The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (33 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“WTF? Er, yeah - just a bit.”

“If she hadn’t decided that shit sex was the way to go with a self-absorbed egotist called Niall one day, I’d never have had the opportunity to finally have my chance with Sebastian.”

“You’re right - I see your warped logic, well kinda. Once Finn arrived you would never have left Niall - it’s not in your make-up to walk away from hardwork.”

I place another bowl on the table of crisps before screwing my nose up at her. “Stop eating all the party food!”

“I can’t help it - I’m in heaven. This is seriously my dream feast, especially today.”


“Totally and I’m thoroughly evil. I should have dressed up and been the super villain for the party. What would my name be? PeriodWoman? Or The Bleeder, yes that’s sounds gory enough. I could have Nerf gun loaded with tampons and my superpower would be that I could reduce you to tears with my rattiness!”

“You are completely mental… but I like the idea of the Nerf gun - I could do with one of those against the boys.”

“Nathan doesn’t know how to handle me when I’m

“Not many men do, babe. I’m a nightmare when I’m hormonal.”

“I know, it’s just…”

“What?” I enquire gently.

“Ah, nothing. PeriodWoman wouldn’t go all soft like this - time to get full on and ready for 30 or so, four year old giddy kids - God help us! Its time to put our capes and warpaint on.”

“Shit!” I glance up at the large clock on the wall and hesitate for a second, I need to talk to her about her and Na, but it would have to wait. “You grab video camera and I’ll go find the boys. Time to give a little man the party of his dreams - its well overdue.”

“Don’t you worry, The Finnster will remember his fourth birthday like it was the actual day. I’ll just need to try these iced gems before the kids do, check their safe.” Her cheeky wink is infectious and I grin at her as I pass to find Seb. I’d make time for her later, now it was all about the party.


All but one of the parents had dropped off their children and run for their lives, escaping for a luxury two hours of ‘free-time’ to themselves on a Sunday afternoon. I was glad to have additional help from our family and friends. The one remaining parent, Joss, a single mum who I had grown friendly with through chatting at Creche was at present in her element, an expression of child in a sweetie shop, plastered across her face as she chatted happily between Nathan, Seb and Gino.

The Magician we had booked kept thirty-two children enraptured for half an hour, whilst the adults chatted in the near vicinity and mingled. He made Finn the centre of his main act it was lovely to watch the boys and girls awe as coloured cloths were pulled from hats, money disappeared and reappeared and even a rabbit arrived from nowhere. Finn loved it most importantly and the last magic act, Mr. Mystic tapped his black hat three times, asked Finn to spin three times and then lift the hat - underneath was a new Marvel PS4 game that Finn had been desperate for. I glance across to Seb, knowing full well he had something to do with it but all I get is raised shoulders and shocked cheeky grin.
Amazing man.


“All a bit bloody showy for a 4-year-old isn’t it?” Niall mutters bitterly under his breath as I pass back and forth between the island and the table in the kitchen cleaning away dishes and paper plates. He leans casually against the worktops, sipping a beer and assessing my every move.

Didn’t stop you taking most of the credit for it with all the children’s parents though did it?

“I don’t think so, no - besides Finn has adored it and you didn’t seem to mind when he was thanking you.”
I couldn’t help myself.

“Well, I could hardly tell him I’d not been involved in the planning could I?”

“I sent you several texts, Niall about this party and the only one I ever received in response was the one that clearly said you couldn’t afford to contribute and that you’d be there on the day. It’s fine, really! Anyway, I’m glad you and Karen came for Finn - we have a lot of these parties to get through over the years.”


I turn at his noncommittal response, his eyes flicker over my body appraisingly and I shudder. I honestly wish he would go into the lounge with everyone else or someone would come join us in here. “What does ‘Hmmm’ mean?”

“Maybe you and I have several years of these parties to get through but Karen, I’m not so sure.”

“That’s a shame. I like her.” I return to washing the large platter in the sink, my back to him.

“That surprises me.” His voice is suddenly much closer.

“Me too, I suppose, but once she realised that you and I were over she showed her real self and I actually like her and she is great with Finn now that she is secure. I’ve told you this before, Niall.”


Frowning I look over my shoulder and am met with the full-force of Niall’s chest, his arms encircling my waist, taking full advantage of my defenceless position, my hands wet and in the sink.
“Just lean back into me, Lucia. God, I’d forgotten how good you smelled.”

“Wtf? Niall, get off me!” Panic sets in as I worry that Sebastian will walk in on our position and get the wrong impression and with this fear I push back angrily and flick my wet hands over him in an attempt to maintain distance. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know…I thought…”

“You thought what? This is Seb’s home -

“I know, just seeing you like that, just reminded me of, well… better times.”

“That doesn’t mean you have the right to man-handle me! You lost that right a long time ago.” I feel my nostrils flare, his sulky pout just adding fuel to my rapidly growing fire.

“I’m sad that I won’t be with you and Finn to celebrate his birthdays, achievements, occasions, you know all those special moments -
will be the one Finn will be calling dad;
be the one that will be at the pinnacle of all those important times. He is not his father!”

I sigh inwardly and watch his bowed head, I did understand his sadness and felt a sliver of empathy for him but my inner bitch said, ‘you should have thought about that when you went off and shagged another woman!’. The better part of me shined through, however and consoled him, just like I always had to, for all those years.

“You’ll always be his father, Niall. Yes, it will be hard for you, and
at times but we
do our best to ensure you are included when you should be. Nonetheless, Seb
be part of Finn’s life too and he
be bringing Finn up; you’ll just have to deal with that. Suck it up and man up! He’ll be a great father to Finn and
know it - that’s probably what you hate about this whole situation the most, if you’re completely honest yourself.”

“I know.”

“You and I are never going to get back together.”

“Karen is a good girl but she’ll never be you.”

“No, she won’t but you lost your chance and you’ll never have that opportunity again. Sorry if that sounds narcissistic but its true. Does she make you happy?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Have you cheated on her?”

“Fuck, Lu.”

“Tell me, Ni - or I’ll go out there and tell her and Sebastian right now you’ve just had your hands all over me!”

“No! I’ve not cheated on her.”

“Well that says something at least. I need to know you are going to make this work with her, or I don’t want you bringing her into Finn’s life any deeper. You have to have learned from your mistakes.”

“I get it. I do love her and she
the perfect housewife.”

“Like how?”

“She puts me first.”

“And I didn’t?”

“Not really no. You aways wanted more, were too busy being independent and career driven. You never wanted to just be a… wife.”

“You’re so wrong. I wanted to be a wife - want to be a wife.”
I just didn’t want to be yours.

“I needed you to be more amenable, you know? Be the with that was waiting for me with a home-cooked meal when I walked through the door, stay in and wait up for me when I went out with the boys…”

“Basically, have no life.”

“No! I didn’t mean it like that…”

“You were selfish Niall and you can’t continue in that pattern or Karen will catch on quick, despite her ‘perfect housewife’ routine, she is still a modern woman and has needs.”

“You’re right. I didn’t take me long after I left, to realise, that what attracted me to you in the first place was your sass - that returned the second I we split. I’m sorry, Lu. I tried to change you and in the end you did, it was just not for me.”

“No.” I nod wistfully. “It was for myself.” A lull settles between us as we ponder my words, words that should have been spoken and settled months ago. “I honestly think Karen and you are made for one another, Niall but you need to stop being so bloody selfish and see whats right under your nose. She loves you but she won’t hang around forever.” I can’t believe I’m seriously giving love-life advice to my ex; Suzie and Abby would go mental. “You and I are through though, yeah?” I laugh a little nervously, hopefully saying it for this final time will be enough.

“I get it, tough but I knew we were over once you and Sebastian moved in together. But hey, a guy can always try,” he slants his head and strokes his imaginary beard and all sympathy leaves my body as its replaced with complacency for his pathetic flirtations - they no longer worked on me. In one ear and out of the other, last time I try to give him advice.

“What can a guy always try?”

We both turn to meet Karen’s steely gaze from the doorway and I smile warmly at her; a saviour at last. “Niall was just telling me all about the plans he has for your future.” I lock eyes with my ex, daring him to correct me, knowing I’ve dropped him right in the preverbal shit. Surprisingly he doesn’t.

“Oh yes?”

“Yes. He has big plans for you and he. Huge! I’m really happy for you both. Right I’ll leave you two to it. I need to go find Seb so we can light up this cake. See you two in a few minutes for the celebrations.”

“Actually, I think we will slip out before but I’ll make sure I’ve spoken to Finn before we go.” Niall mumbles at my back. Of course he’d run at the first sign of trouble.


I find Seb wrestling with a mountain of little boys, all of them winning hands down. Grinning I catch his eye and wrinkle my nose as I watch his silent mouthed “Help!” from under their wriggling bodies.

“Right boys, I think that’s enough play-fighting for now, time for cake.”

“But, we’re saving Sub from the evil sorcerer,” Finn pouts from behind Seb’s body and I glance in the direction of his finger to where Nathan, is crouched and throwing out all manner of grisly faces and arms gestures at the boys, a metallic green laser gun in hand.

“Oh, is that what your doing? Sorry, silly me. Well tell the evil sorcerer he can have a piece too.” I wink at Na. “You can release the force-field around Sub now boys you’ve done a super job of protecting him.”

Oh to be so young again and full of imagination.

“Can I help, sis?” Suzie enquires from her slump on the sofa and I shake my head emphatically.

“Not a chance, but thanks. You put your feet up, you’ve been amazing. You all have and I really appreciate the support in making Finn’s delayed birthday so special.”

Abby salutes me. “Wouldn’t have missed it. I’m his Godmother after all!”

“Good practice for us when this little one starts having parties.” Suzie rubs her belly. “Although they’ll be more of the pink princess kind I hope and less rowdy.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Abs mutters under her breath.

“How so?”

“My niece Millie is six and has just had a pirate and princess party last month. My sister-in-law was so happy, to dress her a big pink glittery dress. She invited the whole class. 17 boys and 13 girls. The day of the party, Millie refused to go as a Princess, it was too
; she wanted to go as Captain Jack Sparrow, complete with eye patch and drawn-on designer stubble - the girls were more of a handful than the boys apparently and certainly made more mess.”

I refrain from giggling, watching Suzie’s look of despair; Abs was naughty to tease - we both knew how girly my sister was and she would be gutted if she had a little girl that was such a tomboy.

“Well that won’t be

“No, it won’t darling I’m sure but little girls who wear tutus and climb trees are the best combination - so much more interesting.” I pat her arm, pacifying her in her hormonal pregnant state. “Right, Seb will you get the video camera? Where is everyone else?”

“They are being given a tour around the house by our
.” Seb replies with raised eyebrows.

Thank God the house was immaculate. “
Would you shout them down Gino. Tell them we are about to light the cake.”

“No probs, Lu. Only if I can have the corner piece.” His cheeky wink makes me smile.

“Of course, I always save the corner for my brother-in-law.”

“At least someone is being nice to me.” His moan doesn’t go unnoticed by the other women and I catch Susie’s angry face before the pillow is hurled in her husband’s direction.

“Just go find the others.”

He skulks off before Suzie folds her face her hands, muffling a dramatic scream. “Oh. My. God that man is driving me potty!”

Abs and I share a secret look of concern. It sounded like my sister and Gino needed some quality time as a couple, away from all the pregnancy goings on. I made a mental note to talk to Seb about it when we were alone.

“Right, matches, where did I put the matches…”

“I have them!” Nina replies in her soft tones, stepping into the lounge from the hallway. “We are all here, sorry for the delay.”

“Thanks, mum.”

I feel Seb’s hand at my waist and lean into him, his scent filling my nostrils, making me safe. Looking around, I see all our friends and family, our parents happily chatting together, Finn excitedly waiting for the cake reveal. Who’d have thought that only a few months before we’d be living together and a family? I still couldn’t quite believe it.

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