The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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They were fucking ENGAGED!

Did she not appreciate anything he had done for her?

Everything had gone to shit!

If he didn’t stop biting the skin around his nail soon, he’d hit bone - literally. His thumb was raw and bleeding from the incessant gnawing whilst angrily grinding his teeth, a unattractive habit he’d had under control for years but had recently fallen back into, thanks to this bitch and her constant drama.

He uses that same thumb pad to swipe across his iPhone, enjoying the pain that slices through his body with the additional agonising pressure, manically scouring his Facebook newsfeed for further information from the
happy couple.
His phone had alerted him to a new image on Instagram only minutes earlier, then only a few minutes later, the same sweet sickly photograph appeared on Lucia’s twitter and Facebook accounts. His day was ruined.


He squints looking closer at the image.
Fucking cheesy or what? Where are they? It didn’t look local.
His eyes narrow at the
sign behind Sebastian and Lucia, its red neon lights blurring in the image. It would be champagne with this guy, of course it would. Give him an hour and he’d have their location. He smiles smugly to himself before reverting back to anger.

“What the hell do I have to do to convince her that Sebastian Silver is not the man for her? Eh?”

Surely losing their foetus would push them apart, or at least put pressure on their pathetic relationship - if you could call it that - they’d only been together a few fucking weeks!

No, Silver wasn’t half as invested in this woman as
was -
made it his mission to make Lucia his and now his last attempts had backfired entirely. All they had done was ensure that she wasn’t mauled and manhandled by that gigolo for more than two minutes of every hour. All it had done was bring them closer together and taken her further away from my grasp.
Now they were fucking engaged!

He assesses the photo for the umpteenth time since receiving the notification and grinds his teeth down hard on his tongue. Pain helped him concentrate and kept him calm.


His roar of frustration echoes into the night. “This isn’t happening! It isn’t possible. What is it going to take to convince this bitch that the player is not the stayer.”

Think, man, think
- what is your next move?

He smashes a palm into the side of his head once, twice, three times before stopping to take a deep breath, inhaling intensely. His blue eyes squinting with precise concentration.

“Stick with the plan. So he’s given her a fucking ring, it doesn’t change the fact that she is yours, she is meant to be with you. YOU! Don’t forget that and she’ll see that soon. You just need to step it up - the time has come that you need to move things along…maybe sooner than you envisaged but you gotta make your move. It’s time. She can’t marry that supercilious bastard!”

His words calm him, and his anxiety begins to dissipate. He was growing tired of watching anyway; it had been fun and made for many a satisfying wank, but the thought of Silver getting the starter, main course and all the trimmings was leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, even after stroking his cock to Lucia’s collage of imagery at his house - or her voice - or the many videos of her sleeping.

He licks his lips and stroking his chin, considers his options. Silver had always been a problem. He hated him with a passion and wanted to take anything that was his. At the time that had included Lucia, just to spite Silver, but as time went on, he realised that she meant more to
she could actually be
The One

He couldn’t get close to her with that prick constantly around - especially now that they were practically living together, but he’d find a way and maybe this whole engagement nightmare could work to his advantage? Weddings took planning and there was always the hen do?

“Hmmm - every cloud has a fucking Silver lining.” His sinister laugh rocks his whole body, his hand gripping his stomach to support his muscles at his amusing joke. “Not this time, love; sorry. But, don’t you worry your pretty little head; once you’ve had a taste of me, you’ll never go back - you just need to let me show you. Soon, my love. Soon!”


“That was perfection!” I sigh dramatically, throwing myself down onto the enormous bed, as we enter our hotel suite after leaving Angelica’s. Seb reaches for my boots and unzips them with finesse, his thumbs swooping up to trace the soft skin of my inside ankle, where the zip has left a slight mark.
Hmmm perfection.



“Almost?” I sit up straight on a frown.

“Yes. Almost.”

“But we just got engaged.”

“We did - officially.” Seb replies with a smirk and removes his jacket.

“And we just saw the Eiffel Tower,” I sulk, looking up at him with big eyes.

“We did -
drank champagne at the top.” His eyes twinkle as he kicks his own boots off and pulls his v-neck over his head.

“We rode on the carousel?” I pout.
How could he not think this was the most wonderful day of his life?

“Yep, and it was all fabulous but now it’s time to get you naked. When I’ve ridden
not some
damned tiger
- fucked you into oblivion -
it will be my day of perfection;
I will be satiated. I
to possess my woman. It’s been way too long.”

“You possessed me this morning.” I grin wryly.

“Precisely; a ridiculously long time has passed since we had skin-on-skin time, baby.”

How did I get so lucky?

This man is going to become my husband.
I flick my tongue out and lick my lips as I watch him remove his shirt, one tantalising button at a time.

“Come to the edge of the bed, lady - arms up.”

I do as I’m told without any further argument and raise both arms, feeling the breeze hit my skin as my jumper is removed and thrown aside. I immediately unfasten my jeans and giggle as I’m pushed back onto the mattress, whilst they are deliciously slid over my hips, thighs and pulled over each foot with sensual ease, the combination of the starched denim and the scrape of his fingertips, sending shivers shooting to every erogenous zone.

Leaning back on both elbows, I bite my lip in awe at his pure sex appeal, and place one bare soled foot into his chest, determined, needy and desperate for further contact. Standing in front of me in sexy grey worn jeans with expensively tailored rips in all the right places, I dip my big toe into one of those holes and search for skin, his heat warming me instantly, our connection electric and I know he feels it too as our eyes lock, a sexy smile playing at his lips.

I lift my foot and continue to trail a path up his washboard stomach, revelling in the hard lines of his defined torso.
God he his fine!
Before I can move further on my journey, his hand clasps my ankle, more heat enveloping me, as his manly fingers begin to work in rhythmic, massaging circles.

“Your eyes give you away every time, Lady.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re horny as hell and they’re glowing like Kryptonite.”

“Ahh, that feels so good.” I lie back further onto the bed before frowning. “Kryptonite? Isn’t that like a poison?”

“Hmmm mmm, pretty apt really, if you think about it. You intoxicate me - drain all the strength from me.” I gasp as his lips close over my toe and he sucks hard, maintaing continual eye contact, his chocolate orbs melting to blackest black holes that I could lose myself in, as the sexual tension between us intensifies.

I usually hate having my feet touched, and the thought of them being licked or sucked would normally be abhorrent, but right here and now, with this delicious man, my man, I’ve found it is my new pleasure - I could get used to this.

“You approve?”

I must have spoken aloud. “I do. I never have, but I do now.”

“Another first for us, baby. You have such sexy little feet, it’s a travesty not to rain kisses all over them.”

“Come here.” I growl

“With pleasure.”

I watch him crawl up over my body with such purpose my breath catches. Parting my thighs to allow access I ease backwards onto the bed, until I hit the pillows.

“Nowhere else for you to go, Lady.” The glint in his eyes sends a thrill straight to my pussy and I breathe out. This man never ceases to make me melt, literally.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Now - shut up and kiss me!”

He does’t answer, instead he slides an arm underneath my back and one under my head, through my hair, holding me there, whilst our eyes are locked, I can hear our heartbeats beating in-sync, our breath on each others faces and then he swoops in, nothing slow, or tantalising, just hot and heavy, tongues lashing and sucking and perfect. My legs wrap around his hips, holding him prisoner as his hands cup my jaw, and mine grab his arse, which is firm under my touch and with every push, he grinds his pelvis into mine, his evident erection pressing against my pubic bone, the hedand rubbing seductively against my clit.
We have far too many clothes on!

His mouth leaves me for a moment to trail kisses along my jawline, down my neck and over my pulse, laving me there, every sensitive nerve ending on fire, awakened and alive - I’m writhing underneath him, my body desperate to feel more, every delicious sensation - just more of what he is giving me - to take me to that cliff that he always takes me to - so we can visit it together, before we fall together!

“You want more? Oh, baby you are going to get so much more.”

His tongue abandons my neck, visits my collarbone and I immediately miss the contact but sigh as he reaches behind me to unclip my bra and calmly and sensuously removes it, stroking my heightened skin with the lace and silk fabric before throwing it to the floor. He returns to pay attention to my breasts, my nipples like bullets, seeking his lips and eager for his demands. I feed my fingers through his silky hair, arching my back, thrusting my chest into his face. “God, baby, I love you.”

“And I you.”

His mouth trails lower to my belly where his hand falters and he hesitates. I wait as he breathes deeply, his movements slow, before he flattens that hand over my stomach delicately. I stroke his head, and look down at him, his eyes are focused upon that area, intense and thoughtful and then, as if he realises he’s being watched, he lifts those beautiful blacks, so full of pain and stares right back at me. He says nothing but I know what he is thinking, I know what we are both sharing in that moment and it is so special and monumental and both sentimental and sexual. It means we’ve moved forward. It means we will survive this.

“I love you.”
I repeat.

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