The Plantagenets (86 page)

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Authors: Dan Jones

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de Montfort, Simon the younger, 276–7, 278–9
de Valence,
Aymer, William
de Vere, Aubrey, 531
de Vere, Robert, 3rd earl of Oxford, 211
de Vere, Robert, 6th earl of Oxford, 363, 369
de Vere, Robert, 9th earl of Oxford, marquis of Dublin, duke of Ireland: Appellant revolt, 549, 551–4; death, 561; flight to France, 553, 554; Peasants’ Revolt, 536; relationship with Richard II, 542, 586; titles, 545, 546
de Vere, Thomas, 363
de Vesci, Eustace, 198–9, 205, 210
Denbigh castle, 312
Derby, earl of,
Henry IV (Henry of Bolingbroke)
des Roches, Peter, bishop of Winchester, 182, 221, 222, 225, 232
des Roches, William, 154, 160–1, 163
Despenser, Henry, 281
Despenser, Henry, bishop of Norwich, 544
Despenser, Hugh, 397
Despenser, Sir Hugh the elder, earl of Winchester: banishment, 397, 402; besieged in Bristol, 414–15; capture and imprisonment, 415; death, 416, 417; earldom of Winchester, 404, 449; Edward II’s coronation, 363; finances, 423; French state visit, 379; Gaveston’s burial, 388; powers, 396, 404, 405, 412; rehabilitation, 402, 403; relationship with Edward II, 365, 382, 390, 394, 396, 405, 407, 410; removed from government post, 389; rumoured plots against, 408; son’s marriage, 365–6; trial of Lancaster, 400; unpopularity, 394, 396, 398
Despenser, Hugh the younger: banishment, 397, 398, 402; capture, 416, 417; cruelty, 405; death, 417–18; finances, 423; flight, 415, 416; Gaveston’s burial, 388; Isabella and Mortimer’s arrival, 413–15; marriage, 365–6, 391, 409; powers, 396, 404, 405, 412; rehabilitation, 402, 403; relationship with Edward II, 390–1, 394, 396, 405, 407, 410, 419; restoration of estates, 404; return from exile, 398; royal grants, 391, 396–7, 404, 423; rumoured plots against, 408; Scottish campaign (1314), 383; treatment of Queen Isabella, 409–10, 411; trial and execution, 418; trial of Lancaster, 400; unpopularity, 394, 396–7, 398
Despenser, Thomas, earl of Gloucester, 567, 569–70
Despenser, Sir Thomas, 590
Devizes: attacked by Eustace, 25; imprisonment of Hubert de Burgh, 232; Matilda’s court, 19
Devon, earl of, 485
d’Eyville, Jocelin, 402
Diarmait MacMurchada, king of Leinster, 79–80
Dictum of Kenilworth, 286–7
Dieppe, sack (1195), 141
Dol, town, 168
Dominican order, 376–7, 392, 414, 427, 476
Douglas, Sir James, 425
Dover castle: construction, 95; Geoffrey’s arrival (1191), 124, 125; imprisonment of the Lord Edward, 277; prison, 126; reconstruction, 95, 124, 143, 600; siege (1216–17), 215, 222
du Guesclin, Bertrand, 511, 513, 514
Dunbar, battle (1296), 339, 348, 597
Duncan I, king of Scotland, 326
Dupplin Moor, battle (1332), 445, 446
Dymock, Sir Thomas, 589


earldoms, 50, 113, 328, 449–51
Edinburgh–Northampton, treaty of (1328), 425, 445
Edmund, earl of Lancaster: crusading, 291; death, 342; French negotiations, 331; Kenilworth siege, 286; kingdom of Sicily, 255, 256; marriage, 371; tournament edict, 288
Edmund, St, 38, 559, 594
Edmund of Langley, earl of Cambridge, duke of York: Aquitaine campaign (1370), 518; birth, 468; childhood, 480; Flanders role, 508–9; Garter order, 500; government for Richard II, 580; marriage, 544; marriage plans, 509; at Merciless Parliament, 555; relationship with nephew Richard II, 543; rumoured conspiracy against, 566; titles, 506–7, 545
Edmund of Woodstock, earl of Kent: birth, 349; castles, 404; death, 430–1, 551; mission to France, 408; opposition to Mortimer, 430; supplanted by Gaveston, 361; support for Edward II, 398, 400; support for Edward III, 415; support for Isabella and Mortimer, 412; title, 450
Edward, duke of Albemarle, 558, 569, 575, 578, 581
Edward I, king of England (the Lord Edward): achievements, 352–3; appearance, 282, 337, 349; Arthur legend, 298–9, 304, 453, 595, 596; assassination attempt, 291–3; birth, 241; castle building programme, 309, 310–13; character, 282–3, 284; children by Eleanor, 286, 293, 313; children by Margaret, 349; coinage, 301, 316, 320; coronation, 293–4; crusading, 288–9, 290–3, 295, 322, 324; death, 352, 360; death of wife Eleanor, 326–7; duel with Gurdon, 285; escape from de Montforts, 277–8, 283; Evesham victory, 279–81, 283–4; expulsion of Jews, 317, 318–19, 321–3, 324; finances, 295–6, 314–15, 316–17, 322–3, 334–5, 341–4, 353; French invasion threat, 334–5; Gascon campaign (1294–7), 332, 334, 341; Gascon reform programme, 321–2; Gascony negotiations with Philip IV, 331–2; government, 315; Great Cause (Scottish throne dispute), 327; homage to Philip IV for Gascony, 331; Hundred Roll inquiries, 294–5; imprisonment, 274–5, 276, 277; Kenilworth siege, 286–7; laws, 314–16; Lewes defeat, 273–4; Maid of Norway’s death, 326; marriages, 250, 331–2, 349; name and nicknames, 241–2, 282, 283, 442–3; oath to barons, 260; old age, 351–2; opposition to treaty of Paris, 263; overlordship of Scots (1292), 327–9; relationship with Church, 305–6; relationship with nobility, 449; relationship with parliament (1297), 341–4; relationship with son, 357; reputation, 282, 283; royal power, 267; Scottish victories, 597, 599; tomb, 362, 427, 442; treatment of Jews, 320; treatment of rebels, 284–5, 287; truce with France (1298), 345; war against Simon de Montfort, 272–4, 278–81; war preparations (1294), 332; war preparations (1297), 341, 342–3; war with France, 344–5; war with Scotland (1296), 335–6, 337–40, 425; war with Scotland (1298), 347–8; war with Scotland (1306–7), 351, 352; Welsh campaign (1277), 299–303; Welsh campaign (1282), 307–9; Welsh campaign (1294–5), 333–4, 335; Welsh policies, 306–7
Edward II (Edward of Caernarfon), king of England: accession, 352, 360; appearance, 350, 357, 363; Bannockburn defeat (1314), 384–6, 597; betrothal, 360; birth, 313; canonization question (1395), 561, 562, 584; capture, 416; character, 350–1, 357–9, 395, 399; children, 381, 395, 397; civil war, 395, 398–401; coronation, 362–5, 367; crusading vow, 380–1; death, 426–7, 438; deposition, 420–1, 430, 547; distribution of confiscated possessions, 403–4; England invaded by Isabella and Mortimer, 412, 413–14; envoys to France, 409–10; execution of Lancaster, 400–1; favourites, 359, 390–2, 394–5, 396, 405–6, 449; finances, 404; flight from Isabella and Mortimer, 414–16; Gaveston’s burial, 387–8; Gaveston’s death, 381, 401; Gaveston’s exile, 365–6; heir to throne, 349–50; homage to Philip V, 395; imprisonment, 418–19, 426–7; influence of Nicholas of Wisbech, 392–3; knighthood ceremony, 351–2; marriage, 361, 362; marriage plans, 325, 328; name, 395; Ordinances (1311), 369, 372–3; Paris visit (1313), 379–81; parliamentary opposition to, 368–9, 370; Powderham claims, 392; regency government, 344, 346; reign, 584–5; relationship with Gaveston, 351, 352, 357, 359–60, 363–4, 367, 542; relationship with Lancaster, 387–8, 391–2, 393, 395; relationship with wife Isabella, 364, 367, 381, 409–11, 413, 418–19; reputation, 419–20; revenge after civil war, 402–3, 405–6; Scottish campaigns, 370, 382, 383–6, 391; supporters, 398; supposed survival, 429–30; tomb, 427–8, 430, 561, 595; war with France (1324), 408–9
Edward III, king of England: accession, 421, 430; appearance, 440–1; armour, 429; army, 445, 471–2, 597–8; Arthuriana, 443, 486, 490; badge, 440; betrothal, 413; birth, 381, 382, 433, 443; Breton war of succession, 470; Calais defence (1350), 491; Calais siege, 477–8; challenge to Philip VI, 464; character, 438–9, 441–2, 489; children, 430, 443, 452, 468, 480, 505–9, 510; chosen to govern England (1326), 415, 420–1; claim to French Crown, 424, 453, 454, 455, 471, 494–5, 497, 499; coinage, 441, 470–1; control of household, 423; coronation, 422, 441; coup against mother and Mortimer, 437–8, 440, 450, 566; creation of earldoms, 450–1; Crécy victory (1346) 474–7, 479; death, 528; education, 442; father’s death, 426–7; finances, 425, 426, 460–2, 464–7, 503; Flanders expedition (1340), 457–60, 462; in France, 410–11, 413; funeral, 528; Garter order, 496–9, 594, 595, 598; government crisis (1341),
466–8; government purge, 465–6; heraldry, 440, 442–3, 452, 453; homage from
Flemings, 453; homage to Charles IV, 410–11; homage to Philip VI, 424, 454, 455; invasion of England, 412–15; invasion of France (1346), 471–4; invasion of France (1355–6), 495; invasion of France (1359–60), 499–500; kingship, 560; legal system, 444; lifestyle and interests, 441–2, 462, 503; marriage, 426, 443; minority, 527; Normandy campaign (1346), 469–70; oaths sworn to, 420, 421; old age, 510, 520, 523, 526; peace terms with France (1327), 424; plot to recapture Crown, 431, 435–7; relationship with parliament (1341), 466–8, 593; relationship with parliament in old age (1376), 517–18, 520–3, 526–7, 593; Round Table, 486–7; Scottish campaigns (1333–7), 445–7, 454, 597; Scottish expedition (1327), 425, 597; Scottish truce (1343), 470; Sluys victory (1340), 458–60; titles, 381, 410–11; tomb, 528; tournaments, 440, 443, 449, 462, 466, 479–80, 485–6; Tower entry (1340), 463–4, 465, 467; vision of kingship, 443, 450; war with France, 455–6, 460–1, 463–5, 468, 490–3, 518–22; Winchelsea sea battle (1350), 492–3; wounded, 457
Edward III
, play, 460
Edward the Confessor: crown, 363; feast day, 244, 587; Henry II’s inspiration, 234–5, 236, 241, 246, 266, 298; illustrated life of, 350; laws, 9, 45, 319, 363; national saint, 594; piety, 584; Richard II’s inspiration, 559, 562, 584; shrine, 537–8, 560, 570; sword, 238; tomb, 288, 427, 595
Edward the Martyr, St, 594
Edward of Westminster, 237
Edward of Woodstock, prince of Wales (the Black Prince): appearance, 472; birth, 430; Calais defence (1350), 491; Calais siege, 477; Castilian campaign, 512; children, 512–13; Crécy battle (1346), 474, 475, 598; death, 523–5, 526; duchy of Aquitaine, 506, 508, 512, 514–15; finances, 506, 512, 514; French campaign (1346), 472; French campaign (1355–6), 495–6; French campaign (1359–60), 499–500; illness, 514, 520, 524; knighted, 472; Limoges sack (1370), 518–19, 529; marriage, 505–6, 509; Najera victory (1367), 513–14, 529; Poitiers victory (1356), 496–7, 506, 514; titles, 451, 506; tomb, 524; tournaments, 485; war hero, 480, 497; will, 524; Winchelsea sea battle (1350), 492
Eland, William, 436
Eleanor, daughter of Edward I, 289, 313
Eleanor, daughter of Henry II, wife of Alfonso VII, 49, 84, 94, 159, 175, 481
Eleanor of Aquitaine: annulment of marriage to Louis VII, 29, 30; appearance and character, 26; besieged in Mirebeau, 158, 160–1; captured by husband Henry, 85, 89, 91; children by Henry II, 47, 48–9, 73, 84, 142, 175; children by Louis VII, 26, 29; claim to Toulouse, 54, 55; death, 174–5; defence of England, 133; duchy of Aquitaine, 27–8, 29, 31, 104; escort for Berengaria, 116–18; family background, 26–7; father’s death, 27; imprisonment by husband Henry, 92, 104, 132; influence, 159, 163; languages, 45, 600; in London, 47–8; marriage to Henry II, 26, 30–1, 506; marriage to Louis VII, 26, 28–9; rebellion against husband Henry, 82, 84–5, 92; relationship with son John, 125, 127, 133, 141, 152, 167; relationship with son Richard, 75, 104, 114, 118, 141; reputation, 28–9; retirement, 141; role during son Richard’s absence on crusade, 114, 118, 133, 134; son Richard’s coronation, 111; son Richard’s death, 147; son Richard’s ransom, 134; son Richard’s return, 136; support for son John’s inheritance, 152; tomb, 174
Eleanor of Castile: ancestry, 481; children, 286, 289, 293, 313; crusading, 289, 291–3; death, 326–7; at Glastonbury, 298, 304; King’s Langley house, 387; marriage, 250, 282, 298, 481; Ponthieu county, 357
Eleanor de Clare, 409
Eleanor of Leicester, 239–40, 242
Eleanor de Montfort, 300–1, 306
Eleanor of Provence: children, 241, 242; exile, 276; expulsion of Jews, 320; marriage, 237–9; relationship with Lusignans, 260; Savoyard connections, 237–8, 241, 245, 253, 273
Eleanor of Woodstock, 395
Elizabeth, daughter of Edward I, 313, 341
English language, 262, 505, 558, 586, 600–1
Epiphany plot (1400), 590
Esplechin, truce of, 464
Eu: count of, 490; lordship, 140, 159
Eugene III, pope, 29, 37, 62
Eustace IV, count of Boulogne, son of Stephen, 25, 37–8, 40, 51, 63, 592
Eustache the Monk, 223
Eve, daughter of Diarmait MacMurchada, 80
Evesham, battle (1265), 279–81, 283–4, 597
Evesham, monk of (chronicler), 530, 567
Evreux, 141, 156
Evreux, counts of, 362, 496 excommunication: Barbarossa, 62; Becket’s pronouncements, 72, 78; Gaveston, 365, 367, 374, 377, 387; John, 190, 195, 203, 235; Pecham’s policies, 305; Prince Louis, 215; threat of, 62, 79, 113, 215, 233, 256–7, 259, 413
Exton, Sir Piers, 590
Eynsford, William Lord, 64


Falaise: castle, 95, 161, 166; treaty (1174), 92, 93
Falkirk, battle (1298), 347, 350, 383, 385, 445, 597
famine: (1204–5), 173; (1315), 388–9, 443, 462
Faughart, battle (1318), 395

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