The Plantagenets (85 page)

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Authors: Dan Jones

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Béhuchet, Nicolas, 459
Bek, Anthony, bishop of Durham, 325, 332, 347, 350, 370
Bereford, Simon, 436–7
Berengaria of Navarre, 116–19, 142, 149
Berkeley, Sir Maurice de, 399
Berkeley castle, 399, 426, 427, 438
Bermondsey, palace of, 47
Bernard of Clairvaux, 28
Berners, James, 542, 555
Berry, 106, 107, 142, 156
Berry, duke of, 518
Bertrand de Born, 43
Berwick: battle (1296), 337–9; siege (1333), 446
Bigod, Hugh, earl of Norfolk, 86, 88
Bigod, Hugh, justiciar of England, 262
Bigod, Roger, 4th earl of Norfolk, 258, 260
Bigod, Roger, 5th earl of Norfolk, 343, 344, 347, 348, 350, 358
Birgham, treaty (1290), 325, 328
Bishop’s Waltham, council (1182), 99
Black Death, 481–4, 485, 490, 493, 505, 535, 600
Black Prince,
Edward of Woodstock
Blanche of Artois, 371
Blanche of Castile, 159
Blanche of Lancaster, 508
Blois, county, 155
Blondel, minstrel, 134
Bohun, Edward, 436
Bohun, William,
Bohun family,
see also
de Bohun
Boniface, marquis of Montferrat, 155
Boniface VIIII, Pope, 342
Boniface of Savoy, archbishop of Canterbury, 240–1, 253
Bonmoulins, peace conference, 107
Bordeaux: in Aquitaine, 27; Black Death, 481–3; Black Prince at, 495, 506, 514; French raids, 456; French threat to, 531; Joan’s arrival and death, 481–2, 483; Plantagenet territory, 209, 226, 424; revenues, 289; Richard II’s birth, 512–13; shipping, 493; wine trade, 454
Boroughbridge, battle (1322), 400, 405, 412
Boulogne, county of, 14, 15, 154, 156, 173, 498
Bourges, 156
Bouvines, battle (1214), 207–8, 211, 597
Bowes castle, 95
Brabant: county of, 173, 173; duchy of, 362, 373, 455–6, 508
Bracton, Henry de, 97
Bradeston, Sir Thomas, 479
Brembre, Nicholas, 552, 554–5
Brétigny, treaty (1360), 499–500, 503
Brian FitzCount, 17
Bridgnorth, capture (1321), 398
Brinton, Thomas, bishop of Rochester, 530
Briouze, Matilda de, 191, 192, 194
Briouze, William de, 166, 191–4
Briouze family, 191–4, 200
Bristol, siege (1326), 414–15
Brittany: defences, 523; duchy, 53, 75, 91, 102, 104, 106, 142; Edward III’s control of, 493; English mercenaries, 500, 512; English victories, 493; feudal relationship with French Crown, 76, 106; French control, 519; Henry II’s campaigns, 72, 76; Henry II’s control of, 75, 470; Henry III’s campaign (1232), 232; John’s campaign (1214), 206; Philip II’s position, 165; Plantagenet overlordship, 495, 498; pro–English faction, 471; rebellion, 91; revenues, 91; war, 470–1, 477, 487, 493
Bruce, David,
David II, king of Scots
Bruce, Edward, 389, 395
Bruce, Robert the elder, 327, 340, 350
Bruce, Robert I, king of Scots:
Bannockburn victory (1314), 384–6; coronation (1306), 351; defection to English (1301–2), 350, 351; Edinburgh–Northampton treaty (1328), 425; Edward I’s dismissal of his claim to the throne, 340; Edward I’s hunt for, 348, 352; Edward II’s hunt for, 370; Edward II’s oath of revenge (1306), 351–2; invasion of England (1311), 370; murder of Comyn, 351; negotiations with (1323), 405; son’s betrothal, 425; threat of invasion, 381
Bruce family, 470
Bruges treaty (1375), 520, 522
chronicle, 9, 404, 413, 437
Builth castle, 303, 311
Burghersh, Henry, bishop of Lincoln, 436–7
Burgundy, duke of, 499, 508, 509, 544
Burley, Sir Simon, 529, 530, 531, 542, 555
Burnell, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, 295, 304–5, 314, 315
Bury, Adam, 523
Busdraghi of Lucca, bankers, 461
Bushy, Sir John, 568, 573–4, 580


Cade, Jack, 594
Caen: castle, 95, 161, 473; English sack, 473
Caernarfon castle, 312–13
Caerphilly castle, 405, 415
Caesarea, 291
Calais: county of, 509; defence (1350), 491; English position (1380s), 543; siege (1346–7), 477–8; Staple, 521, 522
Callendar Wood, battle,
Cantelupe, Thomas de, bishop of Hereford, 321
Canterbury, archbishopric, 188
Canterbury Cathedral, 63, 78, 89–90, 245, 524
Carlisle: battle (1173), 87; burned (1385), 545
Castel y Bere, siege (1283), 308
Castle Rising, 438
castles: costs, 314, 334; destruction of illegal, 39, 50; Edward I’s building programme, 309, 310–13; English castles in Wales, 303; royal, 200–1
Châlus–Chabrol, siege (1199), 145–7, 148, 191–2, 597
Chandos, Sir John, 513
Chandos Herald, 505
Channel Islands, 180
Charles IV, king of France: accession, 408; coronation of wife Jeanne, 413; death, 424, 454; Edward II’s coronation, 362; knighted, 379; relationship with sister Isabella, 409–11, 413
Charles V, dauphin, king of France: accession, 511; Aquitaine invasion, 514–15; Castilian treaty, 515; Castilian
war of succession, 511–12, 513; death, 543; flight from Paris, 497; military strategy, 499, 513; Navarre plot, 496
Charles VI, king of France, 543–4, 545–6, 563, 564, 580
Charles of Anjou, king of Sicily, 290
Charles the Bad, king of Navarre, 496, 497
Charles of Blois, 470, 477
Charter of the Forest, 227–9, 230, 265, 286, 344, 346
Charter of Liberties, 210, 235
Château Gaillard, 143–4, 155–6, 168, 447, 597
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 504, 558, 601
Chester: castle, 581, 582, 583; earldom, 549, 550, 574; palatinate of, 201
Chinon castle: Eleanor’s imprisonment, 85, 92; fall (1205), 178; held for John, 174; Henry II’s death, 108; Isabella’s rescue, 164; John’s seizure of royal treasure, 151; strategic importance, 83; wedding gift to John, 83
Christine de Pisan, 559
, ship, 458
Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de Richart Deux roy Dengleterre
, 566, 580, 581, 585–6, 590
Cinque Ports, 285, 307, 330, 345, 402
Clanvowe, Sir John, 558
Clarence, duchy of, 507
Clarendon: Navarre talks (1356), 496; palace of, 49, 69, 266
Clement VI, Pope, 471, 541
Clifford, Robert, Lord, 338
Clifford, Roger (d.1285?), 276, 301, 306
Clifford, Sir Roger de (d.1314), 375, 382, 383, 385
Clifford, Roger (d.1322), 397, 400, 402
Clifford, Rosamund, 84
Clinton, William,
Close Rolls, 415
coinage: Edward I’s, 301, 316, 320; Edward III’s, 441, 470–1; French franc, 500; Henry III’s, 244, 251, 266, 316; John’s, 176, 183, 195, 203; Stephen’s, 40
Compromise of Avranches, 80–1
Comyn, John, lord of Badenoch, 351
Conan IV, duke of Brittany, 75
Conches, 167
Connaught, lord of, 245
Conrad of Montferrat, 122, 127–8, 131
Constance of Brittany, 75, 91, 142, 143, 149, 154–5
Constance of Castile, 512, 544
Constance of France, 37
Constitutions of Clarendon, 66, 69–70, 71, 77, 80
Conwy castle, 312, 333, 334, 580–1
Corfe castle, 161, 164, 194, 196, 430
Cornwall, duchy of, 451
Cornwall, earldom of, 360, 451
Corpus Christi, feast of, 247
Cotteril gang, 444
Court of King’s Bench, 98
Courtenay, William, archbishop of Canterbury, 543
Crac des Chevaliers, 291
Crécy, battle (1346), 474–7, 479, 598
Cross of Gneth, 489
crusades: Barons’ Crusade, 242; crusader shipwrecks, 118; crusading obligations, 80; Edward I’s policy, 288–9, 290–3, 321–2, 324, 332; Edward II’s policy, 380–1; Edward III’s policy, 454; First Crusade, 110; Fourth Crusade, 155; funding, 113, 133, 191, 209, 250, 254, 264, 289, 321–2; Henry II’s policy, 94, 100, 113, 191; Henry III’s policy, 247, 254–6, 264; Henry the Young King’s vow, 103; John’s policy, 210; Louis IX’s policy, 250, 254, 288–9, 290, 291; Philip II’s policy, 113, 122–3, 133; Richard I’s involvement, 106, 110, 113–15, 121, 126–9, 131, 598; Second Crusade, 28–9; Sixth Crusade, 254; term ‘crusade’, 598; Third Crusade, 110, 112, 121–3, 129, 197, 255, 256, 302, 460, 598
Cusington, Stephen, 513
Cynan ap Maredudd, 333
Cyprus, 118–19, 131


Dafydd ap Gruffudd, 300, 303, 306–9
Dafydd ap Llywelyn, ruler of Gwynedd, 243, 245
Dagworth, Sir Thomas, 477, 488
d’Alspaye, Gerard, 407–8
Damme, naval battle (1213), 203–4
Damory, Hugh, 394
Damory, Roger, 390–2, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399
d’Angle, Guichard,
Dante, 265, 331
d’Argentein, Sir Giles, 385, 476
Dartmouth, John’s invasion force (1205), 176, 178
d’Athée, Girard, 182
David I, king of Scotland, 19, 25
David II, king of Scots: campaign against the
Disinherited, 445; capture and imprisonment, 476, 480, 490, 493; deposed, 447; French support for, 447, 454; Halidon Hill battle, 474; marriage, 425, 445; release and ransom, 508; restoration, 470
de Bohun, Henry, 384
de Bohun earls,
de Bréauté, Falkes, 182
de Briouze,
de Burgh, Elizabeth, countess of Ulster, 507
de Burgh, Hubert: Arthur’s jailer, 164; Gascony expedition, 228; government during Henry III’s minority, 225, 227, 230–2, 234, 278; justiciar, 221, 231; naval victory, 223; trial and imprisonment, 232
de Clare, Gilbert, 6th earl of Gloucester, 211
de Clare, Gilbert, 8th earl of Gloucester, 277, 280, 287, 289, 300, 360
de Clare, Gilbert, 9th earl of Gloucester: death at Bannockburn, 385, 391; Edward II’s nephew, 358; finances, 371; Gaveston’s
capture and death, 375; Gaveston’s return, 368; Scottish campaign, 383, 384; sisters, 391
de Clare, Richard, earl of Gloucester, 258
de Clare, Richard, earl of Hertford, 211
de Clare, Roger, earl of Hertford, 64
de Clare, Thomas, 277
de la Mare, Sir Peter, 521–3, 526
de la More, Thomas, 405
de la Pole, Michael,
de la Pole, William, 461, 542
de Lacy,
Alice, John, Lincoln (earls of), Salisbury
de Lusignan,
de Maulay, Peter, 182
de Montfort, Guy, 280
de Montfort, Henry, 277, 280, 281
de Montfort, Peter, 281
de Montfort, Simon: character, 239; confrontation with Henry III, 258; confrontation with Lusignans, 261; crusading, 242–3; death, 280–1, 377, 597; finances, 242; French policy, 263; government, 266, 275, 276–7; influence, 262; Lewes victory, 274; marriage, 239–40; Gascony lieutenancy, 248–50, 251; opposition to Henry III, 271–2; Poitou expedition, 243; relationship with Henry, 239–40, 242–3, 248–50; reputation, 596; war against Edward, 278–80; war against Henry III, 272–4; Welsh alliance, 299

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