The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (34 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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Seb disappears to grab the two-tiered marvel master-piece that we’d had made-up for him at Cake Creations and as he brings it into the room, we all begin to sing Happy Birthday, all the children, sitting around the table and joining in, singing “squashed tomatoes and stew”, pointing at the cake in awe. I beam as I see Finn’s big blue eyes wide and excited when he stands up to meet his cake’s arrival.

“Happy Birthday dear Fiinnnn, Happy 4
birthday to you.” The crowd erupts to raucous clapping and he shouts, “Cool! Its awesome mum!”

My work here is done.

The next hour is spent, cutting cake, adding it to party bags and packing off children to their respective parents, each leaving with dramatic analogies of how amazing Finn’s party had been and ‘Mum? Can I have a party like this?” I take a moment to feel a sense of pride that Seb and I had not only survived our first party for Finn together but outdone ourselves. More importantly he had loved it and that was what mattered and I felt so much better now that I had given him a memorable event, after not being able to celebrate his day properly whilst I recovered from my operation.

“Well. We’re off, thanks guys.” Suzie hollers from the hallway.

“No, thank you! You and G were a great help.”

“See you next weekend guys for the hen and stag do’s” Seb winks at them as they head out.

“We are going head home too.” Bitzy and Bob round the corner from the kitchen.

“And us,” my mum adds.

“Are you all leaving?” Seb looks surprised.

“Time to spend some quality time with your lad and open up his pressies, before calling it a night - you’ll both be beat.” My dad chuckles and I instantly love him for it. My feet were killing and all I wanted right now was a hot bath and my pj’s.

“Nathan and I are going for a drink.” Abs smiles, leaning in to give me a hug and then whispers, ‘we need to talk’ and I nod as discreetly as I can.

“Right, well, Finn, what do you say to everyone for coming and buying you such lovely pressies.”

“Erm - let’s do it again soon?”

An explosion of laughter ripples around the group of people I hold so dear as they stare down at my son, blonde and perfect looking but with a wicked wit and charm in abundance.

“Certainly Finn, we’ll do it again soon.” Bob Silver leans forward, ruffling Finn’s hair before they do the complicated handshake that Nathan and Seb always perform with him - must run in the male side of the family and it was lovely to see Bob passing it on. Grandpa Bob; it had a nice ring to it.

We all laugh again as Finn completes it faultlessly and both he and Bob end the handshake with a spin that is timed to perfection. Finally, the women, ensure the herd make their move out the door, and with Seb at my side, his arms wrapped around me and Finn nestled into my front, as we wave everyone off, I have a warm feeling filtering over my body. This was my family and the promise of a new start in our new home. For the first time in forever I felt safe.

“I think that went rather well don’t you, my love.”

“I think it went perfectly.” I sigh happily into his neck.



“Can you at least
to look like you want to be here man?”

I smile apologetically at Gino’s sarcastic tone. “Soz, mate. I really appreciate everything you and Nathan have done. It’s great really.”

“But, a certain someone isn’t here to enjoy it with… I get it.”

“He’s turned into a total wet!” Na joins us at the bar.

“Sod off!”

He’s right though, I have. I love my boy time but no amount of sexy women gyrating half naked around a pole would sway me from wanting to be buried between Lu’s thighs right now. Thankfully Gino rescues me.

“Nothing wrong with being in love with your woman - I still would rather spend the night in with Suze, than you hairy beasts.”

“Both, soppy gets.” Na laughs.

“When you find the woman of your dreams you’ll know where we’re coming from, bro.” I clink my bottle with Gino’s and enjoy the attention being taken away from me. I notice Nathan’s eyes dull and instantly sense I’ve hit a nerve - crap!

“Bloody women - they’re more trouble than they are worth. I’ll never understand them.” His mutters are practically inaudible.

“The right woman is worth all that trouble.” G nods wisely.

“You alright, mate?” I ask knowing he won’t answer truthfully.

“Yep. Bloody hell is this a stag do or a wake - we came here to have fun, not get all in touch with our
- I can feel my dick shrinking and man-moobs growing!”

I chuckle at his obvious cover-up - he’d talk about Miss Abigail in time. “You’re right, come on, let’s go join the others before Colin devours them.”

“I thought Col was joining the hens?”

“He did earlier for the pampering, then he came down to join us stags with James Marcell. Not their thing but I appreciate the gesture and it’s not for long as apparently they are turning it into a romantic weekend.”

We all share a knowing look, gay men in a heterosexual strip club was not the norm but both Colin and James had received more female attention since arriving than any of the men in our stag group. They were obviously not threatening in anyway, that and the fact that Col had been giving some of the dancers make-up tips.

As we near the rest of the group, which includes Chris, Andy and a few other work mates, I locate Colin in his leopard print shirt, black slim fit trousers and red suede shoes. What was he like! “Thanks for coming Col? You coping with all the females on offer?”

“What me, darling I’m loving all this. It’s uber classy - Jamesy and I have been trying to get in for months. I wouldn’t have wanted to join for that laser pointing thingy today though - my skin is very sensitive and I’d only just fake-tanned.” He stops to sip his Pina Colada through a neon pink straw and I try to control my grin. Lu was right, he was a tonic this one.

“You’d have hated it, Col - all those sexy men in army gear - def not for you.” I smirk at his pout before continuing. “The girls get on well this aft?” I enquire.

“You won’t get a thing out of me, you naughty boy!” he drawls, tapping his cosmetically enhanced nose, “but I will say that your love-to-be was pampered thoroughly and deservedly. They will be living it up now at The Gilded Fox - hardly!”

“I take it you’re not impressed with Abs & Suzie’s choice of venue?”

“Not on your nellie but, the bride was and that’s all that matters. It’s not like Lu hasn’t partied with the best of them over the years and after the last few months she’s had I think she just fancied playing it safe and getting trollied in known surroundings.”

I was satisfied too as it meant I could have them monitored by Ralph, whom I’d wanted to be here tonight as my friend but he’d chosen to support me by stake-out instead - I owed him
a decent bottle of vodka. “So you and James come to Manchester often?”

“Not really for clubbing - shopping yes. Harvey’s nipples is divine here.”

I practically choke on my beer. “You mean ‘Nichols’. Harvey Nichols the department store.”

“That’s what I said - didn’t I?” Colin sips his drink in abundance.

“No - nipples were on the tip of your tongue.” Gino interrupts, belly laughing at his crude joke as James joins us.

“It’s all these bobbing boobies - they’re everywhere!” Col waves dramatically. “Honestly Jamesy, I don’t think I’ve seen this many bare breasts since we last visited the chicken section of Holdgate Farm shop and you know how much I cook, darling…not! I’m all of a fluster.” He drains his drink, slurping noisily. “Ahh, and now my Penis Colinada needs a refill. Darling, will you fill me up?” He points his empty glass at me and I hear everyone laugh at the intended pun.

Playing along, I gently brush his hand, as I take the empty from his fingers, gazing deeply into his eyes. “Of course I will, your wish is my every desire - what next, a slow comfortable screw, or sex on the beach.” I lick my lips at him.

Colin holds his hand to his chest and in a mock faint says, “Ooh, Seb, I can see why she fell so hard, you are a fucking master with that Silver tongue of yours - I can’t continue these shenanigans, I’ll be cheating on my Jamesy - sorry boys I’m done.”

The lads behind are clapping and I slap Col on the arm jokily.

“You did good Col.” I wink at him.

“I was the one supposed to be making you feel all hot and bothered and uncomfortable - ha ha you dirty boy.” He flutters his lashes. “Talk about being confident in your own sexuality.”

“Who put you up to it Col?” I smile.

“Chris.” He raises his brows, fanning himself.

That didn’t surprise me. I wasn’t bothered, Colin was great and we were having harmless fun but as I locate my ex-roommate standing behind Nathan, a maleficent grin on his face, I feel as though he had hoped that I’d not take the joke as well as expected.

“Surely all these boobydoos are making you straight men happy?” James continues, his ruddy complexion glowing even in the blackened club lighting.

“I’m always up for a strip club.” Andy the architect roars, and is slapped on the back by Chris and several of my work colleagues in agreement.

Gino, Nathan and I just shrug. There was a time and a place in a mans life and mine had been and gone. Now all I wanted was to enjoy a few beers with my mates and stumble back to the hotel. This weekend meant another weekend closer to marrying Lucia.

“If your pecker doesn’t go up with all these nipples flying around, you can come sit on my lap for the night, Nathan - you’re gay, no doubt about it.” James Marcell winks at him slyly and I watch my brother visibly gulp. Colin we could handle but James Marcell, Lord of the Manor in all that tweed, was a whole other issue.

“Only joking, Silver, Abby and Lucia are a cut above the rest and have more class in their little fingers than any of the little minx’s in here - why would you want Cava when you can have Dom Perignon?”

“Well put James, very true. Right, speaking of drinks, I’m off to the bar, refill anyone else, besides Colin, I will order you a drink but I refuse to order you a Penis Colinada, that is just wrong.”

I collect their orders, before leaving them to it and heading off in the direction of the bar. I could have had drinks ordered to our booths but I needed a minute to catch my breath and take the night in. Once out of the members only area I find myself in the main part of the club, music thumping around me and order a drink taking a stance at a rail that overlooks the dance-floor. The music was good that night, Lu would have loved it, the Dj was worth his weight and I feel my shoulders begin to move as I relax. I’d go back to them all in bit, I just needed a few minutes away from Chris and Andy and laddish banter. Really, I should have just come out with Gino and Nathan, it would have been so much simpler.

I return my attention to the crowds below abandoning their inhibitions, the way Lu would if she were here, their bodies swaying in time to the beat, all different cultures, races, styles of dress. I flitter back and forth across the busy dance areas, people-watching for several minutes, enjoying the ambience and am about to head back in to rejoin my the other stags when suddenly something catches my eye.

A woman.

A blonde woman, with long hair, dancing like her life depends upon it.

I watch her slim barely- covered body in a bright red dress, moving in time to the rhythm, face lifted up to the audience above, she looked so free and was smiling and attractive and searching the crowds. Instantaneously our eyes lock and I’m hit in the stomach. I know her and I know she’s just recognised me.

It’s like parts of a jigsaw have just been pieced together, heavy cogs that haven’t spun for years, now oiled and grating in my ears as they begin to move. How did I not see this? A sudden dawning realisation. I smile wryly.

But now she was running.

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