Read The Mercenary Knight Online
Authors: Elyzabeth M. VaLey
“Aha!” he exclaimed. “Found it.” With a wink, he handed her the bar of soap. Their fingers casually brushed together and Tanya jumped at the electric current that ran from up her arm.
“Thank you.” She turned on her heel and hurried to the river’s bank.
In a heartbeat, Conrad was beside her, loudly clearing his throat.
"Would you like me to keep guard so that the men don't bother you?" For a moment, Tanya was sorely tempted to decline the offer. Let them watch if they liked. She'd bedded less finer looking men and only the Gods knew when these four had last seen a naked woman. However, something in the way Conrad was looking at her prompted her to nod, accepting his offer. She didn’t see open desire in them as she had seen in the other three mere moments before. No, in Conrad she saw a sense of duty, a sense of protection. If he wanted to protect her, then who was she to deny him that pleasure?
They walked to the riverbank in silence. Tanya glimpsed a spot shrouded by overhanging branches, which gave her a little more privacy. Conrad noticed and bowed his head to her before turning his back. He stared ahead, making sure that none of the men attempted to approach while she was bathing. Quickly, Tanya disposed of her clothes and shrieked as she tumbled into the freezing water. She swam around trying to warm her limbs. However, she didn’t wish to delay the party from continuing their journey, so she took the sweet-smelling soap and began to lather herself. As she bathed, she watched Conrad. He stood with his feet a bit apart, his broad back erect, arms crossed on his chest. Tanya licked her lips. An urge to walk to him stark naked and demand he look at her began to grow between her legs. The man was so chivalrous he wasn't even trying to peek at her. She bit her lower lip.
Perhaps he had once been a knight
. She discarded the option. No, true knights, those with a brave heart and chivalrous intentions, were a thing of fairytales. All the knights she had stumbled upon were mere men with greed for power and a love for war. Tanya rinsed herself and put her clothes back on. In silence, she padded up to Conrad. He did not turn around as she approached, and she wondered where his thoughts lay. She grasped his arm and gasped: muscles of steel. He looked down at her and she hastily released him as their eyes met. In a fluid motion, he encircled her waist and brought her closer. His green eyes glittered with danger. Tanya shivered in his embrace. Here was a man of power, a man who eluded her comprehension, and yet appealed to her senses in a primal way. He tugged softly and she crashed against the solid plane of his chest, the bulge of his cock pressing against her. Her nipples hardened under her chemise and her folds became slick. Her heartbeat quickened until its pulse beat in her ears like a tribal drum. Conrad slowly lowered his head until their lips were so close their breath mingled in the cold spring morning air. "Conrad!" Tanya jumped and Conrad released her. The spell was broken. She had forgotten about the remaining three men. She glanced at Conrad. His face was once more a controlled mask, all the burning passion gone. "Come." They walked back to the clearing. She noticed Gregorii raise a questioning eyebrow at Conrad, but he said nothing, just shoved the soap into the pouch and climbed atop his grey mare. "You shall ride with Gregorii," he ordered. Tanya bit her lip, annoyed. In other circumstances he would have heard a piece of her mind, but she was a guest among these men, and after they had saved her life, it would do no good to create strife. "Lady?" Gregorii called to her. Tanya smiled and accepted his help to climb atop the animal. Gregorii adjusted himself behind her. He encircled his arms around her waist and grabbed the reins. Tanya leaned back against his solid chest, trying to forget Conrad's imprint on her waist and the hot pressure of his body against hers. The rest of the company mounted and without another word, they were off.
Tanya watched Conrad. He rode erect, his back muscles tense, ready to pounce should the need arise. She did not understand the man. She worried her bottom lip and tried not to fidget in Gregorii’s embrace.
Tanya suddenly recalled his vivid eyes burning into her, creating a flame that left her yearning for more. The hardness of Conrad’s shaft against her had made it quite clear that the feeling was mutual, and yet, he had dismissed her like a bothersome fly. She was no lady, but a smile of acknowledgment would have been nice. Tanya sighed. As if he’d heard her, Conrad chose that moment to check back on his men. Their eyes met for a brief second and she thought she saw regret in his gaze. She blinked and the moment was gone. Coolly, Conrad turned his back to her once more. She sighed again, uncomprehending why she cared so much for the opinion of a man she just met.
“Do not mind Conrad, he’s a man prone to moods,” Gregorii whispered in her ear.
She twisted her head to face Gregorii. “Are my thoughts so easy to read?”
Gregorii chuckled. “Nay, lady, but I follow your line of vision, and though Johann and Wybert ride before us your eyes bore through Conrad’s back.”
Tanya smiled. She looked ahead once more. Johann had ridden next to Conrad and they were speaking in low voices. “Have you known him for long?”
“Aye. I was with him the first. We met more than ten years ago at the battle of Summit Meadows.”
“You were knights?” Tanya asked, incredulous.
“Is there something wrong with that?” His tone lowered an octave and his fingers pressed into her waist. Tanya twisted in his arms. She laughed in relief. His brown eyes twinkled with mirth. He was clearly mocking her.
“I’ve never been a knight, but Conrad was.” Tanya’s eyes widened. “Though, that is a tale he speaks little of and you’ll have to ask him about.”
Tanya said nothing. Now she understood the aura of power emanating from him and why, when Conrad gave orders, the men followed blindly. She shuddered. He must have done something horrible to be stripped of his knighthood. They rode in silence for a few moments.
“How about yourself? You are not from the kingdom.”
“You are very observant, my lady. I was fighting against Conrad.”
Tanya swiveled in her seat once more. Gregorii smirked.
“You jest?”
“Not at all, my lady. Though do you know the story of the battle of Summit Meadows?”
Tanya shook her head.
“Before becoming part of the Kingdom, Summit Meadows was a free land. All that area was, to the Kingdom, nothing more than empty land. But for my people it was the Uhtred, in Kingdom language, ‘the blooming land’. Our villages were neither great in size nor booming in commerce. We were simple people that cared for livestock and farming. Our greatest pleasure was to watch the seeds grow and bloom during spring. We hunted and sang of our lore around a roaring fire. We lived in peace with no desire for war or strife. Should King Caspian’s father have bargained with us, we probably would have accepted trade or even a treaty. Yet, he was a man that enjoyed bloodshed and he ordered his generals into our fields. He burned, plundered and destroyed. My home, Ragnahall, was one of those raided villages. We fought bravely, even though our knowledge of war was scarce, but the King’s forces came, fought and appropriated the area. And thus, Uhtred became Summit Meadows.” Gregorii shrugged.
“But how did—“
“You must ask Conrad. I have already said too much.”
Tanya bowed her head in understanding. She stared at Conrad’s back, wondering at the mystery spun around him. If he had been fighting against Gregorii, why was either of them alive? Why were they now friends?
Lost in her thoughts, Tanya jumped in her seat when Gregorii’s grip on her waist tightened. She looked up and he put a finger to his lips, motioning to her to be silent. She noticed Conrad make a motion with his hand. Johann jumped off his horse. Without any noise, he sprinted away. Taking his comrade’s beast, Conrad directed them to one side of the road. They waited in silence. It wasn’t long before Johann returned.
“Brigands, bandits, and looters, fighting not far ahead,” he said breathlessly, mounting his horse again. Tanya grasped Gregorii’s arm, remembering her recent encounter with bandits. “Conrad, there is a maiden involved.”
Tanya gasped. Conrad’s gaze fell on her and a flicker of emotion passed through his eyes.
“We will aid those in concert with the maiden. Gregorii, ride ahead with Tanya to Wilton. We shall meet you at the Dragon’s Repose.”
Tanya pressed Gregorii’s arm and squirmed in her seat as she watched the men gallop away.
“Do not fear, lady, they are capable men. We’ll deviate from the route so as not to interfere and we’ll be able to reach Wilton a little after midday.”
Tanya lessened her hold on him and Gregorii rapidly swiveled his horse into the forest. The woods were silent, all the customary noises of birds and animals gone as the animals fled at the sound of fighting.
“Notice the ground,” Gregorii spoke near her ear. “Years ago, before the King constructed the King’s Highway, this forest already had a trail. Today, many that wish to elude the King’s taxes prefer to travel through this way, although it is considered more dangerous.”
Tanya shuddered as a high-pitched scream reached her ears.
“We should be safe if Cathal picks up a quicker trot.” He kicked his horse so that the animal gained speed as they traveled through the woods. The sound of battle grew near. Tanya could hear the clash of metal and the grunts of exertion from the men. She strained her vision, trying to see something of what was occurring through the blur of trees and shrubbery.
“Ignore it, my lady. If you are not used to the blood, it will bring you naught but nightmares. What occurs in the road is no tavern brawl.”
Tanya turned to Gregorii. “I cannot help it, Gregorii. What rang earlier was a woman’s scream. What if the woman was murdered? What if Conrad and the men are hurt? What if--”
Gregorii’s lips crashed against hers, and Tanya hesitated for a moment before accepting his warm mouth. Gregorii pressed her to him and felt the bulge of his cock grow against her bottom. Heat grew in her as their kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, invading his mouth with her tongue, unspent passion running through her veins. Gregorii’s hand rubbed up and down her back, pulling her closer. She became lost to the sensation of his manhood grinding against her as the horse galloped through the forest. A branch brushed her arm and Gregorii released her, quickly tugging at the reins and reducing the horse’s speed.
“Gregorii, I—“
“I am well aware of your position, lady,” he said huskily. “You are no whore, yet you are no innocent maiden, either. Nonetheless, I admit with no shame that it was all a tactic to get you to forget the sounds from the battle, and it has worked.” He finished with a wolfish grin.
Startled, Tanya looked around her. Indeed, they were now at a slow canter through the forest. The only sounds around them were the birds chirping and the horse’s hooves as he walked over the tender earth. She laughed.
“Your tactic has worked in more way than one, Gregorii of Ragnahall,” she said, placing her hand over the bulge of his trousers and pressing lightly.
Gregorii hissed. His hold on her, which had grown lax, tightened once more. “Are you sure of this?”
“Did you not hear when I said that women have their needs too?”
Gregorii grinned and bent his head to capture her lips again. He was gentler this time, taking his time to taste and tease. The tip of his tongue brushed against her lips, seeking entrance. Willing, she gave him access. His tongue plunged into her mouth, sampling every corner. She captured his tongue and sucked lightly. Gregorii returned the kiss with frenzy and wrapped his arms tightly around her. After a moment, he lowered his hands and firmly cupped her full breasts.
Tanya moaned and pressed herself to him, her hardened nipples begging for his touch. Gregorii pinched them lightly. Releasing her mouth, he gently lifted her. Tanya yelped in surprise. He laughed and turned her in the saddle. Her eyes widened as she came to face him. Gregorii winked at her. Before she could react, he grasped her face and kissed her fiercely. Tanya slid forward in the saddle. She moaned as she came in contact with his stiff shaft. He tugged at the lace of her bodice and lowered her chemise. Her breasts became fully exposed and Gregorii cupped them with tenderness, his index finger grazing her tight nipples.
“So creamy, so beautiful,” he murmured. Without further comment he pressed his mouth to her breast, lightly sucking one of the pink areolas. Tanya let out her breath in a hiss and thrust her chest forward, demanding he take more. She groaned as he released the wrinkled bud with a pop and quickly took the other one into his mouth. He scraped the nipple with his teeth and she instinctively bucked against him. Desire pulsed through her veins and culminated between her thighs. Her hands wound their way underneath his tunic and she wondered at the solid ridges of his stomach. When she reached his chest, she stopped.
“It is the way of my people,” Gregorii replied, leaning in to kiss her again. Tanya melted into the passionate kiss. She caressed his hairless chest, enjoying the smooth, silky feeling of his skin in contrast with the firm planes of his chest.
“Tell me you took off those hose Johann lent you,” he demanded in a whisper.
Tanya giggled. “I would not be wearing my skirt if I hadn’t.”
Gregorii wound his way underneath her skirt. His hands slid underneath her bottom and he lifted her onto his lap.
“Oh,” she said as she felt his throbbing erection against her.
“There’s more. Wait and see, my lady.”
With a wicked grin, Gregorii caressed her inner thighs. His hands brushed against her slick sex and she clamped her fingers around his shoulders, trying to bring him closer. His fingers stroked her wet pussy and she quivered in delight. Tanya whispered his name as one of his fingers entered her. Entangling her hands in his ponytail, she pulled him to her with a searing kiss. Another finger accompanied the first and she rocked harder against him. Pressure began to build in her belly as he easily slid in and out of her soaking pussy. Suddenly, he removed his hand and she whimpered in frustration.