The Perfect Theory (51 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

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and radio sources,

wins Nobel Prize,


Sachs, Rainer: and “Big Bang” theory,

Sagan, Carl,

Sakharov, Andrei: background of,

and cosmology,

and field equations,

and gravity,

and modifications to general relativity,

political opinions,

“Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom,”

and spacetime,

Zel'dovich and,

Salam, Abdus,

and electroweak force,

and standard model,

Salpeter, Edwin,

satellite missions: general relativity and,

Schild, Alfred,

background of,

forms Center for Relativity,

Schmidt, Brian: and cosmological constant,

wins Nobel Prize,

Schmidt, Maarten: and radio sources,

Schrödinger, Erwin,

flees Germany,

and quantum physics,

Space-Time Structure,

Schutz, Bernard,

Schwartz, John: and string theory,

Schwarzschild, Karl,

death of,

discovers black holes,

Eddington on,

“The Effect of Wind and Air-Density on the Path of a Projectile,”

and Einstein,

and gravity's effects on spacetime,

solves field equations,

in World War I,

“Schwarzschild surface,”

Schwinger, Julian: and quantum electrodynamics,

Sciama, Dennis,

accepts “Big Bang” theory,

background of,

and black holes,

and Dirac,

and gravity waves,

and Hawking,

and quasars,

and steady-state theory,

Seaborg, Glenn: discovers plutonium,

Serber, Robert,

Silberstein, Ludwik: and special relativity,

Silk, Joseph: and “Big Bang” theory,

and large-scale structure theory,

“Big Bang” theory; black holes

Sirius B: as white dwarf star,

Slee, Bruce: and radio sources,

Slipher, Vesto: measures redshift effect,

Smarr, Larry: and black holes,

Smolin, Lee: and quantum gravity,

on string theory,

Smoot, George: and
Cosmic Background Explorer,

wins Nobel Prize,

Snyder, Hartland: and black holes,

and stellar evolution and decay,

Sommerfeld, Arnold,

Southwest Center for Advanced Studies (Dallas),

Soviet Union: develops atomic bomb,

general relativity in,

purge of physicists in,

quantum physics in,

Space-Time Structure

spacetime: canonical approach to,

covariant approach to,

curvature of,

effect of gravity on,

effects of general relativity on,

effects of inflationary universe model on,

Einstein and,

geometry of,

observational evidence of,

Sakharov and,

in string theory,

wave theory of,

special theory of relativity.
relativity, special

Spergel, David: and cosmological constant,

on cosmology,

spin networks: Penrose creates,

and quantum gravity,

Square Kilometer Array (SKA),

Stalin, Joseph: “Dialectical and Historical Materialism,”

and Soviet atomic bomb project,

standard model of forces,

and dark matter,

Dirac and,

Efstathiou and,

Glashow and,

Hawking and,

Salam and,

and string theory,

Weinberg and,

Star Trek
(TV series),

Stark, Johannes,

attacks Heisenberg,

rejects general relativity,

Starobinsky, Alexei,

stars: Eddington and,

globular clusters,

gravity's effect on,

neutron stars,

quantum physics and,

sources of energy in,


-ray stars,

stars, evolution and decay of,
See also
black holes

Chandra and,

Eddington and,

Einstein and,

Fowler and,

Landau and,

Oppenheimer and,

Snyder and,

Wheeler and,

white dwarfs,

Stars and Atoms

static model of universe,
See also
steady-state theory

de Sitter and,

Einstein promotes,

instability of,

steady-state theory.
See also
static model of universe

Bondi and,

Born on,

Einstein on,

Gold and,

Heisenberg and,

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