The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (72 page)

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Would Bella want a house like this? He could buy her one if she wanted it.

Shaking his head, Luke dislodged the thought. Firstly, she wasn’t too pleased with him at the moment, and secondly, they could think of no future until she had been to London. He climbed the stairs and made his way to Will’s study. Tapping on the door, he then let himself in.

“You wanted to see me?”

Will sat in his large chair beneath the window that had a view of the gardens. A fire roared in the grate and the room was filled with books, papers and general clutter. Having lived with the owner of this room, he knew the clutter well. Finn sat on the opposite side, leaning across, and both had confused expressions on their faces.

“Finn brought his books around for you to look at, as he feels something is not quite right with them. We’ve tallied these damn figures ten times each, and keep coming up with a different number,” Will said.

Moving around the desk, Luke looked over his friend’s shoulder at the long list of numbers. Putting his finger on the first, he then ran slowly down each, adding as he went.


Shaking his head, Will jotted the number down, never doubting Luke was right. Numbers were something he was good at. He could look at any and know what they added to, divided into and numerous other equations, in seconds.

“How can you do that so quickly?”

Luke shrugged at Finn’s question. “I just have always had a way with numbers.”

Will stood and made for the decanter of brandy while Luke looked down at the numbers in the ledger once more. Pulling the chair wider, he fell into it and slowly studied them. Something was not right.

“He’s lost to us for a while, I’m afraid, Finn. When you put numbers in front of him, he loses focus of everything else around him.”

Shutting out the rumble of Will and Finn’s voices, Luke concentrated on the pages of numbers. Something was off here, but he wasn’t sure what…yet. He went methodically through the book, and then once again until he was sure what he was seeing. Finished, he then looked up at the two men who were sitting across from him, quietly sipping from their glasses.

“Sorry, this is your seat.” Luke started to rise but Will waved him back into it.

“As you can see I am seated, and as I know you have something to say after looking at the ledger with the intensity of Phoebe when presented with a La Belle Assemblee, I would like to hear it.”

“Who did this for you?” Luke pointed to the book then looked at Finn.

“The man I employed to look after my accounts. Mr. Arthur Collins.

“He’s cheating you, Finn.”

“What!” He surged to his feet. “Are you sure?”

“He’s sure, Finn. I wouldn’t doubt his word when it comes to figures,” Will said.

“Did this man not have references?” Luke queried.

“Yes, I know a few of my friends who have used him.”

“Well, he is good at what’s he’s done, and takes only a small amount per entry, so I suspect your friends have not noticed their losses.”“

“You think he’s cheated others?” Finn demanded.

“He is clever, Finn, so I would say definitely that he has. When we get back to London, I will help you confront this Mr. Collins, as I would like to have a chat with the man.”

“And you feel I’m not capable of dealing with him?”

It was a query and not an angry one, but one of curiosity, Luke realized.

“You could intimidate him, I have no doubt, Finn, but if he has done other accounts for you then we need to ascertain just how much he has taken. And I would then like to point that out to him, and as I understand his methods it would be best if I did so, rather than explaining them to you.”

“I have used him for about a year, so one hopes he has not taken too much.” Finn sank back into his chair. “I feel a fool.”

“It has been well done, if that helps.”

“It does not.”

“I will help you with them from now on until we find someone trust worthy,” Luke added. “For now, however, do not alert him to what I have found.” Luke looked from Finn to Will. “I want you to write him and say everything looks excellent and request that he send you any other of your ledgers in this possession, because you always like to check everything thoroughly upon occasion. Say that you want them delivered to your town house for your arrival.”

Finn nodded, then said, “How much has he taken?”

“Not a lot at this stage, as he has just begun, but he’s good.”

“But you’re better.” Will’s belief in him was absolute and something Luke had never taken for granted. It was an honor to have the faith of such a man.

“If you’re that good, why the hell are you wasting your time working for Will and not getting into business yourself?” Finn said. “You have money—”

A knock on the door interrupted them, followed by Roberts.

“Lord Anthony has arrived, my lord.”

“Who?” Will questioned the butler.

“Lord Anthony,” the butler said again.

Luke watched Will look at Finn, his eyebrow raised.

“Isn’t he the one who’s a second cousin of the late Lord Anthony? And he inherited the title as there was no one else,” Finn said.

“That’s right, I remember the fuss that created, but more importantly, why is he here on my doorstep?

“Believe his horse threw a shoe, my lord, while he was passing,” the butler said.

“It’s hardly a place you just pass by,” Luke added.

Will shrugged, regaining his feet. “Let’s go see what he wants, then.”

Luke waved them from the room, stating he would come soon as he wanted to spend some time looking over the books once more. Making notes Luke ensured he had his facts correct while they were fresh in his head. When he was happy this was done, he went to join the others for tea.

Walking down the halls he now knew so well, he found the parlor and entered without announcing himself. He had become familiar with this house since Bella left and he’d taken up Freddy’s position. He’d also become better acquainted with the people who lived within its walls.

Of Livvy or Phoebe there was no sign, and he knew that they rested during the day, as both often tired. Bella, however, was seated beside a man, presumably Lord Anthony, and she was smiling as she chatted, her hands waving about in front of her. She’d changed her dress, and this one was cream, and a simple design, but then she’d never needed adornment to make her look beautiful. She wore a shawl, but it was open and he could see the tops of her breasts above the bodice. Luke felt a stab of jealousy as Lord Anthony looked at them, and he had to fight the urge to walk over there and close the shawl.

“Luke, this is Lord Anthony. Anthony, this is Mr. Fletcher.”

He saw the question in the man’s eyes as he rose to shake Luke’s hand before reseating himself beside Bella. He was not overly tall, perhaps a few inches more than her, and wore his hair short and cropped close to his head. Solid in build, he had sharp blue eyes that Luke guessed saw a great deal.

“I don’t believe we’ve met, sir?”

“We haven’t, my lord, as I work for Lord Ryder,” Luke said before he took the chair beside Finn.

“Mr. Fletcher is also a family friend, Lord Anthony.” Bella gave the introduction with a gentle smile for the man which made Luke’s teeth snap together because it wasn’t directed at him.

“And in what capacity are you employed by Lord Ryder?” Anthony asked the question politely but managed to put him in place at the same time. Servant, lord—the line was firmly drawn.

“He pays me to look after his affairs, my lord.”

“And he’s a very good friend,” Will said firmly. “We traveled together for several years, Lord Anthony.”

“I have some affairs that may need tending, perhaps you would consider—”

“I would not, but thank you for the offer, my lord. I have more than enough to occupy my time.”

Lord Anthony nodded his head and turned to Will. “You are to be commended for allowing such familiarity between yourself and your staff, my lord. Most men of your standing would not tolerate a servant to sit and take tea with them and a…guest.”

“We,” Finn said in a cold flat tone, “do not think of Luke as a servant. He is a valued friend and advisor, my lord.”

“We have been friends since childhood, Lord Anthony, and we do not think of Luke as anything but our equal.” This was added by Will and his eyes were now glaring at Lord Anthony.

Closing his eyes, Luke pinched the bridge of his nose as Bella added her support to the conversation, of which he was the main focus. He didn’t want or need them to fight his battles; he was grateful and inside he felt warmth at their concern, but still he could look after himself and had been doing so for quite some time, especially when faced with the inflated egos of gentlemen.

Realizing that he had overstepped the mark, Lord Anthony smiled and patted Bella’s hand.

“You are all to be commended for such acceptance.”

Luke decided that now was time for him to leave, before he planted his fist in Lord Anthony’s face, which was bound to happen if he kept touching Bella.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.” Luke had risen as the door opened and Phoebe appeared. She looked pale and worried, and he reached her before the others.

“What has happened, Phoebe?”

“It’s, Livvy. I think the baby is coming.”

“Are you sure, Phoebe?” Will’s voice was a rasp as he reached them.

Luke watched her nod, and then Will had passed her and run from the room. Finn and Phoebe followed.

“My lord, you must excuse us, but I fear you will have to leave the house at once as my sister is having her child.”

Anthony rose and took Bella’s hands in his.

“I will, of course, my dear Miss Langley, and I look forward to seeing you in London.”

She came to Luke then and he knew she wanted something, otherwise she, too, would have left.

“What do you want me to do, Bella? Just say it and I shall see to it at once.”

She didn’t ask how he knew, just nodded then drew back her shoulders.

“I know the doctor will come but I want your mother and Jenny here, too, just in case they are needed.”

“Of course.” He didn’t hesitate, knowing exactly why she had made this request of him.

“They’ve done this…had children,” she added quickly, looking down at her hands. “I-I would feel better with them here.”

He ran his fingers down a soft, pale cheek, unable to stop himself from comforting her. He couldn’t tell her not to worry, nor that everything would be all right, because he had no idea if Livvy would survive. He prayed she would, but he had also heard enough stories of woman who had not survived child birth to keep him silent.

“I’ll go at once.”

She ran from the room then and it was the clearing of a throat that reminded him that Anthony was still in the room

“For an employee of the family you seem overly familiar with them, Mr. Fletcher.

“I am, and what’s more I would protect them with my life.”

“That sounds like a threat, Mr. Fletcher.”

“Take it as you will, my lord, I care not. Now, I will bid you good day, as I have things to do. I’m sure you can see your way out.” The man didn’t acknowledge Luke again, instead pushing past him. Minutes later, Luke was on his way to Twoaks.


Bella took a deep breath as she entered Livvy’s room. She was walking slowly in a circle on Will’s arm, while he talked softly to her. Phoebe was not in the room, and she guessed that she was still with Finn.

The housekeeper, Mrs. Trucknill, was bustling about, pulling back the blankets and placing cloths about the place.

“What can I do?”

“Nothing at the moment, Miss Langley, and I’m not sure this is the place for a young lady of your age—”

“I will not leave my sister,” Bella said before Mrs. Trucknill could finish. “She has always been there for me and I will be there for her should she need me.”

Something must have showed on her face as the housekeeper simply nodded and continued preparing things. Bella slipped out of the room again to gather a few things of her own before returning the same time as Phoebe.

“Mrs. Trucknill thinks I should not witness Livvy’s childbirth in case it upsets me,” Phoebe said with a mean glint in her eye. “I told her what to do with her opinions.”

“Phoebe!” Bella sighed. “She will be too scared to come into the room now.”

“I told her politely,” Phoebe said as she moved to where Livvy stood, leaning on Will. “And now we are both aware of where we stand with each other.”

“She told me I should not be here either, and I told her that I was not leaving,” Bella added.

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