brains out. I gave her another hour and a half of pussy sucking and slow dicking, hoping that she would change her stance. Instead of giving me the seal of approval, she fell asleep in my arms.


I tried my best not to disturb Makayla as I snuck from underneath of her. We had just had the best sex ever, but I knew what she was up to. I hated to see her upset with me, but I had to do what I had to do. Jacori had just called me hours ago and from his high- pitched tone, I knew that some shit had just popped. I mean, the nigga was in his falsetto, so I had to go check it out for myself.

After tiptoeing out of our room, I crept into the guest room to get some clothes and some shoes to wear for the day. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Once I was out of the shower, I remembered that I had to call Kortez for Jacori and inform him of what Jacori had told me. After checking myself in the mirror, I dialed Kortez before grabbing my keys and walking towards my car. Kortez answered my call on the first ring.

“What’s up?”

“What up. What are you doing right now?” I asked climbing into my car. I silently prayed that starting it up wouldn’t wake up Makayla.

“Pissed off and frustrated!” Kortez answered.

“Why, what’s the problem?”

              “It’s been a bad day for me. I had to beat Alonzo’s ass early this morning, then on top of that, Alisha tripping about another bitch. There’s no winning for losing around my way.”

“For real? Kay on her bullshit too. You know how these females get.”

“Yeah, I'm going to need a stiff shot or two.” I was surprised because Kortez wasn’t a big drinker. I knew he had to be feeling some type of way.

“Well, shit, I see I’m not alone in the drama department. Our women are plotting on our asses now,” I laughed.

“Right. That’s why I’m about to leave the crib, right now,” Kortez retorted.

“True. But look, the reason I called you was because I received a call from Jacori and it sounds like it was some serious shit that went down with him.”

“Something serious like what. Is he straight?” Kortez asked.

“He didn't give me much detail about the situation over the phone, but he did tell me some work got tossed and from the sound of his voice he needs his boys right now.”

“Damn okay. I'm on my way to his crib right now.”

“Ok, I'll meet you there shortly.” After disconnecting the line, I shot Makayla a text.


Kay, I had to leave, but I'll see you later my queen. I love you and I'll make it up to you when I get home in a few hours.

I knew Makayla would be mad, but at least when she woke up she would see my text. My mind was racing with thoughts of her, but it wasn't the time to be beating myself up. I put on Jay Z’s
Black Album,
turning it all the way up as I hit the next block. I loved to listen to him because he was always politically correct. I made it to Jacori’s house just as Kortez pulled up. I cut off my engine and walked over to Kortez’s Denali.

“What's up my nigga?” Kortez greeted. We dapped up before heading inside of the house. It was time to handle business so that I could go home and make love to my wife again before she went off the deep end like she was known to do.

“What’s good bruh?” I replied.

“Mane I'm just as lost as you are. I don’t know what is going on, but we about to find out.” Jacori’s brother Javon opened the doo
s we reached the front porch.

“What's up pineapple head looking ass nigga’s” he jokingly greeted us.

“You tell us. We want to know what happened today,” Kortez replied. Javon shook his head. “Follow me. I'll let Jacori tell you what happened to him.”

Javon settled down in Jacori’s leather recliner. “My brother knocked out a police officer today. Knocked him clean off his feet, then he went running in the woods.” After Javon finished his statement, he started laughing uncontrollably. Javon loved to joke all the time so we didn’t believe his playful ass. He played all the damn time. He belonged on TV somewhere with Kevin hart, but this wasn’t the right time to be bull-shitting.

“What's so damn funny? If you’re serious about what you just said, that shit aint funny. A nigga can’t never be serious with you,” I argued, irritated that Javon could be so juvenile at times.

“I'm dead serious. This time I’m actually laughing because of the way he explained the shit. I wish I had seen it myself. I mean he knocked out one of the dicks, bruh. You know they ‘bout to be looking for that nigga. Javon laughed again while Kortez and I struggled to find the humor.

“Where the fuck he at?” Kortez asked getting impatient. “Better yet, where Legacy ass at? I rather hear this shit from anybody’s mouth but yours because you play too much.”

“He is upstairs getting dressed. Legacy left before I got here,” Javon answered looking hurt.

“The fuck he call us over here for if he ain’t even dressed?” Kortez shook his head. I don’t know but this that bullshit. I’m about to roll up,” I replied.




“Damn, y'all that impatient,” I asked walking down the stairs. Javon roll up out my chair.” Javon did as he was told and stormed out of the room like a spoiled white girl as I recounted my story. My niggas gave it to me about having to wade through the creek, but I knew they would do it themselves if they were in my shoes.

“So what I wanna know is this; where the fuck Breland ass at?” Kortez stated cracking his knuckles.

“That’s the whole point of me calling y'all over. I can’t find the nigga and it ain’t the best idea for me to go over to the crib because he might have them boys watching.” Kortez and Davion exchanged angry looks. I knew right then that they had some shit in mind for this nigga Breland.

“Damn, now I see what was so important. Seven keys of lost work. Well regardless, it’s a blessing that you didn't get caught with that much product on you. That much work would have been ten years or better,” Davion asserted.

              “Yeah I would a been fucked around. That’s why I clocked the police officer in his face. I wasn't about to go down like that. You know I wasn't about to go down without a fight,” Jacori said.

“Mane I thought my day was wild y’all, but your day tops all of ours. We need to find Breland and figure out what the fuck happened to them keys.” Kortez stated.

We all shook our heads in agreement. Shit had just got real and I didn't know if the police were still looking for a nigga, so I knew that I was going to have to lay low for a little while. I despised not telling Legacy before I told my crew, but sometimes she got too turned up; we needed to keep level heads about this. I had to constantly remind her that I wore the pants in our marriage. Plus, she was quick to make assumptions and honestly my story didn’t sound all that believable. She was going to be pissed off with me when she finally found out.

Right now was mind over matter. My mind was on this come up I was about to plan because I refuse to struggle from a loss. Any work lost was money gone. Thank God my wife was the plug and none of my boys knew it because Legacy taught me that money was the root of all evil and she was all about them dollar signs. If they only knew who her father was, they would be able to understand just how crucial this shit was. Legacy was probably going to be talking reckless when I told her what went down.

After our meeting Javon left my house to go check on the trap house. Kortez mentioned that he and Alisha was having issues, so he left to go home; he probably wasn’t really going home, but that was none of my business. Davion and Makayla were beefing as usual, but I couldn’t worry about that either. I needed to come up with some answers for my own problems. The streets were about to be talking pretty soon and if it was made known that I took a lost at the hands of a dope fiend, then my credibility and marriage was shot.




                                Makayla’s Rage


I woke up and rolled over to the other side of the bed. It was cold and empty so I realized that this nigga had left me in the bed by myself. I walked to the closet to fetch my silky bath robe. After tying my robe up tight, I lit the remainder of the blunt that he had sitting on the nightstand.  

              “Davion!” I yelled with the blunt hanging from my lip.

After calling his name and walking room to room, the realization set in that he had fucked me over. He really killed my vibe and I was going to have to show him that he was beginning to make my heart grow cold. One thing you don't do is fuck with a woman's heart. I had been nothing but loyal and good to this man, but I see now that he was taking my kindness for weakness. Rage coursed throughout my body. Davion was about to feel the wrath of a real scorned woman. He was full of shit.

I felt used and abused. How could he fuck me then wait until I was sleeping to up and disappear like I was some common hoe? A light bulb popped on inside my mind and I instantly ran to our bedroom closet grabbing as much shit as I could and quickly filled two suitcases. I grabbed Armani suits, G Shock watches, Gucci ties, and whatever else I could get my hands on. I dragged the heavy suitcases outside to the freshly cut front lawn; all while still smoking my blunt.

I walked to the back of the house to grab the gasoline can and lighter fluid. After pouring gasoline onto the suitcases, I took one last pull before I tossed the lit blunt on top of it; keeping an eye on it until the shit started to blaze. To help it out a little bit, I ran back inside to grab the matches I kept for my scented candles. I lit the entire thing of matches and tossed them into the fire.

I headed back inside the house to fix me a tasty breakfast. I wasn't sorry for burning Davion’s belongings like I was Bernadine on
Waiting to Exhale.
I always knew that loving a hustler was hard work, but I was done with Davion putting the streets before me.

I walked in the house and started on my breakfast.  I was in the middle of stirring my eggs and flipping my blueberry pancakes when someone knocked on the door. I already knew who it was. Adjusting my robe, I opened up the door to two fat black officers. They both were looking me up and down like I was a double stack from Wendy’s.

“Hello officers,” I greeted them with a slight smile.

“Hello Miss. Do you know that you have something burning on your front lawn? I couldn’t tell what it was.”

“Yes I know officer. I'm the one who set it!” I boldly declared.

“Well, do you know that it is illegal to burn anything in your yard in a residential neighborhood? This isn’t the country and that is definitely not trash,” he asserted folding his fat arms across each other.

“Honey it is most definitely trash and y’all making me burn my food.” The mention of food made him smile, but he wasn’t letting me off the hook that easily

“Well ma'am, I'm going to have to give you a citation.” He reached behind him to the equally fat officer that was writing it up. I snatched it from him replying with a smirk on my face, “A citation huh? I'll take a new nigga if you got that to give also.”

“Like I said this is a citation. Don’t make us have to come back out here. Oh, and you may wanna check those pancakes. Blueberry right?” I slammed the door in his face before running back to my kitchen. My food was beyond burnt so I had to start all over again. Once I was done I sat down at the table and ate in silence. Once I was finished I put everything up and washed the dishes.

Today wasn't going to be filled with me moping around irritated. Today I was going to show Davion who he was fucking with. I went upstairs and ran me a nice hot bubble bath to relax in. Today was my last day inside the house I shared with Davion’s unappreciative ass.

After relaxing in the tub for about thirty minutes, I got out and put on some clothes. While packing up some of my belongings, I texted my girls Legacy and Alisha telling them to meet me at the spot. The spot was our code word for a condo in downtown Memphis that we all purchased two years ago. We all pitched in and purchased the three story condo as a mini getaway from our men, and when one of us needed time and space, this was the spot. Alisha and Legacy texted my phone back letting me know that they were both on their way to meet me there. Alisha knew to bring the liquor. I always brought food and of course Legacy brought the guns.

We all became best friends when we met at Jacori’s 21st birthday party three years ago. We have been close as sisters ever since. Instead of stopping and grabbing some food, I decided to order a cheese and pepperoni pizza with a two liter of Pepsi. Before leaving out of the house I wrote Davion a letter and placed my keys and my phone beside it.

I hopped in my pearl white Audi that Davion bought for me. I did think about burning it along with his clothes, but I loved my baby. I named her Cocaine. Her buttery leather seats cooled me in the summer and warmed me in the winter. It took me another twenty minutes to make it to the condo. I pulled into the parking lot just in time to see the pizza delivery man pulling up. I intercepted his chocolate ass before he headed to the building. I wanted to give him more than the twenty I owed him, but my girls pulled up.

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