The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (73 page)

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“Neither of you is leaving!” Livvy snapped as she grabbed her stomach. “If I am to yell and scream at anyone it will be my bloody family,” she added through clenched teeth.

“It seems we are all here to stay sisters.” Will tried to smile but Bella was not fooled. He was worried, his gray eyes shadowed with fear for the woman he loved.

The next two hours were slow and agonizing for Bella. Livvy’s pains increased and Mrs. Tucknill tutted about Will refusing to leave the room and her and Phoebe’s presence; they in turn ignored her.
Bella took a deep, relieving breath when Doctor Brown finally entered with his bag.

“What took you so bloody long?” Will thundered from Livvy’s side. She was now lying on the bed and to Bella’s eyes looked extremely uncomfortable.

The doctor smiled at the large, enraged nobleman and calmly removed his coat and began to roll up his sleeves.

“A young child fell out of a tree, my lord, and I had to set her leg. Poor wee lass, she was in quite some discomfort, but you’ll be pleased to know she is resting easier now.”

Bella almost laughed as the snarl left Will’s face. No one liked to think of a child hurting.

“I would like water boiled, please, then a touch of cold added. I want a bowl of it placed in readiness with soap and a clean drying cloth where I can reach it at all times.” These words the doctor directed to Mrs. Tucknill, who instantly bustled from the room to do his bidding.

“Now as we have a few people in attendance, perhaps we can become better acquainted.” The doctor stood, expectantly looking at Will until he moved aside, then took his place. He was not overly tall but had a way about him that she guessed would come in handy when he was required to subdue enraged noblemen. He was nearly bald and had a kind round face and slight paunch; she instantly felt comforted with his presence.

“Hello, my lady. How are you feeling?”

“How do you think she’s feeling!”

Will roared the words, so Bella took his arm and urged him around the bed to the other side. “If you do not stay calm, how do you expect Livvy to, Will?”

He was pale and worried, and while she understood why, he was not helping matters. In fact, her usually calm and capable brother-in-law had completely lost the ability to think rationally, it seemed.

“You’re right.” Hauling in a deep breath he tried to steady himself.

Bella moved to Phoebe’s side and they both stood, watching as the doctor examined Livvy. He was calm and efficient and Bella saw Livvy managed a smile at the end of it.

“Everything is progressing as it should at this point; therefore, it is my belief that I should become better acquainted with the other members of your family, my dear Lady Olivia.”

“This is not a social gathering, Doctor Brown. Tea and biscuits will not be served at the conclusion,” Will growled again.

“But it will go smoothly if each person who is here to support your lovely wife is comfortable.”

“I’m Bella,” she said moving forward before Will could start bellowing again, “and this is our other sister, Phoebe.”

The doctor smiled. “Perhaps I shall call you Miss Bella and your sister, Lady Phoebe, if you will allow me to? Tis not the usual way of things to have so many people in attendance.”

“We are not leaving,” Will said through his teeth.

“I had not expected you to, my lord, as I see you are all devoted to this woman.”

Everyone nodded and then Livvy hissed in pain, which drew their attentions again.


The minutes ticked over into hours and Livvy’s pain increased, but still there was no baby. They felt every hiss of breath, every moan of pain from her, and Bella felt as wrung out as a bathing cloth, yet still she had no intention of leaving.

“Lady Phoebe, I’m going to ask something of you now, and I would be grateful if you would follow through with my wishes.”

“What is it, Doctor?” Phoebe said, shooting a terrified look at Livvy before facing him.

Bella had been growing steadily worried about Phoebe; her face was pale and she was exhausted, yet she had stood silently at the side of Livvy’s bed for the past few hours, unmoving.

“I want you to go now and rest. I need you to take nourishment and look after your own baby, because you are exhausted, and the worry you are experiencing can be just as easily done from a chair in another room.”

The doctor’s face was calm, but his eyes determined. He had seen the fear and fatigue in Phoebe, too.

“I-I can’t leave her.”

Bella took her arm. “Phoebe, if Livvy has to worry for you it will be harder for her. You must do as the doctor wishes,” she said gently. Finn is waiting for you. Now give Livvy a hug and let me take you to him.”

She nodded and bit her lip to stop the tears as she moved to kiss Livvy, hugging her gently.

“I shall be back soon, my love.”

Livvy smiled but the effort was forced.

Taking the hand Bella held out to her she gripped it hard as they left the room.

“I shouldn’t leave her, Bella.” Usually so strong, Phoebe leaned on Bella as they walked.

“Phoebe, Livvy was worried for you; she could see how tired you were and how upset you were becoming. It’s better this way for you both.”

“Tell me she will be all right, Bella.” The whispered words were thick with tears.

“She will be all right, Phoebe, because I heard the doctor say just that very thing to Will. He said the labor was progressing exactly as it should.”



They found Finn in a small parlor, pacing the floor. He was across the room in seconds as they walked into the room. “Phoebe, my love.” He took her into his arms and she collapsed against him.

“Take care of her, Finn. She’s exhausted. The doctor wants her to lie down and eat something. I will come if Livvy needs her.”

“And you, Bella, are you all right?” He said the words over Phoebe’s head.

She didn’t trust herself to speak so instead she nodded then hurried from the room, closing the door behind her. Making her way back along the hall, she stopped a few feet away from the room Livvy was in, and slumped against the wall.

She had never been so exhausted; fear was eating her insides and climbing into her throat. Was this really normal? Was Livvy going through what every woman did or was she having complications? The doctor was still talking confidently; however, she felt as if in the last few hours nothing had changed. She was not advancing. And what of the baby? Would it be born healthy?


Opening her eyes, she saw Luke. He stood before her. His hair was damp and she wondered when it had started to rain. She flattened the palms of her hands on the wall behind her to stop from reaching for him. She wanted his strength at that moment, the feeling of his arms around her making her feel safe. Dragging her eyes from him, she looked over his shoulder to where Jenny and his mother stood. She’d not seen them until now, such was the power Luke had over her, the ability to see no one else when he was near. Stepping around him, she hurried to Jenny and let herself be folded into the welcoming arms.

“It seems to have been going on for so long, Jenny. I don’t know if that’s as it should be or not?”

“Well now, Miss Isabella, when I delivered my Luke here, it took me two days, so I’d not be panicking yet.”

“Oh, Mrs. Fletcher, did it really?” Lifting her head, she noted that the woman was no longer scowling at her as she had that day in Twoaks.

Luke’s mother nodded and gave her a pat on the hand as she passed.

“Now we’re going in there, my love, and I know you want to also, but you must eat something first, as you’re pale as my morning porridge. Luke, here, will see to it you get something,” Jenny said, pushing her at him.

“No, I want to come—”

“You’ll eat before going back in there.” Luke’s words were accompanied by his hand around her waist, and she was urged down the stairs.

“I know I should eat, yet I’m not sure I can.”

“Yet you will,” he said, leading her to Will’s office where a fire still smoldered in the grate. He gently lowered her into a chair and then left the room.

Bella’s yawn was loud as no one was there to hear her. Arching backwards, she attempted to ease the ache in her spine that the tension had put there. She wondered that there were so many people in the world when woman had to go through what Livvy was at this very moment enduring. Shuddering, she regained her feet. Perhaps she would spend her life looking after her nieces and nephews, and rethink her plans to marry and have a family.

“Sit down, Isabella.” Luke walked back into the room with a tray in his hands which he placed on the table beside her.

“My sister—”

“Will be all right for a few more minutes.” He lowered her back into the chair, and then braced his hands on the arm of the chair and his face was suddenly inches from hers. Big and dominating, yet she wasn’t scared. How could she be when she knew what this man was? His kindness, the gentle man he had often shown her.

“You asked me to do something for you, now I’m returning the request with one of my own. Eat and rest for a few minutes then I will let you go back into that room. Livvy needs you to be strong now, not collapse at her bedside.”

Looking into his lovely, blue eyes she felt herself yield. He was right, of course, but worry was making her unreasonable and emotional. Neither of which were healthy emotions to have when he was close.

“Go now, Luke. I promise to eat.” Bella needed him to leave her, before she did something foolish like touch him. “Please go.” But as she said the words, her fingers were suddenly there on his face, tracing the curve of his chin. “You’re cold.” It was a silly thing to say but Bella could think of no other as she lowered her hand once again to her lap.

“It’s winter,” he said with a gentle smile. And then it was gone, and his lips were on hers. She cupped his cheeks as his lips placed soft kisses on hers. Achingly sweet, Bella wanted to stand and have him hold her; feel his hard body around hers. She wanted it so badly her legs started to rise.

“No, sweetheart.” The rasp of his words told her the kiss had affected him. “Eat now. You’ll need your strength.”

She nodded, and he rose to move to the door, where he then leaned against the wall as if to guard her from anyone else attempting to enter the room while she ate.

“I was there when my brothers and sister were born, Bella, and through each birth I wondered how my mother would survive, and each time she did.”

Bella picked up the scone slathered in jam and began to eat as he spoke.

“Were you scared?”

He nodded. “She promised me the first time, when I stood at her bedside terrified that I would lose her, that this is the natural process and it has been happening to women for more years than she or I could count. She said that although there is pain, there is also joy at the end, and it is that she remembers most.”

“I feel so helpless in there with Livvy, Luke. I can do nothing to take away her pain.”

“Being there with her, comforting her, that is what she needs from you.”

“Will you eat something?” Bella questioned him when she picked up her teacup.

“I have just eaten.”

“I-I won’t apologize for what happened while I was skating.” Bella needed to say the words.

“And I won’t apologize for that kiss…or the other one.”

“I don’t want an apology for the kisses.” Bella held her breath as she looked at him, saw the fire in his eyes. “I-I wanted them as much as you.”

“Bella.” Her name sounded like a plea on his lips, but he said nothing further.

She dropped her eyes and finished her meal; only then, when she had herself composed once more, did she rise.

“I shall go back to Livvy now.”

“And I shall be here if you need me.”

She stopped beside where he leaned on the wall, watching her.

“I don’t know what will happen in London, or what our future holds, yet I do know that I have much to thank you for, especially given what my father asked of you.”

“You have no need to thank me for anything.”

“I was angry when you told me of the letter but now I realize the sacrifices you have made for me, Luke.”

“It was never a sacrifice, Bella.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Go now.” He touched her cheek again and then opened the door for her to pass through and suddenly London did not appear such a treat, nor something she had always longed for. What she longed for was Luke Fletcher and the wonderful feelings he produced inside her.


“So we have Lord Ryder, and Jenny, who has one child, and Esmay who has eight. Plus Miss Isabella, who is still a child herself?”

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