The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“You can go away with Sub and I’ll be good.”

I melt, a puddle of love and mothering emotions like the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz, left on the carpet. “Thank you, darling I will take lots of pictures of Paris and we’ll take you back with us next time as Sub is working there a lot at the mo.”

He nods, laying back onto his pillow, his eyes growing heavy, lashes thick and I squeeze him so tightly, he giggles to be set free. “Mummy, set me free. I’ve decided what I want you to bring me back.”

“Oh and what is that.” I smile at his cute little nose, wrinkling impishly at me.

“The Awful Tower!”

I burst out laughing both of us giggling together like a pair of kids, he has every excuse, me not so much. “Who told you about the Awful Tower?”

“Gramps. He said it was very tall and looked like an alien from Monsters Inc, with long legs, like a spiders.”

“It is and I suppose it does a bit, and at the very top you can see right out over all of Paris.”


“I love you so much you know that don’t you, Finn.” I rub noses with him and kiss his forehead.

“Yes, Mummy - you tell me ALL the time.”

“Well I do - now go to sleep you, little monkey. Thank you for being such a big grown-up boy about mummy going away.”

I look down at my precious bundle and find that he’s already closed his eyes and is halfway to his dreams.
I wish it was that easy for me to find the land of nod, at the moment. My nights are spent tossing and turning in my king-size bed, wishing I was tossing off and being turned on by my magnificent man. Soon, we’d be naked, wrapped in hotel sheets and making each other groan in ecstasy. I cannot wait.




The flight to Paris from Lords’ Airport takes an hour and 20 minutes, thanks to the strong tail wind that brings us in earlier than expected. The immaculately dressed flight attendant informs us that the weather is clear and a cool 5 degrees. I’m glad I brought my long camel wool coat and packed several pairs of boots. Bubbles of excitement pop around in my belly, as I check my appearance in my compact mirror and reapply a thin coat of lipgloss. Not long until I see him, until I’m in his arms and in his bed.

My Mum and Abby were right; we needed this weekend, on our own to reconnect. He deserved my full, undivided attention and I needed to make him feel like he is my,
It was time and he’d been more than patient.
Charles de Gaulle airport is cavernous and I excitedly make my way towards the allocated luggage bay carousel, then spend the next 20 minutes collecting my small suitcase, (unfortunately not quite small enough for carry-on, due to winter clothing) and head off in the direction of the exit. As I’m processed through customs, and the arrivals door waits, I take a deep breath and roll my lips together. My man awaits me on the other side - Sebastian Silver, my future.

I check my watch again and bite my lip. I don’t
‘waiting’. I’ve never been a very patient man, especially when it meant extending the time I’ve spent without the love of my life, another second. I’ve spent enough time without her; naked in my arms. These six weeks have felt like a fucking lifetime and caused a huge divide between us - today I will resolve things.
I should have been in a meeting right now - one that would mean the difference between potentially sealing this Paris deal with the Devereux chain or losing out to my nemesis but I
to see her; hold her in my arms and assure myself that she was Lu again. Her email had given me hope, but I needed to see it for myself. It had been nearly a week since I clapped eyes on her and I wasn’t prepared to wait a bloody moment longer.
I’d planned a leisurely lunch at Fouquet’s on the Champs-Elysées, which was quintessentially Parisian and I knew Lu would love it, followed by a visit to The Louvre - our mutual love of art and design was a common interest I liked to indulge. Nathan had flown out last night and was sitting in for me with our clients, and I knew the project was safe in his hands; fuck, we’d sweated blood and tears over this re-model. So if it didn’t go to plan, it wasn’t down to our workmanship - it was still tight as to whether they’d go with our main competitor Argon. I’d recently begun to let go of the tight leash I had on the reins of Sil-Con, recognising that if I was ever going to enjoy any form of long-term happiness with Lucia I’d need to invest in her and Finn as much as I had in my business. She was my future. Nathan had this, I just need to let him do his thing and run with it - he was as good, if not better than me at sales, not that I’d ever admit that to him; his boyish charm was always a winner and I felt proud to encourage his step-up from hands-on to management.
My eyes flicker towards the doors, as I watch the two members of staff open them to accommodate the new arrivals from Gate 7 and I watch eagerly as one after the other, feed through the pathway to their destinations, family and onlookers. Passenger after passenger trails past but no Lu.
Where is she? Maybe she didn’t make the flight?
Panicked I scan the oncoming bodies, I should have sent someone to travel with her, the second she suggested coming for the weekend, why didn’t I think of that? It’s still so risky with this nutter following her?
Then I see her and I exhale the breath I’ve been holding with a whoosh. Regal and poised as ever, dressed head to toe in black - stilettos, skinny ripped jeans, cashmere jumper - the only splash of colour a long wool camel coat. Her long dark hair wavy and flowing over her shoulders and those bright green eyes sparkling at me, almost amber against the hue of her jacket; challenging, always challenging.
God I’m a lucky man.
Fuck the lunch and the stuffy museum - we were going straight to the hotel.
She sees me, finally, through the crowds and a small tentative smile tugs at those luscious lips, as she slinks towards me with a walk that could turn men to jelly. I can feel myself grow hard just watching her walk.
God man, get it together.
I don’t take my eyes off her, as she makes her way towards me, each step never fast enough. Finally she is close enough for me to take her in my arms. I lift her with my embrace, gently holding her tightly to my chest, my hands at her waist, oblivious to our audience and the applause behind us, as our lips meet. Her scent surrounds me as we hold each other, at last. We lose ourselves completely in that moment lips exploring, mouths devouring - contact.
I reluctantly withdraw before I tempted to get down and dirty in the arrival lounge. “Hi!”
“Hi, yourself.”
She slides down my body, making me wince at the contact with my cock; contact I’ve ached for every night for weeks. “God, I’ve missed you, lady.”
“I missed you too, baby.”
I bend to kiss her once again, taking her face in my hands and touching her nose with mine. “I think we’d better go, before the crowds start expecting an encore.”
“I know, it’s all very
Love Actually!

I grab her case, and slip my arm around her waist, drawing her to my body. She leans into me and I inhale her unique and intoxicating scent. I don’t want to let her out of my sight. “Come, the car is waiting outside for us.”
“I’m disappointed, Mr. Silver?”
“Really? How, so?”
“No Chauffeur’s hat and sign; I was expecting at least a sign, with my name on it.”
“Baby, we don’t need a sign, I’d find you in a sea of people. My dick twitched the second you touched down on Paris soil.”
“You, dirty bugger.”
“Well it’s been some time.”
“It has. Too long!”
We head out of the automatic doors to the drop off zone, where our driver awaits with our limousine, my hands on her at all times, electric sparks flying between us as I assist her inside. Once that door is closed and directions are given she is mine. She’s right; it’s been ‘
some time’
- more like
fucking long
. I’ve had to wait, for medical reasons, I then considered waiting for emotional reasons, now I just think
fuck it
. We need intimacy in our relationship far too much for
to work or we may as well go back to being Seb and Lu, best mates and I for one, am not prepared to ever let that happen.
“Monsieur. Silver, where to?” The young dapper driver has a thick french accent and has been with the week of my stay, as I’d left Ralph at the disposal and protection of Lu.
“Straight to the hotel, Marc. Thank you.”
I wait for the tinted privacy window to be raised between us and sense her locked gaze.
“We are going to the hotel?”
“Yes. Is that ok with you?”
“Hmmm mmmm.”
“If you would rather go for lunch first, I have made reservations at a beautiful restaurant on the Champs ely…” I feel her hand reach across and rest on my thigh, it tenses and my muscles clench under her touch. “…see.” I manage to drop in the last part of my sentence before she interrupts, assuring me.
“The hotel is fine. I’m not hungry…well not for food anyhow.”
Her fingers begin to massage my outer thigh; slipping inwards, higher and higher and I glance across, our eyes locking. Mine drop to her lips, where her pink tongue reaches out to flick across her gloss.
Fuck me. I’m not hungry for food either.
“I’m starving for you, however, Seb. I want you so badly.”
As she leans forward I’m awarded a quick glimpse of her breast, encased in dark navy lace and I gulp. I’m supposed to be the one in control at all times and here she is the little temptress, dominating
“I want you too, Lu.”
“How much?”
“So much - I’m in seriously pain.” The twitch at the corner of her lips is my undoing. “Yes, laugh you naughty girl, but tomorrow when you can’t walk because I’ve fucked you six ways into next week, don’t complain about pain. I want you so bad, I’m going to have to be careful I don’t hurt you, or wear you out.”
“Haven’t you, you know, relieved yourself?”
“Not even once?”
“Oh, baby.”
“It doesn’t work for me anymore. I prefer it with you. I do wank. Fuck I’m a man, but I’ve not since we’ve not…”
“Made love…?”
“Yes…well, its not felt right.”
“I’m sorry, Seb.”
“Me too.”
“God, I’ve missed you.”
I slip a hand under her hair, drawing her towards me, her lips touch mine; fitting over them perfectly and finally our tongues touch, sinking into one another’s heat with such ferocity, our teeth clash. We both sigh at the intensity and her body relaxes into mine. Our kisses become more heated; tongues duelling, hands groping, we need to be naked. I need her coat off, her legs wrapped around my waist. Fumbling I locate and press the interconnecting button, and on a growl demand, “Marc, when will we be there?”
“We are pulling up at the Hotel Louis now Monsieur. Silver.”
Thank fuck for that! These trousers can’t take the strain any longer.



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