The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (32 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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My face must have gone drip white, and I reach out a hand to steady myself.
This was him. This was real. I need Sebastian. I take a deep breath and compose myself.

“Are you Ok, Lucia. You look awfully pale. Is it bad news?”

“I’m fine.”
It’s terrible news. It means he’s back and not giving up.
“I’m fine.” I repeat, dropping the card into my bag. “Let’s go show this option to the ladies, shall we.”

The next few dresses are much of the same, exquisite material, and detailing but not me or too much ruffle. The fifth is very simple, duchess satin, strapless and princess line with a small train and diamante bow at the bust, it is very classic Audrey Hepburn but again a little too simplistic. After a while I begin to wonder whether my dress is here.

I slip on the navy silk dressing gown, from the brass peg in the dressing room and join the others in the lounge, where my mum is patiently churning her way through row upon row of white, cream, ivory, and blush dresses. She’s set aside a few for me to try based upon the style that we have decided suits my figure the most. Lace seems to be a common denominator and I love the vintage appearance of it, so it could be a winner.

“Go try these on and we’ll have some more champers.”

I’m not sure my mum and Abby need any more alcohol but I concede and return to be redressed for the umpteenth time. The second I put the third dress in this selection on, I have a buzz in my stomach, a feeling of excitement, something I’d not experienced with any of the others.

Camilla smoothes out the train behind me, before fastening a veil to my hair. “This came in only last week. It is a Jenny Packham and each dress is slightly different. She never makes them the same.”

I liked the sound of that, that my dress would be unique. I flick my eyes up and down its beauty. Ivory lace, with straps - basically simple lines, and the fit and flare full skirt I love, from the knee, flowing out to a long train - it had everything I had wanted without knowing it. The lace had sprinkles of antique diamantes and pearls over the train and across the top of the ‘v’ neckline and the back - wow!

As I walk back to show everyone the latest in a longline of options, I get that feeling, the one where you feel like a million dollars - like you’re body is banging and you want to walk regally to show it off, and it just strengthens my resolve that I’m in the right dress.

The One. The dress I would marry my best-friend in.

Abs and Suzie are talking about babies as I enter and my mum is on her phone chatting to my Dad about the caterers but the second I make my entrance all conversations stop. You could literally hear a pin drop. “Oh. My. God. Lu, that is it!” Suzie struggles to get up, immediately leaning on Abs for support. “That’s bloody it.”

I watch all three women starring back at me, all the closest women in my life and whose judgements mean the most to me, are nodding their heads like excited children on Christmas morning.

Nina Myers steps forward and mops the corners of both eyes with a tissue before moving my hair over my shoulder. “You will make him weep.”

“You’ll make him hard.” Abs adds cheekily.

“Well then, the dress is doing its job nicely,” Camilla supplies. “As you are walking towards him, you want him thinking with his brain, about how proud he is to to be marrying someone so elegant and graceful, someone that no one can take their eyes off. Meanwhile, his other head, is aroused and thinking about all the things he’s going to be doing to you the second you are alone, as Mr and Mrs. Hmmm?”

The room immediately fills with women’s laughter and I smile up at my mum who wipes away a tear. “Sebastian will struggle for the entire day, my darling and it will be so much fun to watch.”

“Come, look in the mirror.” Camilla lifts my train and we walk towards huge cream antique rococo framed looking glass, as I pass the others, I hear their gasps. “Oh, jeez, Lu.” Suzie grins at me. “This just gets better.”

“Bloody marvellous, I can’t wait to see his face on the day.”

I look back at my mum over my shoulder, her hand is covering her mouth. “It’s very daring isn’t it?”

I return to assess my appearance in the mirror, and smooth down the front of the fabric. The more I wear it, the more I fall in love with it but now my mum’s face is causing me to questions things. “Do you think its too risque, mum?”

Her green eyes flash with concentration, eyeing up every angle before shaking her head emphatically. “Nope. It’s utterly perfect and these two are right,” She shoves her thumbs in the direction of Abs and Suzie. “Seb deserves a little torment on his wedding day, every man does. We have to kept them on their toes.”

Decision made, we spend the next 30 minutes, trying on veils and tiaras before my mum asks for the bill. She and my dad have offered to pay, as they did for Suzie for her wedding but when we pose this to Camilla she advises us that the bill has already been settled in full.
I have a feeling I know by whom and smile.

“Your groom has bought you your dress and accessories. He called earlier and gave me his card details, and said to charge everything and anything you wanted to his account. You have a very generous fiance. That doesn’t happen everyday.”

“Sebastian is a rare breed, for sure.”

“Well, if he has a brother, send him my way.” Camilla smiles warmly. “I could do with a lovely new man. It’s not good in my profession to be single but always the bridal shop owner, never the bride.”

I glance in Abby’s direction and notice her narrowed eyes but she remains quiet. “He has a brother but he is taken unfortunately.”

“Shame, the best ones always are.”


“I can’t believe I just bought my wedding dress.”

“For your wedding to Sebastian.” Abs adds with a serious eyebrow raise.

“I know - its so surreal and amazing and the best thing that has ever happened to me, Abs. I seriously have to pinch myself that I’ve found a man that is sexy, magnetic, has drive, loves me for who I am and adores my son - do I deserve this?”

“Of course you do, you daft thing! Don’t forget, financially stable, a total hunk, intelligent, great in bed - you’ve landed firmly on your feet here, Lulu and you do deserve it. Niall was a mistake, he gave you Finn but he was never the love your life - Seb is, Seb is the one and I’m just so happy that you two can finally see that for yourselves.”

“Thanks, babe. You’re such a good friend. Silver men are marriage material.”

“One of them is.”

“Ah Abs, have you called him yet? We spoke at Meg’s but we’ve both been so busy - you keep clamming up on me?”

Abby plays with the stem of her glass, and I can see the question is putting her on the spot. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t offloaded on me - she hadn't’ wanted to put additional pressure on me after the miscarriage? But this was important, it was her relationship and I wanted to be here for her, the way we always were for one another. Her and Na were a brilliant couple and Seb was right, it was probably too soon to be thinking about marriage but for them to suddenly just call it a day, I didn’t get it.

“I love him, Lu. I can’t stop thinking about him and being here, is making it tough.” Her face is wistful and I instantly scoot closer to her, wrapping my arm around her slim shoulder and drawing her to me.

“I know you do.”

“Do you want me to have a word with him? Or do you think that would be too desperate.”

“Er, yeah! No thank you. I’d be happy for you to maybe delve a bit, figure out where his feelings are at without giving too much of mine away but
, I beg of you, don’t make it too obvious.” Her pained expression is enough of hint that I need to tread lightly here.

“Ok, I’ll do some digging - ninja style. I’ll be in and out and he won’t even know he’s been targeted.”


“So, work, you’re fed up?”

“Completely. I’ve applied for a few new positions, so we’ll see.”

“You’re being very cloak and dagger.”

“I’m not. I just don’t want to jinx them - there’s one in particular I’d be really interested and as soon as I have more concrete info you’ll be the first to know, after me, Lu, I promise.”

We clink glasses and I relax a little. “Nuff said. Let’s forget all about men, weddings, and work.


My arrival back home that evening, quickly turns from happiness to trepidation. I’d informed Seb by text just before leaving Abby and sent him a snapshot of the card I’d received. He’d called me immediately. Anger in his voice and none of the usual calmness I crave. I’m ordered to wait where I am and in ten minutes he picks me up,, holding me to him checking me over like I’m broken before driving us straight to the police station. We leave the ‘card’ as evidence with one of Detective Murray’s team, as he is out working on another case, much to Sebastian’s annoyance but I stroke his arm soothingly and manage to get him to take me home, where Nathan is babysitting Finn.

“This can’t go on, Lu!” He hits the steering wheel making me jump. “I hate that I can’t protect you, at all times. He thinks he can mess with you like this - he’s playing with me!”

His roar into the dark concerns me. I know his lack of control of the situation is the issue here but this message had been the most threatening proof we’d received, other than me being run off the road, that someone actually wanted to keep Sebastian and I apart. I chew my lip thoughtfully, my elbow resting on the ledge of the car window.

“Let’s just wait for Murray to call. You can’t do anything tonight. I’m with you now and I’m sure I won’t be going anywhere alone tomorrow!” I sigh into the car, rubbing his thigh.

“You’re damned right you won’t! Or any other day for that matter!”

I take another deep breath. More Polish cooking on the cards then for Ralph. Perhaps I’d try that new recipe I’d found on the internet, the one with cinnamon, honey and poppy seeds in it - Makowiec, I think it was - some kind of sweet pastry dish they served at Christmas and if I bought him some Polish Beer too, it might make him feel like he’s more at home - not that he’d drink it until I was safe. I’m waffling, in my head - I’m bloody losing it - anything to take my mind off the serious nature of this threat to my life.

Yep - the sooner we get this stalker the better, so I, and everyone else can get their lives back on track. So we can move forward with our future.

The threat had just become frighteningly real.




know you have a 20 foot inflatable Spiderman on your roof,
?” Abby slugs a handful of popcorn from the party table, casually popping one piece into her mouth at a time.

I sling the damp tea-towel over my shoulder and nod in her direction. “Great isn’t he? Seb & Nathan spent ages fixing him up there earlier; he’s come to rescue us!”

“Rescue us from whom?”

“Why Niall of course.” I wink and remove the birthday cake from the utility, returning to place it centre stage on the Avengers and Superhero inspired spread.

“We’ll need more than bloody super-strength-cobwebs to fend off that dickhead.”

I laugh at her frostiness. “Now now, he has to be here for some of the time; Finn asked and that’s a good thing. It means he’s settling in here, with the situation and Seb and I, his dad and Karen - finally.”
Even if I wish it were just us this time.

“Is she coming too?”

“Hmmm mmmm - play nice and put your sharp claws back in, Wolverina.”

“They’re firmly embedded within my palms - drawing blood.” She grabs the cheesy puffs and settles onto one of the buffets and I shake my head at her dramatic statement. “I just find it hard to be nice to total bitches who make it their life’s mission to target men with families and then make that man their own - fuck the kids, fuck the consequences. Do you know what I mean?”

“I know, Abs and I’m grateful for your loyalty but I’m almost thankful to her.” I watch her dubious look of horror. “I know, fucked up right?”

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