The Plantagenets (91 page)

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Authors: Dan Jones

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Richard of Lincoln, 4
Richard de Lucy, 71, 87, 88, 94
Richard de Percy, 211
Richard of Poitiers, 49
Richmond, John of Brittany, earl of, 379, 398, 409, 412
Ridel, Geoffrey, 4, 72
Robert, count of Alençon, 164–5
Robert, earl of Gloucester, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22
Robert of Artois, 454–5, 470
Robert Beaumont, earl of Leicester, 16, 34–5, 73, 86, 185
Robert Beaumont (son of above), earl of Leicester, 86, 87, 88, 92
Robert I Bruce, king of Scots,
Robert Curthose, duke of Normandy, 9, 15, 132, 428
Robert of Torigni, 37, 54, 95
Robert de Vaux, 87
Robin Hood, 216, 284, 395
Roche–aux–Moines, siege (1214), 207
Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 16
Roger de Pont l’Evêque, archbishop of York, 69, 78, 82
Roger of Hereford, 51
Roger of Howden: on Geoffrey’s death, 105; on Henry II’s castles, 94; on Richard I and John, 141; on Richard I and Philip II, 106; on Richard I’s coronation, 112; on Richard I’s finances, 113; on Richard I’s release, 135; on Toulouse campaign, 57; on Young King’s demands, 101
Roger de Montbegon, 211
Roger of Pontigny, 69
Roger of Wendover: on barons’ rebellion, 212; on Edward II’s revenge, 403; on extortions from Jews, 191; on
Henry III’s government, 232–3; on John’s character, 182; on John’s demands for hostages, 192; on La Rochelle, 226; on lunar eclipse, 187; on Peter of Wakefield’s prophecies, 196–7; on reissue of charters, 227–8
Rory O’Connor, king of Connaught, 79, 93
Rouen: capture (1144), 19, 21; defences, 143; John’s investiture, 151; murder of Arthur, 166–7; Plantagenet family conference (1156), 52; siege (1174), 91; siege (1193), 133
Runnymede, 213, 217, 260
Rutland, earl of, 590


St Asaph, bishop of, 586
Saintonge, the, 179
Saladin: Acre agreement, 121; atrocity stories, 110; correspondence with Richard I, 121, 126, 129; crusade resonance, 598; Hattin victory, 110; Jerusalem capture, 109; paintings of, 254; Richard I’s last campaign against, 127–9; rumours about Eleanor of Aquitaine, 29; threat, 105; tithe, 113, 190; truce (1192), 129
Salisbury: castle, 92, 430; parliament (1297), 341–3; parliament (1328), 429; parliament (1384), 543
Salisbury, Henry de Lacy, earl of, 370,
see also
Salisbury, Sir John, 542, 555
Salisbury, John Montagu, 3rd earl of, 567, 580, 581–2, 590
Salisbury, Thomas, earl of,
Thomas, earl of Lancaster
Salisbury, William Longespée, earl of: barons’ rebellion (1215), 211–12; Bouvines defeat (1214), 207–8; capture and imprisonment, 208, 211; Damme naval victory (1213), 203–4; death, 232; French expedition (1205), 176, 178, 179; French expedition (1214), 206; Gascon expedition (1225), 228
Salisbury, William Montagu, earl of: captured by French, 457; death, 480; earldom of Surrey, 450; Edward II’s coup, 435–6; Scottish campaign (1333), 446; Stratford mediation, 467
Salisbury, William Montagu (son of above), 2nd earl of, 472, 485–6, 506
Sancho VI, king of Navarre, 116
Sandwich, naval battle (1217), 223
Savoy, counts of, 237–8
, 463
Scarborough castle, 50–1, 95, 374, 375
Scone, 327, 340, 351, 364, 445, 599
Scotland: Arthur’s dominion, 598; Balliol’s homage to Edward, 328–9; Bannockburn battle (1314), 384–6, 597; border raids, 424; border region, 95; council of guardians, 325; David II’s captivity, 476, 480, 490, 493, 508; David II’s restoration, 470; David II’s ransom, 508; the Disinherited, 445; dominion status (1334), 447; Dunbar battle (1296), 339, 348, 597; Edward I’s wars, 324, 335–6, 337–40, 347–8, 351, 352, 425; Edward II’s invasion, 383–6; Edward II’s policy, 368, 370; Edward III’s campaign (1333–7), 445–7, 454; Edward III’s Lowlands raid (1355–6), 495; English raids, 493; Falkirk battle (1298), 347, 350, 383, 385, 445, 597; French alliance, 336, 447, 453; government by twelve–man council (1295), 335; Great Cause, 327; Halidon Hill battle (1333), 446, 474, 597; Henry II’s achievements, 92, 598–9; invasion of England (1322), 404; invasion of Ireland (1315), 389, 395; John’s achievements, 187, 197; Neville’s Cross battle (1346), 476; rebel victory at Stirling Bridge (1297), 345; recognized as sovereign kingdom (1328), 425; Richard II’s expedition (1385), 545; Robert Bruce’s coronation, 351; Stanhope Park battle (1327), 425, 597; succession issue, 325–7; treaty of Birgham (1290), 325, 328; treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton (1328), 425, 445; treaty of friendship with France (1296), 336; treaty of Norham (1209), 194, 197; twelve–man council (1295), 335; Wallace rebellion, 345, 346–8, 350
Scrope, Sir Geoffrey, 444
Scrope, Sir Richard, 580
Scrope, Richard, archbishop of York, 585
Scrope, William, earl of Wiltshire, 567, 569–70
Shakespeare, William, 222, 460, 594
sheriffs: appointment, 372; background, 252, 535; bribery of, 315; collection of taxes, 50, 228, 252; John’s Irish policies, 194; John’s management of clerical property, 189; land law, 97, 98; recruitment of troops, 552; replacement of, 137, 389, 465; responsibilities, 96; royal, 96, 183; sheriffdoms for sale, 113; ‘sheriff’s aid’, 67; Welsh administrative machinery, 314
shipping war (1292–3), 330–1
Sibylla, countess of Flanders, 52
Sicily, 117–18, 255–7, 290
Simon de Reading, 418
Sluys, naval battle (1340), 458–60, 464
Snowdonia, 301, 307, 308
Somerset, John Beaufort, earl of,
Song against the King’s Taxes
, 461–2
‘Song of Lewes’, 273, 283
Southampton, French raid (1338), 457
Stafford, Edmund, bishop of Exeter, 567
Stanhope Park, battle (1327), 425, 597
Stapledon, Walter de, bishop of Exeter, 414, 415
Statute of Acton Burnell (1283), 315
Statute of Gloucester (1278), 304–5, 315
Statute of Jewry (1275), 320
Statute of Labourers (1351), 493–4, 535
Statute of Marlborough (1267), 287–8
Statute of Merchants (1285), 315
Statute of Mortmain (1279), 304–5, 315
Statute of Pleading (1362), 504–5, 600–1
Statute of Purveyance (1362), 504
Statute of Rhuddlan (1284), 317
Statute of Treason (1352), 551
Statute of Wales (1284), 314
Statute of Westminster I (1275), 304–5, 315
Statute of Westminster II (1285), 315
Statute of Winchester (1285), 315–16, 538
Statute of York (1322), 403
Statutes of Stamford (1309), 367
Stephen of Blois, king of England: acclaimed king, 14–16; character, 16, 39; coinage, 40; crown–wearing ceremony, 136; death, 40; defeats (1153), 33, 35–6; family background, 15; finances, 14, 16, 50; government, 16–17, 20; Henry’s first invasion, 23; peace terms with Henry, 36, 37–40; relationship with Church, 37, 50, 63; supporters, 14, 16, 34–5, 40;
White Ship
survival, 4, 6, 7, 15; war with Matilda, 17–21, 136, 212
Stephen of Rouen, 54
Stewart, Robert, 446, 447, 470
Stirling Bridge, battle (1297), 345, 346
Stratford, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 458, 463, 465–7, 468
Stratford, Robert, bishop of Chichester, chancellor, 464, 465
Strongbow (Richard FitzGilbert de Clare), 79–80
Sudbury, Simon of, archbishop of Canterbury, 527, 528, 529, 532, 533, 536–7
Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, earl of: Appellant revolt, 552, 554; escape overseas, 554; relationship with Richard II, 544, 550; removal demanded by parliament, 546, 548; role in Richard II’s household, 542; title, 545
Suffolk, Robert Ufford, earl of, 436, 450, 457
Surrey, duke of,
Holland, Thomas
Surrey, John de Warenne, earl of, 339, 340, 345
Surrey, John de Warenne, earl of (grandson of above): Gaveston’s capture and death, 374–5, 377; Gaveston’s return, 368; opposition to Edward II, 365; Ordinances policy, 369; Scottish campaign issue, 383, 386; Stratford mediation, 467; support for Edward II, 398, 400, 403
Swynford, Katherine, 568
Swynford, Sir Thomas, 591
Sybil, queen of Jerusalem, 110


Tancarville, count of, 490
Tancred II, king of Sicily, 255
taxation: avoidance, 305; clerical, 254, 256, 404; crusading tax, 254, 289, 322; customs duties, 342, 346; Edward I’s policies, 317, 323, 324, 342–4, 346; Edward II’s policies, 368, 404; Edward III’s policies, 461–2, 465, 467, 468, 477, 520; export taxes, 477; expulsion of Jews, 323; hearth taxes, 512; Henry III’s policies, 227–8, 232, 243, 251–2, 254, 260; on Jews, 320; John’s policies, 183, 184, 205–6, 214; for military campaigns, 228, 232, 243, 251–2, 404, 520, 531; on movables, 183, 227–8, 323, 344, 468; papal taxation of English clergy, 520; Peasants’
Revolt, 532, 534–5; poll taxes, 532, 534–5; Richard II’s policies, 546, 586; Richard I’s ransom, 133; right to grant taxes, 593; Saladin tithe, 113, 190; scutage, 205–6, 210; ‘sheriff’s aid’, 67; Welsh revolt, 332–3; wool tax, 468
Templar knights, 99, 113, 119, 224, 331, 380
Templar of Tyre, the, 292
Tewkesbury abbey, 259
Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, 34, 38, 45, 60, 63
Theobald, count of Blois, brother of Stephen, 15
Theobald V, count of Blois, 29, 31, 86
Theobald IV of Champagne, 242
, cog, 457, 461, 490
Thomas, earl of Lancaster: ancestry, 358, 371; capture and imprisonment, 400, 403; character, 371–2; civil war, 398–400; death, 400–1, 402, 416, 417, 430, 551, 597; earldoms, 371; Edward II’s coronation, 363, 364; Edward II’s view of, 381, 382; Gaveston’s capture and death, 375–8, 390, 401; government role, 389, 390; lands distributed by king, 403–4; lands inherited by son, 508; nicknamed by Gaveston, 368; opposition to Edward II, 365, 397–8; Ordainer, 372, 373, 390, 414; pardoned by Edward II, 382, 572; reform programme undone, 402; relationship with Edward II, 387–8, 391–2, 393, 395; reputation, 596; reversal of treason sentence, 423; Scottish campaign issue, 383, 386; widow, 405
Thomas of Brotherton, earl of Norfolk: birth, 349; earldom, 381, 450; opposition to Mortimer, 430; Scottish campaign (1333), 446; supplanted by Gaveston, 361; support for Edward II, 398; support for Edward III, 415; support for Isabella and Mortimer, 415
Thomas of Burton, 460
Thomas of Savoy, count of Flanders, 240, 242
Thomas of Woodstock, earl of Buckingham, duke of Gloucester: Appellant, 552–4, 565, 566; arrest and imprisonment, 565–7, 590; birth, 480, 500; death, 568–9, 571, 572, 573; lands and
castles, 578; marriage, 512; mother’s death, 516; pardon revoked, 568; Peasants’ Revolt, 536; regency, 500; relationship with nephew Richard II, 543, 547, 552–4, 564–5; removal from council, 557; status, 505, 508; titles, 536, 545
Thorne, William, 512–13
Toulouse: siege (1159), 54–8, 597; unrest, 106, 107
Tour de Nesle scandal, 409
Touraine: barons, 151; Breton–French attack, 154; castles, 95; Henry II’s control of, 31, 51, 470; Henry the Young King’s gifts, 86; John’s grants of castles, 140; John’s losses, 165, 169, 174, 178; Plantagenet sovereignty, 498; Richard’s inheritance, 109
tournaments: deaths, 104; Edward I, 273, 282, 288, 293; Edward II, 358; Edward III, 440, 443, 449, 462, 466, 479–80, 485–6; Henry the Young King, 82, 101; King’s Langley, 387; Mortimer’s role, 428–9; pretext for muster of forces, 374; ‘Round Tables’, 298
Tours, fall (1189), 108
Tower of London: Appellants, 553; construction, 212; Edward II’s flight, 413, 414; Edward III’s arrival, 463–4, 465, 467; executions, 568; Mortimer’s escape, 407–8; Peasants’ Revolt, 533, 534, 536–7, 579, 583; prisoners, 339, 340, 398, 403, 407, 565; Richard II’s imprisonment, 583–5; royal treasury, 404, 465; traitors’ heads, 309
treasury, royal: at Chinon, 151; Henry I’s reforms, 9–10; Henry III’s finances, 244; John’s finances, 187, 195; Richard I’s finances, 138; Richard II’s finances, 541; seized by Stephen, 14; at Tower of London, 404, 465

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