Tempted by Darkness

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #prophecy, #menage romance, #werewolf menage, #shifter menage, #shapeshifter menage, #witches wizards menage

BOOK: Tempted by Darkness
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Tempted by Darkness by Avery Gale



Tempted by Darkness


The Wolf Pack

Book Three



by Avery Gale


© Copyright March 2015 JK Publishing,

ISBN# 978-1-310-32882-4

All cover art and logo © Copyright March 2015
by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Cover by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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Dedicated to the best readers an author could
ever dream of…thanks for reminding me daily why writing is the best
job in the world.



Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


Books by Avery Gale

Excerpt from Out of the

Excerpt from Remathyst

Excerpt from Regina’s Men

JK Publishing, Inc.

Chapter One



Kit paced a path in front of the leaded glass
windows making up one wall of her husbands’ office as she let the
events of the day replay through her mind like a movie on a
continuous loop. After Tristan’s announcement that his wife, Angie,
was missing, the entire estate had erupted into a level of chaos,
the likes of which, Kit had never seen before. And honestly, that
was saying a lot since she was almost always in the thick of
everything that caused anything remotely resembling chaos at the
Wolf Pack’s estate. She’d frustrated Jameson and Trev so often
they’d often joked that she’d been forced to stand most of the
first year after they’d been mated because she’d gotten so many

The restless energy pushed her to pace faster
and she couldn’t decide if it was a reaction to what had already
happened, or anticipation of future events. As a “magical”, she had
always been particularly sensitive to extreme emotions and, right
now, she felt as if she was trapped in the seventh level of hell.
All around her people were making calls, shouting instructions, and
worrying about her friend. Angie Wolf-Michaels was the younger
cousin of Kit’s husbands and pack Alphas, Jameson and Trevlon Wolf.
At five foot seven, Angie towered over Kit, but then most of the
shifters in the wolf pack made Kit look like she’d been cheated out
of more than a few inches in height. Angie’s slender build, willowy
grace, long blond hair and chocolate brown eyes made her look young
and vulnerable despite the fact she was a well-respected
pediatrician who had graduated from medical school when she was
only twenty-two. Knowing her friend was missing felt like acid
churning in Kit’s stomach.

Glancing over to the corner of the large
office, Kit watched as her vivacious grandmother and Cecil, a
wizard from the Supreme Council, spoke animatedly on their cell
phones. Kit felt a nervous laugh bubble up from deep inside and
knew it wouldn’t matter how much she tried to tamp it down, nothing
would keep the ill-timed sound from escaping. Damn, she’d always
had the deplorable habit of laughing when she was nervous and that
usually meant she laughed at the worst possible moments. For years
her mom had sworn she was simply being disrespectful and while it
was true she’d been more than disrespectful as a teen, she had
always known this was something entirely different. Her grandfather
had been the only one who hadn’t judged her for any of her
idiosyncrasies and his unconditional love was what made losing him
one of the difficult periods of her life. When he’d reached out to
her from the other side recently, it had renewed her spirit in a
way she hadn’t been fully able to explain to anyone. And when she’d
found out he and her spitfire granny still talked regularly, it had
made his absence more bearable.

As usual, her grandmother was dressed
outlandishly. Her high-top sneakers kept changing colors, not
flashing abruptly with each step like so many of the kids’ shoes
Kit saw in stores—no, these had waves of moving color. They
reminded Kit of the digital high definition signs in Times
Square—hell, they’d probably hypnotize most people. Shaking her
head, she turned her attention to the elderly wizard who reminded
Kit of Professor Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies.

Cecil Owen had shown up at the Wolf Pack’s
estate to check on a young wizard the shifters had been sheltering.
Having recently turned sixteen, Braden had come into his full
powers, but he was still untrained so no one really knew the full
extent of his powers yet. Kit had worked quite a lot since her
mother had brought him to the Wolf Pack’s estate and she’d seen
first-hand how quickly Braden picked up and mastered new skills.
She was envious of his almost immediate mastery of spells—hell, he
hadn’t blown up a single thing in all the time she’d known him. Kit
on the other hand often incinerated things without even trying. As
an energy conduit, Kit could draw power from the people and objects
around her and then focus it with pinpoint—usually, okay

Kit studied the pair until she figured out
what had been bothering her about their little pow-wow. She
wondered why their magic didn’t affect their cell phones—hell, half
the time when she picked hers up it lit up like a Christmas tree.
The damned thing didn’t want to download messages until she touched
it and that was a glitch no one had been able to figure out. When
she’d taken it back to the store where she’d purchased it, the two
young men she’d talked to had looked at her like she was
as fucking if. I could certainly show them insane. Good
Lord of the lepers, look at this place. Wolf shifters, witches,
wizards, and a partridge in a pear tree. Oh alright, a member of
the Supreme Council on Magicals, but still.
Trevlon’s laughter
sounded over her shoulder and she let out a squeak of surprise.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to startle
you, but you were broadcasting your stress pretty loud, so I
decided to check on you.” Trev’s warm breath brushed over the shell
of her ear as his arms tightened where they were banded beneath her
breasts. As twins
Alphas, Jameson’s and Trevlon’s
telepathic abilities were particularly strong, and their abilities
weren’t limited to each other. Their ability to hear her thoughts
had been one of the hardest parts of their relationship for Kit to
adjust to. The more time they were together, the stronger her own
abilities were becoming, but at times like this, having her
husbands hear her thoughts still seemed like a terrible invasion of
privacy. “Don’t be angry, Kit. You really were sending it out loud
and clear.” When she looked around the room at several of the other
shifters surrounding her, she noticed they nodded in silent
Drown me.
“No can do, I love you far too much,
baby. And besides, I have big plans for you later tonight, although
those do involve you being very, very wet.”

Kit opened her mouth to protest, she had
every intention of leaving as she got confirmation the Supreme
Council would see her. Every time she even thought about her
spirited friend being exposed to the dark side of magic, she
shuddered in revulsion. Kit might have managed to send Damian
behind the sealed portal, but there was no doubt he was responsible
for this. Damian might not have kidnapped Angie himself, but no one
doubted he was the one calling the shots.

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