The Mercenary Knight (5 page)

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Authors: Elyzabeth M. VaLey

BOOK: The Mercenary Knight
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“It is none of your business, lord knight,” she managed to spit out.

“It is my business. You could have killed yourself. That ledge is not wide enough to hold any man or woman. You would have taken a step and slipped to your death. What causes you so much fear?”

“Release me,” she demanded. Tanya struggled against his firm grip. She knew she would never be able to fight him off, and she didn’t want to. It was all a pretense to get closer to him. She wanted him to hold her down and overtake her. His thick cock slid against her, their layers of clothing preventing him from being inside her. Tanya bit her lower lip in frustration. Conrad held her tightly and yet his body flowed with hers, as if they were making love through their clothes.

As if remembering his purpose to be in the room, Conrad stilled their undulating bodies. “Not until you tell me why you’re running from the soldiers.” His voice was a controlled growl. Huskier and deeper than ever, it caused her insides to melt.

“It is—“

“None of my business,” he ended for her, his head an inch closer, his tone more threatening. “But it is, Tanya. If you are an outlaw, I am being kind in letting you explain yourself. If those men are looking for you, I could turn you in right now and probably gain a hefty bag of gold in the process. Speak.”

Tanya cursed under her breath, all erotic thoughts banished from her mind as the truth of his words dawned on her. Anger quickly replaced her excitement.

“Will you at least get off me so I can breathe?” she asked.
Conrad hesitated. She could tell he was weighing his options. His eyes darted from the open door to the window.
“I will not run. I promise.”

With a nod, he reluctantly removed himself. Tanya sat up. She crossed her legs and watched in a daze as Conrad went about the room, barring the window and door. Her body still throbbed from their tumble and she could not help thinking him handsome as he reclined against the door, his arms across his chest, his piercing gaze demanding she begin to speak. With a sigh she decided that after all her losses, explaining her tale to Conrad held no danger. She stared at her hands for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts and calm her fast heart. Finally, she looked up at him and met his gaze head-on.

“As I told you, I worked at Lester’s Inn, in the town of Lester. I grew up in that tavern. My mother had been a serving maid there for the better part of her life. Then one day, a knight came. He promised her all sorts of things and my mother believed him. From that union, I was born.” Tanya laughed without mirth. “She always said that she didn’t regret having me, but that her greatest mistake had been to trust a knight. Therefore, I grew up with the knowledge that knights were untrustworthy. According to her, all knights were liars who used their status to obtain whatever profit they could. “

Tanya paused. Conrad had seemed on the verge of saying something, but he shook his head slightly and indicated that she should continue.

“She was right.” With thumb and forefinger, Tanya rubbed her eyes, suddenly feeling extremely tired.

“It had been a quiet night at the tavern.
A man dressed in armor, except for the helmet, smelling of sweat and blood stepped into the inn.

He’s gorgeous,” Matty whispered dreamily from behind the kitchen door.

Tanya smiled. She studied the knight as he argued with Baldric, the innkeeper. He was taller than Baldric by at least a good three inches, and Baldric was almost six feet. His messy hair, still sweaty, was cropped a little above his firm jaw. His nose was straight, his lips finely chiseled. He had thick eyebrows and large brown eyes. Tanya had no doubt that the knight was good looking, but underneath the handsome face, his eyes had a hard edge to them that made her nervous. She listened in as Baldric quarreled with the stranger. The soldier wanted rooms for all his men but he wanted to pay half of what they were worth. Baldric refused. The knight lowered his voice so that she could not hear what he said. The next thing she knew, the knight strode out and a few minutes later, soldiers were camping all over the tavern.

She soon discovered that the name of the knight with the calculating brown eyes was Reynard. His vassal was Lord Frederic and he and his soldiers were on their way back from some mission or another.

I’ll be glad to be rid of these pests,” Baldric uttered under his breath while refilling the empty pewters she had brought him.

When do they leave?”

Tomorrow at first light, thank goodness!”

“They stayed for another three days. Reynard the Bastard as I like to think of him, decided that his trip to see his lord could wait and he changed my life forever,” she said.

Tanya watched Conrad slide to the floor. He sat across from her, his legs crossed above the ankles, his back to the door, listening intently as she spoke.

“He was tolerable the first two nights. He simply pinched my ass or spoke loudly about my body. I could handle that, but on the third night…”

Matty, will you please serve him?”

I’ll try again, Tanya, but you know he’ll call for you.”

Misty took the tray laden with food and wound her way to Reynard’s table. She had barely set the food down when he began to shout. With a swipe of his hand he threw two of the dishes onto the floor, crashing them into tiny pieces.

Where is the red-headed wench? I demand to be served by that beauty or you’ll not have any more plates by the time we’re through here, master innkeeper.”

His men laughed as Tanya hurried to his table with a rag. She knelt on the ground to pick up the broken pieces. Rough hands grabbed her from behind. She yelped as they lifted her off the floor and settled her onto Reynard’s lap.

Now, that’s a laddie. The blond is pretty enough, but she is nothing to you,” he said, sliding his index finger over the top of her breasts. Tanya bit her lower lip, trying not to insult the knight for she knew there would be dire consequences. She felt a wave of nausea as he cupped her sex through her skirts. She could feel his shaft nestled between her buttocks and thought she would vomit right there.

Tanya!” Sam the cook called to her from the kitchen doorway. “I need you now.” She tried to disentangle herself from Reynard’s grip but he held her steadfast.


Please, sir.”

Promise you’ll be back, wench,” he demanded.

Tanya nodded. Apparently satisfied with her mute reply, he slapped her ass as she scurried to the kitchen. Tears came to her eyes as she hid among the safety of the pots and pans. Sam patted her shoulder awkwardly. Suddenly, Baldric materialized out of nowhere.

Tanya, please, I beg you, bed the man so he will leave us all in peace.”

I beg your pardon, Baldric?” she hissed. Her tears ceased to fall as her temper surfaced.

What have you to lose? Everyone knows you lost your virginity to my brother. It will only be a night and we’ll all be safer as soon as they leave.”

Tanya shook her head. “How dare you! I lost my virtue to your brother because I cared for him. I am no whore. I will take to bed whomever I please. I will see to the horses.” She spun around and almost ran to the stables.

Fetch some wood since you’re at it,” Baldric shouted after her, his tone clearly reflecting his anger.

Tanya reached the stables. It was late at night and the groom boy was fast asleep atop the loft. She paced across the hay-strewn floor. She needed to be alone for a moment before returning to the common room. The only place where she could relax was around the animals. They didn’t boss her around, call her names, or touch her when she didn’t welcome the touch. At the back of the stables, she found Baldric’s horse, a bay beauty that allowed himself to be petted.

She didn’t hear him coming. Suddenly, he was upon her. His large hands grabbed her breasts, tugging at the lace of her bodice and ripping at her chemise. She fought back with all her might. She struck out at Reynard, digging her nails into his face.

You bitch.” He punched her and her world turned black for a moment. When she regained consciousness, her skirts were bundled around her waist and he was hovering over her, his dick poised to enter. She closed her thighs and kicked him savagely. He stepped back. Grabbing her by her braid, he forced her to her knees.

We can go back to that later.” He spoke something else but the words didn’t register. A plan formed in her mind and as he pushed his cock into her mouth, she bit him. It wasn’t hard enough that it would cause permanent damage, but it was enough to startle him. Shoving him to the side, she ran out of the stables. His screamed curses followed her all the way out.

“Unfortunately, he was true to his word and didn’t take long in executing his revenge. He and his men departed the next day, leaving behind a trail of nasty rumors about me and the inn. Baldric explained that I needed to leave. The inn couldn’t survive with such harsh publicity.” Tanya shrugged.

“So, after a tearful night I decided that nothing tied me to Lester and that same morning I searched for someone traveling north with whom I could go. Master Hermes, the wool merchant, didn’t mind the rumors and he was kind enough to accept me into his caravan. After that, you know the tale,” she finished.

Conrad watched her quietly. His face was an unreadable mask.
“Why didn’t the stable boy ask for help?” he asked after a moment.
“I don’t know. Fear, I guess.”
“Do you think Baldric set you up?”

Tanya bit her lower lip as her eyes filled with tears. That was indeed something that had crossed her mind more than once, but she wanted to believe that Baldric, a man whom she had grown up with like a brother, wasn’t so cruel.

“I see. Are the men in the common room—“

“They are Reynard’s men and I fled when I saw him enter. He didn’t see me but I can’t imagine what would happen if he did… I guess I panicked.” Tanya lowered her gaze. Conrad’s expression was unreadable and she feared that he would somehow consider her at fault for what had happened. Her eyes widened when his shadow loomed over her. She stared up at him as he kneeled before her. Her gaze danced across his face. Conrad’s countenance was serious but his green eyes revealed his wrath.

“I will not let any of those men harm you, Tanya. Tomorrow we will leave Wilton and take you to another town where you’ll be safe. I give you my word.”

The tears that she had been holding back began to slip down her cheeks and she hastily wiped them away. “I’m sorry I insulted you earlier, Conrad. I did not mean to meddle.”

Gently, Conrad placed a finger on her chin, tilting it up so she would look into his eyes. He brushed away an errant tear, caressing her cheek tenderly.

“It is I who must apologize. I don’t know what came over me. I guess it had been a while since anybody stood up to me…and mentioned my past.”

Tanya said nothing, mesmerized by his eyes. Her breathing became shallow and a lump grew in her throat. How could a man so large be so gentle? He lowered his head and lightly kissed her lips. A current swept through her, as if lightning had fallen from the sky. Suddenly, it was gone. Conrad had taken a step back and was heading for the door.

“Gregorii told me he saved this room for your own use, but we shall divide. I’ll have Gregorii and Wybert sleep here with you tonight and Johann and I will use the other room. In that manner they can keep an eye on you if there is any trouble. We’ll leave at first light.”

Tanya opened her mouth to protest. Why didn’t he want to stay with her? She quickly closed it, though. Who was she to question her savior?

“Have you eaten?”
Tanya shook her head.
“I’ll send the boys up with some food and ale. Rest well, Tanya.”
With that, Conrad was gone. Tanya sat in the middle of the room wondering on his strange moods.





Tanya stared at the cracked ceiling above her. They had retired for the night more than two hours ago, but sleep had not come to her. Moonlight streamed through the wooden shutters, giving the room a soft glow. The night was warm and sweat gathered at the back of her neck. To make it worse, the image of Conrad kept swimming before her eyes. Tanya wished she could throw the window open, but the men had suggested keeping it shut, just in case. She glanced at the window and suppressed a giddy giggle, remembering the afternoon’s incident. Barely a few hours ago she had tried escaping, but Conrad had prevented it. And how he had stopped her! A shiver raced down her back to land between her legs as she recalled Conrad’s intense gaze sweeping over her. Capturing her wrists in his hands, he had thrown himself over her, his erect cock rubbing against her. She groaned and turned in bed. Her right hand snaked to the apex between her thighs and she pressed lightly, hoping to appease her roaring lust. It did nothing more than to fuel her desire.

She searched the room, trying to calm her mind. It was scantly furnished with only their sleeping mattresses, a washing basin and a small table. Her gaze fell on Gregorii’s and Wybert’s sleeping forms. The recollection of Gregorii’s wild horseback ride from that afternoon assaulted her and her body responded with an intense tingling of arousal. She licked her lips, remembering his well-endowed shaft. Tanya smiled as she observed him. He slept like an innocent child: curled up to the side, his right hand dangling close to the floor and near his sword. And what a sword he had––not the one on the foot of the bed, but the one with which he had impaled her that afternoon. She pressed her legs together as the memory of his thick cock pounding into her resurfaced. It was so thick and hard, filling every inch of her sodden pussy. Then there was the matter of his naked chest. She watched as it rose and fell in easy sleep, her hands itching to caress the soft skin.

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