Read The Ravaged Fairy Online

Authors: Anna Keraleigh

The Ravaged Fairy (19 page)

BOOK: The Ravaged Fairy
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“Did I hurt you?” he asked between big
gasps of air.

Breena shook her head. The pleasure far outweighed
any pain. Beside’s hearing his sound of release was worth any discomfort. . She
remained silent, exhaustion hit her like a heavy drug. Thame gathered her in
his arms and she didn’t protest when he lifted them into the air. She was naked
but too satisfied to care.

The next thing she knew she had a soft
mattress beneath her and the hot man of her dreams cuddled behind her.


Keyn kept to the shadows. He couldn’t
stand being near Queen Brook and now Thame had brought his woman here. There
were too many humans already and then there was Abigail. She’d aged so much
since the last time he’d seen her. Of course, she didn’t see him, he used the
shadows until she was far from his presence. It pained him to see her. His head
throbbed and the nightmares were returning. That was the last day he’d seen
her, the day those hunters found him. Keyn shuddered and stopped walking down
the quiet path.

He was home, he was safe and there was no
reason to freak out. The mantra was repeated over and over but it seemed to
help little. The humans really were invading his safe zone. Maybe he should
move to the outskirts of the kingdom like Mord and Brielle. It seemed like the
only option now.


He froze. His eyes slowly opened and
shifted to the woman before him. The human he had once called friend.

Abigail held her hands tightly together
as she finally laid eyes upon her fairy. “Oh Keyn, what happened to your face?”

He flinched, turned his head so the scar
wouldn’t be completely visible.

“Do you remember me? I was a girl back

“I know who you are, Abigail.” She took a
step forward and his skin began to crawl. It was the same as the night of the
Queen’s ceremony. After tasting Brook, he nearly had a breakdown. He spent the
rest of the night huddled in a closet in his house. Some fairy warrior he was.
She took one more step and Keyn backed up. “Don’t...” he hissed. It was a
warning she did not heed.

“Keyn. I don’t know what happened, but
this is me, Abigail. Don’t you remember flying with me. Having lunch in the

The old woman before him smiled sadly,
and he was reminded of the young girl she once was. “I am no longer that fairy.”
His wings fluttered, prepared for flight.


She called as he lifted off the ground
and flew as fast as wings would take him. Up and up, he collided with some low
clouds and punched through their fluffy structure. He hovered there, in the
air, far from the others like him. Why did she have to come here? Why Abigail?
If she hadn’t come maybe the nightmares would have stayed away. Maybe he
wouldn’t remember the day those hunters came upon a lost fairy boy and stole
his innocence.


Breena had no urge to face reality even
as the sun began to shine through a slit in the curtain. Apparently, daylight
was trying to distract her from the heat that radiated from behind. Thame’s
body was so warm she wanted to snuggle beneath him like a heating blanket.
Yesterday had been a rollercoaster of emotions; the sadness followed by ecstasy.
Her body was sore but it was a small price to pay for the erotic sound of Thame
coming inside her and she did have a few mind-blowing orgasms. She sighed as soft
kisses were scattered on her neck. A yawn spread her lips wide. “Can’t we just
stay here and not face the day?” Too much going on for her to think about but she
would eventually have to deal with each issue.

“I would love to stay in bed with you all
day.” He grinned against her shoulder.

His erection pressed firmly against her
back and she bit her lip remembering last night. “I think everyone would get
suspicious. We’re lucky no one noticed you staying in here the last two nights.”

Thame nuzzled her neck and she giggled. “I
don’t care who knows you’re my woman and I get to play with your sweet little

Breena yawned again.

“But I think you need some breakfast and
some juice to fortify you.” He sighed. “Later I plan to ravish you.” Thame
winked and pushed the blanket down his scrumptious body.

Why wait until later? He was lying there
naked. She wanted nothing more than to jump on top of him, spread her legs and
finally experience him deep inside her core. He turned from his side and stood
up. She had the best view ever! His golden wings flared outward, his bare ass
tight as he walked to the bathroom door. He left the door open and she couldn’t
help but peek as he slipped on a pair of black jeans.

“Today I figured we’ll all go see my home.”
He said the words casually but his tone held something else, nerves?

“That sounds perfect.” She liked it here
but longed to see his house. What kind of bed did he have? When did she
suddenly start thinking on sex ten seconds after she woke up? She silently
shook her head and stood. Where were her clothes? Breena stumbled to the closet
door, tripped on the edge of the blanket and caught herself awkwardly on the
nearest chair. At least there was no food involved. Upon opening the wide
wooden doors, she found a closet filled with women’s clothes. It was like
hitting the lottery. There were neatly hung jeans, t-shirt, dresses, boots,
high heels and anything else a girl might need. She bent down to grab the dainty
black boots without the heel.

Thame’s hand caressed her ass and she
jumped up startled. His laughter was a treat but she spun to him and tugged on
a strand of his golden hair. “Wear a sundress, please.”

She shrugged her shoulders and felt a
wave of awkwardness as he stood there staring at her. Nakedness was not
something she was used to so she grabbed a random shirt and laid it over her
front. “ something,” she mumbled and turned back to the closet.

She decided on a yellow sundress trimmed
in white. When she settled all her clothes into place Thame planted a wild kiss
on her lips and then she went to find Gran. Alone she stood in front of the
door and tried to think of a thousand different things that might help. Poor
Gran was such an amazing woman but her daughter, the biological one, had died.
Breena would miss her mother but never knew her enough to mourn.. Everything was
so complicated. She reached out for the knob as she knocked quietly. “Are you
all right?”

The door opened and Breena straightened
her form. Across from Gran stood a fairy as tall as Thame with long, black hair
tied behind his head and a scowl on his scarred face. His red and black wings
fluttered, was that a nervous reaction? Breena had a feeling he knew damn well
how to use that sword on his hip. He wore his loincloth low, and her eyes
dipped there but quickly returned to the scar that seemed to overwhelm his
handsome features.

“I was just leaving,” he spoke.

Was that his voice? It was raspy and
thick from disuse.

“Keyn, wait please,” Gran murmured but he
was already out the open balcony doors and into the sky.

“So that’s the infamous Keyn.” That is not
what she expected.

Gran nodded and shifted on the bed to
face her. “How are you feeling?”

Breena gave a small smile. The woman was
amazing. “I’m okay, Gran.” She moved to the bed, sitting beside her with her
eyes drifting to the window. “I didn’t know her the way you did. You’re me
mother more than anyone in the world.”

She leaned forward and hugged her. “That’s
the one thing Grace did right. She had you.”

Her eyes clouded with tears and she
hugged Gran tight to hide them.

“I’m all right, Iníon.” She pulled away
and patted her on the shoulder.

“How about we go for a tour of the
kingdom and maybe see Thame’s house?” She stood and wiggled her toes in her shoes.

“You haven’t been wandering have you?”

Breena grinned. “Only me eyes, Gran.” To
tell her the truth might get Thame killed, so she tried to hide the blush that
crept into her cheeks.

“ careful. Fairies are more
moody than normal men.”

Thame’s snort came from the hallway and
Breena giggled as Abigail gave him a threatening gaze. “What? You disagree?” She
stood all her height, which didn’t compare to his muscled six foot frame and
raised her chin.

“No, my dear Abigail, I agree completely.”
he winked at her that seemed to disarm her stance.

She frowned and then a small smile grew
on her lips. “So, are you going to show us this place or stand there and gawk
at her?”

“Gran!” Breena closed her eyes and shook
her head but heard Thame’s delighted laughter.

“I’m gawking at you.” Thame laughed even
harder as Gran snorted and led the way toward a day of exploration.

They hadn’t gone very far, just out the
palace doors, before Gran asked for a ride to see the kingdom from above.
Breena couldn’t hold her laughter and Thame’s color paled. “Go ahead, I’ll wait
right here.” He sent her a look that was a form of ‘I’ll get you for this’ and
wrapped his arms around Gran. She was all smiles as he lifted them off the
ground and into the sky.

Breena grinned wider, poor guy. If they
stayed here she’d probably ask for a ride a day. Would she stay here? It’s not
like they had a house or glamorous life to return to. Would he ask them to remain?
Suddenly the future seemed unsure and she plopped herself down on a rock wall
that kept a bed of dirt and bright blue flowers at bay. What were they going to
do now? With all the crap going on, she hadn’t thought of it even once.

A flutter of wings brought her back to
the present and she looked up with a fake smile expecting Thame. Instead,
another fairy approached. She’d seen this one before and struggled to recall
his name as he landed before her. It was hard to forget green hair on a man
that would make any sane woman drool. “Wick?” she asked a little unsure.

“That would be me.” He smiled, a genuine
no worries kind of smile. “How are you?”

“Um...ask me in a few days.”

“Well said.” He nodded. “I do believe
these are yours.”

To her surprise and mortification, he
proceeded to open his hands. Her bra and panties from last night were curled
into his big palms and her mouth dropped open. Where was a troll when you need
a distraction? Her mouth flopped open to speak but nothing came out. She looked
like a whoring panty-free fish.

Wick winked and leaned closer. “If you
ever want to play with two fairies, I’d be happy to accommodate.”

Now she couldn’t speak. Did he just
propose to sleep with her and Thame? She stood up to fast and tried to shake
her head. Balance had to be her worst attribute. She stumbled a bit, and
squeaked when Wick reached out to stabilizer her.

“No need to get scared. We don’t all
enjoy biting.” Another wink.

Shite, the man was insane. “No...thanks.”
She wanted no man but Thame. As hunky as Wick was, he had no appeal like that
of her golden fairy. He shrugged his shoulders and seemed to be unfazed by her refusal,
which was a good thing in her eyes.

“Ah, well, I had to try. See you around
Breena.” He bowed, an actual courteous bend and walked into the palace with a
skip in his step. She grabbed the lingerie set where he dropped them on the bed
of flowers and glanced at the sky. Did she have enough time to run inside and
shove these under her mattress or in the closet or anywhere they wouldn’t be
seen. By the close flutter of wings, she highly doubted. Breena stuffed the
material between the budding flowers and made a mental note to retrieve them
later. Then she turned to greet the two people she cared for more than anything
in the world.

She had been flown to heaven. Breena
stared around at this amazing place and still couldn’t believe she was on earth.
Sure, the waterfall had impressed and the sunflower over the top divine then
came the rest of this wonderful kingdom. The homes here were more like pieces
of a castle, huge and colorful with wind chimes hanging beside each door. This
path was rudimentary, compacted dirt but she hadn’t tripped once. The best part
was being between Gran and Thame. Gran looked as awed as she felt and Thame
kept smiling.

She couldn’t imagine him not smiling. It
brightened his features and made her want to smile along with him. Those giant
sunflowers were even amazing from the ground. The stems were prickly just like
a normal sized flower. Breena ran her hand along it before glancing up at the
huge petals, her memory shifted to their wicked night atop one.

She watched in delight as fireflies came
with sunset and the hovered over Thame like he was covered in honey. She would
have to put that on her list of things to do. Her golden fairy covered in honey
sounded too good to pass up. He took a breath, looked deeply annoyed by the
bugs but didn’t swat them away. After a few more feet they must have lost
interest because they wiped by her and left Thame in peace. “Those things are
attracted to fairies?”

He nodded. “Abigail, Breena, I’d love to
give you a tour of my house.”

As beautiful as the kingdom was, this is
what Breena had been waiting for. She nodded swiftly and hid the foolish grin
that was surely planted on her face. They walked a little further before he
pointed to the nearest castle-like dwelling. Large, gray stones were packed
tightly. It reached three stories high with large windows and a golden dome top.
The red door was right next to the path, a wind chime that portrayed a fairy in
the middle of swinging his sword and long wooden chimes clunked together in the
slightest breeze. “That’s beautiful. It’s not something you’d see in a gift shop.”

BOOK: The Ravaged Fairy
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