The Perfect Theory (44 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

BOOK: The Perfect Theory
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Silk and,

string theory and,

Wilson and,

Wolfe and,

Zel'dovich and,

Big Bang Theory
(TV series),

“Black Hole Information Paradox” (Hawking),

black holes,
See also
stars, evolution and decay of

and accretion disks,

area of,

Bekenstein and,

Carter and,

at center of Milky Way,

Chandra on,

collision of,

Cygnus X-

DeWitt and,

Eddington rejects,

Einstein rejects,

energy production by,

entropy of,

event horizon of,

and general relativity,

Hawking and,

and information paradox,

Israel and,

Kerr and,

Khalatnikov and,

Lifshitz and,

Lynden-Bell and,

nature of,

Newman and,

Novikov and,

observational evidence for,

Oppenheimer and Snyder study,

Penrose and,

quantum physics and,

quasars as,

radiation by,

as radio sources,

Rees and,

satellite-based study of,

Schwarzschild discovers,

Sciama and,

and search for gravity waves,

Smarr and,

Thorne and,

Wheeler and,

Zel'dovich and,

Blumenthal, George: and cosmological constant,

Bohr, Niels,

and quantum physics,

Bohr, Niels & John Archibald Wheeler: “The Mechanism of Nuclear Fission,”

Boltzmann, Ludwig,

Bondi, Hermann,

and general relativity,

and gravity waves,

performs thought experiments,

and steady-state theory,

Born, Max,

flees Germany,

on steady-state theory,

Brans, Carl: and gravity,

Bronstein, Matvei,

Burbidge, Geoffrey & Margaret,

and stellar energy sources,

Burnell, Jocelyn.
Bell, Jocelyn

Butterfield, Herbert,


Calabi-Yau geometry: and string theory,

Cambridge, University of: cosmology at,

Candelas, Philip,

on Hawking,

and string theory,

Carter, Brandon: and anthropic principle,

and black holes,

CDM model of universe,
See also
dark matter

cosmological constant in,

and galaxy formation,

inflationary model and,

large-scale structure theory and,

Peebles and,

Center for Relativity (Austin): Kerr at,

Penrose at,

Schild forms,


CERN (Geneva): and unified theory,

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan: on black holes,

Eddington opposes,

and Gödel,

and quantum physics,

and radio astronomy,

and stellar evolution and decay,

cold dark matter model.
CDM model of universe

Coleman, Sidney,

concordance model of universe,

large-scale structure theory and,

Copernicus, Nicolaus,

Cosmic Background Explorer
(satellite): measures relic radiation,

Smoot and,

“Cosmic Static” (Reber),

“cosmic web,”

cosmological constant: Blumenthal and,

in CDM model,

dark energy and,

Davis and,

Dekel and,


Eddington and,

Efstathiou and,

Einstein introduces,

energy and,

Frenk and,

Gott and,

High-Z Supernova Search project and,

Lemaître and,

in multiverse model,

observational evidence for,

Ostriker and,

Peebles and,

Primack and,

quantum gravity and,

rehabilitation of,

Schmidt and,

Spergel and,

Steinhardt and,

in string theory,

Supernova Cosmology Project and,

supernovae and,

Turner and,

White and,

Zel'dovich and,

“Cosmological Constant and Cold Dark Matter, The” (Efstathiou),

cosmology: concordance model,

cyclical model,

expanding universe model,

Gott on,

Hoyle popularizes,

inflationary universe model,

large-scale structure theory in,

multiverse model,

nature of,

observational evidence in,

Peebles and,

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