The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“Keep watching - every flush, twitch, change in your body as you come down off that cliff. I’m here. I do this to you. Only me.”
We say our goodbyes in seconds. Na’s knowing grin understanding and I have the good grace to shrug and smile back at our desperation. We leave him drinking with jean-Claude and some friends and with Seb’s hand tightly in mine, pulling me hastily; we head in the direction of the exit, his other hand on the phone, as he speaks into it purposefully. We head down two flights of steps, down a small corridor and I struggle to maintain his pace as we push out through the double fire exit doors, where a limo waits. He was always prepared.
I slide into the spacious leather surroundings and immediately kick off my shoes and draw the zip of my dress from the hem to waist, as Sebastian joins me; I knew there was a good reason for buying this dress. The second that the privacy screen which divides us from our driver is frosted, I pounce, unable to keep my hands off him for a moment longer. My hand are on his chest, as I straddle him, resting a leg on either side of his lean hips, consumed by my need to absorb every inch of this delicious man. His hands cup my arse, as trace his lightly stubbled jawline with my finger, looking directly into his eyes, before lowering my mouth to his - hot and hungry and desperate. I slip my tongue inside and hear my own sigh of pleasure as his own reaches out to meet it and his guttural groan as his shuffles back in his seat. I can feel his cock hardening under my pussy, and I rock in small swivelling motions to increase our connection.
“Lu, baby, we’ll be home in ten minutes.”
“I don’t give a fuck - I need you in me…now!”
I reach between us and make fast work unfastening his belt, button fly and pull at his jeans and boxers in unison, drawing them down his hips, his cock springing loose immediately and I lick my lips at the mere sight of him - I’d never get used to his size - that wide engorged velvety length that took me to heaven every time. I look up into his eyes, full of desire, and mirth, his arms now relaxed on either side of us, allowing me full access to his body. “I’m all yours, lady but you won’t need these.”
My panties are ripped from me in one smooth motion, torn from the hip then dragged and thrown to one side and I groan at the liberating sensation of having my wetness rubbing against his hot hard length. I lean in and smash my mouth against his, our teeth clashing and his arms are at my waist lifting me, I feel his cock being positioned before I’m being slammed back down onto him, clenching tightly around him and the invasion is bliss. The movement of the car is such a rush as I grind myself to take him fully inside me, whilst we kiss, lost in our need. I rock harder and faster, in circles, his hands dropping to my thighs to steady me as we suck tongues and I bite his bottom lip.
Frantic. Brutal. Animalistic.
“I need… you… so… badly!” I throw my head back on a cry as I feel my orgasm begin to climb her way up through my body and I can tell from his breathless pants his own is nearing.
“Lu, you have no idea, how amazing you look right now. I fucking love you!”
We’ve come so far, been through so much together in the short time we’ve been dating, have been united in our passion for one another and I throw myself to abandon, crazy with sexual desire for this man that is my everything. I can’t get enough of him; he’s inside me, beneath me, at my touch but it’s still not enough, it’s never enough. I dip my teeth to graze his neck, spreads my palm and push against his chest, unbuttoning his shirt to gain better access, panting and unrelenting with our fucking, his heart beating erratically under my fingers.
“Jesus, Lu - fuck!”
He hisses through clenched teeth as I feel the hot spurts of his semen begin to fill me, and his hand gripping my bottom, joining us tightly.
I arch my back, tilting myself further, my clit rubbing against his pelvis and I’m immediately sent spinning, off over my cliff as the second orgasm in 15 minutes rips through my limps, and lays me limp across his body. His lips find mine, searching always for a connection and I palm either side of his cheeks, gazing deeply into his eyes, as I remain across his hips, with him firmly inside me.
“I adore you Sebastian Silver.”


I awake to a warm male arm slung across my waist and legs, trapping mine within the 500 count Egyptian cotton sheets. The autumnal sun is making its appearance through a crack in the heavy gold velvet curtains and I wince as I gingerly lift Sebastian’s arm off my bulging bladder and ease it carefully back down onto the mattress, careful not to wake him. Untangling my feet from his is slightly more time-consuming but eventually I’m free and I pad to the bathroom, with a backward glance at his handsome face I see he is still deep in slumber.
I shower quickly and apply make-up, then select dark blue boyfriend skinny jeans, a red cashmere jumper with a gorgeous chiffon back that showed bared skin and was one of my new purchases, and brown suede biker boots. The wind could be chilly at this time of year and what I had in mind, meant we’d be outside for most of the day. Butterflies flutter in the pit of my belly and I flick my eyes over towards the bed, as I step into my jeans and stop in my tracks, as I’m met with a 6 foot inch naked body, unashamed and openly appraising me. My nipples ruche under his gaze and I continue to button my jeans, in need of distance between us.
“Don’t get that look in your eye, Mr! Shower and change; we have a date with
“Well don’t you look all sprightly and fresh and clean; ready to be all mussed up?”
I’m lifted before I can swat him away and instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist, leaning back to see him better. “I mean it Seb, we are on the clock.”
“So that’s why you put this sexy bra on for me did you,
to just get dressed
?” his voice is laced with sarcasm.
“I always wear lovely undies and it can’t hurt for you to know what’s under the clothes - to get a teaser of what’s to come… later.” I wink saucily at him.
He bends to suckle my nipple through my blush lacy balconette and I gasp at the ripples of pleasure that flood my body. I can feel his cock beneath my groin rise to the challenge and I squirm, pushing against his chest.
“Put me down, Seb. I mean it. We have plans and whilst you are doing a fabulous job of convincing me to get back into that bed with you. I stand firm this morning.”
“So do I, baby - rock hard!” he growls against my throat, kissing along the most sensitive part of my skin which sends me mental and makes me wet instantly.
Oh come on!
I giggle in frustration, as I look down at his arousal, and all laughter leaves my lips, as I’m instantly, turned on by the sight of him, so unselfconscious of his obvious erection and brazenly modelling his fine physique. He didn’t give a shit about his nakedness, or the fact that he looked so vulnerable, and I loved that about him.
My face flushes, as I bite my lip to stop myself from dropping to my knees and taking him to the back of my throat. We had to be downstairs soon to keep to schedule; a schedule he knew nothing about and I had no intention of sharing with him… yet.
“Fine, on this occasion I’ll go with it, Lulu but only because I promised that
could plan today. Tonight, you are mine and
will be back in control.”
“Thank you.” I lean up to kiss him on the lips but he pulls away, his hands held up in front of him.
“Seriously, Lu, no contact. Let me go have a freezing cold shower,
I’ll kiss you and for God’s sake put a top on, baby if you want to leave the room today.”
I watch his sexy butt swagger to the bathroom and can’t resist stepping forward and swatting it playfully as he steps through the doorway. What was I doing turning down a man as hot as Sebastian? Here I had a man who could compete with David Gandy in the modelling world, Channing Tatum on the dance floor & naked, Ryan Gosling for the sex appeal and Henry Cavill, for looks. Paris and all our plans could wait and despite my earlier shower, I suddenly felt like getting seriously down and dirty.

An hour later and we are finally making our way by metro and foot for brunch or bruncher, as it was known in France, to one of Paris’ best kept secrets. Jean Claude had advised Nathan when I’d asked him to do some digging for me earlier in the week and apparently there was no better place than La Maison Mille-feuille in the 15
One thing you had to be in Paris was fit. There was a…
of walking but as my aim this weekend was to make the most of every second of each hour with my gorgeous man I am happy to wander through the streets hand in hand and enjoy the ambience of one of the most romantic cities in the world.
I feel my bag buzz and locate my phone. It’s a text from Abby.

Well? Any news yet?

I quickly fire off a response and ignore the many many emails glaring at me, willing me to open them. I’m on a romantic break for two and work could wait.

Not yet but u’ll be the first 2 know. Promise. Xx


Get a wriggle on girl - I’m chomping at the bit here. Shame its not between my teeth
could do with a Naaaaaa!


I’m in France babe - horse jokes freak me out!


Horse meat is always on the menu,
when you’re with Seb!
He’s seriously hung!


Only jealous x


Yep! Now go get on with it.
Love ya!

“Everything Ok?” Seb focuses on me for the first time since we began our stroll down Rue Pasteur.
“Hmmm mmm. Just Abs. She’s bonkers.”
“She is that - loveable though.” I snuggle into his arm, loving that he cares about my best friend as much as I do. “She is isn’t she? Do you think her and Nathan will work out?”
“I don’t know, baby. I hope so.” His voice falters over the last words, causing me to glance up at him.
“What does
“It means I honestly don’t know. I know Nathan adores her and I haven’t seen him this happy in years, if ever but it’s happened so fast for them…”
“It’s happened fast for us.”
“Not bloody fast enough.”
“I am being serious.”
I swat his arm and he jogs to step in front of me, turning to face me, walking backwards into the crowds. “It took far too long but even if we’d only had 24 hours together, it wouldn’t have mattered - I’ve known you for years - Na and Abs have known each other for a few months.”
“Sometimes that’s all it takes.”
“True. I knew the second you walked out the Cave Bar with Niall all those years ago; the second you turned and looked right back at me, I just knew that you were ‘THE ONE’.”
I frown at his suddenly serious expression and we stop walking, my body pressing into his heat. His arms wrap instinctively around me and we hold tight, both quiet with our thoughts, his lips in my hair, mine at the hollow of his neck. Passersby continue on around us, as we stand stationary gazing at each other, caught in our special moment.
“Why didn’t you stop me, Seb, that night?”
“Fuck, I’ve asked myself that question a million times and I never get the same answer. The honest answer is I wasn’t ready for
for what I knew we would
together. I was young dumb and full of…”
“…common sense…
” I butt in, sarcastically.
“Something, like that.” His deep laugh reverberates through our bodies and I pull away to smile wistfully up at him.
“We’ve said it before but sometimes I feel like we missed out on so much time together.”
“I know, baby but we were meant to be apart so Finn could be born, that kid is going places.”
I grin at the thought of my precious boy and nod in agreement. Fate. Four little letters that made such a huge word with such momentous connotations. I firmly believed that Sebastian and I were fate. “He is, you’re right there. I hope he’s Ok?”
Slinging an arm lazily around my waist we continue on our path, side by side and Seb rubs my arm reassuringly. “He’ll be fine, your mum and dad will be spoiling him and G was taking him to footie - he’ll be in his element.”
“He will; I’m sure and this weekend is about us. Sorry.”
“Don’t ever apologise for being a good mother, Lu. It’s one of the things I love about you. Besides, I worry about him too.”
My innards melt and go all gooey
as his paternal instincts kick in and I find it hard not to be reminded what a wonderful father he would have made to our unborn child.
Deep breaths. Try not to go there, today babe, today is about you and him.
“I know you do, you’re so good with him. He loves you and his uncle Na, the male influence you have brought into his life has been so stabilising.”
“Nathan is obsessed with him. He’ll make a great dad when the time comes.”
“Abs will make a great mum too!”
Seb sniggers at my pushy comment. “I think she will too. I also think that they are perfect together but they need to come to that conclusion themselves and not with our meddling. Oui?”
“Just promise me you’ll give me a heads up if you hear of any changes from Na’s camp. He and I are close but I don’t want him to feel like he can’t trust me.”
“Lulu, I’ll always give you a heads up.” His eyes are filled with unadulterated sexual innuendo, as he waggles his eyebrows.
“You manage to make everything sound dirty.”
“And you love it.”
“I do.”
Those two words ring in my head and I’m reminded of why I wanted to make today special and it began with food, I am starving. We cross over the street, heading straight into a cute bakery, with blue and white striped canopies, wooden chairs and navy parasols outdoors and large picture windows filled with all manner of sweets, treats and icings. I advise Sebastian to wait outside and whilst it goes against every fibre of his controlling being he nods and leans casually against the exterior wall. A few minutes later I return and we are seated at a table, apparently the best in the house and our orders taken. The little cafe, is delightfully unpretentious and the perfect spot to people watch from our more secluded position, where we can enjoy the ambience of Paris in peace, holding hands and maintaining contact at all times. This was just what we needed. For the first time in weeks I felt relaxed - like I wasn’t being watched.
Our brunch arrives, croissants, pecan pastries, delicious coffee and hot chocolate and we make fast work of devouring the warm buttery patisseries, with lashings of apricot jam and Sebastian's favourite Nutella. The French carbs are going down singing hymns on ooh’s and ahh’s, as we mop up stray crumbs with gingham napkins and feed one another samples of our own yummy treats.
“You’ll have to choose where we eat more often, this place is a gem of a find - who tipped you off?” Seb replaces his empty coffee cup and relaxes back into his chair.
“James Marcell. Apparently it is his favourite cafe in Paris and he’s been coming here for twenty years.”
“The man has taste - does he have a place here?”
“He did - he sold it to buy The Ashton but he’s looking into buying a holiday home in the Loire valley.”
“I like his style - if he wasn’t gay I’d be worried he had eyes on you.”
My own fly up, concern etched across my brow. “Sebastian, really?”
“Ah, baby I’m sorry.” His big hand closes over mine; thumb rubbing sensuously back and forth across my inner wrist. “That was stupid. I didn’t mean he was watching you… I just think he’s got a bit of a crush on you.”
“Rubbish! James is nothing but professional and only has eyes for Colin.” I lower my voice and bite my lip to refrain from saying more.
“I stand corrected. Where to after this, my love?”
I appraise the sexy man opposite me, from behind my sunglasses, his face so relaxed and full mouth pouting, how could I stay even the slightest bit cross at him - I was just as jealous at any possible female interest in him. “We’ll head over to the Eiffel Tower of course.”
“Of course, silly me.” His grin is infectious.

to visit the Eiffel Tower together, it’s a must.”
If we don’t, all my plans will go to pot.
“For you, baby, anything.”
“Today is all about us. Being here, with you is enough for me, Seb.”

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