The Ravaged Fairy (21 page)

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Authors: Anna Keraleigh

BOOK: The Ravaged Fairy
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“You hit me.” Her voice was low, filled
with astonishment as Thame’s heart began to thump wildly behind his chest.

“Yesss, I hit you. A warning. Now go get

“Don’t you ever fooking hit me.” The
words were dark and violent as she shoved her fist right into his groin. It
howled in pain and fell backwards.

Thame sprung into action, he grabbed his
sword and rolled to face the remaining trolls. His sword clanked with another,
his leg kicked out and slammed into a knee. He heard the distinct sound of bone
break as it screeched. That’s what he was waiting for.

The noise permeated the quiet night. He
shoved his blade into his exposed neck just as a blue blur whirled onto the scene.
Whisper was here, there was no chance these trolls would survive. He spun to
Breena and stopped his forward movement in shock. She was standing above the
troll, her hands gripped the sword that was steady and her eyes focused solely
on the bastard that lay withering on the ground. He had never seen violence on
her face and it made his heart lurch. “Breena.” she had never killed another
being, and he never wanted that blood to stain her soul.

“He. Hit. Me.” She placed the blade
against its neck and it stilled, eyes wide.

Thame didn’t know what else to say. “Yes
he did, and you hit him back.”

She kicked the thing in the side and it
squealed but didn’t attempt to runaway. “You’re damn right I did.”


Breena sat quietly by the falls as
Whisper and Thame spoke to the King. The trolls’ bodies had been rounded up.
She had seen a few flashes of blue and then there were two more dead trolls.
The action didn’t upset her in any way as she held her flaming cheek. Never in
her life had she been hit, never in her life had she been threatened by
violence and there was no way she was going to let that thing or anyone else
get away with it.

“I am so proud of you,” Thame spoke from
beside her.

She leaned over and hugged his torso, his
arms instantly wrapping around her. His erection pressed against her breasts
and she couldn’t think of a better way to cheer her mood. “I’m sure you had
some genius plan to free me but...” She shook her head.

“He hit you,” Thame murmured.

Breena nodded and glanced up at him.

“You did great.”

“Yeah?” Her body felt achy despite the
lack of real damage. “I’m thinking you should teach me some fighting moves.” She
smiled as she said the words. Fighting would probably lead to naked wrestling
and beyond.

 He grinned, apparently having the same
naughty idea. She was instantly on her feet and hauled into his embrace. “It’s
a deal. I have to help check the rest of the kingdom. Bray will take you back
to Gran, and I want the three of you to stay together.”

She nodded quickly and watched, memorized
as he leaned closer.

“Breena, I love you.”

The words were simple. They were after
all just words but they made her heart swell into a ball of happiness. “I love
you too, Thame.” Her heart and soul agreed with the statement. His hands cupped
her cheeks and the kiss was sweeter than a spoonful of sugar. Tender and slow
he made love to her mouth until she was melting in his arms. When he pulled
away, she moaned greedily. Breena watched him lift into the air and join the
others on the hunt for stray trolls. Bray was instantly by her side. The
woman’s strong hands helped her into the air and toward safety.

Breena waited patiently with Gran who
kept eyeing her. It didn’t matter, her heart was ready to explode she was so
happy and no one would taint that wonderful feeling. She sat beside the window
staring into the dark sky and listened to Gran snore with a small smile.

In those romance novels, she never understood
how a woman could fall so completely with the men they’d just met. She loved
reading them nonetheless but it never made sense before. Now, finally it did.
Breena understood. Her soul had chosen a warrior worthy of her heart. The joy
was just bursting through every cell of her body she could hardly sit still. When
the door opened, it wasn’t Thame that came through but that gorgeous fairy,
Brielle. She instantly stood up. “Is he okay?”

She looked confused and then a small
smile lifted her lips. “Thame? He’s fine,. I’ve come to check on you.”

Shite, when the woman smiled she expected
angels to start singing and a bright light to reveal her halo. The fairy was
beyond gorgeous and awkwardness began to creep into her joy. “I’m okay.”

“I’m a healing fairy, the very last of my
kind and I can get rid of that nasty bruise.”

The fairy’s white wings fluttered to life
as she moved closer. A wonderful fragrance followed and Breena remained still
as she lifted her hands. The warmth was instant, followed by a slight tingle
and then Brielle pulled away. “That’s it?” Her cheek felt oddly numb.

“That’s it.” She smiled again. The heavens
opened and Breena was lost in her beauty. Several seconds of silence passed
before Brielle cleared her throat.

 “You’re...” How the hell did she say
this? There were no marriage rules that anyone spoke of. “You’re Mord’s...”
Breena moved to the chair beside the bed.

“...woman? Yes.” Her smile suddenly
dulled. “I’m sure Thame will return soon. Do you need anything in the mean

Breena just shook her head and fell silent
as the fairy abandoned the room. She didn’t make sound as she left. It was too
quite and she suddenly realized the loud snoring had stopped. Gran shifted to
her back and gazed at the ceiling.

“That girl is trouble.”

“That’s what you said about me, Gran.”

“And I was right.” She sat up in bed. “Do
you truly love him?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “I really
love Thame, Gran.”

There was silence for a few seconds
before she spoke. “Then I hope you find all the happiness in the world with him,
little Iníon.”

“Thank you.” Tears prickled at her sight.

“And if he hurts you, go for the good bits.”

Breena giggled, remembering his offense
at the term. “Goodnight, Gran.” She pressed her lips firmly together until the
woman that meant the world to her turned over. A few seconds later, the snoring

She returned to the window and glanced out.
Little white flakes had begun to fall. They swirled from the heavens and
teetered to the ground with the lack of wind. It was beautiful. White covered
the sunflowers and the tops of the houses creating a winter wonderland. It was
probably the first and last snowfall before summer arrived and she settled to
watch the romantic night.

She didn’t have long before the soft
click of the doorknob turning broke her from her snowflake trance. Breena spun
around. Her heart suddenly pulsed as her eyes scanned the door for any signs of
who it could be.

Thame sauntered quietly into the room,
his arms opened as she ran to him. He was so warm and solid, she squeezed
harder. “You’re okay.” It was part question, part statement as she looked up
into his eyes.

“There were no more trolls.” His hand
cupped her cheek. “Are you well?”

Breena nodded swiftly.

“Will you fly with me once more? This
place, I promise, is more secure.”

She would do anything to spend some time
with him alone. Her body heated when she’d laid eyes on him. He lifted them off
the ground, shoved out the door and closed it without a single sound. Breena
placed a kiss on his jaw and a few on his neck as the shot out into the cold
night. She huddled closer to his warmth but wouldn’t miss this for the world.

 Large snowflakes tumbled to the ground
with fury and they flew higher into the magical sight. She wanted to dance with
delight as the little flakes settled on them and hadn’t realized how close the
ground was until her feet touched it. They were in front of his house.

“There were rose petals out here,” he
murmured with a frown.

The red smudges lay beneath a thin layer
of snow and she placed a kiss on his lips. It was supposed to be quick but he
captured her mouth. They kissed wildly under the falling snow until Breena
shivered with lust and cold.

She watched his tight butt flex the
moment he passed her to open the door. Her body ached with desire. The entry
revealed just how he transformed his home for her. Rose petals created a
vibrant path into his house and to the main room. Here there was a roaring fire
and a soft blanket placed before it. A bottle of wine and two long stem glasses
were off to the side. Breena smiled wide and turned to him. “You have to be the
most romantic man ever.”

“Fairy.” He smiled as he said the word
and took two big steps to stand in front of her.

Breena giggled. “Fairy.” she reached up
and caressed the jaw she loved so much then slid her hand down his chest. He
was so chiseled with hard muscle yet so soft at the same time. Thame gently
took her by her wrist and led her to that yellow blanket but neither of them

“Tonight is all about you.”

 He knelt before her and helped remove
her sneakers. He threw both of them across the room. At this height, he was so
close to her core she kept shivering in anticipation, but Thame returned to his
feet to remove her shirt.

She hadn’t bothered to wear a bra tonight,
and her nipples hardened from the chill the fire had yet to chase away. His
fingers found the peeks first and tweaked each one as she tried to hold her
balance. Did he forget how bad her balance really was? His mouth was on one bud
and her head fell back, eyes closed, as pleasure swamped her body. She could
spend an eternity right here and be perfectly happy. Thame kissed between her
breasts, his tongue straying to her cleavage before his little touch of lips
moved lower. He licked around her belly button and once again knelt before her.

Why did nerves suddenly reappear? Breena
bit her lower lip and held her breath as he tugged her jeans to her ankles. He
removed them slowly then threw them with the other items somewhere across the
room. She stood before the fire in only her pink, sheer panties and never felt
more vulnerable in her life.

“I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

“Even covered in food?” she quipped,
remembering the first time he’d ever said those words.

“Yes.” He grinned and pushed aside the
crotch of her panties to reveal her weeping core. His finger swiped through her
lower lips, teased her bud before retreating. “Why don’t you sit on the couch?”

Breena couldn’t help but laugh, so he did
remember her lack of balance. She complied, pulled off her panties then sat at
the edge of the couch. Her body stilled as he placed his big hands on her knees
and spread her legs. The fire had warmed her skin, but Thame made it burn. Her
breath hitched as he placed his body between her open legs and that sinfully
talented mouth edged ever closer to her core. He kissed her thighs first, one
then the other, and then he dove to her achingly tender flesh.

The lick was from hole to clit and Breena
gasped. She couldn’t do anything but feel and wiggle as his tongue penetrated.
It mimicked what his thick cock would do to her. Thought faded as he slid his
tongue to her clit, bliss exploded through her body. His teeth squeezed the bud
as his hands reached up to play with her tits.

She could hardly contemplate what he was
doing or what he’d do next. The pleasure overwhelmed everything until she could
only feel. The orgasm was swift. It rummaged through her body in the form of
conquered lust and quickly faded. She was still panting when she glanced down
at him. His grin was a cherry on top of the cake orgasm.

“I could spend forever tasting you.”

Did the man, fairy, know how he sounded?
She wanted to jump him and melt right into his arms. He lowered his head and
shoved his tongue inside her. Her head fell back, her nipples screamed from the
attention of his fingers and Thame found her clit once again. He suckled and
teased until she wanted to scream to the heavens from frustration then he used
his palm to finish her off. The relief swarmed her body. Her breath held. Her
muscles tensed and a powerful orgasm knocked the doubts right from her mind.

She was still reeling from the intensity
as he lifted her and laid her on the ultra soft blanket before the fire. Her
legs fell open and he stared between them transfixed as he removed his jeans.

Damn, Thame was gorgeous. Every time she
saw him naked that same thought surface. He was golden everywhere, hair, skin,
wings and then there was his cock. It jutted thick and long from his body like
a trophy. The head was slightly red and a vein pressed against the skin on the
underside. She wanted to lick that vein for hours. His balls were huge. She
could play with those for a few solid hours too. Her body tensed uncontrollably
as he knelt before her open legs. She opened her legs further to accommodate
his narrow hips.

Breena closed her eyes. She couldn’t help
it,. After twenty-two years of keeping her body safe and to herself she was
opening up to a man, a fairy man, her man. She took a deep breath and waited
for the inevitable.

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