The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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I hand the stick over to him. He takes a quick look and his eyes quickly meet mine. A big smile greets my drenched, red, blotchy eyes.

He puts the test down and cups my face in his hands, kissing me feverishly.

“I love you, Melodi, and you’re going to be an excellent mother to my child.” He kisses me hard again. His eyes mist with happiness, which makes me pour out more tears. He picks up the positive test, takes my hand, and leads me back out to the room where the nurse is waiting. Handing her the test, she takes a quick look and smiles.

“Congratulations, would you like to get an ultrasound while you’re here? It will have to be an internal one, which won’t affect the baby in any way, but it will help us with an estimated due date.” She looks at me and I look to
Corban who nods, still smiling. My heart swells big and carries so much pride for him. He accepts this, and that means I can, too.

“Okay, yeah, sounds good.” I give her a small smile, still unsure of this whole situation. She turns and leaves, leaving
Corban and me to talk about our big news.

“How are you feeling?”
Corban asks, pulling me into his embrace.

How do I feel? Happy, sad, torn over my current state… “I don’t know. I’m a little shocked and feeling stupid for not taking better precautions. Why didn’t you ever ask me or at least put something on?” I shoot the question at him like it’s all his fault. I’m a little annoyed at myself and him.

“I assumed you would be on something, I’m sorry.” He hangs his head, but reaches out taking my hand in his. I can’t stay mad at him. It’s not worth it. We have something we should be celebrating and I don’t want to cloud that with my mood.

“Well, now we have a little thing, or little it, whatever you
wanna call it. Oh, I can just imagine what your family is going to think of me, and my father just might kill you,” taking a breath, I keep going with my rant, “and why the hell are you telling people I’m your fiancé? I would at least like a proper proposal if you’re gonna go around announcing it.” I sit back and fold my arms a little awkwardly because of my cast, while trying not to smile.

“Sorry, beautiful, I do want you to be my wife, but I will ask you properly when the time’s right.” He presses his lips to mine. I pull him closer to me, savouring each kiss and touch like it’s my last.

The thought of being his fiancé gives me butterflies. He is the only one I want in my future, and this baby, as much as it frightens the living hell outta me. I know he will always be here to help and support me. He is my forever.


Chapter Thirty-Two

It’s after midnight when the lovely doctor from earlier comes in with the same brunette wheeling a portable ultrasound machine. The nerves kick in again, but not scared nerves, just anxious to see everything is okay since I’ve been drinking a fair bit over the last few weeks.

“Will alcohol affect the baby? I’ve been drinking,” I voice my concerns. It’s the doctor who answers.

“No, dear, you should be all right, but from now on, no drinking or smoking. Here is a little pack that we give all first-time expecting mothers. There is a lot of helpful information in there.” I take the pack of pamphlets, handing them straight to Corban to hold.

“Thank you, I’m
gonna need all the help I can get.”

“Becoming a mother will come naturally,” she assures me. “Let’s check out this little peanut, shall we? If you could, lay back and get comfortable.” I do as she requests and she throws a sheet over me. I’m actually eager to see how the
little peanut
is going. I wonder what it will look like.

is right beside me, gripping my hand tightly and looking as anxious as I am.

“Just bring your knees up a little for me.” I do as she asks. “Now this is slightly uncomfortable, but since you are still early, it’s the only way we will get an idea of things. Take a deep breath and release slowly.” As I do this, she inserts this condom covered stick thing. I look to the screen, even though I don’t know what I’m looking at. I wait.

Corban doesn’t release my hand. My broken one rests beside me throbbing a little, but the pain killers have kicked in and the excitement of seeing my peanut, as the doctor called it, has taken over. Nothing else matters.

I look to her, waiting for something.
Speak woman!

“Well, well, well…look here.” I look to where she is pointing on the screen. I frown. It just looks like a black mess with white through it. “Here is a little peanut, and if you look close enough, there is another…It’s twins!” she announces, beaming at us. I think the air has been beaten from me.

“Are you sure?” I squeak, unsure of what else to ask. Corban’s mouth is hanging in shock and his grip on my hand has tightened tenfold. If he keeps going, he will crush this hand right into another cast.

“Yes, quite sure,” she laughs. “Do either of you have twins in your line?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’m a twin, not identical though.”


“Yes, can you tell what sort ours are?” I nod at the screen as she busies herself again.

“I will check, but it might be a little early to see. Let’s take a look at how far along you are and check these heart beats.”

“There will be heartbeats already?” Corban asks, a little shocked. This whole experience is new to us, and we are discovering new things.

“Yes, there should be. Going by measurements, you are about five weeks.”

“How is that possible? I had a normal period last month.”

“It happens sometimes where women ovulate late. They will have a normal period even though they have just fallen pregnant. You’re obviously a late one, but everything looks to be going good.”

The next sound I hear brings me to tears. The rhythmic sound pounding in my ears.

“There’s one heartbeat, and now, the other one.”

The room fills with the magical sound once again. Corban kisses my forehead. I close my eyes, relishing in the moment of happiness with him.

“Would you like a picture?”

“Yes, please,” we both say in unison.

She takes all the information she needs and tells me to make an appointment with my doctor in about a week to arrange all the appointments and scans needed for the babies and for my wrist. She hands us the picture. I stare at it looking at the two little peanuts. Wow, twins…I never thought it could be twins. I’m so excited. All the fear and anxiety is gone, washed away with the tide of happiness waving through me.

We are finally allowed to go home. It’s now just after one in the morning and exhaustion is beginning to set in. I begin to sway a little, feeling lightheaded. He quickly pulls me to his side, moulding us together while he supports me.

“Let’s get you home to bed, beautiful.”

Jonas is out front waiting for us. I instantly feel guilty that he has had to wait.

“Sorry, Jonas.”

“It’s all right, Mel. I hope you’re all right.” He nods at my cast.

“Yeah, it will be all right, thanks.”

Corban pipes up with excitement, “We’re having twins, man!” I bury my face in my hands. I can’t believe he blurted it out. Jonas looks as stunned as I was.

“Umm…Congratulations,” he replies, unsure of what else to say.

“Thanks, Jonas, but can we go home now? I’m thoroughly wasted.” It’s even hard to talk; I’m that tired.

“Yep, sure thing,” Jonas responds instantly.

I doze off while we drive home. Corban helps me out of the car, thanking Jonas, and we head up to my apartment.

My bed is seriously calling me. I just want to pass out and sleep for a week.

“I’m so tired.”

“I know, baby. Let’s get you off to bed.” I unlock the door and am greeted with darkness.

I walk through to the living room and flick on the light. There, standing before me, is a very familiar face, Blake, and he’s standing beside another I had thought I would never see again.

My hands fly to my mouth to stop myself from screaming. My body and mind is alert and wide-awake, but I still feel lightheaded. My stomach is flipping out and my heart rate is off the charts. My hands are shaking and my legs feel weak.

Her hair is long and brown, and her skin is tanned. She was lucky enough to get Dad’s dark features, but she still has Mum’s eyes.

“Abby…” I breathe before my shaking legs give out from under me and the lightness in my head takes over, engulfing me in blackness. Last thing I feel is someone’s strong arms catching me before I crash to the floor.


Chapter Thirty-Three



My eyes fill with tears at the
sight of my beautiful sister, Melodi. I never thought I would be able to see her again. I look to Blake who has taken my hand. I’m glad that guy was quick enough to catch her before she hit the floor. I know it was a bad idea coming here tonight, but Blake insisted it needed to be late because we aren’t sure what Jacob is doing.

“What the hell, Blake? What’s going on? Who is this?” the guy who caught
Melodi growls at Blake, who releases my hand and walks toward him.

Corban, meet Abby. Abby, this is Corban, Melodi’s boyfriend.” The guy, Corban, looks straight at me, confused, shocked…you name it.

“But…but you’re supposed to be dead.” He looks to Blake, cradling an unconscious
Melodi in his arms. “How is this possible?”

“I think you better get her to bed. She looks exhausted, but please, be quiet as my daughter is asleep in there,” I request as he walks away shaking his head.

“Are you sure about this, Blake?” I ask, a little hesitant about being here. Putting my sister and family in danger isn’t something I want to do.

“Yes, trust me please. Jacob already knows you aren’t dead. He has been contacting
Melodi every day. You’re better off being here where I can keep you safe, please…” he pleads. I nod reluctantly.

comes back out, his eyes shooting death stares at us. “What’s going on?” he whispers harshly.

“I decided to find Abby and bring her out of hiding. That way I can keep her safe with me. Jacob already knows she isn’t dead, and it’s only a matter of time before he comes after
Melodi to get her to talk and—” Corban cuts him off.

“She’s pregnant.” Silence fills the room. I
suck in a breath, my hands flying to my mouth. I knew this was a bad idea. Guilt fills the pit of my stomach.

“I need to leave. I don’t want anything to happen to her or the baby.”

“Babies…” Oh, no…

“Twins?” Blake asks, stunned.
Corban nods. I’m speechless.

“Abby, it’s nice to meet you, and I think Blake is right. We need you to be close. I can find a temporary place for you and your daughter. I’m going to hire some bodyguards for
Melodi, as well, starting tomorrow.”

Wow, talk about spare no expense. “It’s okay, really. I can find somewhere,” I assure him. I don’t want to put him and
Melodi out any more than I already have.

Both he and Blake shake their heads, but it’s Blake who responds, “No, please just accept his help. Between the both of us, we can keep you all safe.” He rushes to my side, taking my hands and pleading with me. I nod, accepting his help. Fear grips my heart and squeezes tightly.

I live with fear on a daily basis, always looking over my shoulder, knowing what Jacob had done to me. With the help of Blake, I was able to disappear, keeping myself and my daughter safe. I look into those emerald green eyes of Blake’s, which match my daughter’s. Little does he know she belongs to him, but I’m not about to tell him till I know she and I, and now Melodi and her babies, are safe.

A phone chimes, alerting us to a message, but who would be messaging someone at this time of the morning. A look crosses between
Corban and Blake. It’s Corban who grabs the handbag Melodi had when she walked in. He looks at her phone and is completely silent while he passes it to Blake. He looks stricken. Blake takes one look. His worried eyes quickly look up into mine and I know something isn’t right.

“What is it?” I ask, not sure if I really want to know or not.

I take one look at the phone and drop it instantly. My entire body begins to shake like an earthquake. On the screen is a picture of my daughter, Blake, and me entering Melodi’s building from the back entrance with the message:


Hello, darling, it’s been a long time.


“No…” I breathe.




I hope you enjoyed the story.

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e information about author Liz Lovelock.


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The Lost One – Book One


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The Missing
One – Book Two


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