The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (7 page)

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Joshua nodded and sat back in his chair, perplexed. “Do you think our events have anything in common? They both seem odd.”

Talis open his eyes wide and looked at Joshua. “I have a good feeling we are connected for a reason, my dear friend. I think we both feel it. We shall see.”

Joshua got up and looked out the window. “Yes, we shall see. I am beginning to doubt some of this, though, and I don’t know why.” He waved his hand out at the expansive farm. “Are we living a dream? Is there truth in this all? I had so much faith in our way, but now I am unclear.”

Talis tried to reassure him of their blessings. “My friend, I agree we should question things when the truth has perhaps been hidden, but don’t give up on our new world. You know as well as I that this is a good place to be. Have faith that all will be well.”

“Yes, I know,” Joshua answered sadly. “I will try to believe. I truly want to, yet something is clouding my vision. Someone or something is calling me down a different path. My heart and mind are not quite right.”

“I hope you can find peace, my brother,” Talis said, standing up next to him and looking out at the orange glow of the setting sun. In the silence of the evening they both sensed that their new adventure would take them to places they had only dreamed of.

Chapter 12

The Shift


The time of the mystic uprising had begun. Markus and Lillian had both prepared for this special day since the very beginning several months ago, as had the others in their community. Many had waited years for this day. The Mystic Orders of the various collectives agreed that they would begin the energy shift in August 2033. Jelina and the various elder mystics felt it time to start the process. They had waited patiently for this powerful younger generation to mature. These psychic and gifted children had been educated by the Elders for several months now and the time to test their strength had arrived. As they prepared for this day, excitement and anxiety filled the air. After so many years of organizing the Mystic Collective, the day was actually here.

It was a warm day, full of fragrant flowers with the fresh early morning dew of the mountain air. As the Mystic Collective slowly made their way to the sanctuary, the atmosphere was thick with hope. Everyone sensed that change was near. All in the community participated on some level and many were on hand to help. Within the inner sanctuary sat the mystics that would focus on raising the vibration. The large chamber, recently made by community members using materials from the local land, was exquisite in detail. The rich adobe earth walls covered with a light plaster and painted with vibrant colors of the sacred
gave the inside of the chamber a special glow, grounded deep with the earth. The floor, also made of earthen adobe, was covered with soft pillows and blankets for the mystics to lie, sit or relax upon.

Lillian entered the sanctuary and smiled at Markus sitting on the outer edge. He was visibly nervous, but looked at her with affection and support. He had to ground himself and be there for her. Many others came in and began to sit down in a large circle. The room became silent and the energy was high. The circle became one, then two, then three wide as all the mystics made their way in. It was a most beautiful sight. A central altar had various icons, crystals, powerful stones, candles and flowers. It would be the focus point of their power, although most would be in deep trance. Jelina entered the chamber and looked at all that had gathered. The young mystics looked up at her, slightly nervous with their upcoming journey. She calmed most of them with her loving glance and pats on the shoulders. She began to help the group center and focus.

The time had finally come to focus their collective energy on the higher energies, creating a strong frequency that would help transform the dysfunctional energy of the wounded earth. The group would attempt to open the veil of the other dimension and keep it open, calling upon the higher energy forces to help them heal the planet and the people. Around the world, many groups would do the same simultaneously. Thousands of mystics and millions more in support roles joined in the effort. This was their time.

The sanctuary held deep beauty and high energy. All the people inside had such hope and compassion. Jelina looked at everyone around her, bowed deeply, smiled and began the ritual.

“It is time, my dear friends, to begin the energy shift. Your love for our healing is evident in the energy I feel. Let us begin with a prayer to the future. Divine Spirit, Universal Energy Force, Spirit Beings and Energies that guide us, Great Energy of Love, we are here today to begin the healing of our people and our planet. Guide us, oh force of Love and Hope. Guide us, Divine Light of the Universe. Guide our energies so that we may have the strength to transform ourselves. We call upon the Mother Earth and the sacred elements—Earth, Air, Water and Fire—to ground us with your energies and wisdom. Blessings be to all that is. Let us begin.”

And with that special prayer, the mystics began their meditation and prayer. Those watching in the room felt an intense energy shift, like a strong wind or magnetic pulse bursting from the ground toward the heavens. Many people cried at the intense energy rush. Lillian was in the center of this and began her trance. Markus could feel her shifting energy from where he sat. He could sense she was going into a higher vibration, a place where she could do her work.
What will happen to her?
he wondered as he closed his eyes and focused on being grounded. The Mystic Circle began to move as various people fell into trance. Some were still, others moved slightly. A few chanted quietly. Many focused on the center altar, some with their eyes closed. They focused intently on the energy shift. They had been trained for this joint ritual and their focused energy became obvious to the onlookers in the outer part of the sanctuary. The uprising had begun.

There was an active support group in the community to help the mystics remain comfortable and in good health. They also communicated to the larger group involved in the nonviolent revolution. The activists planned for this transition realizing that society would need new systems in place to help transform their old way of life. The new paradigm was present before them and they felt prepared. Most of the collective schools based themselves outside of cities because of the need for isolation. Yet the collective activist groups kept contact with the cities as this is where change needed to occur on a larger level. The nonviolent action that would coincide with the mystics’ energy work was an important part of their strategy. How it would work, no one knew, but there was great hope and intense planning to make it successful. If they could keep the energy at a high state for a long enough period of time, there would be a chance at the shift.

As he watched and felt the energy shift with the mystics, Markus was confident the plan would work. The shift was based upon the power of positive high-frequency energy. Why would it not work as they envisioned? This force was hundreds of times more powerful than lower frequency self-centered energy based on ego and fear. This energy could actually be measured scientifically, and the higher frequency shift was a realistic theory based on a combination of science and spirituality. The gap had closed between the two disciplines and people realized this. People truly believed they could transform society into a more peaceful state and do so in a nonviolent way. Many people worked hard toward making this a reality.

Markus and the others also realized the risks involved keeping the energy high for such a long period of time and relying on it for the revolution. They knew it would not be easy. It was possibly dangerous and unstable for the mystics and for Earth. Markus’s love for Lillian filled him with concern, yet he knew that the time was right to try the shift. The world and its people could no longer wait. Jelina had reassured him that the mystics would be fine. “Trust in our way. Remember to believe in our cause with an open heart and be strong. We will all experience some hardship before we see our success. This is part of the journey.”

He knew that whatever the outcome, it would change the world and alter humanity forever. What would transpire over the next few months would not come easy.

Chapter 13

The Third Journal:The Promise


Talis arrived back home from Rising Sun Farm in time to pick up the third journal. He had stayed over a week at the farm and had a wonderful time with Joshua and the others. Soaking in the country life had reinvigorated him. Now he was anxious to read the journal and see if he could find out what happened. He knew in his heart that there was a connection with what Joshua was going through. Although cautious, he felt obligated to the Council of Elders to report back with his findings. He had not yet talked at length to Jasmine about his experiences. He knew Grandfather had wanted him to connect with her, but she had been in Council at the University during this time and it had been difficult for them to communicate. He felt there would be a time soon to see her and turned his attention to the importance of reading the third journal.

When he arrived at the book repair shop, he was overwhelmed by the intensity of the energy he felt. For some reason, Talis gravitated toward these older books. He envisioned history and could actually sense the past through their paper. The familiar and distinct smell of the books gave him a portal to the past.

An older man named Marvis ran the shop with his younger family. Marvis was as old as Talis’s grandfather and walked slowly to greet Talis personally. Talis knew that Marvis trained his grandchildren in the art of book binding and repair, but he wanted to connect with him directly about this special journal since Marvis had been a young man during the uprising. He was friendly, but quiet and soft-spoken.
Perhaps being with all of these old books had made him turn more inward?
Talis thought to himself as he greeted the old man with a smile and continued to look around the shop in admiration.

Talis always felt a sense of awe when he was in a room full of books. He had read many of the older books, but mostly on electronic pads or as virtual books. He sometimes longed to feel the paper on his hands. Paper books were still available, but not in large quantities. There had been a resurgence of paper books lately, but for the most part modern literature was either electronic, based in tablets and computers, or experiential, conveyed through virtual real-time holographic programs that allowed the “reader” to personally experience what was happening. This was a popular way to experience literature and had gained popularity in the last 20 years among the younger generations. Talis grew up learning this way, but he and many other still loved to pick up an older book to sit down and read. There was something about the process that captivated him.

Marvis handed him the repaired journal with special care. As he picked up Grandfather’s third journal, Talis felt a sudden rush of energy. The older man noticed this and looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Be careful with this journal. It has residual energy from where it was written.”

Talis looked at the journal intently, then at Marvis. “What do you mean, be careful?”

The old man was quiet for a time, then spoke in a soft voice. “All older books hold an energy charge, especially books that were part of the revolution. There was a tremendous amount of energy that flowed during that time and it was not always contained. It is best to be aware of this as you handle the books from that time. Your grandfather was directly involved in many events that changed our world. And he was also connected with the mystics.”

The old bookbinder looked away for a moment, hesitating to continue. “There are several things that I could share with you about that time, but I believe your grandfather wanted you to read the journals and discover the secrets for yourself.”

“What secrets?” Talis asked.

Marvis was again slow to answer. “I—I do not want to say any more about that. It will reveal itself to you in good time.”

He changed the subject. “As far as the journal, I repaired it the best I could, but there are a few pages that are still very faint and difficult to read. It is not my place to tell you what to do, but I admired your grandfather. He would have wanted me to tell you to be cautious with the words and what you do with them. I wish you the best, my son, and I hope you find what you are looking for.”

And with that, the old man disappeared quickly into the back room to continue his work. Talis didn’t quite know what to think, but he knew that it was his responsibility to find out what was in the journal. He put the book in his special case, placed it on his shoulder and left the store. He had a nervous feeling in his stomach as he took deep breaths of the fresh air outside. He decided to take the long way home, following the quiet path by the river. He hoped this would clear his thoughts before he began to read.

Before he opened the journal that evening, he spent some time meditating and finding peace. He prayed and connected to his spirit guides and asked for assistance. After several minutes of grounding, he felt ready and opened the journal with excitement. Most of this journal was written with short remarks, so he was able to read through it fairly fast. There were a few longer entries that interested Talis the most. Grandfather had been very busy during this period of the uprising, as he had been in charge of the activist support group for the mystics and for change in the closest city areas. This was a stressful job; the logistics needed to be in order for the mystics to do their job and to help people in need, particularly in the unstable cities. There were many people helping, but it was a very intense time. Grandfather had told Talis about some of these times, but never in the intensity that the journal revealed. The first entry that intrigued Talis helped him connect to the stress that his grandfather had experienced.


April 1
, 2034 – The mystics are still shifting the energy at a high level. Many have been in a trance for several months. I am not sure what they are experiencing. Very little communication from most of them. They seem to be in a different place. Energy shift seems to be having some success on the larger human energy field. Things are fairly peaceful at this time. People seem to be shifting toward a new consciousness. Our nonviolent strategies are also working on most levels. The people are supporting the change and there has been very little violence thus far. Have high hope, yet still worried about the mystics and their health.


Talis noticed that Lillian had not been mentioned for several entries. Grandfather still seemed worried about the mystics, but if things were indeed working then they must have been having success. Talis had always been told that the uprising had been fairly peaceful, yet very little was known about the mystics that held the energy so high.

Talis continued reading the journal for the next two days, isolating himself and going over many passages twice or more. As the old bookbinder had told him, some passages were barely legible. Talis carefully tried to make sense of these pages. At times it was agonizing, his mind unable to fill in the blanks on the pages. He cried with stress. What was he searching for? What did Grandfather want to show him? Talis tried again and again to make out what was written, but could only decipher parts of it. It was toward the last part of the journal that three entries seemed to call to him.


July 5
, 2034 – Energy shift seems to be weakening, but we are hanging in there. Has been almost a year since the start of the uprising and the energy shift. Some chaos again in the cities. Mystics aren’t able to hold the energy at a constant high vibration although they are trying. We are trying to come up with ways to help. It is time for the revolution and many are saying we need to move on a larger level. I am not so sure about—


Talis couldn’t read what else it said. He went on.


Sept 7
, 2034 – Energy is returning slowly. I am not sure what is happening with the mystics, whether their energy is stable or not, but something is shifting for the better. We were able to stabilize the energy field with the help of the support groups and by keeping grounded. Our belief in our cause is helping us even though we are lost at times. Consciousness seems to be shifting once again. It was a close call. The cities are reviving and peaceful. People want change and peace. As activists, we have begun to help with stabilizing of society. I am not sure what is happening with the mystics. I am trying to find out.


Again, the last sentences were lost. The last entry was the most difficult for Talis to understand.


December 16
, 2034 – Mystic Revolution is working to provide the energy that we needed to alter consciousness and help our nonviolent movement. A positive threshold of people are now on our side and a new collective society and government are being formed on local and regional levels. Economic system is weak, but a new support system is in its place to help. Many parts of the world are joining the new collective society and a union of continents is being proposed. Certain areas still independent and some violent. Here in the West it is relatively calm and a new bioregional government is forming with the Elder Council advising. Mystic collectives and schools are now reorganizing with several new members being trained to help with the energy.

Many mystics from the original energy shift seem distant and low energy. Some are very quiet and uncooperative. Not sure what is going on with them. They seem lost. Have not seen Lillian for several months. I can feel her presence, almost hear her voice, but she is not here. Was the energy shift too much for her? I promised I would help her yet there is nothing I can do—


And that was all. The rest was unreadable. Talis could not quite understand what had happened to the original mystics or to Lillian. Why were some uncooperative and lost? What did Grandfather mean by that? And there had been very little mention of Lillian in this journal until the end. What had happened to her? There were many unanswered questions. The seers of his time did not reveal the past like Grandfather told it, and he had not learned any of this in his education or upbringing.

What had happened to the mystics? Why did they leave and where did they go? Talis had a hundred questions and very few answers. He did not know what exactly to tell the Council. Would the Mystic Council at the University know anything?

He would have to focus some time on all of this. Grandfather was indeed right; this was important. Talis would have to learn the truth and let people know what had happened. He didn’t know what to believe anymore or what was hidden by the past. It all was confusing and he had to find out. Was he up to the challenge? Did he even want to find the truth of what happened? He knew that he had no choice. Grandfather had entrusted him with this duty. “Fear not,” Grandfather said to him. “Let your inner compass guide you to the answers. Open your heart and let the healing begin.” And with these thoughts, Talis fell into a much-needed deep sleep.

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