(The Marriage Groups)Elian (16 page)

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Authors: Vicktor Alexander

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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The room was quiet after his admission and Gaige stared at the door to the library intensely, afraid to look at his husbands and see their reaction. He waited, and before too much time had passed, Nevin’s tall and broad frame filled his vision. Nevin grabbed the back of Gaige’s head, gripping a handful of hair and jerking his head back. Nevin growled at him before slamming his lips down on Gaige’s. The kiss was so hard and passionate that Gaige tasted the coppery taste of his blood on his tongue. He didn’t care, however, because Nevin was kissing him, touching him, and growling as he did so. The sound filled Gaige with hope and he clutched at the back of Nevin’s blue tunic. He felt the tentative touch of someone’s hand on his lower back and wrenching his lips away from Nevin’s, he turned and found his lips taken harshly by Corbin’s own.

He poured himself into the kiss and felt Nevin tearing away his tunic, the sound of tearing cloth ringing loudly in the room. He fisted his hands in Corbin’s hair and his body jerked as Nevin tore off his beige linen pants. He moaned and whimpered as the two men pressed their hands against his body, trailing their fingers over his flesh, gripping, squeezing and running their nails over the hard planes of his skin. He lifted himself up onto the balls of his feet as he felt Corbin’s slick fingers pressing into his anus. He briefly wondered how and when the fingers had gotten wet, but that thought left his mind when the tip of Corbin’s fingers pressed against his prostate. He threw back his head on a moan and shouted when he felt Nevin swallow down his cock. His body shook and quivered as Nevin sucked and licked his aching shaft before Corbin released his lips and pushed at his back slightly.

Nevin lifted Gaige’s cock, lowering his head and licking at his balls as Corbin impaled his dick into Gaige’s channel. Gaige wailed, tears coming to his eyes at the feeling of his husband buried deep inside of him. He’d thought to never feel this again. To never be possessed and loved by his husbands again, and yet, here they were. Their hands on him, growling and moaning in his ear. His cock in Nevin’s mouth and Corbin’s dick in his ass. They were taking him to new heights of pleasure and he never wanted to come down again. He moaned and pressed himself back on Corbin’s penis before thrusting forward, burying his cock deeper into Nevin’s mouth. He keened as he felt pleasure unlike anything he’d ever felt before racing up his spine and exploding out of the slit in the head of his shaft down Nevin’s throat.

He heard twin moans sound in the air and he opened his eyes to see Nevin shaking as he poured his seed onto the floor at Gaige’s feet and Elian licking his seed from his hand. Corbin roared behind Gaige just moments later and he felt the wet heat filling his rectum as Corbin poured his sperm deep within his bowels.

They all panted in the room as they tried to collect their breath, and Gaige felt peace, hope, and true joy start to fill him. He’d told his husbands his deepest secret and while they’d been upset he’d lied to him, they’d forgiven him and taken him in passion again. Perhaps there was hope for their kingdom yet, because if the Royal Marriage Group could survive this, they could help their people survive anything.

“While that was extremely hot, we need to talk about what we’re going to do about the Zevinxians in our kingdom. Because of Gaige, we can’t continue to hunt and incarcerate them just because of who they are. I know you loved your parents, Nevin, and they were amazing kings, but they were wrong about the Zevinxians, and it’s time we put a stop to the Zev-hunts before someone finds out about Gaige.” Elian’s wise words drifted over to Gaige, Nevin, and Corbin where they all knelt in the middle of the library floor.

“You’re right of course, love,” Nevin said breathlessly. “So let’s talk about a plan of action.”

Gaige opened his mouth to respond, having been thinking of this very thing for ages, but before he could get out one word, the room shook from the force of an explosion and screams rent the air.

“Someone has blown up one of the stables, Your Highnesses! We must get you and the Coração to safety! Now!” the guards yelled as they ran into the room, wisely not caring about entering even after what they’d no doubt heard, in the face of the danger the kings currently found themselves in.

“Shit!” Gaige yelled. He was sick of people trying to kill his coração. It was time for them to put a stop to this. It was time for him to tap into his Zevinxian powers and help Elian discover the hidden magic and powers he held within him. Gaige had felt the thin threads of them when he’d finally claimed Elian, but he was sure they had to be strengthening. It was time for them to fight back.


Chapter Seventeen




was sick and tired of whoever was trying to kill him. He didn’t know exactly what he’d done to warrant such hostility, but he knew he was ready to fight back. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do that exactly, but he would figure out something. He hurried out of the room behind Nevin and Corbin with Gaige bringing up the rear. They rushed out down the stairs and out the front of the palace into the waiting carriage. Once they were secured within, Elian breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look out the window. He saw servants and guards racing towards the stables and felt anger course through his blood. They were running away while those who worked for them were putting their lives in danger.

He dropped a hand onto his protruding stomach and rubbed lightly on it, trying to soothe the children who rested within. Closing his eyes, he began meditating even as the carriage raced away from the palace grounds.

Elian, there is much power within you, my son. Much that you can accomplish if you would only put your mind to it. Do not be afraid.

The voice speaking to him caused Elian’s eyes to snap open, and he looked across the carriage to Gaige and Nevin, wondering if either of them had heard anything. He found them both looking out their prospective windows, probably checking to see if anyone was following them. Turning his head to the left, Elian found Corbin also looking out his window checking for their attackers. Inhaling deeply, Elian looked out his own window back at the fading palace and focused his mind.

I wish it would rain and put out the fire on the stables.

A rush of energy exploded in his brain and Elian gasped as the heavens opened and rain began coming down in sheets. He laughed breathlessly that such a thing had happened just as he’d asked for it and wondered briefly if he had caused the rain to come. Realizing how silly he sounded, even to himself, Elian shook his head. He had no power over the elements, though the brief thought that he did was exhilarating.

Turning his head to look back at Nevin and Gaige, he found himself the object of intense scrutiny. They were both staring at him with looks of awe and fear on their faces. He turned to look at Corbin and found him looking back with surprise.

“Elian? Your eyes are glowing!” Corbin gasped.

“What?” Elian asked, raising a hand to his face. “What do you mean they’re glowing?”

“They’re golden, Cora,” Nevin told him, sounding fearful. “Why are your eyes golden, El?”

Elian shook his head. “I have no idea.”

Gaige cleared his throat. “Did you wish for anything, or will anything to happen recently?”

They all looked at Gaige strangely, and Elian felt his body begin to tremble. “I wished that it would rain so it would put out the fire in the stables,” he admitted.

Gaige nodded and gave him a small smile. “When I first met you I could sense small tendrils of magic and power within you. I could tell that you either didn’t use it much, or that you didn’t know it was there. You obviously just tapped into it.”

“Magic? Power? What are you talking about, Gaige?” Elian asked, reaching out a hand and grasping Corbin’s within his own. Gaige’s cryptic remark was starting to scare him slightly. He didn’t have any magic or power. He was nothing but a coração. That was it. There was nothing special about him. Nothing at all.

“We all have a small measure of magic within us. It’s how we can impregnate and get pregnant. There are those of us who have more than just the small measure, however. Those who do have the power to do all manner of things. Cause objects to move with just a thought, read minds, see the future, see the past, or control the elements. You obviously have the power to control the elements,” Gaige explained.

“How do you know this?” Corbin asked, looking at Gaige suspiciously.

Gaige looked down guiltily. “I have some magic myself. I can cause objects to move when I want them to, even objects inside of someone’s body.”

Elian gasped and put his arms around his stomach protectively. He knew that Gaige wouldn’t do anything to hurt him or their children, but his fear was irrational. The thought of Gaige moving the children in his body was disturbing and not a little frightening. Seeing the look of hurt on Gaige’s face, he slowly lowered his arms and gave the other man a sheepish grin.

“I’m sorry, that’s just—it’s just a little weird that’s all, Gaige,” he tried to explain. Gaige nodded and looked out of the window briefly.

“I understand that. The thing is, Elian, I could sense the magic within you when we first met. I didn’t think it was weird, though. I expected you to have it,” Gaige stated, his voice low and hesitant.

“Why did you expect me to have magic?” Elian asked, scooting forward on the bench seat where he sat.

“Because you’re a coração. All coraçãos have magic. It’s why you’re able to give birth to multiple children that have a combination of every father’s DNA. It’s a magical thing,” Gaige pointed out.

Hearing Gaige put his situation into such frank terms, Elian nodded his head in understanding. It did make sense, and he wondered why he’d never realized it before. He’d always thought of himself as plain and boring, nothing more than a coração, but suddenly he was so much more. He had magic and power and could apparently control the elements.

The sound of rain hitting the roof of the carriage caused Elian’s eyes to begin to droop. The sound was so relaxing, and although he wanted to question Gaige much more, he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes open for too much longer. He also had thoughts he wanted to share with all of his husbands about being a coração, things he wanted to see changed, but those things would have to wait. He leaned against Corbin’s shoulder and fell immediately asleep.


Chapter Eighteen




smiled down at Elian where the younger man slept against his shoulder. He knew that Elian had to be exhausted to have dropped off to sleep in the middle of such an important conversation. He ran his fingers over Elian’s long hair and sighed happily. Even in light of the attack, he was happy to have Elian, happy to know that they would be having babies very soon, and even happier to know that they’d forgiven Gaige for his deception and now seemed to be closer than ever. This was what he’d always wanted as a boy growing up. He’d wanted a family of his own, a marriage group he could be proud of.

He glanced over at Nevin and Gaige to see them deep in conversation with one another. A part of him was curious about what they were whispering about, but another part of him was content to just watch them. Nevin’s dark beauty with Gaige’s blond sexiness—Corbin knew he was a very lucky man. He opened his mouth to mention his thoughts to his husbands, that perhaps they should make the carriage ride a little more fun, when he felt the carriage slowing down and turning into a drive. Looking out the window, he noticed they were pulling into the drive of Cannington Manor. The large home was their getaway spot when the library just wouldn’t do. Located in Korliss, five hours outside of Kartas, they didn’t often get out to the private estate, not like they had when Nevin’s parents had still been alive, but they still made a few appearances every so often. The house was smaller, more intimate, and more homey, than the palace where they were required to spend most of their time. He couldn’t wait to see Elian’s face when he finally saw the house.

The carriage came to a stop and Corbin waited for Nevin and Gaige to exit before lifting Elian in his arms and passing him out to Nevin. His eyes took in the restful form of their coração and his gaze fell on Elian’s stomach—on his even more pronounced belly.

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed as he followed the others from the carriage. He stood on the cobblestone walkway next to Gaige and looked at Elian’s stomach. “How is his belly growing so quickly? I know Andalusia said the pregnancies would be quicker, but doesn’t it usually take coraçãos longer to start showing? They don’t start showing within days of getting pregnant!” He was freaking out, he knew he was, but he’d thought he’d have a week to prepare himself.

Gaige shook his head as if baffled himself. “I don’t know. But doesn’t it seem as if every time Elian has an experience with Andalusia his belly grows?”

Corbin stared at Gaige in surprise and then back at Elian, who lay peacefully in Nevin’s arms, oblivious to their conversation about him. Corbin shook his head in bafflement. He just couldn’t understand it. How would they explain this to the people of Kardalusia?

“Nevin, how are we going to explain this?” he asked and noticed that Nevin was nibbling on his bottom lip as if in deep concentration.

“Perhaps it’s because he’s carrying girls? Do we know anything about coraçãos who have girls and how long their gestational period is?” Nevin posed the question to Corbin and Gaige. They both shook their heads in the negative.

“Excuse me for eavesdropping, Your Highness, but perhaps Alain will know. He spends a lot of time studying the ancient texts in his off-time,” Octavio, one of the guards who had ridden in a separate carriage behind them, suggested, speaking of the housekeeper of the manor.

Corbin turned to look at Octavio and then back at Nevin. “It wouldn’t hurt to ask him,” he said with a shrug.

Nevin nodded and they turned to enter the house. “Octavio, find Alain and bring him to the purple rose room,” he directed, speaking of the front receiving room that was decorated with purple wallpaper and the ever-present purple roses that always filled the room.

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