The Perfect Theory (50 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

BOOK: The Perfect Theory
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and special relativity,

and stars,

uncertainty principle in,

Wheeler and,


See also
radio sources

Bell and,

as black holes,

and general relativity,

Oppenheimer and,

Rees and,

Sciama and,

at Texas Symposium (1963),


radar: developed in World War II,

Hoyle researches,

Ryle researches,

radio astronomy: Chandra and,

and cosmology,

development of,

and general relativity,

Gold and,

Lovell and,

and Milky Way galaxy,

Pawsey and,

Ryle and,

radio sources.
See also

black holes as,

distribution of,

Lovell and,

Mills and,

physical nature of,

Reber and,

redshift effect and,

Ryle and,

Schmidt and,

Slee and,

radio stars.
quasars; radio sources

radio telescope: Reber invents,

Reber, Grote: “Cosmic Static,”

invents radio telescope,

and radio sources,

redshift effect: Hubble measures,

Humason measures,

and radio sources,

Slipher measures,

Rees, Martin,

and “Big Bang” theory,

and black holes,

on cosmology,

and gravity waves,

and quasars,

and steady-state theory,

“Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom” (Sakharov),

“Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extragalactic Nebulae, A” (Hubble),

relativity, general: basic prinicples of,

Bekenstein and modifications to,

“Big Bang” theory and,

black holes and,

Bondi and,

and dark matter,

and dialectical materialism,

Dicke and,

difficulty in understanding,

Dirac and modifications to,

Dyson on,

Eddington promotes,

effect on astronomy,

effects on spacetime,

Ellis and,

and evolution of universe,

Feynman and,

field equations of.
field equations

galaxies in,

Gödel and,

Gold on,

Goudsmit and,

gravity in,

and gravity waves,

Hawking and,

as key scientific concept,

Lemaître promotes,

Lenard rejects,

limitations of,

neutron stars and,

Newtonian physics and,

observational evidence for,

Oppenheimer and,

and origin of universe,

as orthodoxy,

Peebles on,

Penrose and,

as “perfect theory,”

popular interest in,

and predictability,

proposed modifications to,

quantum physics and,

quasars and,

radio astronomy and,

resistance to,

Sakharov and modifications to,

and satellite missions,

Schild and,

in Soviet Union,

Stark rejects,

and string theory,

tensor-vector-scalar theory and,

Weinberg and,

Wheeler and,

Zel'dovich and,

relativity, numerical,

relativity, special: basic principles of,

inertial frames of reference in,

quantum physics and,

Silberstein and,

relic radiation: in “Big Bang” theory,

measurement of,

Research Institute for Advanced Studies,

Riemann, Bernhard: and non-Euclidian geometry,

Riess, Adam: wins Nobel Prize,

Robertson, H. P.,

Rosen, Nathan,

Rovelli, Carlo: and quantum gravity,

Royal Astronomical Society,

Rubin, Vera,

and Andromeda Galaxy,

Ruffini, Remo,

Russell, Bertrand,

and incompleteness theorem,

Rutherford, Ernest,

Ryle, Martin: attacks steady-state theory,

background of,

and Hoyle,

and radar research,

and radio astronomy,

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