(The Marriage Groups)Elian (13 page)

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Authors: Vicktor Alexander

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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“I want Nevin and I to both fuck you at the same time while you suck Gaige’s cock,” Corbin told him bluntly and watched as Elian’s eyes widened.

“I-I-is that possible?” Elian asked, voice quaking.

Nevin nodded. “Very much so,” Corbin answered verbally.

After a moment of quiet contemplation where he still moved his ass up and down on Nevin’s fingers, Elian finally nodded with a groan. “Okay.”

Corbin barely held back the growl of satisfaction that rumbled in his chest before he lowered his head and took Elian’s lips in a fiery kiss. He lifted Elian off his feet and followed Nevin as he walked over to the bed and lay down upon it. He was distantly aware of Gaige following behind him and shivered when the other man trailed fingers down his spine to the curve of his ass. Corbin lowered Elian over Nevin’s prostrate form. Sticking three fingers in the stretched pucker of Elian’s ass, Corbin moaned at the feeling of Gaige’s teeth sinking into the flesh of his own rear. He looked back down at Nevin and Elian and noticed that Nevin was lowering Elian over his shaft. The sight of Nevin’s dick disappearing into the heat of Elian’s hole filled Corbin’s brain with fog.

Once Elian had settled upon Nevin’s hardness, Corbin bent his knees slightly, pushing Elian back until he lay back on Nevin’s chest. Lining his cock up against Elian’s entrance Corbin pushed in slowly and gently, listening to the twin groans coming from Nevin and Elian. He wanted this so much, but his ears were open for the slightest sound of pain from his coração’s mouth. He would stop instantly if he heard the noise. Elian’s gasp had him pausing immediately and Corbin opened eyes he wasn’t even aware he’d closed and looked down into Elian’s face.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

Elian shook his head no. “N-no. Keep going, I just—I feel so fucking full and you’re not even all the way in yet.”

Corbin looked down at where only half of his shaft lay inside of Elian’s channel and felt another shiver race up his spine. He pressed the rest of the way inside and growled loudly at the tight heat wrapping itself around his thickness. He could feel Nevin’s cock pressed against his own deep within Elian’s bowels and Corbin trembled at the intimacy.

“Move, dammit,” Nevin growled after Corbin had remained stationary for an extended period of time.

Corbin looked back down at his husbands and caught sight of Gaige pressing his cock between Elian’s lips. The erotic sight of his coração’s full lips spread around Gaige’s thick cock propelled him forward and Corbin began to press his hips forward and pull them back slowly before building up speed. Elian’s moans and whimpers around Gaige’s cock made the other man whine in pleasure, spurring Corbin’s thrusts on. Nevin’s thrusts alternated with his own and Corbin could feel his orgasm building from the soles of his feet. He threw his head back as pleasure swamped his sense rushing up his spine and exploding throughout his body. He yelled out Elian’s name as he spurted his seed deep within his chute. He heard Nevin follow him over the pleasure precipice seconds later and felt the wet heat of Nevin’s sperm cover his cock where it still lay within Elian’s ass, twitching and belching spurts of ejaculate.

Corbin took in a deep breath and then groaned as he felt Gaige’s slick fingers probe his ass. When had Gaige moved and gotten the oil? Corbin wouldn’t worry about that. The pleasure was beginning to overtake him again and he bowed his head as Gaige sawed his fingers in and out of Corbin’s hole. He heard Elian and Nevin cry out beneath him and the sweat that had built on his brow dripped down upon them as Gaige pressed his cock deep within Corbin’s ass. He gasped and thrust his burgeoning erection deeper inside of Elian’s entrance. With every press of Gaige’s cock into his own channel, Corbin thrust into Elian’s. He could feel Nevin’s cock moving against his own within Elian, the other man’s hard-on never having fully softened, and before long they were a mass of thrusting, gasping, groaning, sweaty bodies, each of them reaching for the edge of their desire.

Corbin heard Elian scream out in bliss before spraying his load up between his body and Corbin’s. The white liquid hit Corbin square in the chest, some of it shooting over his shoulder to land on Gaige’s shoulder, some of it leaking over Elian’s abdomen onto Nevin where he lay below.

The sight of Elian cumming caused Corbin to roar through another orgasm, followed by Gaige and then Nevin. Corbin felt forward, holding Gaige’s weight where the other man had collapsed on his back, and bracing himself on his hands on either side of Nevin’s head. Looking down at Elian, Corbin noticed that he had passed out and he chuckled softly.

Corbin shivered when Gaige pulled his cock from within him moments later and soon followed suit, gently disengaging himself from Elian’s hole. He looked down at the gaping hole that was slowly returning to its usual tight, small form and watched as Nevin’s cock slowly slid free, the shaft softened now. Corbin collapsed on the bed next to Nevin, pressing his back into Gaige’s chest when the other man climbed onto the bed next to him.

“That was intense,” Nevin admitted, and Corbin chuckled while nodding his head.

“Hell yeah it was,” he agreed. He purred at the feel of Gaige’s hand smoothing down over his hip.

“We definitely have to do that again,” Gaige responded.

They all three got quiet and then looked at each other before grinning broadly. “Oh, yea,” they all said simultaneously, and Corbin found himself wishing that every day could end with them right where they were: together, in bed, and satisfied.

But things never go as planned and it was only days later when Corbin was forced to remember that when you’re a royal, your life is never quiet and dull.


Chapter Thirteen




woke up with a groan and stretched his arms and legs, his bones and muscles loosening deliciously. Feeling a weight on his chest and legs, he opened his eyes and looked around. He saw Corbin and Nevin looking at him with a smile on their faces. He looked around for Gaige but didn’t see him in the bed anywhere. Looking back at Nevin, he raised his eyebrows in a silent query.

“He had an early meeting, but hopefully we’ll be adequate substitutes?” Nevin answered with amusement shining in his eyes.

Elian felt his face burn and grinned sheepishly at Nevin. He felt horrible. He didn’t want to play favorites and really, he didn’t know any of the men well enough to do so, but he’d felt somehow… incomplete without Gaige in the bed with them when he’d awoken. But no bother, he had two of his men in the bed with him and that would more than serve his purposes.

Feeling a bit wanton for the thoughts coursing through his mind, Elian nevertheless allowed his hands to wander beneath the coverlet and over the sinewy limbs of the other two men. While he’d been a virgin only days before, he now felt as if he’d been having sex for… well, for years. He almost felt like a pro. Really, what else could there be to copulating?

Hearing Corbin’s sharply indrawn breath and Nevin’s growl, Elian prepared himself for some morning lovemaking. It wasn’t long before he was gasping from surprise, one leg over Nevin’s well-muscled shoulder, Corbin’s mouth on his cock as Nevin thrust furiously inside of him. It seemed that there were still some things he could learn when it came to having sex with his very virile husbands.

An hour later, when Corbin and Nevin slid out of bed to go shower and start their day, Elian closed his eyes and drifted back into sleep, glad that his day was going to be a lot more peaceful and boring than days previous.




was running. Running as fast as his legs could carry him. A large belly protruded from him and he knew without thinking that his three children rested inside, unknowing that their breeder father was running for his life. Was running to save them. Someone was after him, after them. Someone wanted his children. They wanted to kill them, kill him. He wasn’t sure why, and at that moment he didn’t really care to know why. All he wanted to do was to get to safety.

Looking up, he saw the walls of the palace and realized that he was heading away from the grotto. He started screaming his husbands’ names, but none of them came to his aid, and thinking of them caused a stab of panic to slice through him. Where were Nevin, Corbin, and Gaige when he desperately needed them? He screamed their names again and felt his foot catch on the edge of a broken slab of granite that lay on the ground.

“What the hell is that doing there?” he wondered as he threw out his hands to catch himself. He cried out in pain when his hands slid on the ground, scraping on the hard earth. He turned over and looked up at his pursuer. Gleaming white teeth and red eyes flashed at him. As Elian continued to look at the other man, backing away on his hands and the balls of his feet, Elian catalogued his features, sure that he would need to remember them for some reason.

Red eyes gleamed at him, long blond hair flowed down to below his shoulders and fangs gleamed from beneath his top lip. Elian knew that shifters didn’t exist, but this man looked half-man, half-animal. Elian screamed just as the other man reached out for him with one hand, a sword held in his other. He saw his life flash before his eyes and knew a moment of despair that his children would never be born and that he'd never had a chance to fall in love with his husbands.




! Wake up! Come on, Cora, please!”

Elian’s eyes snapped open as he gasped. His arms and legs went flailing and he fought against the hands holding him down.

“It’s us, Elian! Open your eyes and see that it’s us,” a voice said, familiar as its tone penetrated the haze of Elian’s mind.

Elian registered the others who were in the room with him: Nevin, Corbin, and Gaige sat or knelt on the bed around him, holding his arms and legs down gently in an effort to stop him from hurting himself. Standing behind them around the room were a number of servants; Christopher, Justin and Charles, his personal bodyguards; Joffrey, Georgie, Nevin’s bodyguards; Pablo, Jortense, Corbin’s bodyguards; Johnathen, Sheram, Gaige’s bodyguards; and Sharik, Elian’s new assistant, a small, caramel-colored coração who Nevin had practically adopted as a son since the young man was barely fifteen. They all watched Elian carefully, tensely, as if afraid of what he might say or do.

He took a deep breath and released it slowly, allowing his limbs to relax before offering his husbands a weak smile. Now that he knew he’d only been dreaming, now that the vestiges of the nightmare were receding, he could breathe easier. He felt his mind pushing through the horrifying images of the half-man, half-animal from his dream and struggled to center himself.

“I’m fine now,” he said in a raspy voice. He cleared his throat and said it again, sighing in relief when his husbands finally released him. “It was just a nightmare. A horrible one, but that’s all it was.”

Nevin nodded, Corbin smiled grimly, and Gaige seemed to be surveying the headboard intently as if searching for something. Elian was distantly aware of the bodyguards leaving the room, though Sharik didn’t leave and remained hovering near the doorway. Elian gave the younger man a reassuring smile and watched as he smiled back tensely.

“Sharik, I’m sure His Highness could use a glass of Karteir,” Nevin stated, smiling fondly at Sharik. Elian knew there was a story there. Sharik practically jumped at shadows, but he was never happier than when Nevin or Elian gave him a task.

“Yes, Your Highness, I will go down to the kitchen and get him a fresh one,” Sharik offered, his voice lilting and high-pitched, before turning and racing from the room.

Elian grinned and reached out a hand to touch Nevin’s forearm, brushing his fingers through the soft hair that lay there. The tips of his fingers rested on the wide, gold bracelet that lay on his husband’s wrist, emblazoned with the crest of the Cannington dynasty. When Nevin turned his hand over and gripped Elian’s hand with his own, Elian felt the heavy burden of fear begin to lift.

“Do you want to tell us about the nightmare?” Corbin asked. Elian wanted to say no, wanted to keep the terror to himself and not burden his husbands with his irrational fear. But he knew that if he didn’t unburden himself then it might return. He nodded his head instead and sat up in the bed, pressing his back against the headboard.

“I was running away from the grotto because someone was chasing me. I stumbled over a piece of stone that was out in front of the palace steps. I fell and he came towards me. He had blond hair, red eyes, and even though he was slender, he was menacing. He was almost half-animal, like a Wrwolfe or a Zorvilinx, and half-man. He reached out to me and grabbed me with one hand. In his other hand he held a sword, and I knew he was going to kill me and our babies,” Elian’s words came out in a rush and he closed his eyes tightly against the torrent of tears that threatened.

“Well, you know that would never happen, because not only is the palace much more tightly guarded than it ever has been before, but we would always be there to protect you,” Gaige pointed out.

Elian shook his head. “That’s just it! I called for you, for all of you, and none of you came to my rescue. I don’t know why. I don’t know if you were hurt somewhere or what, but all I know is that none of you were there and I was all on my own and he was going to kill me.”

The room was quiet, as if the other three men realized that they couldn’t always be near Elian and that definitely put him at a disadvantage if someone were able to sneak onto the palace grounds intent on killing him. It was a sobering thought, one Elian didn’t wish to think on, and he looked at each of his men, hoping their faces would go far to calm his fragile nerves. When his gaze landed on Gaige, he noticed things he’d never noticed before. The scar on his right cheek seemed to be glowing, the diamond studded leather bracelet on his right wrist seemed to be twisting slowly, and the tattoo of a snake that wound its way around his left wrist seemed to be coming alive. It confused and scared Elian, especially as different aspects of his attacker from the dream slowly became into focus.

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