Read (The Marriage Groups)Elian Online

Authors: Vicktor Alexander

(The Marriage Groups)Elian (14 page)

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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“He had a snake, sort of like Gaige’s on his neck, on the right side. His blond hair fell in waves below his shoulders, I believe. His eyes glowed this strange red color. He looked mean and evil. He—”

“He was Zevinxian,” Nevin stated, his voice taking on a hard edge that Elian had never really heard before.

“N-No, that can’t be it,” Gaige hedged, looking nervously back and forth between them. Elian wasn’t sure what was wrong with Gaige, but he shook his head at Nevin’s assumption.

“I think so, too, but that wasn’t the weirdest thing. See—thing is, he sort of looked like… Gaige,” Elian responded, looking directly at Gaige.

All eyes turned to Gaige in that moment and like a lightning bolt, clarity came to Elian and he stared at Gaige in shock. How had they not noticed? How had something like this escaped them?

Pointing at Gaige, Elian accused in a soft voice, “You’re Zevinxian.”


Chapter Fourteen




heart stopped in his chest as the truth of Elian’s accusation pierced his brain and broke his heart.

“You’re Zevinxian?” he asked Gaige, needlessly in a soft voice. The truth was painted plainly in Gaige’s expression as all the blood drained from his face. Nevin felt his stomach drop as his heart clenched. Gaige was Zevinxian? How could that be? And how had he missed that? He was king. He was supposed to be hyperaware of everything, and he’d failed not only his people, but his coração as well. Zevinxians were dangerous, not to be trusted, and not only had Nevin allowed one to get close to Elian, he’d been married to said Zevinxian for years.

All of the things his parents had taught him to expect of Zevinxians contradicted the things he knew about Gaige, but his mind was a tumult of confusing thoughts and disjointed images. With no other words for any of his husbands, Nevin turned on his heel and left the room. He just needed to get out and clear his head. He had to think of a way to clear this matter up, to try and fix it before it caused a revolt amongst the Kardalusians.

Nevin groaned and ran his blunt-tipped fingers through his hair, lacing his fingers behind his head as he found himself climbing up flights of stairs. Long moments passed before he realized that he had no idea where he was. He stopped and looked around. The hallway looked deserted, and except for the canisters of paint, paintbrushes, and rolls of carpet, there was nothing around him but bare walls and old doors that might have once been golden wood but now looked as common as maple wood.

“Where the hell am I?” he asked aloud.

Heat suddenly surrounded him and a wind blew from out of nowhere to surround him and hold him in a tight embrace. Nevin felt oddly… comforted by the embrace and he felt a large lump work its way up his throat. Giving in to the anger and despair coursing through his veins, Nevin turned and punched the wall, giving a satisfied grunt when his fingers went straight through. He slowly pulled his hand out, giving nothing more than a cursory glance at his hand when he felt wetness on it. Noticing the blood but not really caring, Nevin looked to his left and saw that one of the doors had opened.

Taking measured steps to the doorway, Nevin wondered if Gaige had used his Zevinxian magic to lure Nevin to his death. As soon as the thought rose, unbidden, Nevin shoved it away. Regardless of who—or rather what—he’d just discovered Gaige to really be, he knew his husband, and Gaige would not try to kill Nevin.

He hoped.

Walking into the room, Nevin turned with a gasp when the door slammed closed behind him.

“Stop being such a blithering idiot,” he admonished himself before turning in a circle to survey the room.

His eyes widened as he took in the objects that were in the room. One wall held whips, floggers, and chains; another wall held a number of different oils and silk scarves. A large bed sat in the middle of the room with restraints attached to the bed at the four posts. Nevin felt his heart pounding in his chest as he realized he’d just stepped into a playroom of sorts. It was much better equipped than the small chest he kept in his closet, filled with some of the same items. There was a spanking bench in one corner, an X-cross with restraints that seemed to be the perfect height for Elian, and hanging from the ceiling there was a hook ready for someone to be hung from it.

His cock hardened behind his pants and his mind filled with images of Elian on each piece of furniture. He couldn’t believe he’d stumbled onto something as perfect as this room, especially after what had just happened. He shoved away thoughts of Gaige’s betrayal and focused back on the room he stood in.

“Nevin?” Elian’s timid voice came from behind him and Nevin turned to look at his husband. Elian’s eyes were wide as he observed the contents of the room. “What is this room?”

Nevin swallowed thickly and took a deep breath. “It’s a playroom, or a dungeon, depending on who you’re talking to. It’s another layer of sexual gratification and intimacy,” he explained as Elian stepped fully into the room. He watched as Elian slowly walked around the room, his fingers brushing against each item as he wandered, not looking in Nevin’s direction once.

“And you want to use these things on me?” Elian asked.

Nevin nodded. “Yes I do.”

Elian nodded in response and came to stop before Nevin. “So, what I’m like a slave to you or something?”

Nevin’s eyes widened and he shook his head emphatically. “No! No. It’s nothing like that. It’s about trust, control, intimacy. It’s not about me treating you like anything. This is where you can be free to give your control to me, your decisions, and your burdens. I will shoulder them for you here. You will be free to fly, to soar, because I’ll be here to anchor you.” He hoped he’d given a good description of what the room defined for them and as he watched Elian nod his head, he thought perhaps he had.

“Well, I came to talk to you about Gaige, but maybe this is something you need to do right now,” Elian looked back over the room and back up at him. “Something we need to do right now.”

Nevin breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure how this room had gotten here, or rather how the things in this room had gotten here. He didn’t want to think about one or all of his fathers using this room for each other, it made him slightly nauseous, but he was suddenly very happy that he’d found it. Squaring his shoulders, Nevin looked down into Elian’s face.

“Take off all of your clothes, fold them up, and place them on that dresser in the corner,” he commanded, his voice lowering as a feeling of peace and euphoria swept over his mind and body. He was centered and anchored as he watched Elian immediately begin to disrobe without further thought.

Nevin turned to the wall containing the floggers and whips and allowed his eyes to move over the leather toys as he tried to decide which would be the right one to use for Elian’s first foray into the world of BDSM. Lifting a light flogger in his right hand, Nevin turned to face Elian and almost swallowed his tongue. He’d seen Elian naked many times since they’d gotten married, but for some reason, this time, knowing what they were about to do, he looked even more seductive and gorgeous than normal. Nevin swallowed and cleared his throat.

“Go and lie on the bed,” he instructed Elian and watched the slight sway of Elian’s hips as he followed Nevin’s order and walked to the bed. Climbing onto the bed, Elian sat down on the edge and looked up at Nevin inquiringly. Nevin cleared his throat again and walked over to Elian. This was not his first time dominating someone. He’d done it plenty of times before marrying Corbin and Gaige, so he knew what he was doing. His knowledge of how to care for his submissive did nothing for the nervousness that sailed through him at that moment, however.

“Lie face down on the bed,” he stated firmly, trying to pull back the control he’d lost at the sight of Elian sitting naked on the bed. Closing his eyes, Nevin inhaled and exhaled slowly. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and saw Elian lying face down on the bed watching him carefully. Nevin offered Elian a reassuring smile and walked around the bed, securing Elian’s limbs to the leather restraints that lay there.

Once Elian was secured, Nevin grabbed a pillow from the bed and slid a hand beneath Elian’s waist, lifting his hips enough to slide the pillow beneath them. He stepped back and smiled. Elian’s ass was presented beautifully. There were no markings or bruises on his flesh. He was a blank canvas waiting for Nevin to paint and create something beautiful with his floggers and whips. Nevin would be glad to oblige him.

Reaching out, he rubbed and squeezed the globes of Elian’s ass, smiling when the younger man moaned. Turning back to the bed, Nevin lifted the discarded flogger into his hand and brought it down lightly across the flesh of Elian’s buttocks. Light pink marks appeared on the skin and Nevin grinned.

“When we are in this room, you will address me as Sir, but only here will you do that. You will not speak unless I ask you a question or give you permission to do so. You will follow my orders and you will not anticipate what I want or will ask,” he began his litany of rules as he continued to flog the globes of Elian’s upturned derriere. “I will not share you with anyone when we are in this room, not even Corbin and Gaige. And you will always count aloud every time I whip or flog you. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes, Sir,” Elian responded. Nevin felt his cock harden and the slit at the head of his cock open to leak pre-cum into the fabric of his pants. Switching the handle of the flogger to his left hand, Nevin grabbed and rubbed at his hard length, stroking himself through the fabric. He stopped flogging Elian, tossing the flogger to the side and reached up to squeeze and massage Elian’s now reddened ass.

“Mmmm, it’s so hot,” he murmured before leaning forward to swipe the flat of his tongue over the heated flesh of Elian’s butt. “My marks look so good on you, Cora.”

Nevin spread the cheeks apart and licked from the bottom of Elian’s balls up through the crease of his ass to the top of his entrance. Pulling his head away, he spit a large wad of saliva onto Elian’s entrance. Pushing and pulling the cheeks of Elian’s ass together and apart, he spread the spit around the tight channel, slicking the hole. Standing fully, Nevin pushed down his pants and under-drawers before climbing up on the bed in between Elian’s spread legs.

Leaning forward, Nevin licked and nibbled at Elian’s tight hole, holding the cheeks of his butt apart as he did so. Nevin moaned as Elian whimpered, rubbing his face into the crease of his coração’s ass. He pointed the tip of his tongue and began fucking Elian’s entrance with the wet muscle. He grinned as Elian’s hips began pressing back harder and harder against his face, Elian’s whimpers turning into sobs of need.

Nevin tightened his fingers on Elian’s ass as he licked, sucked, kissed, and fucked at his rectum. He could feel his cock throbbing and bobbing between his legs, and if he didn’t know better, he would swear the hardened member was begging and pleading with him to let him penetrate Elian’s sphincter. Nevin pushed away the silly idea and pressed one finger deep into his husband’s channel. He waited for the muscles in Elian’s hole to relax before he pressed in a second finger. He thrust the two fingers of his right hand in and out of Elian’s entrance as he leaned forward and stuck the fingers of his left hand into Elian’s mouth.

“Suck them,” he ordered hoarsely. He groaned as he felt Elian’s pink tongue flicking over and around his digits. “Get them good and wet,” he stated, “because they’re going in your ass.”

Elian trembled and sucked Nevin’s fingers deeper into his mouth, gagging slightly when the fingers went a little too deep but never stopping. Nevin shivered slightly as he pressed three fingers into Elian’s hole and twisted the digits even as Elian slobbered and laved the fingers of his other hand. Feeling the telltale shiver at the base of his spine, Nevin pulled his fingers from Elian’s mouth and pushed one finger into his hole alongside the three from his other hand. He pumped his fingers slowly, pressing in another finger from his left hand alongside the three from his right, spreading and twisting the fingers in his lover’s ass, growing more and more intoxicated from the sound of Elian’s moans. Elian’s voice pleading with him to fill him “please” drifted up to his ears and caused Nevin to groan.

Pulling his fingers free, Nevin knelt behind Elian’s hunched form. Lining up the head of his cock with Elian’s stretched hole, Nevin pressed in slowly. The tight heat of Elian’s rectum swallowed Nevin’s length and he leaned his head back and groaned.

“Fuck, Cora, you feel delicious surrounding my cock,” Nevin whimpered.

“And you would feel better if you moved,” Elian whined.

Nevin chuckled, deciding not to punish Elian for speaking this time since he was new to the experience, and began moving his hips forward and backward, plunging his hardness in and out of Elian’s channel harder and faster. The sound of skin slapping against skin as Nevin’s hips smacked against the curve of Elian’s buttocks made Nevin’s chest ache and his shaft grow harder. He was going to come. He could feel his orgasm tingling at the base of his spine. Elian had to come before him. Nevin was no selfish lover and he wanted his coração to experience bliss before he did. He wrapped his arm around Elian’s waist and took Elian’s cock in his hand stroking him firmly, twisting his palm over the head of the leaking shaft.

“Let me hear you, Elian. Show me how much you love having me inside of you,” he told his husband, the younger man’s whimpers of pleasure driving him crazy with lust.

“Yes! Harder, Nevin, harder!” Elian shouted, and Nevin obliged him by pounding into Elian’s hole harder and faster until the tightening of Elian’s sphincter on his hardness propelled him over the edge.

Elian’s shouts joined with his own and Nevin gripped Elian’s waist tightly as he poured his seed into Elian’s channel. Nevin panted as he collapsed on top of his lover. He took a few precious seconds to gather his strength and get his breath back before slowly withdrawing his now softened prick from within Elian’s chute and falling to his back beside his still-restrained coração.

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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