The Pirate Queen (73 page)

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Authors: Susan Ronald

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, “answer answerless,” aversion to war, coded messages to her enemies, diplomacy of, Drake’s booty and, execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, and, formation of fighting force, egos and, Germany: Habsburg, House of, alliance with, illusion of power and wealth created by, letter of July 1585, Levant Company and world trade, protection of Netherlands, tactic of feigning innocence or dissembling, tactic of stalling,


xv–xvi, agreement with Sultan Murad and Middle Eastern trade, Anglo-Ottoman entente, global and, Levant Company and world trade, merchant adventurers, (
see also
gentleman adventurers and piracy); promotion of.
See also
trade (main entry)

Enríquez de Almansa, Don Martin

Erasmus, Desiderius

Erisey, James

espionage: in Antwerp, Burghley and, disinformation given to Philip’s spies, English ambassador to Paris as Spanish spy, English on Ireland, intelligence on Philip’s Armada, intelligence on Philip’s rebuilding of navy, John Dee and, papal spies, Ridolfi plot uncovered, Spanish spy network in England, spies in Elizabethan court, surveillance of Essex, Thomas Stucley as spy in Ireland, trade and foreign intelligence, Walsingham as spymaster

Essays, Of Ambition

Essex, Robert Devereuxnd Earl of: commands fleet against Cadiz, Drake’s Portugal assault and, as Dudley’s stepson, as Elizabeth’s favorite, rise and fall of, failed chase of second Armada, secret marriage and Elizabeth’s anger at, sent to Rouen, wealth given by Elizabeth

Essex, Walter Devereuxst Earl of, as backer of Drake, loyalty of, marriage to Lettice Knollys, petition for the raising of an Irish navy, Ulster Plantation scheme

Farewell False Love

Fénélon, Bertrand de Salignac de La Mothe

Fenner, George

Fenner, Thomas

Fenton, Edward

Ferdinand, Holy Roman Emperor

Feria, Dom Gomez Suarez de Figueroa, Count, Philip’s marriage proposal and, report on marriage prospects of Elizabeth

Fernandez, Simon

Fieschi, Tomasso

Fitch, Ralph

Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice

Fitzwilliam, Sir William

Fitzwilliams, George

Fleming, Thomas

Fletcher, Francis

Flores, Don Luis Alfonso

Fortescue, George

Fowler, Thomas

Foxe, John

France: civil war, (
see also
Huguenots); civil war ends, desire for England, English troops in Newhaven, English wool and cloth, Guise faction, House of Burgundy, as English ally, Huguenots in, ousted from Scotland, xvi, Philip II and, plague strikes English troops in, Protestant allies of England in, in Scotland, xvi, Spain’s war with, St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, Valois kings, War of the Insignia, Warwick backs

Francis II, King of France (formerly Dauphin), abandons claims to English throne, death of, as King of Scotland

Frobisher, Martin, backers of, battle with the Spanish Armada, blockade of Spain and, brings Inuit tribesman back to England, capture of Inuits, Drake’s fleet to plunder, captain on, Drake’s trading mission to the East Indies and, exploration and Northwest passage,

Frobisher, Martin
Islands Voyage to the Azores, Letter Patent granted to, maps for, orders received in the name of the Queen, ore found and gold fever, as pirate, plunder mission to Azores, second voyage and gold venture, third voyage and gold venture,

Fuller, Thomas

Garrard, Robert

Garrard, William, backing of Hawkins, base in Guinea sought

Garraway, Willliam

Garrett, John

Gascoigne, George

General & Rare Memorials Pertaining to the Perfect Art of Navigation

gentleman adventurers:.
pirates (rovers, corsairs)

Germany: Emden replaces Antwerp, Hamburg concern about shipping of arms to Russia, Hanse towns, commercial war against England, Protestants of Hamburg and English alliance

Gerrard, Sir Thomas

Gilbert, Adrian

Gilbert, Bartholomew

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey

Gilbert, Sir John

Godard, Anthony

Gonson, Sir Benjamin, as father-in-law of John Hawkins

Gosnold, Bartholomew

Granvelle, Cardinal Antoine Perronet de

Gregory XIII, Pope: Gregorian calendar, Munster plot

Grenville, Sir Richard, backing of second Raleigh American expedition, blocked by Privy Council from returning to Roanoke, capture of Spanish treasure ship,
Santa Maria
, colonization of Americas sought, engagement with Spanish fleet, and death, license for Pacific voyage denied, on Raleigh’s American expedition, Roanoke colony, return to,

Gresham, Sir Thomas, in Antwerp, arms brokering by, building of the Royal Exchange, founder of Royal Exchange, friends in Antwerp, as gentleman adventurer, xvii; loan brokering by, Queen’s finances with Antwerp and,

Gresham College

Greville, Sir Fulke

Grey, Catherine

Guaras, Antonio de

Guise, Duc de

Gunpowder Plot

Guzmán de Silva, Dom Diego de, attempt to stop John Hawkins, attempt to turn John Hawkins, failures and replacement in England, Hawkins’ fourth slaver voyage and

Hakluyt, Richard, the elder

Hakluyt, Richard, the younger,

Hall, Christopher

Hampton, John

Hampton, Thomas

Harborne, William

Hariot, Thomas

Harrison, John

Hatton, Christopher, backing of Frobisher, Drake’s trading mission to the East Indies and, support of Drake’s circumnavigation,

Havard, John

Hawkins, John, anti-Catholic bias, appearance, attempt to recover crew and merchandise in Spain, backers of, backing of Drake, benediction by, blockade of Spain and, buys Drake’s Spanish ships, casualties on voyages, charges of abuses in the Admiralty, charges of misappropriation of funds in the Admiralty, claims to Burghley of debts owed, crew for, delayed at Plymouth, desire to be treasurer of the navy, Drake’s proposed fleet to the Azores, encounter with Spanish flota, in San Juan de Ulúa, and Spanish treachery, expulsion of Sea Beggars and, first slaver voyage, fourth and last slaver voyage, knighthood, Lovell voyage, marriage to Katherine Gonson, monetary claim for losses at San Juan de Ulúa, monetary claim presented to High Court of the Admiralty, as national hero, news of loss reaches England, pamphlet on Spanish “treachery,” Panama voyage, and death, partner in the Canaries, piracy and, piracy in the English Channel and, as pirate, plunder in Guinea, profits made by, redesigning the navy, return from failed fourth voyage, second fleet to Africa joins, second slaver voyage, ships owned by, Silver Blockade of Spain proposed by, Spanish attempt to secure allegiance of, Spanish mission, Spanish pilot for, third slaver voyage, trade in West Indies

Hawkins, Richard

Hawkins, William, backing of John, Drake’s fleet to plunder, captain on, John believed lost in West Indies, letters of reprisal demanded by, return of John, ships owned by, trading with Brazil,

Hawkins, William, the younger

Hayes, Edward

Heneage, Sir Thomas

Henrietta Maria, Queen of France

Henry d’Evora

Henry II, King of England

Henry II, King of France, death of, effort to declare Elizabeth illegitimate, marriage of daughter to Philip proposed, peace negotiations with Philip

Henry III, King of France (formerly Duke of Anjou), Guise influence on, rule in Netherlands, as suitor of Elizabeth

Henry IV, King of France (Henry of Navarre), conversion to Catholicism, marriage to Marguerite de Valois

Henry VII, King of England

Henry VIII, King of England, children by Mary Boleyn, debasement of currency, dissolution of monasteries, new noblility of, trade under

Henry of Guise

Heyward, Rowland High Court of the Admiralty, Drake as justice of, Hawkins brothers request for letter of reprisal, Hawkins charges board with financial abuse, Hawkins lodges complaint against Spain, Hawkins monetary claim presented to, letters of reprisal or marque sold by, as lucrative business, percentage of plunder taken, refusal of letter of reprisal for Hawkins brothers, reprisal ships and

History of the World

Horsey, Sir Edward, as robber baron

Hortop, Job

Howard, Lord Charles: backing of second Raleigh American expedition, battle with the Spanish Armada, engagement with Spanish fleet, as Lord Admiral, ships owned by

Howard of Effingham, Lord

Huguenots: England supplies arms to, English troops in Newhaven and, in France, Huguenots in, Rouen lost by, St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre

Hunsdon, Henry Careyst Baron

Ingram, David

Ireland, xv; Champernowne’s plantings in, “coyne and livery,” Drake service in, England in, English immigration to Munster, English law in, English nobleman serving in, English quelling of Catholic forces, English spies in, Essex sent to fight Hugh O’Neill, Essex’s Ulster Plantation scheme–failed English plantations in, feud of Lords Desmond and Ormonde, Gilbert’s brutality in, Sir Henry Sidney as Lord Deputy, model colony at Laois-Offaly, Mountjoy sent to, Munster plot, Munster plot against Elizabeth, Munster rebellion, O’Neill, Shane and, rebellion in, roots of English-Irish problem, Scots revolt and massacre of Rathlin island, Scottish mercenaries “Redshanks” in, Sidney as lord deputy, siege of Smerwick, Spanish support in, Thomas Stucley in, as threat to England, as threat to England (as postern gate for invasion), tribal warfare in, Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, Earl of, and rebellion, Tyrone, Turlough O’Neill, Earl of, and rebellion, Ulster Rebellion, uprising and Irish victory at Yellow Ford, Sir Walter Raleigh’s plantations, war costs

Isabelle of Portugal

Italy: merchants trading in Antwerp, skill of merchants in business

Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible), Czar of Russia

James II, King of England

James VI, King of Scotland, crowned James I of England, founding of Virginia colony

Jane, Duchess of Feria

Jenkinson, Anthony, backing of Frobisher, passage to Persia, second voyage to Russia

John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster

Knollys, Lady Catherine

Knollys, Sir Francis, backing of Frobisher

Knollys, Henry

Kyd, Thomas

La Marck, Captain

Lancaster, Sir James

Lane, Ralph, letter from Roanoke colony

Languet, Hubert

Laudonnière, René

Lawrence, Simon

Leeds, William

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, appointment of Sidney to Irish post and, backing of Frobisher, backing of Hawkins, backs ships for Ireland, Cecil as enemy of, command in the Netherlands, commission for John Dee, death of, deployment of troops to Newhaven, Drake’s fleet to plunder, Drake’s proposed fleet to the Azores, Drake’s trading mission to the East Indies and, Elizabeth’s illness and named protector of the realm, Elizabeth’s love for

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of
as gentleman adventurer, xvii; letter of rebuke from Elizabeth, loyalty of, marries Lettice Knollys, naval base in Guinea sought, opposes Duc d’Alençon’s marriage to Elizabeth, as patron for Raleigh, promotes marriage of Mary Queen of Scots to Norfolk, as Protestant, put forth as husband for Mary, Queen of Scots, Raleigh’s favored status and, receives title and land, ships owned by, support of Drake’s circumnavigation, Sussex as enemy of

Leigh, Charles

Le Testu, Guillaume

Levant Company

Lincoln, Edward Fiennes de Clinton, Earl of, backing of Drake, backing of Frobisher, backing of Hawkins, Drake’s proposed fleet to the Azores, Drake’s trading mission to the East Indies and, as Lord Admiral

Lodge, Edmund

Lodge, Thomas

Lok, Michael

London: City of London merchant companies, City of London ships, closed merchant society of, Corporation of, foreign trade in, merchants backing Hawkins, plague in, Royal Exchange, ships owned by.
See also
East India Company; Merchant Adventurers;
specific trading companies

Lopez, Roderigo

Louis of Nassau.
Nassau, Louis, Count of

Lovell, John: as captain, Hawkins’ third slaver voyage, as Protestant

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