Read The Ravaged Fairy Online

Authors: Anna Keraleigh

The Ravaged Fairy (16 page)

BOOK: The Ravaged Fairy
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A sick feeling overcame Thame. They did
seem to be getting smarter. Why would they do something so stupid and attack
when the battle had no chance of changing to their favor?

The kings head shot up. “Sweet Goddess...the
women!” The moment he said the word all the fairies took to the sky just as the
sun peeked over the horizon.


Breena stared out the window, emotions
running through her head so fast she couldn’t latch on to just one. Gran
managed to get her hands on some knitting equipment and she sat in the nearest
chair chatting with the others. She wanted to be social. There were so many
questions to ask. Queen Brook glanced at her a few times too many, but she
couldn’t tear her eyes away from the window. She missed him.

It crept on her quick enough to plunder
her good vibes from this morning’s wild ride. The L word was also on the verge
of sputtering out her mouth. Once she made that declaration, all would change,
but was it true? Did she love this man, this fairy that simply fell into her
path? Did it matter that her brain kept protesting when her heart already made
up its mind?

There was a noise like a few dozen birds
took to the sky to escape some terrible threat. She jerked her gaze away from
the beautiful buildings that she longed to explore and into the clouds. Her
mouth dropped open. How could it not? They were flying, a group of fairies
swooped down from the surface and she immediately spotted Thame. He looked
amazing as the wind glided around his body, the golden wings unmistakable and
flapping faster than her eyes could follow. He didn’t glance at her, but held an
intense look of determination on his face. Where were they going?

They disappeared from view, aimed lower
and toward the front of the palace. Wow. She settled back against the wall. Just
days ago she didn’t know there were things that really went bump in the night.
There were muscled models with delicate wings and she had one of them give her
a tongue bath this morning. A shiver ran through her. Yeah, that was memory she
replayed to many times to count in this cramped space.

The door slammed open, the King rushed in
with Thame on his heels and the others behind him. Bray immediately took out
her sword. Even the Queen revealed a small serrated knife and Gran jumped to
her feet, pulling a bottle of salt free of her clothes while rushing in front
of Breena.

“You’re okay!” Queen Brook sighed as she
said the words and ran into the Kings open arms.

Breena glanced at Thame, longing to do
the same, to have a connection like them. He glanced at her. His smile breaking
through his hard expression.

“There was no attack?” King Carrick asked
as he planted his lips on Brooks.

“None. Did I miss something?” Bray
shifted closer to Flance who broke formation to sweep her into his arms.

Breena felt another ping of jealousy. She
may not have decided about the love thing but she still wanted that affection,
that romance. There was no hiding her pout even though she tried and turned
back to the Thame, but he wasn’t where she left him. Instead, he stood a breath
away, splattered with blood and smelling like something close to death. She
wrinkled her nose but nothing could force her away from his embrace. His arms
wrapped around her, the warmth instantly circled and she quickly hugged him
back, making sure not to glance at Gran’s expression.

“No trolls came for you?” Flance spoke
this time as a few of the other fanned out in the hallway, their swords still

“Nothing.” Brook answered. “What is going

“Why did they attack?” Carrick frowned. “We
need more fucking man power.” Everyone glanced at the king and shrugged his
shoulders. He was slightly ashamed of his foul language. “She rubs off on me.” He
tilted his head to Brook.

“Don’t blame me for your fucking bad
mouth.” She instantly shut her lips. She was caught in the act.

“I want a tight patrol around the palace.”
He kissed her head and turned to the others. “Brielle and Mord will be staying
here tonight. Flance and Bray, bring them here. Someone find Whisper!” he
muttered the last part and stepped out of the room.

They all filed out the door and Breena
was left standing in Thame’s arms with Gran’s disapproving gaze right on them.
She knew it and when she shifted her head to look, there it was. The frown, the
squinting eyes, and her arms crossed over her chest.

“You are wandering girl,” she said with
her lips pinched.

“I know, Gran,” Breena whispered, as
Thame remained blessedly silent.

She nodded, gathered the knitting she worked
on, and left the room, but she did glance back with pinched lips and a furrowed
brow. Breena let out a sigh of relief and then grabbed Thame’s face in her
hands. “Are you really okay?”

 He nodded. “This is nice.” Then he
leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“What’s nice?”

“Coming from battle to see my woman.” His
lips met hers. Their tongues collided in a sweet frenzy. She felt her concern
wane, replaced by the urge to see his good bits and have his hands all over her
body. Was she turning into a nymphomaniac? She wanted to get naked with him
despite the fear. She wanted to watch him bath naked, fly naked and all other
thoughts she could conjure that included him naked. He pulled away and she gasped
as his hands slid to her hips.

“Your woman?” She hadn’t forgotten that
remark and it made her insides melt like ice cream on a hot summer day.

He hesitated before nodding.

Breena smiled, she was Thame’s woman. She
bit her lip and followed when he went for the door. Nearly four steps were
behind them when she stumbled over something, probably her own two feet and
landed against his back. He snorted, turned around to place an arm over her

“What is that saying that Abigail uses. Two
right feet?”

“Two left feet,” she muttered dryly. “At
least I don’t smell like something dead.” Thame snorted once again or maybe it was
a laugh. She realized then she’d never heard him laugh.

“How about you take a bath with me?” He
leaned over and placed his mouth on her neck.

The shiver than ran through her body and
straight between her legs. It was impossible to hide her eagerness. Breena
nodded. “Good bits here I come.” She giggled and halted to a stop by his glare.

“Good bits?”

Ah, shite, what’d she say wrong? “Yeah...I’ve
never really. I mean I’ve seen them before on like TV, but it was kind of
blurry and then there was the boy at school but...and I really want to see your
good bits.” She reached over and brushed some golden strands from his face.

Thame leaned closer, forced her to walk
backward until her body hit the wall and he continued to press against her. His
heat radiated and then she felt the hard thick evidence of his arousal against
her stomach.

“My good bits! Baby, they’re better than
good and bigger than bits.”

Breena burst out laughing. That’s why he
was all pouty because she insulted his manhood. The laughing stopped the moment
he lifted one of her legs and pressed that insulted appendage against her
excited crotch. She gasped, and his lips caught hers in a web of sweet pleasure.
His teeth nibbled on her bottom lip as his hand slid to her breast and gently
squeezed. He pulled away, intertwined their fingers and tugged her behind him.
She couldn’t hold back the giddy giggle that escaped as they rushed down the
hall and then out the building. “Where are we going?”

“Whisper?” he called and the shadow
beside them shifted into the scariest looking man she had ever seen in her life.
He had a brooding expressing, his jaw chiseled, his muscles bulging from tight
clothes and gigantic black wings extended from his back. His hair was spiked
and blue. Blood wasn’t splattered on his armor; it was drenched. His eyes were
as black as the devils and Breena pulled away slightly so her body was partially
protected by Thame. “Watch our backs.”

There was a nod and then the devil’s
fairy disappeared into the shadows once more. “Where are we going?”

“To the waterfall.” He wrapped his arms
around her. “I’m going to show you how wrong you are about good bits.”




Chapter Ten


The waterfall was bigger than she
expected. It didn’t dominate the kingdom, but it was impressive. Thame landed
them beside it. He stood there looking scrumptious. She sat down on the hard
grass to watch him. He removed his sword and knife placing them beside her. His
chest splattered with droplets of red and his jeans permanently stained.

With a wink, Thame waded into the water
up to his hips and Breena couldn’t look away as his hands rushed over his chest.
Water dribbled down those amazing abs and he proceeded to wash his upper body.

How could she not be fascinated? He
looked like a god bathing in glory. She wanted to lick every drop from his body
and linger on his flat nipples. Breena was so busy watching his body, it took
her a moment to realize his hand had stopped rubbing his chest. No, not stopped,
they dipped beneath the surface. She held her breath as the little waves formed
from his movements.

Thame pulled his jeans free of his legs
and threw them on the shore. Breena was giddy. That meant he was naked under
that glassy sheen. Her heart began to beat heavily. She watched as his hands
dipped lower. His head fell back
He then began wading toward her. She
watched closely, frustration rubbed her nerves raw, as he lingered on each step
and then his cock came into sight.

A barely visible thatch of blond hair led
from his belly button to the base of his erection. The girth made her body
shiver in delight. The head was mushroomed, slick with water and Breena would
never admit how drastically her mouth watered.

“You look like a starving wolf presented
with a feast.”

That’s exactly how she felt. He moved
closer as he spoke. Was there such a thing as cock obsession? Breena couldn’t
tear her eyes away. His balls were big, hanging spheres of intimidation. Fear
licked up her spine along with intense curiosity.

He moved beside her, still standing, this
time close enough to gawk at his good bits properly. Her hand lifted boldly. She
heard his swift intake of air as she slid one fingertip down his impressive
length. Her breath came in pants as she leaned closer still and was just about
to run her tongue along his head, but he pulled away. He landed next to her and
bent his knees, which hinder her view of the beautiful appendage.

She wanted to scream, to yell and push
his legs away so she could see. Thame was the man she wanted to see naked, the
only man in the world. His golden wings fluttered as he dropped his knees to
the ground.

“You can’t taste me.”

Breena lifted her brow. He quickly looked
away and sighed. His hand lowered to wrap around his cock. The motions were
fascinating, a dance of flesh upon flesh. His hand pumped the long rod of
arousal a few times and then he continued.

“It’s the only way a woman can get
pregnant by a fairy. She must taste his flavor and then they join in hopes of
creating a child.”

That really should have deterred her lust,
but she just nodded and watched his hand pump that elongated erection again.
“So I won’t taste,” she murmured. “I just...I want to explore, play.” Anything
she could do to finally experience touching a man. She reached over again, this
time he removed his hand and let her wrap his fingers around him. It was so
odd, soft to the touch but so hard beneath. Her focus was completely on his
cock as she pumped as he did. His hips bucked and his eyes closed. Breena moved
closer, maneuvered between his spread legs.

This was a fantasy come to life, a dick
all to herself and it belong to this beautiful man. “Good bits is wrong.”
Completely wrong. He was so much more than that. Her hand pumped and he nodded
along with a deep moan. She shifted to his balls, rolled them between her
fingers and delighted in the intense groan that left his lips. The fact that he
liked this delighted Breena. Her palm rubbed the tip and the thick white
evidence of his pleasure seeped from the small hole.

“Harder.” He said the word between clenched

She squeezed harder, pumped his thick
cock between her hands. Over and over. Up and down. Breena was beyond giddy as
she played and teased then his hands dipped into her shirt and began teasing
her nipples. With each flick to her hard peek, she’d pump and the rhythm sent
him into a lust frenzy. His cock pulsed in her hands the white liquid shot from
his tip and splattered her arms. He growled, loud and long until those pulses
of cum receded. Breena couldn’t be happier she made Thame come simply with her

“Not good bits,” he whispered and lay
back on the grass.

His dick pulsed once more and slowly
began to soften. She sat there, watching the erection fade and left a dangling
piece of flesh that still amazed her. He jerked when she reached up and touched
his balls. Rubbing her palm up the length, he groaned. “You’re killing me.”

BOOK: The Ravaged Fairy
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