The Visitor

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Authors: Lori Wick

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BOOK: The Visitor
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All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


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Copyright © 2003 by Lori Wick
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402

ISBN 978-0-7369-2531-0


Library of Congress has cataloged the edition as follows:


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wick, Lori.

The visitor / Lori Wick.

p. cm. — (The English garden series ; bk. 3)

ISBN 978-0-7369-0913-6 (pbk.)

1. Accident victims—Fiction. 2. England--Fiction. I. Title.

PS3573.I237 V57 2003



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To my readers…

Please do not think that I dedicate this book to you lightly.

I don’t.

At times you’ve been my harshest critics.

More often than not, you’ve cheered the loudest.

I’ve asked you to believe in kingdoms that don’t exist.

You’ve gone with me through death and triumph.

You’ve seen how the guy always gets the girl, but never
without pain.

Thank you for enjoying my books.

Thank you for the special people you are.

I pray for you.

Never forget you hold a special place in my heart.




The English Garden Collingbourne Families


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two


About the Author

Books by Lori Wick



It’s hard to believe I’m finished with the third book in this series. I’m having a wonderful time writing about what I imagine life might have been like during this time in England’s history. I couldn’t do that unless my own world was full of people who challenge and encourage me. I need to thank…

 My brothers- and sisters-in-law, Jeff and Ann Wick, Darrell and Jane Kolstad, Chris and Margaret Arenas, and John and Cheryl Wick. Thank you for all of the love, support, and interest over the years. Thank you for the special friends you are. Holidays and birthdays would not be the same without you. I thank God for allowing me to be part of this family.

 The staff of Harvest House Publishers. Thanks for all your understanding. You’re the first to know that plans don’t always proceed without interruptions. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm. You take such good care of Bob and me. Thank you for making us part of the family.

 Katie Barsness. Thank you for keeping your eyes on Christ when the darkness tried to crowd in. Thank you for heading to the Word for comfort and strength, knowing it was the only place for the real thing. You have been a great example and a help to me. I love both you and Dale.

 Pearl Hayes. Thanks, Mom, for your listening ear when we walk. I think this book came together so quickly because you cheered and laughed in all the right places. You are a treasure, as well as a dear friend.

 My Bob. Is there such a thing as professional husband-of-awriter? If there is, you have certainly entered into the class. When a story falls apart, you’re ready to hear the next idea. You know when to listen and when to ask for more details. You were the first to understand that obedience is more important than writing. Thank you for choosing to obey as often as you do. Have I told you lately that I love you? I hope so. I think it every day.

The English Garden
Collingbourne Families

Frank and Lydia Palmer
Children: Frank, Walt, Emma, Lizzy, and Oliver
Home: Tipton

William and Marianne Jennings
(William Jennings is brother to Lydia Palmer)
Children: Thomas, James, Penny, and Catherine
  Home: Thornton Hall

Robert and Anne Weston
Home: Brown Manor

Pastor Frederick and Judith Hurst
Children: Jeffrey, Jane, Margaret, and John
Home: the manse

James and Mary Walker
(Marianne Jennings’ parents)
Home: Blackburn Manor

The Steeles
Henry, Charlotte (married to John Barrington), Elizabeth,
Edward, and Cassandra
Home: Newcomb Park

Alexander Tate
(Harriet Thorpe is his aunt)
Home: Pembroke


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