The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis (2 page)

BOOK: The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis
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The fact that this nigga ran up in here showering amused me. I pretended to be sleep as Jacori walked into the room butt naked looking for some boxers. I can’t lie I admired the view of my brown-skinned, tatted, tall, muscular man. I loved everything from his long eye lashes that made him look sleepy all the time, to his thick satin lips, and that thick, 9 inch piece of candy that hung between his legs. Yeah, I loved all that, but it didn’t mean I was a fool. I reached into the bottom drawer of my night stand fumbling softly for what I knew would piss him off. I almost got caught as he pulled on his draws and turned to look at me. I yawned before turning over carefully, concealing what was in my hand. He grabbed his phone before climbing into bed beside me. As soon as he finished texting who I assumed was some bitch, I waited until he leaned over to place his phone on his nightstand before hitting the on switch.

“Ouch! What the fuck is that?” Jacori asked, jumping out of the bed. I could barely contain my laughter as I shook my vibrating dildo “Mr. Squirmy” in his face.

“You tell me what it is since you walkin’ up in here like some bitch who just got sent home after bein’ fucked!”

“Legacy, don’t make me fuck you up,” he replied as I sat up. I slapped the dildo in my palm, “Where the hell you been?” Jacori was still staring at the dildo and damn near fell trying to avoid being hit when I slung it at him.

“You need to chill with that shit for real. I had some business to handle. You think all this shit comes free?” Jacori spun around in a circle slowly pointing at the things his money bought.

“Like I said. Where the hell you been?” I could feel myself wanting to reach for my .380 that I kept under the side of my bed. He looked shifty as hell so I was waiting on him to lie. I slid off the side of the bed and faced him. His eyes scanned me from the short waves on my head, to the full breasts that were a little more than a handful, down the trail of my six pack stomach and wide hips that led to an ass you could see from the front. My milk chocolate colored ass was the best thing that ever happened to him.

“I told you that I had some business. Why you always gotta come at me like this? Then you got a fake dick? Like get the fuck outta her with all that. You try to be a little too damn independent sometimes!” Jacori snatched his pillow off of the bed before grabbing his phone. I heard a door slam shortly after.

“Oh well. Whatever nigga. A bitch has needs too,” I said to myself. I grabbed Mr. Squirmly laid my ass down and went to work. Fuck him.

Heart of a Lion


I popped a couple of Xanax to help me with my insomnia. My husband Kortez woke me up with his screaming and yelling. Yawning and wiping the crust from the corners of my eyes, I opened them trying to comprehend what he was saying to me. His veins were protruding from the sides of his forehead as he spoke.

"Damn Alisha, what the fuck was you doing when a motherfucker came inside our home and basically stole our shit? I told you about popping them damn pills when you are here by yourself!”

I sat up in the bed at realization of what he was pissed about. “Oh my God baby. I'm so sorry. I couldn't sleep so I took a pill or two.”

“Yeah, a pill or two my ass. A band coulda marched through here and you wouldn’t have woke up,” Kortez stated, pacing back and forth. He kept glancing around the room looking for something. It took him approximately ten minutes to find what he was looking for.

“Damn, there it is,” I heard him say as he came from out of the closet with a medium sized box. He opened up the box and I stood up peering over his shoulder to see what the hell it was.
What the hell?
It was a surveillance system that I was never aware of, but it was all good because I never talked about or did any dirt at the place where we laid our head. The most my man would have seen me do when I was at home alone was dance around the house half-naked to my favorite songs or please myself. When he was away Alisha would play; just not with another nigga.

              “Are you deaf? I been calling your name,” Kortez spat, looking at me sideways. I had been daydreaming a little, but he didn’t have to be rude.

“What?” I answered with an attitude.
              “Go get my rifle and nine millimeter!" he demanded, as he looked around like he was about to kill somebody. Sweat was starting to form on his butter pecan skin, which further let me know that he was pissed to the max.

“What are you going to do?" I questioned nervously.

“Just do what I said do. We don’t have time for the back and forth shit. Did you see who it was on the surveillance? These nigga's out here got me fucked all the way up. I'm about to show these nigga's that they fucking with the wrong nigga and ain’t no hope for none of they bitch asses when I get ahold of ‘em!”

I had Kortez play it back to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me. The first person I saw was our next door neighbor, Alonzo. I was in complete and utter shock. Alonzo was a guy he met years ago when we lived in the heart of North Memphis. Kortez took Alonzo under his wings and taught him the game. For Alonzo to steal from the hand that fed him was a hell no in this game and it could get you killed. He was incredibly stupid for crossing my husband. Loyalty, respect, and honor were the only rules you live by in this game. 

The reality of what happened while I was sleep finally set in. I felt myself on the verge of a mini panic attack, but now was not the time to be acting all crazy and delusional. Adrenaline rushed through my body like a volcanic eruption; my nerves were on ten. My heart was beating over a mile a minute, and from the crazed look on Kortez’s face, I could tell that murder was definitely on his mental. I prayed to God to watch over the thief he once called a friend and that He would have mercy on his soul once my man got a hold of him.

I sighed before heading over to the under bed safe to grab his guns. Kortez quickly grabbed them out of my hand and ran out of the house with me hot on his trail. “Baby, please don't do anything crazy. Think about what you are about to do.” I was becoming petrified with each word spoken. He swiftly turned around and faced me while I continued talking to him. “Baby what are you going to do? I know you hear me, Kortez. Are you going to kill him when you find him?” He hit me with a blank stare. “Answer me gotdammit!”

He took a deep breath, “So what you want me to do? I'm not going to let anyone take shit from us and you know that. I'ma do whatever it takes to get our stuff back, Alisha.”

Without waiting for me to reply, Kortez turned around and stormed out of the house. I walked out of the door behind him, brushing pass a loose nail hanging on the staircase. The nail grabbed a hold of my shorts and wouldn’t let up no matter how much I pulled. I just tried to walk past anyway and it yanked me backwards, causing me to flip over and tumble down to the bottom of the stairs.

“Fuck!” I yelled out. Even though the fall did slow me down a bit, I still got up from the ground like a G and ran behind my man. My knee was extremely sore from hitting the ground, but right now all I could think about was letting Kortez jeopardize what took us years to establish. We managed to make a nice living without raising any red flags and I was going to make sure that we kept it that way.

When I finally hobbled outside, Kortez was on Alonzo’s front porch. As I walked up to join him, he pushed me behind him like the protective husband he was. “Please think about what you’re doing,” I whispered. He ignored me and began knocking on the door. A sickening feeling course over me the more Kortez beat on the door and got no answer. I knew he would lose patience soon. We were becoming impatient with each passing minute.
This nigga just don’t know Kortez will kick this door in. He needs to answer.

“Nigga, open up this mother fuckin door! I know you in there, you dumb son of a bitch! I can see you moving. Don't make me shoot this mother fucker up because you know I will!”

I had seen him upset, but never this mad. By the he way he was gripping his gun I knew that death was near if he didn't get what he wanted…and soon. The door flung open and Plum, Alonzo’s girlfriend, appeared. She opened up the door wearing nothing but a T- shirt and panties. The bitch thought that she was going to seduce my husband into letting the issue go, but that shit damn sure wouldn’t happen on my watch.

“Hey Tez, how you doin’?” she asked in her sexiest voice.
This bitch gonna make me take off my diamond earrings and beat her ass like she broke in our house instead of her punk-ass boyfriend.

“Where Alonzo at?” Kortez asked unfazed. I noticed he had hidden his gun behind him. Instead of answering, she winked her right eye at Kortez and it automatically set off a chain reaction deep within my soul. Without thinking I jumped from behind him and quickly grabbed her by her hair. After wrapping it around my fist a few times, I flung her ass from the door to the wall.

“Get her off of me!” Plum screamed, causing a scene. I was far from letting go as I continued to punch her in the face. I wanted to knock out all this bitches fronts.

“Alisha, let go of her. This bitch is gonna attract the attention of the whole neighborhood,” Kortez stated calmly.

I released her and she hit the ground with a loud thud. It was amazing how he could calm me down within a matter of seconds when I went in beast mode.

I placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath. “I'm sorry baby. But she tried me. She disrespected my gangster and you know I'm not having that shit,” I said.

Kortez shook his head and headed inside the house. Once inside he handed me his semi-automatic weapon and told me to go guard the front door. Feeling like Bonnie to his Clyde, I gladly did as I was instructed. This was the type of thing that you had to deal with when you loved a hustler who worked hard for every single thing he owned.

Kortez would cut off your head then hang it himself just to get a point across, so I had no clue what he was going to do with Alonzo when he got ahold of him. Either way, I knew it wouldn't be anything nice. And as far as Plum as concerned, she was around long enough to know how this game went. I stared down at her with my trigger finger itching, daring her to move.

Yelling came from the back of the house, interrupting my thoughts and letting me know that Kortez had found his mark. As soon as I was about to make my way to the back of the house to see what was going on, that bitch Plum grabbed ahold of my left foot, causing me to fall for a second time today. I didn't see that coming, but I was pissed to say the least as I landed on top of the gun.
This bitch tried to kill me.
I rolled over pointing my gun directly at her head.

“You tryin’ to die today or nah?” I asked with my gun grazing her temple.

“Please don’t hurt me. I don’t even know what’s goin’ on. I love my life…I-”

“Bitch, fuck your life. Touch me again and I will shoot you in your head without as much as a blink or thought.”

“I’m sorry. Please don’t shoot me,” she pleaded as fat tears slid down her face.

“You can kill all that crying ‘cause tears don’t move me. Plus, you tried it with my man earlier. You can play with it if you want to, but you tried the wrong bitch. Fuck with me sweetheart and you’ll find yourself in intensive care. Now scoot your dumb ass against the wall before I put one in you!” Plum slid into the corner, but I could have sworn I heard her mouth moving.

“You got something to say, still? Matter of fact after all this disrespect, why should I not pull this trigger and body your hoe ass?” She quickly answered me with venom and hesitation in her voice, “I’m pregnant with twins.” I shook my head laughing hard at her.

“You said that like it was my problem. I don’t have a soft spot for hoes and as far as your babies go, they would be better off in hell than in your stomach.”



To say that I was outraged was an understatement. A man that I called my brother broke into my house and stole from me. This was a man that I allowed in my home on holidays and to hang out just because he wanted to escape his girlfriend. A man that was supposed to be my Ace had just betrayed me in the worst way. He was bold enough to break into my home while my wife was sleeping. Not only did he break my trust, but he violated everything that the game stood for. We vowed to respect, honor, and look out for one another, but now he was an enemy; and I had to show him what happened to traitors like him.

Images flashed through my mind of what Alonzo could have possibly done to my wife in her sleep. Alisha was so hyped up on pills that she wouldn't have known what was going on. How disrespectful was he? He disrespected me in the worst way as a homie
a man, so it was his turn to be disrespected and humiliated.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I could see Alonzo trying to fit into the kitchen pantry like a scared puppy.
Really nigga? The pantry tho?
I couldn't resist shaking my head and laughing. I let out a slight chuckle and begun addressing the nigga that I came to fuck up.

“Don’t run and hide now, homeboy. Your bitch already got her issue, so you can either come out and face me like a man, or die like a coward.” Instead of making it easy on himself,

Alonzo opened up the door to the pantry and threw a can of chicken noodle soup. His aim was so off that the can barely landed near my left foot. “I see you gon play with me,” I said as I kicked the hell out of the can and walked up on Alonzo like an alley cat preying on a rat. “Alisha, bring me my shit!” I yelled over my shoulder as he cowered in fear. She ran and tossed me the gun and went back to her post by the door as I slapped him dead in his mouth with the butt of my rifle. He held his mouth as the blood leaked from it. I could see his left eye instantly swelling as well.

“Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, go get my shit and give it to me before you be swimming with the fishes fuck boy and don't lie because I have proof that it was you.”

The slower Alonzo moved, the more damage I wanted to do. He really was testing my manhood and everything that I stood for.

Alonzo walked past me on his turtle time shit. I put my rifle on the table and grabbed him by his throat, slamming him down on the ground like we were in a WWE wrestling match. Within moments, I snapped out.

              “You wanna keep on playin’ with me nigga? You was moving faster than this when you came and stole my shit, but now a nigga wanna move slow?”

I put my foot on his throat debating whether or not to crush it, when he found some balls and twisted my ankle. He jumped up and tried to run up off on me, but I grabbed one of his barstools from the table and struck him, breaking it on his head. Blood gushed from a cut on top of Alonzo’s head. He looked at me and begged me to stop with his eyes. I momentarily considered our years of friendship, and for a second, wanted to stop. Even so, the monster in me couldn’t be calmed. I hit Alonzo in the back with the butt of my rifle as he carefully eased past me into the living room; this nigga still had all my shit sitting there.

“Open the closet bae,” Alonzo ordered Plum, who was huddled in a corner with her knees in her chest. She looked up at Alisha as if to ask for permission before slowly easing over to the closet. He had two of my 40 inch TV’s, along with the box that held my wife's new diamond ring that I planned on giving to her on her birthday in 6 more days.

“Damn, you didn’t miss nothing, huh?” I indicated for him to walk over to the closet to join her. As Alisha stood there in disbelief, anger swelled up inside of me all over again. I kicked Alonzo in the face as he bent down to retrieve my stuff.

“Agh shit!” Alonzo yelled as two teeth landed at his feet like Chicklets.

“Fuck nigga. I’ll never fuck with you again. From now on, you fend for yourself. And word of advice: don't bring a knife to a gunfight because…well…you know the reason! Go ‘head and grab my shit. You got some moving to do.” Alonzo looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“You fucked him up and you expect him to move this stuff? You must be—”

“He must be what?” Alisha asked stepping up to Plum. “He stole it so he needs to return it. But since you have a problem with him doing it, how ‘bout you help him?” Plum planted her right hand on her hip, but didn’t dare say nothing smart.

Alonzo struggled to pick up one of the TV’s as the seeping blood from his head dripped into his eye. He winced from the burning sensation. He was lumped up like a boxer. Laughter consumed me. I turned around and winked my eye at Plum. I let Plum and Alonzo walk ahead, carrying the first load of our stuff, as Alisha and I walked hand-in-hand behind them.


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