(The Marriage Groups)Elian (12 page)

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Authors: Vicktor Alexander

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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“Y-y-yes. Yeah, I’m okay,” Gaige answered, nodding his head rapidly.

Elian didn’t really believe that Gaige was actually okay, but what could he say? He had no idea where Gaige had just gone in his mind and while he was married to other man, he didn’t really know him well enough to say he knew for sure that Gaige was lying. With that thought in mind, Elian turned to look at Nevin and Corbin, hoping for some clue into Gaige’s suspicious behavior. Noticing twin looks of confusion and speculation on their faces, Elian blew out a frustrated breath and turned back to Gaige.

“Well, okay then. My time here has been extremely eventful so far. What’s on the agenda right now?” he asked with a smile, trying to swallow back the nervousness that had suddenly come over him at actually stepping into his role as Royal Coração.

Nevin stepped forward and took Elian’s hand in his. “We should introduce you to your assistants and your royal duties,” he said. Turning, he placed Elian’s right hand on the inside of his left elbow and led them from the room.

Elian was determined not to collapse in a quivering mass of nerves and with that resolution he inhaled deeply and released long, slow exhalations of breath to calm himself.

“Don’t worry, love, everything will be fine. You will be brilliant,” Nevin encouraged him. Elian looked up at his husband, taken aback once again by the beauty of the man. He smiled up at the other man and tried to believe Nevin’s words. He nodded and turned his attention back in the direction they were heading. An image of his parents as he’d last seen them filled his mind and Elian felt his heart clench with a strange sort of melancholy. He’d spent much of his life looking forward to the time when he’d be away from his family and now that he was… he could only think of his birth family and how much he missed them. Hearing Corbin and Gaige’s footsteps behind him, Elian nodded mentally. He might miss his birth family, but he had a new family now and he would make the best of his new life.

They stepped into a room filled with color. Color and furniture and books with color samples. There was also paintings and a desk covered with letters, documents, and ordinances. Elian felt his heart speed up in his chest and found he was having difficulty breathing. He felt the press of his husbands’ hands on his back, rubbing, soothing, and comforting him and after a few tense moments, he felt himself begin to relax.

He could do this. He had to do this. He was made to do this.

With his mental pep talk reverberating in his mind, Elian squared his shoulders and stepped forward out of the comforting safety of his husbands’ arms.

“So, what’s up first?” he asked, hoping no one noticed how his voice quavered a bit at the end. He would make his husbands proud of him; he would bring honor to his family’s name. Even more than that, he would do great for his country and for the three children who now grew within him.

Elian looked around and made note of the titles of different books in the room: How to Run a Kingdom, Decorating for the Royal Coração, Pregnancy and Birthing, Laws and Ordinances. He felt slightly overwhelmed as the reality of his position slowly began to sink into his mind and he placed a hand on his stomach, hoping to hold back the nausea that threatened. The royal doctor had cleared him, saying that he and the babies were fine, for which he was glad, but that small reassurance did nothing to ease the roiling in his abdomen.

Andalusia, what the hell am I doing?

Taking another deep breath, he stepped over to the desk and was distantly aware of Nevin, Corbin, and Gaige straightening the furniture, books, and papers in the room. A few servants entered and stood waiting to be assigned to a task, and Elian glanced down at the book opened on the desk before him. The book held different colors and materials and Elian was suddenly aware of what his first job as Royal Coração would be.

“I want to remodel the palace,” he spoke softly.

The room grew quiet and still. Elian glanced up and looked around at everyone gathered within. He saw amusement shining in Corbin’s gaze, Gaige’s eyes still held a measure of sadness, and Nevin looked at him with pride. All three nodded at him and Elian nodded in return.

“Is there a layout of the palace? So I can make changes and adjustments?” he asked, looking around the top of the desk for the blueprints. He smiled up at the young servant boy who brought over a large pile of rolled papers. Unrolling them carefully, Elian sat down in the gold-cushioned chair that he’d previously stood in front of. Looking from the blueprints to the decorating book, he began pulling out color swatches and wood patterns, matching and placing them with precision in each room. When the first floor was completed over an hour later he looked up and noticed that, while everyone had found a seat, all eyes were trained on him.

“Here’s the first floor. Can you,” he pointed at the oldest servant, who couldn’t have been older than forty winters, “call the architects and royal decorators and have them make these changes? I’ll work on the furniture at a later time.”

“Certainly, Your Highness,” the servant stood to his feet and bowed before stepping forward to collect the layout and leaving the room to make the call.

Without another word, Elian returned to work. He didn’t stop working until Corbin pressed him to eat. Eating the meal of baked zinici and ruffage, Elian’s mind was still swirling with thoughts of the different changes he wanted to make, hoping he didn’t offend Nevin with them.

Night had fallen before he was finished, and Elian looked up when three very male groins came within his line of sight. He lifted his eyes up and saw the grim faces of his husbands looking down at him. Turning his head, Elian looked out the window in the wall to his right and saw that blackness rested on the grounds outside. With a gasp, he looked at the timekeeper on his desk and saw that it was half past twelve at night.

“I think it’s time for you to come to bed, Cora,” Nevin stated firmly.

Elian nodded and began straightening up the papers and books on his desk. “Yes, I do think you’re right. I’m sorry that it’s so late. Time just seemed to get away from me.”

“So we’ve noticed,” Corbin retorted with a snort.

“Come, El G,” Gaige said, walking around the desk to help Elian to his feet. Elian wanted to point out that he didn’t need the help, but he pressed his lips closed firmly, holding the words in. He wouldn’t be a brat. He was the one who’d lost track of time and made his husbands come looking for him. He wouldn’t tell them he didn’t need them. With a small smile at Gaige, Elian placed his quill pen in the gold wood container it had come from, closed the lid, and let his fingers lightly rest on the gold Cannington seal.

“I’m ready,” he stated unnecessarily and followed Nevin and Corbin from the room, Gaige’s hand holding onto his elbow.

Elian’s mind swirled with images and thoughts of what would happen once he and his husbands stepped into their bedroom. He felt his cock growing hard behind the fabric of his pants and muffled a groan behind his clenched teeth. He felt Gaige tense beside him and he wondered if the other man knew what he was thinking. A part of him hoped that he didn’t while another, much louder and more forceful, part hoped that he did. How much easier things would be if his husbands could read his mind, and then he wouldn’t have to embarrass himself by having to ask for things.

So lost was he in his thoughts that Elian gasped when he broke from his reverie and found himself stepping into their bedroom, the door closing and locking behind them.

“Are you alright, Cora?” Nevin asked, turning to him, his fingers pausing on the buttons of his shirt where they’d started to unbutton them. Elian stared at the patch of skin that had been exposed beneath Nevin’s shirt and swallowed thickly. His already erect cock hardened further and he swallowed back a moan. At the grin that split Nevin’s face he realized that he wasn’t as successful as he would have hoped.

“Yes. I-I’m fine, Nevin,” Elian responded, lifting his hands to his own clothes. He began to disrobe, noticing that his husbands were all doing the same. The sight of bronze chests, all in varying shades, caused his head to swim. He wanted to lick and worship at the altar of his husbands’ bodies. Shaking his head of its fanciful musings, Elian lowered his hands to his pants and pushed them down. The sound of a strangled groan caused his head to snap up and he realized that he was the center of attention. All of his husbands stood before him nude, their cocks hard and leaking in excitement as they watched him disrobe.

Unsure of the feeling that suddenly came over him, Elian allowed the feeling of extreme sexiness to sweep over him and slowly lowered his pants down his legs. He stepped out of them and bit his lower lip. Lifting his hands to his chest, he drifted the palms down over his pecs, pinching his hardened nipples before skimming one hand over his flat stomach to his dark erection. Gripping it in a firm hand, Elian began stroking the hard length. Nevin, Corbin, and Gaige’s eyes watched Elian’s movements, and he began to slowly thrust his hips, pumping his shaft in his fist.

He shivered as pleasure raced up and down his spine. It wasn’t that he’d never masturbated before—he had—he’d just never done so for an audience. Elian wasn’t sure if it was the arousal gripping him that made every stroke so delicious, or if it was the hunger he could see shining in his husbands’ eyes that made him whimper.

“Enough,” Gaige growled, and Elian’s hand stopped stroking immediately. Nevin walked forward and grabbed Elian’s wrists in his hands.

“Now it’s our turn,” he said with a leer before moving around behind Elian, pulling his hands behind him and keeping him immobile.

Elian knew that he should be nervous or hell, afraid, but he was neither. He was filled with arousal and anticipation. He couldn’t wait to see what his husbands had in store for him.


Chapter Twelve




watched Elian closely as he walked toward the smaller man, letting his hard shaft lead him. Images and thoughts swirled through his mind. Pictures of Elian bent over the side of the bed, pressed against the wall, taking both Corbin and Nevin’s cock in his ass while he sucked Gaige’s cock. Corbin felt his body tremble at that last image and looked up at Nevin. He saw the other man lick his lips as if he’d just seen into Corbin’s head and knew the thoughts he was having and found them tantalizing. Corbin wouldn’t put it past Nevin not to have the power to know what Corbin was thinking in that moment. Shaking off his inner musings, reminding himself to take a moment the next day to actually think things through, Corbin strode the final few feet to Elian and grasped the hard, brown shaft in his firm grip.

He stroked and reveled in the moans spilling out of Elian’s mouth as he lowered his head and licked at the crease where Elian’s neck met his shoulder. He wanted to mark that spot. A bite would do for now, leaving a bruise that all would be able to see, but Corbin wanted something a little more permanent, like a tattoo. He thought of the tattoo of flames he had that ran up from the top of his right knee, over his right thigh, the right side of his stomach and torso, and ended right beneath his right ear. He’d had Nevin and Gaige’s names tattooed within the flames shortly after they became the core Marriage Group, but they had Elian now and Corbin knew he’d be taking time the next day to add Elian’s name to the flames. He wondered if he could talk the coração into getting a tattoo himself.

Once again shoving away thoughts that had nothing to do with what he was currently facing, Corbin ran the fingers of his free hand up Elian’s torso to the back of his head. Grabbing hold of the long, black tresses, Corbin pulled on the strands until Elian’s neck was arched and exposed. He licked and sucked, nibbling and rubbing his stubbled cheek and chin over the patch of skin. He looked down when he felt hot wetness on his fingers. Thinking Elian had cum just from Corbin's stroking him, Corbin looked down and groaned at the sight of Gaige swallowing down Elian’s cock. He heard Elian’s keening wail and could sympathize. No one knew how to suck cock like Gaige. More than once Corbin had shot his seed down Gaige’s throat in the library or their office or in the back of the royal carriage.

Corbin, Gaige, and Nevin, each had something that they excelled at. Gaige sucked cock as if he were born to do so, Nevin was an expert at rimming ass, something that could make a man cum fiercely without even touching his cock, and Corbin was an amazing kisser and an expert at playing with nipples. Corbin looked into Elian’s dazed expression and grinned wolfishly. And Elian was a great fuck. They were perfect for each other.

Corbin wrapped an arm around Elian’s waist when he swayed as Nevin knelt behind him, spread the cheeks of his ass apart and took a long swipe from his perineum up to the top of his ass. Corbin shivered when Elian laid his head on his chest and licked at Corbin’s nipples. Amend that: Elian was a genius at nipples. Corbin grit his teeth to keep from sobbing in pleasure as Elian licked and nibbled at the hardened nubs on his chest.

Lowering a hand, he smacked the firm flesh of Elian’s ass, causing both Elian and Nevin to groan in delight. Andalusia above, he wanted to be in Elian’s ass, right now.

Looking down, he caught Nevin’s gaze and raised an eyebrow. He saw Nevin’s nod before the other man penetrated Elian’s tight ring of muscles with a finger. Corbin felt Elian lurch forward, biting down on Corbin’s nipple. Corbin squeaked, not in protest but in extreme pleasure, the sting of pain heightening his own pleasure. He watched Nevin out the corner of his eye as Elian continued to lick and suck at his nipples. When Nevin was thrusting four fingers in and out of Elian’s hole, Corbin knew it was time. Looking down at Gaige, he watched as the other sucked and laved Elian’s balls before letting the round orbs go and standing to his feet.

“I want to try something, El,” Corbin said, watching Elian’s lust-filled gaze. “Just let me know, us know, if you want to stop.”

Elian looked up at him quizzically, unconsciously fucking himself on Nevin’s four fingers. “What do you want to try?” he asked breathlessly.

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