The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (3 page)

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Jasmine sensed his anxiety. She put her arm out and gently touched his shoulder. “Do not be afraid, my friend Joshua. We are always here to help. We may seem distant at times, but our hearts always lie with those that we serve. And at times we need your help also. This dream of yours may help us understand what is going on with the energy field fluctuation we are sensing.”

“An energy fluctuation?” Joshua asked with a surprised tone.

Jasmine was quiet, but quick to answer. “It is not advisable to discuss it here, but we can explain it to you if you come visit us. Will you agree to visit?”

Joshua got up suddenly as he noticed Talis was coming over to join the conversation. Although he trusted his friend, he wasn’t sure if a private conversation about his dreams was thoughtful during the reflection ceremony.

He answered quickly. “I would be most honored to come visit. I hope that we can help each other. Let me know the appropriate time.” He bowed. “Blessed be, Jasmine.”

Jasmine bowed to him as she noticed Talis close by. “Blessed be, Joshua. We will call for you.”

Talis had come over deliberately to interrupt their discussion. He had wanted to talk to both of them, but noticed they ended the conversation as he approached.

“I apologize if I interrupted you two,” he said with a slight awkwardness.

“Talis, it is always good to see you.” Jasmine smiled, her face red with embarrassment, quite unusual for her and she wasn’t sure why. “I would like to talk to you at length, but I am needed at the University for a council. Will you call on me as your grandfather has requested?”

Talis was surprised by her sudden invitation, but he was also pleased. There was something about her that he felt comfortable with. They gazed at each other for a long moment. Talis’s pulse quickened as he smiled.

“Yes, I would like that also Jasmine. I will connect with you very soon. And I take it that Joshua has discussed his dreams with you here?”

Jasmine and Joshua smiled at Talis, both realizing that he had a natural ability to know what’s going on around him.

“Yes, we have discussed it,” Jasmine said. “I have invited Joshua to visit with the Mystic Council soon. His dreams may have important significance to us all. I cannot say anymore at this time, but I do want to discuss it with you when we meet.”

Talis nodded to Jasmine as he looked again deeply into her eyes. They had a connection and they both sensed it. Joshua and Talis then looked at each other. They were very close friends. They would have to discuss these matters further after the reflection.

Jasmine got up from her seat and bowed to the two men and to the others still at the gathering. “Blessed be to all of you and to Markus
Aoliah Dueter. May he be in harmony with spirit and the One.”

With those words, Jasmine disappeared into the night.

Chapter 5

Going Back


It was dark in the country and Lillian wasn’t quite used to it. She had only moved from the city a few weeks ago, and her eyes had been accustomed to the bright city lights. They slowly began to adjust to the beautiful starlit night as she made her way across the compound to her dwelling. She was finally beginning to feel at peace being here. She knew she belonged, and her energy had slowly returned.

Lillian thought back to when it all started. She smiled as she remembered the first night she had seen the visions again. It was during the social unrest of 2031, when her family had her leave for the safety of this rural community. It was a special night in which she had finally been allowed to use her insight for the first time in many years. It was like a dark cloud had been suddenly lifted from her mind. She had been medicated for so many years to stop her visions that when they came back to her it felt like a sudden rush of cool, fresh air. It was the first week that she had been in the rural community that she experienced her mystic powers again. She felt exhilarated, as if seeing what was real for the first time.

As a crystal child, she had been given the gift of insight. Like many other children, she had been born open to the energy of the cosmos. She was acutely aware of humanity’s connection to the larger source universe and to the spiritual world. Many children in her society learned to close these channels of awareness after a certain age so as to survive and be accepted. The ones who kept the channels open often suffered until they learned how to control their gifts and become grounded.

Before coming to the rural collective Lillian was one who had suffered. Most people did not know what to make of her in the city. As a child she was odd, always looking off into the distance. She would have intense visions, very vivid and clear. The visions terrified her. Her parents had nowhere to turn. They knew nothing of the mystics who could have helped them. They were at a loss. They were good people, very loving, and this helped, but they did not clearly understand their daughter’s gift. It was only when Lillian finally met Jelina that her life changed. In Jelina, she found the teacher she had always wanted.

Jelina was a powerful mystic. She was part of the original Mystic Collective and had witnessed the changes and seen what they could do together to help alter the world. It was early 2030 when a collective of the mystics begin to experiment, altering the universal energy field in a positive way. This of course had been tried in smaller groups for many decades, but society as a whole was not as open to major changes yet, thus the energy shift altered life in only minor ways. These first energy shifts had made some positive changes, but for it to work on a larger level it had needed more time to mature. The mystics knew they needed to gain knowledge and wisdom, and to form important alliances.
It was only after several years of these evolutionary changes that they felt it time to try transformation on a larger level.

Jelina had told Lillian and the other gifted ones often. “There is both the seen and the unseen world in our universe. You have a gift to see the unseen and alter this energy. This is what you are called to do.”

Lillian had been taught that it was actually the second
and third generations of mystics—children like herself—that would make the biggest difference. Their parents had not had elders to show them the way, but this younger generation finally did. When the newest generations were born, the elder mystics were present to guide and support them. This supportive energy was the key to the initial collective being formed and to the planned energy shift. This was the foundation of the school and community that Lillian was invited to be part of.

Lillian clearly remembered the exciting first few weeks at the school. She had been taught so much by her teachers, even in such a short time. She now knew where she fit in. Her visions were no longer considered crazy; instead, they were respected and honored. She smiled, knowing that she was part of something bigger. It was the original mystics like Jelina and their supportive network of evolutionary thinkers that would help organize and start the revolution by bringing the collective together. And the mystic school and all who participated were an important part of this.

It was also during this time that the mystics, social activists and scientists started working together. This merge of spiritual and scientific philosophy had helped solidify an important alliance. From the scientific point of view, everything had energy, and everything was energy. This was also the principle that bonded the mystics and helped them understand their important connection with the activist world. The mystics and activists knew that the merging of science and spirituality, along with organizing the various groups that supported the new paradigm, was a key to their success. They also believed strongly in nonviolent action. This principle would be a binding and essential factor in the future uprising. By working together on all levels of change, they would help transform the world.

Lillian remembered fondly the ride out to the rural community with Jelina. She had told her that the plan during this time was to train the chosen gifted students in an isolated area so that they could develop their psychic energies in the grounded peace of nature. Getting them away from the stress of a busy and distracting society was very important. Under this peaceful and focused environment they would be able to open and access the higher frequencies of consciousness. This open gateway, they believed, was the key to the initial transformation.

Lillian was chosen along with many other young people to attend the first collective school. She had been both excited and scared about it all. She still remembered her intense visions. She told Jelina and the other teachers that she did not know how to contain them. Her visions had caused her severe anxiety in the past and many times she had acted out in her regular school.

Before she came to the collective school she had been labeled as a child with severe behavioral issues. The mainstream doctors and city schools tried to help by medicating her and putting her in special classes. The elder mystics such as Jelina knew better. They understood that she had a gift and reassured Lillian when she came to the school that they would help her become strong and grounded. The chance to live at the mystic school had saved her life and made her realize that she indeed had a special gift to help others.

Lillian’s school was one of the first collective schools. The western part of the United States had begun to attract many alternative people years earlier. People from all over the world were moving to this area to be part of the eventual worldwide movement. It was evolution in the making, and people were excited. The energy was grounded and many groups joined together to offer support for the schools and the activist organizations of the larger movement. There was a positive momentum to start several collective mystic schools. This initial school would be the catalyst for many like it and the revolution would indeed begin only a few years later. Lillian and many like her would be an essential part of this. It would also be the place she first met the young activist Markus Dueter.

Lillian and the others spent the first few weeks at the school relearning history and understanding their primary goal as students. The first part of the young mystics’ education was to help them open up to what was going on in the larger society. As elders, Jelina and the other teachers would help these gifted children realize the significance of their movement.

There had been much unrest during the last several decades, ever since the popular uprisings started nearly 20 years prior; many people wanted to see changes on a larger level. Although there had been some positive changes throughout the world, many people still did not have their basic survival needs met, nor did they feel connected on a deeper level. All of the young people at the school had seen and felt this, yet it was only when they were removed from the larger unbalanced world that they begin to truly understand. Lillian remembered the poverty of the cities more clearly now. She had seen so many without adequate shelter, food, water and health care. Many of the young people at the school had felt the quiet desperation of the larger society. As young mystics, they could sense the imbalance and lack of compassion. Now their senses and abilities were starting to open fully and they could sense everything more intensely. This would be a key for the eventual shift.

The students and activists that came to support them at the school agreed. There was a general feeling of unhappiness with the way people lived their lives. Many people suffered. Resources were scarce and were controlled by the wealthy few. Water was becoming more controlled and expensive. Food shortages still occurred around the world even though the earth had the capability to feed everyone. The environment was in a delicate balance. Global warming had become a reality and the climate was drastically changing. Over the years there had been some positive changes to help protect our Earth and its sacred resources, but the power of the few who controlled most of the world, and their short-term, destructive vision prevented major change from occurring. Everyone knew that time was of the essence. The old system would simply not change. People had been patient and the mystics could sense it was time.

The gifted young people that came to the school were a beacon of hope to all. They all soon realized the importance of their work. The mystics and their activist support groups believed that their focus on the higher energies would help be the initial foundation for change. They believed that by accessing the higher vibrational energy field of the universe they would help bring about a new evolved type of consciousness into the larger world. Many credible scientists also agreed with this theory and supported such an idea; many of them had already proved this and were willing to help in any way they could. By focusing positive thought and feeling on the higher frequencies, energy would multiply and transform the lower energies.

Lillian and the others were taught to focus their energies on this belief. And once her visions came back to her she began to understand. She started to see the truth of it all. And because of their gifts, all of the students at the school learned at a very fast pace. Their abilities helped them grasp these concepts quickly. They all began to understand that this higher collective energy they were connecting to, based on the foundation of love, was much more powerful than the lower frequency energies of the existing fear-based society. They also learned that on a spiritual or mystical level, focused meditation, trance and prayer alter this energy in a similar manner. This idea had of course been advocated by many of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers for thousands of years. Many had now finally listened to the message and there had been positive progress over the last few decades. The Mystic Collective believed that by opening a constant connection to the higher realms, society would shift from a lower, disconnected dimension based on fear, to one of connection, cooperation and harmony. Combining this with carefully planned, direct nonviolent action against the old destructive institutions, they would be able to have their successful revolution. By reaching this critical mass of energy and positive belief in the new paradigm, society would be able to make this change on a large scale.

The students and others at the new school understood that they were not alone. Activists such as Markus Dueter and others soon joined in supportive roles at the school. They all realized that there was much work to do, but the potential for change was in the air.

Jelina would remind them all at the school. “Have hope. Many are asleep, but you will awaken them.”

This motivated Lillian, the other chosen mystics, and the supportive activists to work hard toward such a positive vision. They could feel it with their abilities. They could sense the power of this energy. There were millions of people around the world that believed in this change, believed in a compassionate and cooperative society, where basic needs were met and people lived in harmony with each other and with the earth itself.

As a guiding force in their movement Lillian, Markus and the others involved first agreed to the “do no harm” principle in their initial joining of the community. This was one of the foremost principles that the Mystic Collective and activists agreed to. This meant adhering to nonviolence on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The Buddhist concept of
, or loving kindness, was also a major focus in their work.

Social justice was taught to all as the second guiding principle. This meant that individual freedom, civil liberties and equal rights for every person, and the right to live in a peaceful society were essential for a new world. Taking care of all people’s basic needs on a physical and practical level was the foundation of this. This was where the strength of sacred activism came into the equation. The idea was that by eliminating the stress of basic survival needs, society as a whole could focus on the higher elements of life, thereby altering the often destructive path of the older paradigm.

By operating with these principles, they would develop a plan to serve all people on the highest levels. This was not just a dream. There had already been many positive changes. Yet the mystics and activists of this new society were ready for a larger transformation. This was their goal. With the support of many various groups around the world, they began to organize.

The school which Lillian attended would be the final step in setting up the organization for this revolution. It was an exciting time and many were anxious for the shift to begin. Jelina and the others involved were optimistic that their plan would work. Little did they know that the uprising would begin sooner than expected. The energy itself would move them forward toward the mystic revolution. Lillian sensed this the day she joined the school. There was no turning back.

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