The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (17 page)

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Chapter 28

The Earth Council Speaks


Tythia and Michael were nearly in tears as they made their way to the Earth Council to seek guidance. Tythia had a direct connection with the ancient earth ways and had studied with the shamans for many years. She thought it essential to seek out their wisdom to help them with their dilemma.

They knew they couldn’t hold up much longer. They were destroying the trust people had between one another and could not risk that anymore. They had held the secrets of the past for so long. Not out of maliciousness, not even out of pride. It was out of fear. How could they tell the truth? It would upset the balance of the society that they had built. Their new society had given people a framework for ethical and compassionate living. Through the power of nonviolent action, a symbiotic relationship of spirit and science, and a strong belief in love, the highest energy there is, a once competitive and violent society had transformed into a place of peace. They had built a harmonious place by physically and socially changing its principles. Or was it harmonious? They were at odds over how to reveal the truth as it could destroy all they had built.

The Earth Council of this region consisted of several cultures, both original Native American tribes of Turtle Island, as well as representatives of many other Earth-based societies—the Wiccan and Druid clans, which were part of the ancient European Earth culture, shamans from the Middle East, Asian, and African cultures, and from several others areas also. Shamanic Earth-based society was present in all areas of the world and were the oldest civilizations. For many thousands of years they had kept a balance with the earth. Their wisdom had advanced society in a positive way after the revolution. The larger world had adapted so many of their principles.

Tythia and Michael journeyed to the remote and quiet region of the Steen Mountains, in the eastern part of the Western Collective, to seek the Earth Council. High in the mountains overlooking a beautiful but rugged high desert, it was there that a small spiritual village and shamanic center had been built for members of the Earth Council to meet and conduct ceremony. Preferring to be in a quiet and sparsely-populated area, the Earth Council focused on their shamanic work, advising the larger society when needed, training others in their practice, and doing ritual and ceremony to aid in keeping the world stable. They were connected directly with the mystics, working jointly at times, doing similar spiritual and energy work, and many helped at the various mystic universities. The universities had a strong connection to the shamanic path and to earth spirituality. The Earth Council was an integral part of their evolved society. There were several of these villages all over the world, each diverse and each holding the wisdom of the ancient shamanic ways.

Upon their arrival after a long journey, the two Elders were anxious to find answers to their dilemma. As was customary, a day of purification was first called. This included meditation, prayer, song, ritual and a traditional sweat lodge ceremony. To hear the travelers and make any decisions or give any advice, the shamans felt a full day of quiet reflection and cleansing was required. This was their way and had been integrated on many levels into the larger society. If there was any residual energy or negative blocks, the purification ceremonies would help. Taking time for prayer and ritual also helped them focus on the solution.

The second day arrived and after a prayer song, invocation and a long period of silence, the Council convened. As Earth Elders and shamans, they could sense the troubles of the two visitors and of the earth itself. Their intuitive ability to see beyond, to see both the seen and unseen world, was a precious gift that was honored by all. It was the elder shaman, Sitting Eagle, who began the meeting.

“In the ancient times we learned to talk directly to all things of the earth: trees, water, animals, rocks, and each one has a song. After many years of being disconnected, our world has reconnected with the Earth again. Yet it is possible that we need to work harder to talk to our Earth and all of its elements. We need to connect with them and ask for their assistance.”

Rosetta from the Wiccan tradition added to his message. “Our Earth way is a way of life. We view the natural cycle of life and death as sacred. Our world has returned to the way of taking care of our elders, our children and our people in need. We have brought community back into the equation after so many centuries of destructive competition. There is much to be grateful for.”

Sareb from the Eastern Tribal Collective continued. “This is our earth school. We need to honor each experience. We need to see that all experiences are part of our growing. Fear leads to anger and division. When we fear one another, our harmony begins to unravel. We need to bring people back to the heart.”

Yes.” Many agreed with the speakers and a general consensus was felt.

After some reflective time, Tythia began to address the group. “In the past, consumption and competition nearly destroyed our world. In our ancient earth cultures, consumption and greed are considered a mental illness. It was through a strong effort that the larger society of today recognized this and made the change during the revolution. We no longer have a mental illness such as this. We are Earth people and have connected ourselves to spirit. We honor our Mother Earth and our connection to the spirit world. It is here that I humbly come before you to ask for your advice on what to do.”

Sitting Eagle looked at Tythia with seriousness. “We have heard of the troubles that you are having, my sister. And through our abilities, we have tapped into the unseen energies you are dealing with. What is it you ask of our Council?”

“As Elders of the revolution, we have kept secrets of the past from the larger society,” Tythia explained. “These secrets, if revealed, may disrupt our way of life. I promised to guard them and now they are eating away at me. They no longer seem to serve a higher purpose. The darkness seems to overshadow the light.”

“As many have been saying Tythia we can no longer be afraid of the darkness. This is how the seed of our healing will germinate. It is part of the sacred balance,” Rosetta said as she looked at both Tythia and Michael. “It is a reflection of self, one infinite part of all that is, both collectively and individually. When we accept this and come to peace with this dance, it transforms us.”

“I understand our need for the sacred balance,” Tythia pleaded. “We have all been discussing this recently and many are sensing that we need to ground more deeply with the earth energies. But what if the shadow side is starting to affect the balance of our world? I fear our secrets are becoming imbalanced and consuming us. What if the truth we are holding in is tearing us apart?”

“It is the not the darkness that you fear then, my sister,” Rosetta said. “It is the imbalance of the sacred wheel of life. Your truths withheld can cause jeopardy to that delicate balance of the universe. Remember the sacred dance of life and death, of earth and spirit. Sacred energy is always moving, always changing. I sense that you are withholding a part of ourselves that we all need to clearly see to heal?”

Tythia was unclear. “This may be true. Many have indeed talked about our need to reveal our shadow side. That by being hidden from us it is causing the imbalance you are speaking of. I am not sure, though, whether revealing our secrets will upset the balance even more, yet I feel we cannot withhold the truth any longer. Either decision though will cause us pain and hardship. I am afraid of losing all we have.”

Sareb added his wisdom to what was being said. “We must always be reminded that Mother Earth and her sacred elements also make up the balance you seek. This is part of the sacred circle we call life. This is the medicine wheel. It is essential that we recognize the importance of the elements to both cleanse our spirits and awaken us to the truth. We may need the fire to burn, the water to soothe, and the air to purify for us to see clearly. It is through our deep grounding with the earth and these energies that you will truly know what to do. Indeed earth and spirit need to work in harmony for the healing to occur.”

They sat in silence, reflecting on her conflict and going inward to access a deep wisdom. After some time, Sitting Eagle brought everyone’s focus to the elder shaman Red Feather. She was an eloquent speaker and a respected leader of the Earth people.

“There are four attributes of our Earth people that I feel need to be discussed. These may help you in your decision. They are patience, endurance, courage and alertness. As Earth people, we need to know that we are here for our future generations. Every decision we make is for our children and grandchildren and for the next seven generations. We also connect with Mother Earth and the Creator, finding our answers by being quiet, by being patient. I sense what you need to do now is to be courageous and alert. You need to give this energy to the world, knowing that the answers lie in how you act right now. I feel your courage at this time is essential.”

“And is our courage, then, in revealing the truth even if it is dangerous to our way of life?” Michael finally spoke up after being silent for some time.

“The danger lies in not having courage to speak and live the sacred truth,” Red Feather said strongly. “Even if our truth brings out the shadow side, even if it causes pain, for this is all part of the sacred dance. We need to remember our individual strength and power, how we affect the larger energy field. When we are aware that we are in control of our behaviors and that they affect the whole, we take a conscious path toward living an awakened and authentic life. This life honors the duality; both the light and the dark, for there cannot be one without the other.”

Tythia and Michael were quiet. They knew what they needed to do, but neither of them knew how to do it. The secret had been kept for too long.

Sitting Eagle reminded them of a great teaching. “Remember, deep inside us there are two wolves that live in each of us. They both are part of the dance of life; the sacred duality that we speak of. One wolf is selfish. It is anger, sorrow, envy, regret, false pride, and ego. We all deal with these things every day. This you cannot avoid. The second wolf within you is loving. It is joy, peace, humility, kindness, faith and truth. It is true that both wolves are part of us and will always be. Yet which one ultimately controls the actions within you, my dear friends? It is the one you feed. Let us feed our love! Let us feed our truth! You have a choice in each thought and action that you take. Let us seek the peace that we need to heal our living Earth and its people.”

” the others pronounced loudly in agreement.

Sitting Eagle ended their meeting with a prayer, hoping to help the traveling Elders in their decision. “Great Spirit, Creator, and great Mother Earth, we give thanks to all that you give us. Guide us and help us remember our mission here on this great planet. Give us strength to look deep within and come to peace with all parts of ourselves. We are whole with the light and dark. We ask that you help us let go of fear and focus on love. We ask that you help us be deeply grounded in our physical life with its mountains and valleys, with its strong emotions. We ask that you help us grow and be the bridge of earth and spirit. It is our time to show our courage and our compassion. We give thanks for all that you have given us.”

The Council session ended with a traditional feast. Sareb reminded the guests of their mission. “Our unity, courage and faith at this time will be key to our healing. Let us now take time to celebrate and raise our voices in harmony. The night has begun.”

The drumming, singing and dancing began and lasted into the night and early morning. The sacred songs were sung from every tradition. Their voices raised in unity. Their bodies danced for the earth and all its inhabitants. They raised their arms to the sky and universe, giving thanks for their time here and the challenges that lay ahead. The energy of the group was one of hope, one of immense love. This energy in itself would help alter the minds and hearts of the Elders that had come for advice. They would bring this hope and love back to the people.

Free at last to speak the truth, Tythia and Michael let go of their fears and knew what had to be done.

Chapter 29

Finding Sudoki


Jasmine and Talis agreed that they would be the ones to contact Sudoki. Joshua and Layia would work on getting the portal ready for traveling, and when they were ready would use it to contact Lillian. There was not much time, so splitting the duties was a good decision.

They borrowed one of the University’s robotic vehicles to get to the boarding house where Sudoki lived. It was out in the country, fairly isolated, so going mobile was faster. Jasmine had not been in a single vehicle for many years. She delighted in the opportunity to drive with Talis alone, watching the gorgeous countryside roll by.

Sudoki lived in a collective boarding house that took care of people with mental difficulties or that had violated the trust of the larger society. In most regions people could chose to live in isolated communities that were more independent while they worked on their healing. There was very little crime in their new society. In their culture, if someone did commit a crime against another, they were directly helped by the larger society, not warehoused in a prison as in the old ways. It was a collective issue and everyone took responsibility. This factor had helped transform the way people acted and treated each other. Prisons had been abolished soon after the revolution and a new system of healing and rehabilitation had been put into place. Many people devoted their lives to helping others that needed extra care or energy to heal and find well-being. A strict system of punishment was no longer allowed or necessary in their evolved society.

Sudoki lived in a place of rehabilitation. He had spent many decades here and never quite recovered from the revolution. He had witnessed the uprising along Markus Dueter, Lillian and the others.

Talis and Jasmine approached the facility with nervousness. They did not know what to expect of this old man who had isolated himself due to his actions some 60 years ago. They didn’t know his story and they were a bit afraid of what they might hear. Yet they knew they had to find the truth. They insisted on it.

Talis and Jasmine entered the courtyard and found the old man sunning himself next to a gorgeous natural pond. The courtyard was peaceful and inviting. Many people were milling around the open area enjoying the beautiful day. They walked over to where he was and took seats next to him.

“I have been expecting you, my young friends,” Sudoki said in a compassionate voice. “The energy is changing. I have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

Talis spoke first. “We are honored to visit you, Sudoki. As an elder of the revolution, we thank you for helping transform our world.”

“Yes, we did do some good, didn’t we?” Sudoki muttered. “But at what price? At what sacrifice?”

Jasmine and Talis glanced at each other. They knew he would lead them closer to the truth.

“Tell us about those days,” Jasmine asked him in her gentle way.

Sudoki looked up at her and smiled. “You are a mystic, are you not?”

“Yes, I have been at Western University almost all of my life.”

“Ah,” he said. “You are at the place where it all started. It is where I first met Jelina and Markus.”

“Did you know my grandfather well?” Talis asked as he moved closer to him.

“He was my friend. As they all were. Lillian and your grandfather were in love. Such a strong love they had, until the chaotic days of the energy shift.”

“What happened during that time?”

“My dear young friends,” Sudoki said, gazing off into the distance. “We felt so much pain when we had to make the decision. It nearly killed your grandfather.”

Jasmine noticed he was getting agitated and tried to calm him with her thoughts. Sudoki had also been a prisoner during the uprising. He had seen things that no one talked about. And he had protected the ones he loved so that the future generations would have a chance.

“We did what we had to do,” he noted quietly, tapping his fingers nervously on the wooden chair.

“What did you do?” Talis pressed him, becoming slightly impatient. Jasmine went beside him and gently massaged his shoulder. Talis tried his best to relax. “I’m sorry, Sudoki, but a lot has occurred during the last few weeks. We have lost trust in a system that we so much believed in. We are just trying to help find the truth.”

Sudoki smiled and put his hand on Talis’s leg, gently patting him. “I know my son. What you are doing is right. My mind is no longer clear, but I will try to help.”

He sat back and closed his eyes. “The night the mystics disappeared was something that we thought was necessary. Everyone did, even Jelina, even many of the mystics themselves. We did not know what would happen. Our plan was working; their energy was indeed changing the world. We did not understand the consequences.”

“So you let them stay in their energy trance, knowing that it was harming them?” Talis asked bluntly.

“The story is much more complex than that, but yes, the decision was made to keep them in their trance. We had very little time to decide.”

They were silent for a long moment, each one gathering their thoughts, staring at the still water before them.

Jasmine tried her best to help the situation by being compassionate with the old man. “Sudoki, did you know they would disappear?”

Sudoki looked at the water and seemed hesitant to answer. “No, none of us were sure, but…” He was silent and still.

“But what? Tell us please,” Talis pleaded with him.

He went on. “When I heard that Markus had passed, I knew the truth would be revealed slowly. I knew he wanted this. He had been waiting for decades. Then when we heard Lillian had spoken to you, there was no stopping the inevitable. Yet there is more. This is only the beginning of the story.”

“What story?” Talis asked.

Sudoki stared out into the courtyard, deep in thought. “I have so much I want to share with you my friends,” Sudoki said. “Yet finding the truth is part of your journey. I can neither give you the answers nor reveal the story to you. You must experience it for yourself.”

“But can’t you help us understand what happened?” Talis asked as calmly as possible.

“Trust in yourselves. It is in your search for the truth that all will be revealed. It is time for the healing to begin. You and your generation will be the catalyst for our evolution.”

“Yet we still need the help of your elder generation to succeed in our quest. This has been our struggle.”

Sudoki seemed in agony remembering the past, but he tried to help. “Your time will come. You will be able to soon ask the other Elders as the secrets of the past are slowly opening up to all. I have already told you much. This should help you move forward. There is much more truth that needs to be revealed.” And with that, he summoned one of the healers to help him to his room.

Talis was frustrated that they didn’t get any more information. He wanted to ask more questions, but Sudoki was in no shape to answer them. Somehow Sudoki sensed Talis’s disappointment. Before saying goodbye, the old revolutionary reminded them of their task.

“Your grandfather and I often discussed how everyone carries their own story and their own personal experience while here on this Earth. As eternal beings, we become individuals to play out life as a separate physical being. It is essential that we live the whole experience, the ups and downs, so that we grow. This is not always an easy task. At times there is pain. At times we make mistakes. Yet we need not fear this experience. The truth that is being revealed to you now, this experience of our uprising which was hidden for so long, is what we need to experience to begin to heal our collective soul. We need to forgive ourselves and forgive others for the wrongs they may have done. This is a principle that we have taught our society. The way we heal our individual and collective karma is to forgive and let go of any guilt, anger or fear. Do not forget this principle as you help with the healing. Goodbye, my dear friends. I am glad you came to visit.”

and thank you.” Jasmine and Talis bid him goodbye and slowly left in a daze. They could not believe that many of the activists had witnessed the mystics’ disappearance. And that was just the beginning of the truth? They both knew that Sudoki was right: they would need to learn to forgive to heal their society if they were to continue to evolve. They still needed to find out the whole truth. They insisted on it.

,” Jasmine chanted out loud, trying to raise her energy. “Insist on the truth.”

“Soul force,” Talis said as a response. “We will respond to the truth with compassionate action.”

They took each other’s hands in unity and love as they left for the University.

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