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Authors: Unknown
A group exerts
A certain amount of
social effects
on its
important social functions.
People feel
conform in order to
fit in
Solomon Asch
Solomon Elliott Asch was a
pioneer in the field of social
psychology. He was born into
a Jewish family in Warsaw
(then part of the Russian
They will pretend or even
Empire) in 1907. At the age
convince themselves that they
of 13 he emigrated to the US
with the majority
and studied psychology. He
received a PhD in 1932 from
Columbia University, where
he was influenced by Max
Their tendency to conform
Asch became a professor
can be
than their
at Swarthmore College in
or basic perceptions
1947, and worked closely with
Wolfgang Köhler. He held
visiting posts at Massachussets
Institute of Technology (MIT)
and Harvard, where he
how and to what extent people’s
demonstrated the principles of
supervised Stanley Milgram’s
attitudes were influenced by social
conformity, Asch contended
Ph.D., before moving to the
forces around them.
that—because there was no right
University of Pennsylvania.
Turkish psychologist Muzafer
or wrong answer to the task—no
His many awards include the
Sherif set out to answer similar
definitive conclusions could be
Distinguished Scientific
questions in 1935, using a visual
drawn. Conformity, he believed,
Contribution Award from the
illusion called the autokinetic effect,
could only be measured in terms
American Psychological
whereby a stationary spot of light
of an individual’s tendency to
Association. He died aged 88.
seen in a dark room appears to
agree with group members who
move. He told the subjects of his
unanimously give the wrong answer
Key works
study that he was going to move the
on a task that has an unambiguous
Effects of Group Pressure
light and asked them how far they
solution. The simple perceptual task
Upon the Modification and
thought it had shifted. Tested in
that became known as the Asch
Distortion of Judgment
groups, the participants’ estimates
Paradigm was designed to offer this.
Social Psychology
converged into a group norm,
Opinions and Social
revealing that they used others’
The Asch Paradigm
estimates as a frame of reference in
The experiment was conducted
Studies of Independence
an ambiguous situation. Although
with 123 male subjects, each of
and Conformity
Sherif believed that he had
whom was put individually into a ❯❯
group of five to seven “confederates”
Initially, Asch thought that only a
(people who were aware of the real
few of the subjects would comply
aims of the experiment but were
with the confederates’ answers.
introduced as fellow participants).
After all, the task was simple and
The group was shown one card
the answers obvious; during the
with a line on it, followed by
pilot study in which there was no
All the yielding subjects
another card with three lines
pressure to yield to an erroneous
underestimated the frequency
labeled A, B, and C, and asked
group, only three errors were made
with which they conformed.
which one of those three lines
out of 720 total trials. The results
Solomon Asch
was the same length as the line
of the actual study were surprising.
on the first card.
When surrounded by a group of
The room was always organized
people all giving the same
so that the subject would give
incorrect answer, subjects gave
either the last or the penultimate
incorrect answers on almost a
answer. Over the course of 18
third (32 percent) of the questions;
trials, confederates were instructed
75 percent of them provided an
to provide the correct answers
incorrect response for at least one
conformed on all critical trials,
for the first six, but then to give
question. One person complied
and 13 of the 50 participants
identical but incorrect answers
with the group giving a wrong
(26 percent) never conformed.
for another 12. This was to test
answer on 11 out of 12 trials.
The results proved that the
whether or not the subject would
Because the task was both simple
subjects themselves were highly
answer correctly or whether he
and unambiguous, these figures
consistent. Those who broke
would match his response to that
indicate a high degree of
away from the group opinion and
of the confederates when all gave
conformity by the subjects.
provided an independent answer
the same—incorrect—answer.
However, not a single participant
did not succumb to the majority
even over many trials, while
those who chose to comply with
In the Asch Paradigm experiment
, participants were
given a visual test. They had to decide which of the three
the majority seemed unable to
lines on the second card was the same length as the one on
break this pattern.
the first card. Each question was called a “trial” and there
were 18 trials in all.
To get a deeper understanding
of his results, Asch interviewed
his subjects to find out why they
offered incorrect answers. Some
said they wanted to go along
with what they believed to be
the experimenter’s wishes and
avoid upsetting the overall
experiment. A few actually
wondered if they were perhaps
suffering from eye strain or were
seated at a misleading angle.
Some denied that they were
aware of having given incorrect
answers. Eventually, some
admitted to knowing their
answers were incorrect, adding
that they did not want to stand
out or appear different and foolish:
they wanted to fit in.
Asch also spoke to the subjects
Asch discovered that if he allowed
who had maintained correct and
the participants to give their
independent responses, and found
answers privately, by writing
that they had not been unresponsive
them down on a piece of paper,
to the majority, but had been able
conformity noticeably decreased,
to recover from the doubt that they
and this held true even if the
A member of a
felt in order to give an honest
confederates were still giving
tribe of cannibals accepts
account of what they saw.
their answers aloud.
cannibalism as altogether
Asch performed variations on
fitting and proper.
the experiment to test what
Cultural norms
Solomon Asch
difference the size of the majority
Some psychologists hypothesized
group made to levels of conformity.
that Asch’s findings reflected the
He found that just one confederate
cultural climate of 1950s America
had virtually no influence on the
during McCarthyism, when dissent
subject’s conformity, two had only a
was seen as anti-American and
small influence, but three or more
people were imprisoned for their
encouraged a relatively stable
opinions. Later studies found
tendency to conform. Unanimity in
variations in levels of conformity.
bring about change. Moscovici was
the confederates’ responses was a
For instance, a study conducted
inspired to develop his own studies
more powerful factor; but even if
in the early 1970s (a time of liberal,
to demonstrate how a consistent
only one confederate offered an
progressive thinking in the US)
minority can affect the thinking
alternative answer, the subjects
found far lower rates of conformity.
of the majority.
were much more likely to provide
However, a study in the late 1970s
Although Asch acknowledges
an independent (and correct)
showed a return to higher rates.
that social life requires some
response. This finding highlights
Conformity rates for cultures
consensus, he also emphasizes
the power of even a very small
worldwide also differ. Researchers
that this is most productive when
dissenting minority. Furthermore,
found that individualist cultures
each individual contributes his
such as the US, the UK, and other
independent insight and experience.
Western European countries,
Consensus should not come out of
where personal choice and
fear or conformity; the fact that he
individual achievements are
found the tendency to conform was
valued highly, show lower levels
strong even among intelligent people
of conformity than collectivist
raised questions about societal
cultures such as Japan, Fiji, and
values and the quality of education.
African countries, where group
Asch’s conclusions note the
belonging is valued highly.
power (and danger) of social
Psychologists have criticized
influence to shape a person’s
Asch’s methods on the grounds
beliefs and behavior. If something
that he focused on a stripped-down
becomes normal for a group, social
version of group behavior that does
pressure will ensure conformity.
not feature much interaction
Inspired by Asch’s theory, Stanley
between participants, or that
Milgram’s experiment on obedience
he was more focused on the
showed that ordinary people are
individuals within a group than on
capable of cruelty when under
the group dynamic. Others wonder
pressure to conform.
if he overstated the power of the
However, the majority of
majority to influence the minority.
participants in Asch’s study, even
US Senator Joseph McCarthy
Serge Moscovici, in particular,
those who had conformed, stated
launched a Communist witch hunt
during the 1950s, generating an
disagreed with Asch’s analysis
that they valued independence
environment of fear and high levels
and argued that an active minority
of mind, leaving him optimistic
of political and social conformity.
could influence the majority and