Hell Is Burning

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Hell Is Burning
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ell is

By Morgan Kelley













Copyright © 2015 Morgan Kelley LLC

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Content Advisory:
This book is intended for mature audiences and contains graphic violence, explicit sexual activity and disturbing imagery


Copyright 2015 cover photo Cover art by Laura Gordon. www.thebookmachine.com






Other works by Morgan Kelley:


Standalone Thrillers


The Junction 


Serial Sins   


The Blood Betrayal


FBI Romance Series


The Killing Times (Book 1)


Sacred Burial Grounds (Book 2)


True Love Lost (Book 3)


Deep Dark Mire (Book 4)


Fire Burns Hot (Book 5)


Darkness of Truth (Book 6)


Devil Hath Come (Book 7)


Consumed by Wrath (Book 8)


Redemption is Here (Book 9)


Dead Shall Speak (Book 10)


Pledging to Die (Book 11)



Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series


Celestia is Falling (1)


Vegas is Dying (2)


Christmas is Killing (3)


Love is Bleeding (4)


Heaven is Weeping (5)


Hell is Burning (6)



Littlemoon Investigations


Blood Red Rage (Book 1)


Lost & Broken (Book 2)


Unthinkable Games (Book 3)



The Carter Chronicles


Sinner Repent (1)


Sinner Realized (2)


Sinner Reborn (3)



The Harcourte Vampyre Society series


Dangerous Revelations (1)


Dangerous Choices (2)


Dangerous Misery (3)



Behind Closed Doors Anthology


Illegal Fantasies ~ Behind Closed Doors (1)


Romance Under Arrest~ Behind Closed Doors (2)






         ~~~~       About the Author    ~~~~

Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books.  She put them both together and began her career as a writer.  Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.


Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Dead Shall Speak (10), Pledging to Die (11), Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Unthinkable Games (3)Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Heaven is Weeping (5), Dangerous Revelations (1), Dangerous Choices (2), Dangerous Misery (3), Sinner Repent (1), Sinner Realized (2), Sinner Reborn (3), Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1), Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2)


Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website: www.morgankelley.com, email her
[email protected]
, or visit her blog at



“It’s not the end. I know right now you think it is, but it’s not. I’m here. Emma’s here. We’ll hold you up for as long as you need it. We love you. Don’t do this.”


                            ~ Greyson Croft




“Son, if it’s the right woman, she’ll run toward you--not away.”


~ Greyson Croft




















Curtis, a family loves you even when you forget they always have your back…

















Two Months Later

Las Vegas--Fall




He loathed them.

With every beat of his heart, the unquenchable hate grew, and there was nothing but contempt for their worthless lives. They thought they had every right in the world, but in actuality, they didn't.

They had crossed a dangerous line. 

From their lips, the hair, and the sexy attire, they were asking for trouble. Well, if that was the case, then he was willing to give it to them.

Their choice was made, and he’d deliver--no matter what the cost.

Maybe the other men flocking around them would admire their bodies, but he wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of knowing they were attractive.

Hell no!

He was above that.

Filth was filth, and it didn't matter what the majority believed. He refused to follow like some blind sheep. There wouldn’t be death in his future.

Only in theirs.

In the end, someone had to stand up and tell them it wasn’t right. There had to be a voice of reason, policing the morality of those who were lost. There were laws, rules, and common sense, and for some reason, that was being overlooked.

These women had none of the decency that should have been instilled in them as children. They were void, empty, and full of shame, and he was sick of it.

They just didn't care about themselves. They were vile creatures, hell bent on leading many astray.

He was sure of it.

He could see it in their eyes.

In fact, it was crystal clear in their eyes.

So, he was going to step in and handle it.

There was no doubt in his mind that he was doing what was right. Taking them, dragging them into the woods, and ending their sick lives, was what needed to be done.

He was going to be the one who did it too.

Only he could stare into the fire of hell and remain intact. His soul was strong enough to see right from wrong, and this was his burden to carry.

It was his cross to bear.

The second he saw her, there was no way he could turn his head and look the other way. She was crudely dressed, ready to lure in some man with her loose morals and sick addiction to perversion.

It wasn’t happening.

He was sick of it.

No longer could he turn a blind eye. She’d crossed a line that he couldn’t ignore.


He couldn’t do it.

Because of her audacity, he was going to make her pay. Before the night was over, he was going to take her life and free the world of a worthless piece of trash.

She should be ashamed of herself!

He was. It filled his mouth with a bitter taste, and he wanted nothing more than to make her an example.

He had to do it.

It was burning in his gut, forcing him to take the next step. No longer could he sit idly by.

No. It was past that.

It was time to move.

And that’s exactly what he did.

As he strangled her in the shadows of the building, he didn't even hesitate when stealing her life. There was no remorse, and he didn't even care that she stared up at him with eyes begging for mercy.

Instead, he stayed cold and callous toward her. There was no compassion in him for the likes of her.

He stole her last breath, and he’d do it again and again.

She deserved nothing less than his hate.

This woman wasn’t the only one.

Before he was done, he’d take all of them with their coifed hair, big breasts, and devil-may-care attitude.

Yes, he’d end their sick little game.

Having to watch them parade around infuriated him, and he was going to man up and take care of it. When it came down to it, this fell on his shoulders.

This wasn’t the first time either.

Many years ago, he’d been called to action for the same situation, and until this moment, it lay dormant in his body.

Now it was awake and alive.

He was alive.

He struck out then, and he’d repeat it until they were all gone. Yes, getting soiled with their vile blood was the thing nightmares were made of, but he was going to face the horrors and do what was right.

Yes, it had to be him.

Only him…

So, after taking her life, he tossed her in the trunk of his car to transport her to the location he’d picked out. Once there, he’d show the world what she was, and they’d never turn a blind eye again.

After seeing their true ugliness, they’d be appalled--just like him.

The truth would be free.

He would be free.

During the drive, he was able to think. Everything had to be perfect. He had to do this right because there wouldn’t be a second shot at it.

He needed the perfect place.

Somewhere majestic.

Somewhere divine.

As he drove, the interlude gave him time to think about a place where he could show off his skill.

He had the perfect place.

All it took was a stop outside of town at the large super center, and he was set. He bought all the props using cash as he prepared himself for the next part of their journey. It would be the best part for him.

It would be the end.

Heading into the thick forest, he was giddy at the prospect of what was to come. He was going to make sure he made a statement with her broken body. Before it was all over, they would see what he saw. It would haunt them like it did him. They would know, and he would be thanked for eliminating someone so vile and hideous.

He didn't care if he got caught.

It would be well worth it to show the world what lurked in the shadows of their minds.

The odds were in his favor. He’d never been found before. He was seasoned, or at least that’s what he believed. This wasn’t his first kill, and it certainly wouldn’t be his last. He was too smart to be caught.

He knew it to be the truth. He had to have faith and not give up the good fight. There was too much work to do in Vegas.

Way too much…

So, once he arrived at that pristine spot, he pulled her from the trunk. All the while, he carefully made sure that he didn't leave anything on her that would identify him. Once she was free from the confines of his vehicle, he then dragged her across the heat parched ground and into the thickest part of the forest.

Through the trees, up the path, and to the biggest tree he could find. Before using the rope, he covered her head with a pillowcase. He was disgusted and didn't want to look into her eyes.

She didn't deserve it.

This was far better.

While he knew he was doing the right thing, the dead blue eyes were more than he could handle. He had to do his job and focus on the mission, not her vacant stare. Even in death, she’d try and lure him in, and he couldn’t let that happen.

She was foul.

He was justified.

Once her head was covered, he was fine. There was no doubt in his mind that he could carry on.

He’d had these feelings before, and they weren’t new. With the first one he killed, he’d hesitated too. That’s why he stopped so many years ago, but his duty called.

This was for the best.

As he pulled on the rope, stringing her up in the tree, he knew that she’d be found. He was pleased with finding the perfect place. For now, that’s what he would focus on.

He couldn’t think about how heavy she was as he pulled her up into the tree. He couldn’t dwell on it. He would push it out of his mind and focus on the location and it’s serenity.

When they found her, she’d be on the news. This was so garish, there was no way they wouldn’t eat it up like candy.

He was glad he opted not to bury her.

Evil always found a way to seep up from the ground, tainting the world around him. Her vile body in the soil would just keep coming back to haunt him.

It’s how it always was, and always would be.

He shuddered.

As he tied off the rope, he watched her swing back and forth in the breeze. She was like some macabre pendulum keeping time to some unseen force.

He wanted to puke.

As the blood ran down her body, from where the rope cut into her flesh, he wanted to void everything in his body.

Only he couldn’t.

He couldn’t leave a trace.

This was his choice to carry on, and he had to be strong and follow through. Someone needed to step up, and it was him.

Now that the deed was done, he needed to escape. Like that other time, he couldn’t stick around. She had to be found alone, and they would understand why she had to die.

He tugged wildly at his hair, trying to keep the voice in his head from overwhelming him. It told him to find more. It wanted another, and soon.

It begged him to do worse.

It all caused him so much pain.

When he screamed to silence them, he realized what he’d just done. His voice echoed through the dark night.

His heart skipped in his chest.

He’d screwed up.

That’s when he did the only thing he could do.

He fled.


For his life.





* * *
  Croft & Croft  * * *





Las Vegas

Across Town





He was infuriated.

Dominic Marianna was ready to destroy everyone around him. For two months, since finding out about Randall Mason leaving all his money to Emma Croft, he’d been trying to find a way to destroy them.

Only, he couldn’t.

They were too powerful.

He’d spent many a sleepless night plotting and toiling over a way to take them down, but it was all useless. They were just out of his grasp.

If he even tried to make a move on them, Greyson Croft would bury him. Money had given them so much power, and while Dominic owed him for shoving him in that pool and the shots to the face, he didn't know how to destroy him.

Not safely--anyway.

If he hired a hitman, Croft could out buy him. With the coffers in his account, he was likely listening for any such chatter in Vegas. He was an ex-soldier, and he’d expect that kind of sneak attack. There was no doubt that he’d earn a bullet through the brain before his man even did the job.

It pissed him off.

Croft was now everywhere.

While the media was having a field day, calling him corrupt, there was no way to find out if he was or not. The man was now wearing a multi-billion dollar armor suit. Any shot he fired at the man would come right back at him.

He hated Greyson Croft with all he had.

The man had the power, money, and a sexy wife to boot. Croft was blessed with amazing luck, and Dominic wanted it.

He wanted it all!

This was all Randall Mason’s fault, and he truly wished he was the one who sliced his throat. When the man died, Dominic honestly believed that he was going to be the new king of Vegas. How could he not be? He had power, money, and the sexy women in his life too, but he’d been usurped.

It blindsided him.

Who would have thought that Emma Croft would inherit everything?

The shows.

The businesses--illegal and legit.

The property.

She’d gotten lucky and he’d lost the game. There was no way Croft would let him get his hands on his wife now. She was the goose who stole the golden egg. Even if he suspected Croft wasn’t really in love with the woman, billions could be a big motivating factor.

This was a mess.

He was furious.

“Boss, you need to calm down,” Kenneth James suggested. “You’re going to have a stroke over this.”

Oh, he was well aware.

“Are you sure you can’t find Levi Hammond anywhere?” he asked for what must have been the thousandth time. Deep down, he was pretty sure that the man had turned coat and was working for the enemy.

Where else could he be?

“No, sir. He’s still missing.”

Yeah, and with him were plenty of Dominic’s secrets too! When he found him, he’d kill him.

Then again, maybe Croft had something to do with him going missing. After all, he’d threatened to take his home, and the only man who could break him suddenly disappeared.

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