Read The Mercenary Knight Online
Authors: Elyzabeth M. VaLey
Tanya couldn’t help smiling appreciatively as she caught sight of Gregorii’s hands swiftly undoing the lace of his hose. She licked her lips as he brought out his engorged cock, the tip already gleaming with pre-cum. Without warning, he was lifting her in his hands, guiding her until the tip of his cock was pulsating against her sodden cunt. She moaned as she adjusted to the pressure of his dick buried deep inside her. Gregorii dropped soft kisses on her neck and chest while his hands tugged at her nipples, causing her body to tremble with small ripples of sensuous delight. When she began to move against him, he circled her waist and took hold of the reins once more.
“Now, you shall see and feel.”
With a light kick the horse was off in a gallop. Tanya cried out in surprise as intense pleasure flooded all her senses. At every leap and jump the horse executed she was lifted and slammed back onto Gregorii’s stiff member. Her nails dug onto his shoulders as she hung on for dear life. Gregorii brought her closer, her sensitive breasts pressing into his torso. She mewled in delight as his cock plunged deeper and faster inside her. Gregorii groaned against her ear, absorbed in the delightful ecstasy of their lovemaking. He nibbled on her earlobe and her breath hitched in her throat. The horse quickened its pace beneath her and she almost forgot to breathe as Gregorii’s thrusts became a fevered carnal force pushing into her.
“Oh, oh.”
Gregorii brushed his lips against hers and she glanced at him. He was staring at her with a half-smile. He held on to her hips and winked at her through eyes lidded with desire. The horse increased its trot. Deep and hard, he drove into her twice before she cried out in ecstasy. Stars danced before her eyes and white-hot pleasure burst inside her. The horse continued its maddened canter as her pussy convulsed and pulsated around Gregorii’s shaft. She collapsed against his chest, all her energy drained. Finally, his hold on her tightened as his body stiffened and with a grunt, he too found release.
Conrad, Johann and Wybert reached the town’s gate barely minutes before it closed. They slowly galloped through the clutter of houses, the few citizens still about rushing to their homes before night fell as those with ill-reputed professions emerged.
The inn was not far removed from the gates, its lighted windows a welcoming beacon to all in the area. A stable boy heard them approach and quickly ran to gather their horses. They instructed the groom on how to care for the beasts, and collected their belongings before commencing the short trek to the main building. As they reached the front door, they caught sight of the tavern’s sign: a sleeping dragon, its tail curling over the words
The Dragon Repose.
“Last time we passed through Wilton we had to sleep in the common room. It’s a good thing we have funds for this trip. I’m exhausted,” Johann said. “Besides, I can’t wait to try one of the rooms; rumor has it they’re the best there are for the next fifty miles.”
“That is if we can find a room. The place seems to be packed full,” Conrad said. He gave Johann a friendly slap on the back as they stepped into the building. He scanned the room searching for Gregorii and Tanya. Conrad was surprised to see that the majority of guests were soldiers. They sat about the open hearth, laughing and singing along to a troubadour’s cheerful song about a knight and a maiden too free with her virtue. Another group of men, by the look of them hired hands, sat at a table playing a game of cards. Gregorii sat in a corner, not too far from the roaring fire, nursing a mug of ale. Opposite the door, where a long bar rested, the innkeeper was serving ale pewters. A tavern maid waited patiently to take the drinks to the guests, while another wound her way between tables serving hot food. Conrad finally spotted Gregorii at a corner table, not too far from the roaring fire, nursing a mug of ale. Tanya was nowhere in sight.
“I’ll be with you in a second, gentlemen,” the innkeeper, a portly man, shouted above the noise.
Conrad waved to him and made his way to Gregorii. He passed a hand through his hair, trying to hide the anxiety that coursed through his veins. Had something happened to the girl? Had Gregorii abandoned her? Had she left their company? A bitter taste rose to his mouth at the thought that she would have left without saying goodbye.
Gregorii rose to meet them, smiling. Conrad frowned. It had been a while since he’d seen his friend so relaxed and at ease. He had the feeling that something was amiss, but he couldn’t quite place it.
“Where is Tanya?” he asked while sitting across from his friend. Johann and Wybert took seats next to him.
“Fast asleep upstairs. I came down to wait for you.”
The innkeeper hurried to them, a smile upon his face. He welcomed them and quickly took their orders.
“She is safe?”
“In perfect state, merely tired from the last day’s tolls. But I guess the hunger has awoken her. There she comes.”
Conrad turned around to where Gregorii pointed and forgot all about his comrades. Tanya walked towards them. Clearly, the few hours of rest had been beneficial, because she looked even more beautiful than before. She still wore the same clothes, but stood straighter and as she walked her body swayed in a hypnotic way. She had recently brushed her hair and it hung loose and shiny, in soft reddish waves down her back.
“I see you have made it back safely and without a single scratch,” Tanya said softly.
Conrad blinked. His mind was blank as he regarded the glow of her eyes under the soft light of the fire.
“Lady Tanya was very worried that you wouldn’t make it,” Gregorii explained, quickly rising to offer her a seat.
“Lady?” Conrad blurted.
Gregorii frowned and Conrad knew that he had made a mistake. He glanced at Tanya again and his suspicions were confirmed: he had erred. She openly glared at him. Her amber eyes, which two seconds ago had been welcoming and mellow, were now ablaze. Before he could utter an apology, Tanya lifted her chin and swung back her hair in defiance.
“I might not be the sort of noble woman you are used to dallying with, but I am no common whore to whom you can speak in that tone of voice.”
“What do you mean, noble woman? Gregorii, what have you told her?” Conrad stood up in outrage, his chair falling back.
Tanya ran to stand between him and Gregorii. “Don’t you dare accuse him of anything!”
One of her fingers shot out and she began to poke him in the chest. She looked up at him, livid. “He has told me nothing. Your actions have spoken for themselves. You believe yourself superior to my status, like any other knight. You think you can command me around and I’ll do your bidding, well—“
“Will you stand by and watch while this wench shouts at me?” he growled at his men.
Conrad glowered at them. They looked impassively on, amusement drawn on their features. For God’s sake, he could even tell that Wybert was trying hard to stifle his laughter. He noticed that some of the soldiers were also watching and openly laughing at the scene.
Outraged, Conrad turned around and left. He could not bear to hear her accuse him of those things. That he did not know how to be with a commoner? That he thought himself above all his friends? That his actions had proved her point? When had he been anything more than gallant? He had offered to watch over her while she bathed, without peeking. There had been that moment when he had looked into her eyes and almost succumbed to her beauty, but besides that, he had done nothing worse than stay away from her tempting nature and now, he found, hot temper.
Conrad hurried to the stables, where the startled stable boy jumped to his feet as soon as he saw him. He handed the boy a coin for his troubles and sent him back to bed. He found his mare, Splendida, and began to brush her down, the physical task and the proximity of the affectionate animal calming his bad humor.
“Did you gentlemen have enough entertainment for the night, or do you wish to make more sport of me?” he said through gritted teeth as Johann came into view.
“You’re being ridiculous, Captain.”
Conrad spun around. The fact that he was in command of the small band of mercenaries was an unspoken truth. It was a rare thing when any of them addressed him like that.
“Why do you think that?” he said in a controlled voice.
“You are angry over a woman you’ve barely known two nights.”
“She has no right. We could have let her die in the road, perhaps be raped. But we saved her, and yet she dares accuse me of things she has no knowledge about and—“
“None of us has any knowledge about it, except Gregorii. But tell me truly, Conrad, are you angry because she is a mere woman shouting at you or because she discovered something we don’t know, or what? Why are you angry, man?” Johann demanded, slapping one of the wooden beams that held the stable together.
Conrad faced his mare. The animal nuzzled him affectionately, perhaps judging his sour mood and seeking to comfort him. Conrad smiled and scratched her behind the ears. Why was he angry? He had been in the stables for a few minutes and still had not come up with a satisfactory answer. He’d gone through a thousand reasons: Tanya was ungrateful, Gregorii had let something slip; Gregorii had betrayed him, Tanya had no right to shout at him…Whatever passed through his head, Conrad discarded it. The truth was that he wasn’t sure why he had burst like that. He shook his head and passed a hand through his sweaty locks before facing Johann again.
“I thought as much. Come join us for dinner and put this behind you.”
With a nod and a last pat to Splendida, Conrad followed Johann out of the stables.
“Besides, worry yourself not, tonight is probably the last we’ll see of her,” Johann added.
Conrad jumped. How could he have forgotten? They had promised to drop the girl off at Wilton, and that they had done. They would be rid of her tomorrow morning at first light. He should be glad that the bothersome wench would be gone, but instead a feeling of black despair seemed to claw at his heart. He ground his teeth together, trying to fight off that dismal feeling he didn’t quite understand.
The animation in the tavern was in full swing: The troubadour sang another rowdy tale of a sailor and a mermaid, and a soldier had dug out his flute and accompanied the cheerful melody. The card players had stopped their game to watch and sing along to the well-known ballad. The exception to the merry-making was the group of three men who sat oblivious to the party.
“The girl?”
“She fled to her room as soon as those three men entered,” Wybert whispered, indicating with his head where they sat huddled in conversation. Conrad observed them. Two were without a doubt knights. They wore simple tunics, breeches and mud-clotted boots. Over their clothes they wore tabards, though he could not make out the coat of arms. The third man was dressed in impeccably clean clothes. He could not gauge from his distance but he had the feeling that the buttons on the man’s white shirt and brash jacket were made of pearls.
“She declares she was not feeling well, but I believe there is something more.”
Gregorii nodded. “Her eyes grew wide and all color fled her cheeks. Do you think she was fleeing Lester town? We only asked her what had happened with the merchant, not why she was with him.”
Conrad nodded, solemn. “Clearly, something is amiss.” He took a swig from the warm ale he had abandoned earlier.
“Shall I go speak to her?” Gregorii volunteered.
“No, I’ll go; I owe her an apology, anyway.”
“She’s in the last room to the left of the staircase,” Johann said. “Since Gregorii arrived here earlier, he was able to procure two rooms for all of us.”
Drinking the last of his ale, Conrad stood and made his way up the wooden staircase. He knew he had to apologize, but he had never been very good at it. Furthermore, he had to know why the girl was fleeing from soldiers. If it was something that put her in danger…
He stopped at her door and knocked. There was no response. He knocked harder, thinking that the noise from the common room drowned out all sound. He passed a hand through his hair and shuffled his feet. Maybe she had fallen asleep. He put his ear close to the door, attempting to hear something within. He was rewarded by the noise of something falling and a softly spoken curse. With a bang, he opened the door. Tanya stood on the window ledge, the hem of her skirt tangled on the lock, a wooden bench strewn on the floor. She looked at him, her eyes wide and frightened as she tugged at her skirt trying to free herself. In two strides Conrad had his arms around her, pulling her inside. She struggled against him and they fell in a heap onto the floor.
Tanya tried to stand and run, but he pulled at her skirt and she fell back with a cry. Grasping her wrists and placing them over her head, Conrad rolled over her and held down her body with his own.
“Let me go, Conrad.”
She lifted her hips, trying to stave him away, but only succeeded in firmly nestling her body against his. Her pouty lips parted as her breathing became heavy. The tip of her tongue slid out to wet her lower lip and his cock stirred. Her eyes glazed over as she stared up at him, all traces of fear gone, replaced by desire.
Tanya’s breath came out in short spurts. Conrad held her hands above her head, his heavy weight pinning her to the ground.
“What did you think you were doing, trying to jump out of that window?” Conrad asked between clenched teeth.
Tanya swallowed hard and wet her dry lips, trying to regain some control over her body. She watched in fascination as Conrad’s bright green eyes turned a shade darker, gleaming with desire. She parted her lips and took in a shaky breath. Her breasts were crushed against Conrad’s solid chest. Her sensitive nipples poked through her clothes, begging to be licked by the soft lips that hovered a few inches above her. Fluid rushed to meet her nether folds as she felt Conrad’s cock grow long and hard between her legs.