The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (148 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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553 “on the basis …”: C. A. Evans to Mr. Belmont, “Subject: Prowler at the Home of the Attorney General,” November 25, 1961, FBIFOI.
553 “The attorney general…”: interview, Rose Kennedy, RCP.
553-54 “My father, all of us…”: LL interview with Christopher Kennedy.
554 “I can understand …”: LL interview with Harris Wofford.
554 about 70 percent: Branch, p. 374.
554 “in some areas…”: RKIHOW, p. 79.
554 “in the interest…”: ibid.
554-55 spent five weeks: Edwin Guthman,
We Band of Brothers: A Memoir of Robert F. Kennedy
(1971), p. 160.
555 There had been: ibid., p. 159.
555 “Yankee go home!”: from: Special Agent in Charge, Atlanta to: Director, May 5, 1961, FBIFOI.
555 “Well, we’re not going…”: oral history, Scott I. Peek, administrative assistant to Senator George A. Smathers, 1952-63, U.S. Senate Historical Office.
556 His hands shook: Branch, p. 414.
556 “In the worldwide …”: Honorable Robert F. Kennedy, address, May 6, 1961, University of Virginia Library, DHP.
557 “Stop them!”: Wofford, p. 125.
557 “The meeting”: LL Interview with Harris Wofford.
558 “It lasted”: ibid.
558 “In the election”: Wofford, pp. 128-29.
558 A few school districts: William Henry Kellar,
Make Haste Slowly: Moderates, Conservatives, and School Desegregation in Houston
558 about 214,000 out of:
Meet the Press,
NBC, September 24, 1961, DHP.
559 The Democrats had lost: MP1960, p. 393.
559 “I think you should—…”: RKHT, p. 296.
560 Floyd Mann, the chief: Branch, p. 448.
561 “a turning point…”: quoted in Robert E. Thompson and Hortense Myers,
Robert F. Kennedy: The Brother Within
(1962), p. 167.
562 “You shouldn’t have …”: Branch, p. 464.
561 “John, it’s more important…”: ibid., p. 465.
562 “But when all has …”: Thompson and Myers, p. 171.
562 “Lansdale (the Ugly American)”: Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy handwritten notes, November 7, 1961, RFK papers, JFKPL.
563 “My idea is to stir …”: ibid.
563 “the people themselves …”: IR, p. 140.
563 “arouse premature actions…”: ibid., p. 141.
563 “a dead Castro …”: Chairman of the Board of National Estimates (Kent) to Director of Central Intelligence (Dulles), memorandum, Washington, D.C., November 3, 1961, FRUS.
564 “special intelligence estimate …”: General Edward Lansdale to Attorney General Kennedy, memorandum, November 30, 1961, FRUS.
564 “no authoritarian regime …”: memorandum for the record, Washington, D.C., December 14, 1961, CIA, DCI (McCone) files, FRUS.
564 “we may be heading …”: Director of Intelligence and Research (Hilsman) to Deputy Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson), memorandum, Washington, D.C., February 20, 1962, FRUS.
564 “This effort may…”: memorandum from Chief of Operations (Mongoose) Lansdale, Washington, D.C., December 7, 1961, FRUS.
564 One of the stories”: Sterling Seagrave,
The Marcos Dynasty
(1988), p. 145.
565 “with outside help …”: Chief of Operations (Mongoose) Lansdale, program review, Washington, D.C., February 20, 1962, FRUS.
565 “to get off your ass …”: IR, p. 141.
566 One scheme was: ibid., pp. 142-43.
566 “a major psychological…”: notes on an Operations Group meeting, Washington, D.C., June 7, 1962, Department of State, FRUS.
566 “The top priority …”: Chief of Operations in the Deputy Directorate for Plans (Helms) to Director of Central Intelligence (McCone), memorandum, Washington, D.C., January 19, 1962, CIA, FRUS.
566 “monolithic and ruthless …”: quoted in Lawrence Freedman,
Kennedy’s Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam
(2000), p. 147.
567 “Life for him …”: quoted in Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, ed.,
Make Gentle the Life of the World: The Vision of Robert F. Kennedy
(1998), p. 133.
567 “Let me knock you down”: Warren Rogers,
When I Think of Bobby: A Personal Memoir of the Kennedy Years
(1993), p. 81. 567 Shriver felt uncomfortable: Wofford, p. 386.
567 her children watched: New York
Daily News,
December 9, 1961.
568 “trash barrel assault”: ibid.
568 In Rome at the end: George Dixon, “Gift to ‘Crash Kennedy,’ “clipping dated March 22, 1962, JFKPL.
568 Mrs. Nicholas Katzenbach was so bold: notes on Robert Kennedy, Mrs. Nicholas Katzenbach, ASP.
568 “What do you think …”: John Seigenthaler, KLOH.
569 “When I go to Hickory Hill…”: interview, Joan Kennedy, Laura Bergquist papers, Boston University.
570 “I never once …”: Rowland Evans, KLOH.
570 “I say out!”: LL interview with Charles Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett was present on this occasion at Hickory Hill.

25. Lives in Full Summer

572 “You know, the fact…”: Letitia Baldrige Hollensteiner, KLOH.
572 For a ceremony at the: ibid.
573 “for the first time …”:
Washington Star,
December 11, 1961.
574-75 “Well, I think …”: Salinger, p. 115.
575 watched by forty-six:
February 26, 1962.
576 “Where did you get…”: LL interview with Hugh Sidey.
577 “Kennedy used …”: LL interview with John Kenneth Galbraith.
577 Alsop noted that: Alsop, with Piatt, p. 440.
578 “Do keep this…”: Theodore H. White to Robert F. Kennedy, March 14, 1961, ASP.
578 “would be delighted…”: Robert F. Kennedy to Theodore H. White, March 23, 1961, ASP.
578 “Kennedy’s notion …”: LL interview with Bob Healy.
578 “Corbin was abrasive …”: LL interview with Larry Newman.
578 “Kenny just didn’t…”: LL interview with Bob Healy.
579 “whereas I think …”: quoted in a review of Jules Witcover,
The Dark Side of Camelot, Columbia Journalism Review,
January-February 1998.
579 “I may have …”: LL interview with Ben Bradlee.
579 Seigenthaler, moreover: LL interview with John Seigenthaler. See also
John Seigenthaler, KLOH. 579 “Jolly Paul Corbin …”:
September 4, 1961.
579 “Fire him!”: John Seigenthaler, KLOH.
580 “Good Lord, why do …”: Teno Roncalio, KLOH. 580 “I was there …”: interview, Evelyn Jones, RCP.
580 “We wanted to”: LL interview with Joan Kennedy.
581 “Don’t lose a day”: Clymer, p. 31.
581 That was a lesson:
Boston Traveler,
September 25, 1961.
581-82 “Nobody forced me to run”: TEEK, p. 147.
582 “wealthy personable lightweight”: Edward M. Kennedy to Robert F. Kennedy, “Subject: Redbook Profile,” n.d., RFK papers, JFKPL.
582 “the article should be fair …”: ibid.
583 “little reason for …”: ibid.
583 “there are those in …”: William Peters, “Teddy Kennedy,”
June 1962.
583 “the entire community”: ibid.
583-84 “I feel that the Virginia…”: Edward M. Kennedy to Robert F. Kennedy, “Subject: Redbook Profile,” n.d., RFK papers, AG correspondence, JFKPL.
584 “The vital thing…”: Robert F. Kennedy to Edward M. Kennedy, December 14, 1961, RFK papers, AG correspondence, JFKPL.
584 “Saddle up…”: Betty Hannah Hoffman, “What It’s Like to Marry a Kennedy,”
Ladies’ Home Journal,
October 1962.
585 Joan, unlike Jackie:
Louisville Times,
June 16, 1962.
586 “You rich boys …”: Gerald Tremblay, KLOH.
586 “the naturalness of a newspaperman …”: quoted in Laura Bergquist, “Life on the New Frontier,”
January 2, 1962.
586 On one occasion:
New York Times,
June 12, 1977.
587 “My father and mother …”: LL interview with Edward Kennedy. 587 One day he fell: Saunders, pp. 76, 94.
587 “Why, look at that…”: LL interview with Luella Hennessey Donovan.
587 “looked like whores”: Saunders, pp. 83-84.
588 “everyone in the room …”: John Jay Hooker Jr., KLOH. 588 High up in the: Saunders, p. 100.
588 “All right, everybody…”: Paul Fay, unedited manuscript PFP.
588 “He is so big…”: Rose Kennedy, “Thanksgiving ‘61,” HTF, p. 699.
589 Rose thought: ibid.
589 “It’s so incredible …”: LL interview with Frank Waldrop. 589 “I had to stay…”: TFB, p. 227. 591 “He’ll be fine …”: Saunders, p. 121.
591 “nothing more to live …”: interview, Steve Smith, March 5, 1976, ASP.
591 when she entered: Saunders, p. 134.
592 One of them covered: Rita Dallas, with Jeanira Ratcliffe,
The Kennedy Case
(1973), p. 87.
592 Bobby and Ethel hurried: ibid, p. 36.
592 “For a group of people …”: interview, Dr. Henry Betts, CP.
593 “He was very …”: ibid.
594 “I don’t know, I don’t…”: ibid.
594 “Uncle Joe, the family …”: Dallas, p. 125.
594 “I think she …”: interview, Dr. Henry Betts, CP.

26. Dangerous Games

597 could have been fined: William J. Eaton, “Rule Notwithstanding, Brumus Joins RFK on Job,” UPI, n.d., FBIFOI.
597 Bobby had scarcely: R. C. Renneberger to Mr. Callahan, “Subject: Attorney General Visit to Mechanical Section,” February 1, 1961, FBIFOI.
597 That same evening: H. L. Edwards to Mr. Mohr, “Subject: Attorney General’s
Efforts to Get into the Bureau Gymnasium Tuesday Evening, 1/31/61,” February 1, 1961, FBIFOI.
597 push-ups he performed: J. F. Malone to Mr. Mohr, “Subject: Visit of Attorney General to Basement Gymnasium,” February 8, 1961, FBIFOI.
597 “is controlled and to a…”: M. A. Jones to Mr. DeLoach, “Subject: Interview of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy,” March 20, 1961, FBIFOI.
598 “They are not important…”:
Los Angeles Times,
November 5, 1961, FBIFOI.
598 “that in regard …”: John Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Mohr, and Mr. DeLoach, memorandum, October 9, 1961, FBIFOI.
598 “Hoover was a …”: LL interview with William Hundley.
599 Johnson spoke the language: William F. Roemer Jr.,
Man Against the Mob
(1989), p. 206.
599 Bobby listened to the: ibid.
599 according to Cartha DeLoach: Thomas, p. 423.
599-600 “In one particular instance …”: LL interview with Cartha DeLoach.
600 “You look old to me”: Thomas, p. 118.
600 “ridiculous on the face of it”: RKIHOW, p. 129.
600 “a Polish-Jewish refugee”: To: Director, FBI, from Legat, Rome, January 30, 1961, FBIFOI.
600 FBI records: Seymour Hersh, p. 113.
600-01 more than six hundred wiretaps: James W. Hilty,
Robert Kennedy: Brother Protector
(1997), p. 233.
601 nearly eight hundred bugs: Thomas, p. 117.
601 Hoover, however, could produce: DeLoach, p. 52, and RKHT, p. 274.
601 “perhaps… he did not…”: RKHT p. 278.
601 In the White House, Mike: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
601 He also boasted: C. A. Evans to Mr. Parsons, “Subject: Samuel M. Giancana Anti-racketeering,” March 6, 1961, HSCA, NA.
601 “I hope Sinatra …”: Paul Fay, unedited manuscript.
602 “The attorney general indicated …”: J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Rosen, and Mr. DeLoach, April 17, 1961, Giancana files, HSCA, NA.
602 “I wrote Sam’s name …”: ibid.
602 “& promptly”: Special Agent in Charge, Chicago, to FBI Director Hoover, December 9, 1961, HSCA, NA. The memo refers to “John (LNU) possibly John Drew.” Evan Thomas has concluded that this was Johnny Formosa, Thomas, p. 163. The memos themselves are courtesy of Evan Thomas.
603 “As the Bureau is aware…”: Special Agent in Charge to FBI Director Hoover, January 18, 1962, HSCA, NA.
604 “The relationship between …”: J. Edgar Hoover to Kenneth O’Donnell, February 27, 1962, HSCA, NA.
604 “So what do you …”: LL interview with Joe Dolan.

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