The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (71 page)

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Bella studied them; all had Luke’s hair and eyes. “Tommy,” she said to the tallest boy,” who nodded back. “Alison,” she said to the girl to his right. “Michael.” The next boy was of a more solid build. “And you are Simon,” Bella added to the smallest of the group who was looking up at her with big eyes. “And finally, Rose,” she finished, looking at the eldest girl.

“Did I get them all right?”
They nodded.

“Why are you down here?”
“Well, Rose, I have just returned to Twoaks, from a clinic in Scotland as you know, because your brother brought me back. I used to walk with a limp but after being there, now I don’t.”

“You used to use a cane.”

“Yes, Alison, I did, but now I have no cane, and I wanted to skate, but of course as you see I forgot my skates.

They all looked at her feet and then at theirs. By silent agreement, Rose then spoke.

“You could borrow Alison’s skates, because she has the biggest feet, and we could help you if you like?”

Bella smiled. “I would love that above all things.”

Alison helped Bella attach them to her boots.

“I have to tell you all a secret, but you must promise to keep it to yourselves.”

They nodded as one.

“I fear I may be quite dreadful at this; however, I have no wish for anyone but Lady Althea and yourselves to know that.”

This made them smile, and Rose even giggled.

“We promise to keep it a secret, if that is your wish.”

“All right, then, I am now in your hands.” Taking the ice, she felt Tommy and Rose move to her sides.

“It’s better to start slow, just little steps. Try and glide.”

“All right, Rose, I shall try. Thank you both for supporting me when I know you would rather be skating yourselves.”

“No, we wouldn’t,” Rose said which made Bella feel ridiculously happy.

As she felt the muscles in her leg begin to protest at the strange movements, she realized her memory had not served her well; it was a lot harder than it appeared. But soon, after a lot of guidance from her two little helpers, she was skating.

“I remember this,” she whispered. “The joy of gliding around on the ice.”

They supported her as they moved in slow circles, and then Tommy left her side and it was just she and Rose.

“Rose, I’m skating,” Bella could hear the awe in her voice.

“That you are, Miss Langley.”

“I know you won’t, especially if you’re as stubborn as your brother, but if you feel you can then I would like for you to call me Bella.”

“Thank you, Bella, and yes, he is stubborn, but the very best of brothers just the same.”

“He is the very best of men, too, Rose, but I shall thank you for not telling him I said that.”

Her giggle was such a sweet sound it made Bella smile. “And now, my dear, I shall be grateful if you release me, and I shall endeavor to skate my way back to where the others await us.”

“All right, and I shall stay behind you if you should need me.”

Bella nodded as Rose released her. She concentrated on gliding as she had been told, and felt the movements come back to her with each step she took.

“What the bloody hell do you think you are doing!”

Luke’s roar startled Bella and she stumbled backwards, losing her balance and falling hard onto her bottom. Sucking in a deep breath as the damp soaked into her skirts, she tried to regain her feet, but they kept slipping. Then two large hands grabbed her and lifted her upright.

“I never thought you a woman of so little sense!”

Bella looked up into Luke’s furious eyes. “I was not doing anything foolish, merely skating with your family. Surely there has been no harm done?” He steadied her as she nearly overbalanced again. “I assure you they were in no danger from me.”

“I know you would not harm them, that is not what—”

“If you had not roared at me,” Bella said cutting him off, “then I would probably have reached the safety of the bank by now and not have wet clothing to contend with.” Bella’s temper simmered as she attempted to pull her damp skirts away from her bottom.

“Not that many months ago you walked with a cane, and now you can suddenly skate on a piece of ice that is probably not that far away from thawing.” His fingers bit into her arms as he shook her.

“Your siblings were skating on it.”

“They are not…”

She saw the instant he swallowed the word. “Lame?” Bella added. “They are not invalids? Is that what you wanted to say, Luke?”

His scowl darkened, his eyes going from her to Rose, who had moved close to Bella.

“She’s not lame now, Luke, and I don’t know why you are angry with her. She was in no danger, and was having fun with us.”

Bella pulled her eyes from his and looked at Rose, who was staring intently at her brother.

“Be quiet, Rosie,” Luke said, still looking at her.

“Don’t tell your sister to be quiet,” she snapped, wrenching her arm free, and in doing so stumbled backwards but managed to right herself with a series of ungraceful arm flailing, feet sliding movements. Looking up into his eyes when she was once again steady, she saw them light with laughter, although his face still formed a scowl.

“Are you laughing at me, Luke Fletcher?”

“I would not dare laugh at you, Miss Langley,” he said, stepping forward to offer her his hand. Incensed, Bella took it and pulled hard. She saw the surprise on his face before she sent him sliding across the ice, much to the delight of his siblings, who were now laughing loudly.

“Help me quick, Rose!”

Too stunned to do anything but obey her, the girl held out her hand and helped Bella skate to the bank.


Ignoring the masculine bellow from behind her, Bella bent to pull off the skates. Finished, she handed them to Alison. Then, after kissing Rose’s head and thanking her again, she hurried towards the bank with a brief backwards wave for the rest of Luke’s siblings.

“Thea, quickly, give me a hand!”

Galvanized by her tone, Thea grabbed her and hauled her up to where she stood, and then together they scurried back up to the road. Her leg protested, but she did not lessen her pace until she was safely on the bridge once more.

“Not one word,” she then said.

“Bella, there is a large, raging man down there. My advice to you is make haste,” Thea then said, doing just that.



Luke still liked to drive a carriage upon occasion, even though he was no longer called upon to do so. It was, after all, in his blood; his father, and grandfather had both been the same. Pulling to a halt in front of Willow Hall, he then let Jessie get down and assist Thea and Bella into the carriage.

Fear had made him react today when he had seen Bella skating. He’d not thought, simply told her she was a fool for doing so, worried her leg would give way and she would fall. But she hadn’t been in any danger; in fact, she’d been enjoying herself with his siblings, and he realized now that this was part of the change she’d talked about at the cemetery, change she wanted him to see and acknowledge. She didn’t need him protecting or censuring her anymore because she was stronger.

It would take time for him to adjust to the woman she now was, and acknowledge she no longer needed him as she once had. She had asked him if he could see her as his equal, someone he didn’t feel the need to constantly protect. Could he?

The old Bella would certainly never have pulled him onto the ice. His siblings had laughed for a good twenty minutes after that, and then Rosie had told him off, saying that Miss Langley was one of the nicest, prettiest ladies she had ever met, and that she deserved better from him, to which he had muttered a chastened apology.

“They’re both corkers, ain’t they?” Jessie said as he climbed back up onto the driver’s seat minutes later after closing the carriage door.

“They are women of noble birth, Jessie, and as such deserve to be respected. Please refrain from using that term when describing them.”

It was moments like this when he felt different. Jessie spoke as he once had, but no longer. He walked in two worlds because he had lived parts of his life in both, but he felt lately that it was Will’s world that he had begun to feel most comfortable in.

Urging the horses up the road, he relaxed, drawing in a deep breath. Whenever he drove Bella, he felt calm, as if knowing she was safe inside the carriage allowed the tension to ease from his shoulders.

Christ, he was pathetic.

He’d watched her walk into Twoaks this morning, moving slowly but steadily with Lady Althea, and suddenly the day had brightened even more. Her bonnet had framed her smiling face and he’d seen a few of the blonde curls that had always entranced him peek from beneath. Her lovely figure had been wrapped in a blue coat and he’d had to duck into the bakery before anyone saw him looking at her.

He watched as she dealt with Mrs. Popplehinge. Saw the other woman walk away determined to protect Bella from anyone who dared to call her that name again and he’d seen more of her strength.

“Help Lady Althea to the door, Jessie,” Luke said, when minutes later they pulled up outside Rossetter House, where Will had grown up. His brother, the Duke, and his family now lived here.

“Thank you, Luke, and no doubt I shall see you again soon.”

He’d always liked Thea; she never treated him as anything but a friend even when he’d worked in her father’s stables. Smiling down into her pretty face, he said, “It was my pleasure, Lady Althea.” She didn’t leave then as he’d expected, but stood, looking up at him, with the same steady gaze that both her brothers had.

“It’s my belief, Luke Fletcher, that you should fight for what your heart desires, especially if that heart’s desire is as special as the lady currently seated in this carriage.”

Stunned, Luke watched as Thea gave him a soft smile, then turned and walked away.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Jessie said, retaking his seat beside Luke.

Grunting something, Luke pulled his eyes from Thea’s retreating back and then, picking up the reins, he urged the horses forward.

What had she meant?
Did Thea know how he and Bella felt about each other? And, if so, who else knew? And furthermore, what did they think?

Luke hadn’t slept much last night because he had been plagued with dreams of Bella. But he had woken to the realization that she should have her debut in society, so then she would know what she was giving up to have a future with him. If that happened, he wanted her to come to him with no regrets.

Pulling into Will’s driveway, Luke concentrated on navigating the horses into the courtyard. Large, with mullioned window and three stories, the home was cream stone and looked welcoming with the sun low in the sky at its back.

Handing the reins to Jessie, Luke jumped down as Roberts, Will’s butler, came to open the carriage door.

“Lord Ryder wishes to see you in his study please, Mr. Fletcher.”

“Hello, Roberts.” Bella took the butler’s hand as she stepped down and gave him a smile.

“Miss Langely.” Luke watched the man bow.

“Tis a trifle chilly here in the shadows, Roberts. I shall make my way inside.” She didn’t look at him, instead making for the front door that stood open.

“Tea is ready for you in the family parlor, Miss Langley. Lady Ryder and Lady Levermarch await your arrival there.”

“Excellent. Nothing quite like tea to warm you.”

She was not one of those ladies who thought it beneath them to talk to the staff. Bella had always taken an interest in people, no matter their station in life. He watched her walk towards the house, her steps slow and steady. He’d noticed that since her return, she didn’t rush anywhere like she had before her accident; each step was now taken carefully.

“I’ll come now, Roberts,” Luke said once Bella had walked inside the house. “Jessie, take the carriage to the stables, and have a care in doing so,” he added, knowing the boy’s penchant for speed.”

Stomping off any mud that may have collected on his boots, Luke went in the front door as he always had. He may be employed by Will, but he had always been treated more as a friend of the family with the same benefits. Handing his coat and gloves to the butler, he then made for the stairs.

Olivia had redecorated the home before moving in; the floors were polished wood and over them she had placed thick patterned rugs. The walls in the front entrance were paneled halfway with oak, and above she had covered in soft cream. Luke saw flowers and paintings, all bright and adding to the feeling of welcome those who stepped inside instantly felt. It was a home that would settle comfortably around the family that Will and Olivia would have. It would be a haven, a place to grow old together and he couldn’t begrudge either of them what they had gained. Both had journeyed far to find the happiness they now shared.

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