Read The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) Online
Authors: Alexandra North
Behind the tissue paper is a message that I roll out, it reads….
S x
“Wow, that man needs to give Gino some tips.” Suzie lifts the stopper, inhaling deeply, before passing it over to Abs, outstretched fingers. “That is gorgeous and I’m preggers - I usually don’t like scents at the mo.”
Abby concurs. “Sexy!”
“We developed it together in Paris. I’d forgotten about it.” I melt inside. Knowing that he’d remembered and named it Mrs. Silver. I love it.
“He’s good, Lu. A definite keeper.”
“He is, isn’t he?!” I tip the bottle and press some to my wrists and neck.
“What does the message say?” Abs winks.
Oh, nothing.” I grin.
“Really? Nothing makes you blush big time! Let me see, she grabs the note card and scans it briefly, before quickly using it to fan her face. “Jeez Lulu - no wonder you’re pregnant! If you weren’t, you would be after tonight. He got game!” She adds in her best Brooklyn accent and I snort. She was right, he did have game.
“You dirty bitch!” Suzie laughs reading it after Abs.
“Hey you two - privacy not counting then?” I smile at my naughty loved ones.
“I’m not sure I’d find my thighs right now, if Gino asked me to put perfume between them.”
“Ah hun.” I wince, feeling so sorry for her. She was still slightly puffy in her face, her ankles reduced dramatically from resting last night, but her back pain was troubling her and I was concerned about her endurance throughout what would be a really long day.
“Sis, you must take it easy today - sit when you can - rest up, keep disappearing to your room if you want. I’m fine, I promise.”
“Sod that! I can’t drink and that is bad enough but I can dance and tear it up I will.”
Abs and I roll our eyes collectively over her head. “You should listen to her, Suze. “ Abby begins to remove her sleep rollers. “After all, she’s the only one with firsthand knowledge here.”
“What else did ‘Oh gorgeous one get you, come on.’ Open up.”
I grab the larger parcel of the two and open the lid, on a gasp, inside, is a diamond bracelet, set in platinum, which clasps around the wrists in a spiral fashion, two huge fresh water pearls on each end. I immediately secure it on my arm and open-mouthed move my wrist in the light. It was stunning.
“OMG! The man has outdone himself. How did he know you’d be wearing pearls, Lu?”
grin to myself. “Just a lucky guess I suppose.” He’d ordered I wear pearls of course. I still had to put my pearl panties on.
“Anything else in there? Not like you’ve had much already?” Suzies smirks.
“I’m not sure, Ooh yes.” I take out another smaller velvet box and snap pen the lid and my mind goes blank.
“Holy shit! Have you seen the size of those?” Abby croons.
“Oh, Lu they are gorgeous, quick put one in.”
I do as I’m told and place one of the large diamond teardrop earrings into a lobe, the stud fastening with a 2 carat diamond, before dropping to a small pearl and then finally swinging to a much larger teardrop diamond that glistened in a antique setting. They were about an inch and half long and would be perfect with my dress and my hairstyle. He must have checked with my mum - no man was
“Eek!” I suddenly shriek to the girls’ happy faces. “I’m getting married!”
“Oh that’s what all this fuss is about then.” Abby winks.
“That’s why I’m sitting her in a dressing gown marked Mrs. Silver’s bitches when I need to go and lie down.”
“Oh hunny - go! Go have a nana nap and I’ll call you when its time to get ready - as long as you don’t dribble, your make-up is done.”
“I don’t dribble, but I think I will have a nap. I just don’t want today to be about me. I’m already so huge you can’t miss me! Put a red suit on me and a white beard and they’ll have me delivering Christmas presents to the children!”
We all burst out laughing at this. “Yes, you are a bit of a Ho Ho Ho!” Abs chuckles loudly at her own joke, sipping her bucks fizz.
“Abigail! Easy on the happy juice, Mrs.” I raise my brows at her on a smile - her eyes were already glassy and I could see her being shit-faced before Seb and I had even said “I do!”.
“I know! But I
dutch courage to get through today, opposite the other scrumptious Silver brother.” She pouts, looking beautiful with her professionally make-up.
“Oh for fucks sake, just grab him and hold on to him - then have some fun!” Suzie moans, placing her palm in her back as she winces. “You two need your heads banging together - I wish I could go and just get jiggy with it - I’d be panting and out of breath and not in a good way - poor Gino is gagging for it!”
“I thought you weren’t up for it?”
“I wasn’t - but suddenly I’m really horny!”
“Well, go for it.”
“I think I bloody might - at least I can’t worry about getting pregnant!”
“Speaking of that…” Abs shoves her head in the direction of my stomach and my shoulders slump. I hadn’t even mentioned it to Suzie yet.
“What?” She shrieks immediately “Lu - are you…”
“I don’t know. I might be.”
“I got her a test last night.”
“And?” Suzie asks excitedly
“And I haven’t done it yet. I’ll do it after the wedding, when I’m not stressed and I can take it in.”
“Oh come on - if you’re pregnant you need to know - so you don’t get hammered!”
Suzie attests.
She had a point, annoying as it was. I hadn’t thought of that. “Do it, Do it Do it!” The chants begin and I shake my head. “Alright, give me minute and I’ll go pee on the stick. But what if I’m not…”
“Hunny, this is exciting for you. If you are, it’s wonderful news. You know that after everything you went through you and Seb beat that horrible evil man who took away your chances before. If you are not pregnant, you sup up, enjoy today, marry the man of your dreams and have the fairytale wedding. Then try again on your wedding night - if that’s what you want.”
I flicker glances between both of these women who I adore with a passion and smile. I needed to do this, no matter the outcome. I couldn’t be scared of a result I hadn’t already received.
I leave them getting ready and disappear to repeat what I had done all those weeks before in Dubai. My fingers shake as I open the packaging. I had a Mirena Coil in me so this was all probably just a false alarm. I’d never had a coil before and they apparently messed a little with your cycle as your body adapted to them. I’m sure it’s just that. Yes, definitely, just that - I convince myself as I wait, impatiently wafting the stick around like I’m drying nail polish.
Ten minutes later I’m back in the room with them, their face expectant, brushes mid-pose and open mouthed. “Well?” they say at exactly the same time - expectant faces poised.
“It’s positive. I’m about 5-6 weeks.”
“Oh, Lu…”
I turn at the sound of Nina Myer’s sharp gasp and smile as I see tears glistening in her shining lime green eyes. Her hand was covering her mouth and I can feel the emotion welling in spades. “Please don’t cry, Mum - you’ll set me off… again!”
“I’m sorry, darling, you just look so… beautiful. Absolutely perfect. Sebastian is going to combust when he sees you.”
“They’ll be lucky if they make it through the ceremony.” Abs mutters under her breath from her perch on the end of the bed and we all chuckle.
I return my focus to the long silver mirror in the bridal suite at The Ashton, brushing the exquisite fabric over my hips, removing creases that don’t exist nervously. I hope so. I hope that he’ll take one look at me and see how much I love him.
“You haven’t got long, sweetheart. Ten minutes now, that’s all.”
“I know. I just want to see Finn.”
“Your dad, is about to bring him in - don’t worry.”
We all look up as the door opens to an explosion of declarations from Suzie, now cradling her straining belly and panting out of breath. “Wow, this place has lot of steps for a pregnant lady! OMG you look bloody gorgeous. Oh… Lu. Oh my feet, in these shoes.”
I smile through welling tears, as I watch my waddling sister wade through my Mum and Abby to embrace me, her bump kicking against me in agreement. I giggle at her verbal diarrhoea.
“Your niece agrees - she thinks you look hot too!”
“You look beautiful too, baby mama.” I smile, holding her hand out to assess the whole picture. “Talk about glowing!”
Her soft grey gown falls over her abundant curves elegantly like a Grecian goddess, draping across one silver glittered shoulder and then meeting in a train at the back. Both she and Abby had their hair pinned up to one side, with pearls and diamantes scattered throughout their locks and their skin shimmered with a frosted body cream that only added to the winter theme. Seeing the two of them fully dressed together, I feel myself welling up again.
“Oh. My. God! No one warned me how much you cry at these things!” I mop at my eyes, praying my eye-makeup that the stylist had worked tirelessly over would not run. She’d assured me everything was waterproof, but at this rate, it would need to be tsunami proof.
“Here’s the little guy!” Abs looks across to the doorway, where my Dad has entered with my son and I beam at him, his big blue eyes in awe of my dress.
“Mummy! You look soo pretty!”
Everyone ahh’s and I rush forward, despite my train and heels to hug him and squeeze him to me. “Thank you, poppet. You look pretty handsome yourself. You liking the suit?”
“Yeah? S’Ok. I look like Sub so that’s cool and I’m digging the cufflinks.” He wriggles his wrists.
So they’d definitely got them, that was good.
Dressed in a grey morning suit, with pale grey waistcoat and cravat, my dad exactly the same, I smile. They both looked so smart.
“Well, Gramps is going to stay with mummy now, but you go off with Auntie Suzie, Ninny and Abby and I’ll see you soon - you have an important job carrying the rings - will you be Ok?” I kiss his soft cheek and watch for any signs of worry.
“Yup. Let’s do this!”
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Mac laughs “See you soon, buddy. Nina - I adore you. You look beautiful, Oh wife of mine.”
I smile at my parents, who have managed to maintain a happy marriage for over 35 years. Their interaction is evident for all to see, love glowing from my mother’s face. “Go on, you old devil you. Look after our baby.”
“Will do.”
The second the door clicks shut my Dad takes a seat and nods. “There are no words, Chucks.”
“You think I’ll do, Dad?” I take a last glance in the mirror, fussing with my hair, which has been pinned in an up-do to create height, with a side parting and then loose curls left over one shoulder, to ensure my back is still bare - the effect was very old Hollywood glam and looked effortless but in reality had taken hours of planning. Thank goodness my dress now had a built in bra, or I’d have struggled with the backless situation but I felt secure and the pearls swung at my back, a reminder of my gift to my husband.
I decided against nude lipstick - it wasn’t me and instead had chosen a matt scarlet red for Christmas, with a sealant so it wouldn’t smudge and smoky eyes with subtle hints of frosted glitter. The make-up artist had worked wonders with the last signs that Leo had ever hit me, the yellowing bruises now perfectly covered beneath flawless contouring that would make Kim Kardashian proud.
My dress looked gorgeous, fitting me perfectly, despite my worries the second I saw the results of my test. It was probably too early for weight-gain, yet but you never knew. My shoes were silver glittery Jimmy Choo’s, which had been specially personalised to have ‘Mrs.’ and ‘Silver’ on each sole.
I fiddled with my new earrings and bracelet, before slipping off my engagement ring and instantly feeling empty.
Not for long, just until you have your wedding ring in its place.
“Would you pass me my fur wrap, dad?”
“This one?” he holds up the deep silvery grey faux fur shrug, lined with red velvet that I will cover my shoulders with and I nod, before giving my back to him to place it across my back.
“You get more beautiful by the second. I feel sorry for Seb.” He laughs.
“He’s not to get through the service with you in that dress. Will be fun for us guests though.”
I slip my pearl clutch in my hand and nod at myself in the mirror. I can do this… I’m ready.
“Good to go?” my dad enquires gently.
“Never been more ready.”
I check my watch for the umpteenth time and roll my lips.
“She’ll be here, bro. Stop stressing.” Nathan assures me.
My feet tap incessantly on the floor in front of me, fingers pull at my collar, it was 1pm. She needed to be here. I couldn’t wait any longer.
I’d refrained from texting her or trying to knock down her door. I knew this was one day I had to do as she’d asked and give her her space. I’d done that and now it was time.