The Plantagenets (88 page)

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Authors: Dan Jones

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Henry I, king of Navarre, 371
Henry, son of Edward I, 289, 313
Henry (the Young King), son of Henry II: appearance and character, 82–3, 101, 102, 103; betrothal, 53–4, 59; birth, 47, 49; conflict with father, 101–3; coronations, 78, 82–3, 100; death, 103; education, 64; heart, 147; inheritance, 74, 83; king designate, 63, 74, 78, 100; Le Mans meeting, 102; marriage, 82; peace terms with father, 91; rebellion against father, 83–6, 91; receives homage (1162, 1163), 74; war with father, 103
Henry of Almain, 274–5, 276, 286, 288, 290
Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, 15, 16, 18, 34, 38, 51
Henry of Huntingdon: on Eleanor’s marriage to Henry, 31; on Henry I’s corpse, 13; on Henry II, 41; on Matilda, 15; on Stephen’s army mutiny, 33; on Stephen’s peace negotiations with Henry, 36, 38, 39; on
White Ship
, 7, 8
Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony and Bavaria, 74, 94, 102, 132, 144
Henry of Monmouth, son of Henry of Bolingbroke, 579
Henry of Trastámara, 511, 512, 513, 515
Herbert of Bosham, 47, 70, 76–7
Hereford, duke of,
Henry IV (Henry of Bolingbroke)
Hereford, Henry de Bohun, 1st earl of, 211
Hereford, Humphrey de Bohun, 2nd earl of, 300
Hereford, Humphrey de Bohun, 3rd earl of, 343, 344, 347, 348, 358
Hereford, Humphrey de Bohun, 4th earl of: captured at Bannockburn, 385; civil war, 394, 398–400; contrariant, 398; death, 400; dispute with Despensers, 396–7; at Gaveston’s burial, 388; Gaveston’s capture and death, 375, 376; Gaveston’s return, 368; Gower dispute, 396; opposition to Edward II, 365, 398; pardoned by Edward II, 382; Scottish campaign, 383, 384–5; support for Edward II, 391–2
Hertford, earls of,
de Clare Higden, Ranulph, 358
Holland, John I, count of, 341
Holland, William I, count of, 206
Holland, John, earl of Huntingdon, duke of Exeter: appeal of treason against Gloucester, Arundel and Warwick, 567; capture and trial, 581; death, 590; Lancastrian lands awarded to, 578; Peasants’ Revolt, 533, 536; rebellion, 590; titles, 569
Holland, Sir Thomas, 485–6, 506
Holland, Thomas, earl of Kent, 533, 536
Holland, Thomas (son of above), earl of Kent, duke of Surrey: appeal of treason against Gloucester, Arundel and Warwick, 567; capture and trial, 581; death, 590; Lancastrian lands awarded to, 578; licence to use treason laws, 575; rebellion, 590; titles, 569
Honorius IV, Pope, 320
Hospitaller knights, 99, 113
Houghton, Adam, bishop of St David’s, 528
Hugh III, king of Jerusalem, 292
Hugh Capet, king of France, 454
Hugh of Nonant, 126
Hugh de Puisat, bishop of Durham, 114
Huguzon, Cardinal, 93–4
Hundred Rolls inquiries, 294–5
Hundred Years War, 453, 455–6, 474, 477, 594, 598
Huntingdon, earldom of, 53, 328, 451
Huntingdon, Sir Guichard d’Angle, earl of, 513, 518, 531
Huntingdon, John Holland, earl of,
Huntingdon, William Clinton, earl of, 436, 450–1, 488


Innocent III, Pope: annulment of Magna Carta, 215; crusades, 145, 155; dispute with John, 187–90, 199, 203; peace with John, 204; support for John, 209–10; support for Richard I, 154
Innocent IV, Pope, 240, 255
Interdict crisis, 187–90
Ireland: aid for Edward I, 307; Arthur’s rule, 598; Briouze family, 192, 193; Edward III’s invasion plans, 444, 445; exiles in, 193, 555; Gaveston’s lieutenancy, 366, 367; Henry II’s feudal overlordship (1175), 93; Henry II’s invasion (1171), 79–80, 599; John lord of, 114; John’s invasion (1210), 193–4, 197, 444, 599; justiciar, 301; Lionel of Antwerp’s role, 507, 508, 515; papal bull
(1155), 53, 79, 599; papal vassalage, 204, 220; Richard II’s expedition (1394), 563, 599; Richard II’s expedition (1399), 579–80; Scottish invasion (1315), 389, 395
Isaac Comnenus, 118, 119
Isabel of Gloucester, 114, 206
Isabella, daughter of Edward III, 480, 505
Isabella, daughter of John, 238
Isabella of Angoulême: betrothal to Hugh de Lusignan, 158, 206; children, 186, 206, 239, 252; marriage to Hugh de Lusignan, 226, 252; marriage to John, 158–9, 175, 206, 332; rescue from Chinon, 164
Isabella of Castile, 512, 544
Isabella of France, wife of Edward II: appearance, 410; betrothal, 360; children, 381, 395, 397; coronation, 363, 364; embassy to France, 410; escape from capture, 404; estates, 423; finances, 423; forces for Scottish campaign, 425; in Hainault, 413; invasion of England, 412–15; marriage, 361, 362; Mortimer’s arrest, 436–7; Paris visit (1313), 379–81; regime, 428, 527; relationship with husband, 364, 367, 381, 397, 409–11; relationship with Mortimer, 411, 412–13; role after Mortimer’s death, 438, 454; son Edward’s marriage, 426
Isabella of France, wife of Richard II, 563, 564
Isabella of Woodstock, daughter of Edward III, 443
Issoudun, 141–2, 156
Ivry, non–aggression pact (1177), 93


Jacquerie, 497–8, 534
Jaffa: capture (1191), 126, 397; fall and re–capture (1192), 128–9, 161, 397
James IV, king of Majorca, 513
James of St George, Master, 310–11, 312, 315
Jean le Bel, 477, 498
Jean de Venette, 498
Jeanne d’Evreux, 413
Jerusalem: fall (1187), 109, 110; Frankish campaigns, 291; kingdom of, 105, 122, 127, 129; truce conditions (1192), 129
Jews: badges, 320, 321; blood libel, 319–20; Edict of Expulsion (1290), 323; Edward I’s policies, 317, 319, 320, 321–3; executed for coin–clipping, 320; expulsion from England (1290), 319, 321–3; expulsion from France (1306); financial dealings, 321; Henry II’s policies, 191; Henry III’s policies, 252; John’s extortions, 187, 190–1; legal status, 319, 320; limitation on moneylending, 289; moneylending to Crown, 138; population in England, 319; synagogues destroyed, 320; taxation of, 321
Joan, daughter of Edward III, 480–1, 483, 484, 505
Joan, daughter of John, 206
Joan of Acre, daughter of Edward I, 293, 313, 360
Joan of Kent: childhood, 480; children, 505–6, 512; marriages, 485–6, 487, 505–6, 509; Peasants’ Revolt, 533, 536
Joan the Lame of Burgundy, 482
Joan of Navarre, 371
Joan of Ponthieu, 237
Joan of the Tower, daughter of Edward III, 443
Joanna, daughter of Edward II, 397, 425, 445, 447
Joanna, daughter of Henry II, queen of Sicily, 49, 89, 94, 118, 126, 255
Jocelin de Balliol, 71
John, duke of Brabant, 362
John III, duke of Brittany, 470
John IV de Montfort, duke of Brittany, 470
John V de Montfort, duke of Brittany, 519
John, king of Bohemia, 476
John, king of England: accession, 152, 153; appearance, 176, 201, 213; barons’ rebellion against, 210–13, 215–16, 220; birth, 49, 73, 84; Bouvines defeat (1214), 207–8, 209, 597; campaigns, 154, 160–1, 167–9, 179, 195; character, 150–1, 161–3, 182, 187, 205; children, 186, 237; coinage, 176, 183, 195, 203; coronation, 154; count of Mortain, 114; court, 180–1; crusader, 210; death, 216; end of reign predicted, 196–7; excommunication, 190, 203, 235; feudal vassalage to pope, 204; finances, 182–5, 187, 189–90, 197, 205–6, 208; foreign policy, 198, 202; French invasion (1216), 215, 217; French invasion threat, 173–4; government, 181–6, 200–2, 214; governor of England, 126; homage to Philip II, 132, 263–4; inheritance issues, 103–4, 107, 125, 142, 149–52; Interdict crisis, 187–90; invasion force at Portsmouth (1205), 175–8; invasion of Ireland (1210), 193–4, 197, 444, 599; invasion of Wales (1211), 195, 197; in Ireland, 104; kingship, 560, 584; legacy, 217–18; legal system, 183–4, 444; lifestyle, 180; lord of Ireland, 114; loss of allies and supporters, 163–5; loss of baggage in the Wash, 216; loss of territories, 165, 167–9, 174, 175, 209, 217, 596, 597; Magna Carta, 213–15, 217–18; marriages, 114, 158–9, 175, 332; murder of Arthur, 166–7, 215; naval victory (1213), 203–4; Normandy reconquest plans, 202, 205–6, 471; oath to brother Richard, 124; peace terms with Philip II, 155–7; plot against, 198–9; prisons, 161–2, 164; rebellion against brother Richard, 132–3, 134, 137, 138; relationship with Arthur, 154–5; relationship with barons, 199–202, 205–6, 209–13; relationship with brother Richard, 114, 118, 124, 135, 140–1; relationship with Church, 187–90, 199, 204–5, 217; relationship with father, 106, 108; relationship with Philip II, 127, 132, 135, 139–40, 150–1, 153, 156, 167–9; reputation, 216–17; rescue of mother, 159–61; return to England, 125; Richard’s return from captivity, 135; succession, 220–1; taxation, 183; territories, 179–80; tomb, 216; truce with Philip II (1206), 179; truce with Philip II (1214), 208; voyage to England (1174), 89; warfare, 597; wedding gift, 83, 91; Welsh campaign (1211), 195, 299; Welsh rebellion, 198
John II, king of France, duke of Normandy: accession, 491; Aiguillon siege, 473, 474; Brétigny treaty (1360), 499; capture at Poitiers, 497; Company of the Star, 488; Crécy battle, 474, 477; death, 511; Poitiers battle, 495–7; prisoner of the English, 498; ransom, 498, 499, 500
John XXII, Pope, 413, 435
John, son of Edward I, 286, 289, 313
John of Brittany, 332
John of Eltham, earl of Cornwall, 395, 404, 446, 450, 451
John Fitzgeoffrey, 259
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster: achievements, 577; Aquitaine campaigns, 518, 519; birth, 452; Bruges treaty, 520, 522; character, 531; childhood, 480; claim to Castilian throne, 544; councillor, 557; death, 577–8; duchy of Aquitaine, 557, 568; duchy of Lancaster, 506–7, 508; Garter, 500; marriages, 508, 512, 544; Najera battle, 513; parliamentary role, 517, 521–2, 526, 568; physician’s death, 537; regency question, 531; relationship with Arundel, 565, 568; relationship with nephew Richard II, 542–3, 544, 545–6, 557, 572; Richard II’s coronation, 529; rumoured ambitions, 527, 531; rumoured plots against, 566, 572; Savoy Palace, 511, 534; Scottish role, 508; son, 533, 537, 552, 568, 569, 572, 577; supporters, 572
John of Hainault, 425
John de Lacy, 206
John of Marmoutier, 11, 25
John of Salisbury, 54, 56, 73
John de Vescy, 301
Jopin, a Jew, 319–20
Jordan Fantosme, 43
Joseph of Arimathea, 486


Karl von Luxemburg, Emperor, 488
Katherine, daughter of Henry III, 263
Kenilworth castle: capture (1322), 399; Edward II’s imprisonment, 418–19, 420, 427; Montfortian base, 279, 284, 285–6; royalist attack (1265), 279; siege and capture (1266), 285–7
Kent, earl of,
Edmund of Woodstock
King’s Langley, 387–8, 468, 542, 578, 591, 595
Knighton, Henry, 483–4, 488, 547, 552, 553, 556
Knolles, Sir Robert, 518, 536, 538, 539
Knyvet, Sir John, 520


La Ferté, conference and capture of castle (1189), 107
La Marche, count of, 74, 158–9
La Roche–Derrien, battle (1346), 477
La Rochelle: John’s forces, 178, 179, 206, 207, 208; siege and surrender (1224), 225–6
Lancaster, duchy of, 557, 572, 577–8
Lancaster, dukes of,
Henry Grosmont, John of Gaunt
Lancaster, earls of,
Edmund, Henry, Henry Grosmont, Thomas
Lanercost chronicler, 460
Langland, William, 504, 601
Langton, Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, 188, 205, 210, 235
Langton, Walter, 351, 358, 360
Lateran Council, Second (1139), 17
Latimer, Lord, 522, 523
Latin language, 45, 262, 363, 442, 505, 600
, papal bull, 53, 599
law(s): Assize of Arms (1181), 98–9; Assize of Clarendon (1166), 96–7; Assize of Northampton (1176), 96–7; canon law, 66, 67–8; Charter of the Forest, 227–8, 230, 265, 286, 344, 346; Charter of Liberties, 9, 210; civil law, 97–8; Confirmation of the Charters (1297), 346; Constitutions of Clarendon (1164), 66, 69–70, 71, 77, 80; John’s court, 181, 218; land law, 97–8; Magna Carta,
Magna Carta; Marcher, 307;
novel disseisin
, 97–8; Ordinances (1311),
Ordinances; Provisions of Oxford (1258), 261–2, 265, 271–2, 295; Provisions of Westminster (1259), 263; royal council, 98; Statute of Acton Burnell (1283), 315; Statute of Gloucester (1275), 304–5, 315; Statute of Labourers (1351), 493–4, 535; Statute of Marlborough (1267), 287–8; Statute of Merchants (1285), 315; Statute of Mortmain (1279), 304–5, 315; Statute of Pleading (1362), 504–5, 600–1; Statute of Purveyance (1362), 504; Statute of Rhuddlan (1284), 317; Statute of Treason (1352), 551; Statute of Wales (1284), 314; Statute of Westminster I (1275), 304–5, 315; Statute of Westminster II (1285), 315; Statute of Winchester (1285), 315–16, 538; Statute of York (1322), 403; Statutes of Stamford (1309), 367; sumptuary statutes, 510–11; Welsh, 307

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