The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (151 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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694 Bartlett admitted years: LL interview with Charles Bartlett.
694 Newman had not: Larry Newman has verified this statement by showing the author his work records at the Secret Service.
694 He was bewildered: When Newman was transferred to the Washington field office shortly before the end of the standard two-year tour, he suspected even more that something was wrong. In September just before he left, he went into the Oval Office to have his picture taken with the president. The Secret Service agent might have spoken about the matter, but he knew that was not done. “I was afraid to say something,” Newman said three decades later, when the matter still profoundly rankled him and he continued to feel that his honor had been betrayed. “I thought if I said something my whole career might blow up in my face.” LL interview with Larry Newman.
695 “Charley, there are …”: Charles Bartlett to Larry Newman, April 21, 1997, PC.
695 “The president never gave …”: LL interview with Charles Bartlett.
695 It was supposed to cost:
March 25, 1963.
695 “It’s the only house …”: AWRH, p. 190.
696 “I just hope …”: James Reed, KLOH.
697 The thirty-one-foot-long device:
Atlanta Constitution,
August 9, 1963.
697 “to keep her courage up”: O’Donnell and Powers, p. 377.
698 “My dear Jack, let’s go …”:
November 17, 1964.
698 “Did you ever think …”:
Cape Cod Times,
November 20, 1983.
698 “Jack was one of these …”: LL interview, with Myer Feldman.
698 “I think that Jack…”: LL interview with Betty Coxe Spalding.
699 “Take that out…”: LL interview with Evelyn Lincoln.
699 “Jackie—Onassis.”: presidential doodles, September 20, 1963, JFKPP.
699 “The yacht has been secured …”: President Kennedy, notes written during his stay at the Bing Crosby residence in Palm Beach, presidential doodles, JFKPP, and press release, September 30, 1963, JFKPL.
699 “twisting in the historic …”:
October 28, 1963.
699 “Well, why did you let…”: LL interview with Marie Rider.
699 “What’s the helicopter coming …”: LL interview with Malcolm Kilduff.
700 “I’m a great big bear”: Kay Halle, CBS interview, n.d., NHP.
701 “I loved you from …”: Jacqueline B. Kennedy to John F. Kennedy, October 5, 1963. Robert White shared excerpts from this letter with the author in late 1997.
701 it could have been written: LL interview with Nina Burleigh.
701 “Why don’t you …”: JFK letter, n.d., PC.
701 Kennedy scribbled: notes for toast, JFKPP.
702 When it came time: James Reed, KLOH, and LL interview with Joan Kennedy.
702 When Bartlett gave: Fursenko and Naftali, pp. 321-22, and LL interview with Charles Bartlett.
702 “Everyone will suppose …”: ATD, p. 835.
702-03 “through the motions…”: CY, p. 570.
703 “It was personal…”: interview, Robert F. Kennedy, ASP.
704 King sent: Branch, p. 757.
704 “assurance that a Negro”: James Baldwin,
The Fire Next Time
(1963), p. 4.
705 “You don’t have no …”: quoted in Branch, p. 810.
706 “You’ve got…”: ibid, p. 811.
most dramatic …”: ibid.
707 “Pretty good job …”: Presidential Recordings, tape 88, JFKPL.
707 “I’d like to bet…”: Strober and Strober, p. 287.
707 “My impression of…”: ibid.
708 “the back of an envelope …”: RKIHOW, p. 200.
709 “Do you think we …”: RKHT, p. 348.
709 “this was going …”: RKIHOW, p. 176.
709 “They’re going to come …”: Thomas, p. 443.
709 “a financial pillar …”: Branch, p. 209.
710 Hoover and his colleagues: David J. Garrow,
The FBI and Martin Luther King Jr.
(1981), p. 91.
710 “I assume you know …”: Branch, p. 837.
710 “You’ve read …”: ibid., pp. 835-37.
711 “there was considerable doubt…”: Courtney Evans to Belmont, June 25, 1963, FBIFOI.
711 “grab one little brother”: Thomas, p. 263.
711 “So you’re down here …”: ibid.
712 “This doesn’t have anything …”: Branch, p. 884.
713 “a secret member of…”: RKIHOW, p. 141.
713 Bobby had gone:
New York Post,
March 10, 1961.
713 Instead, he might suddenly: LL interview with David Hackett.
713 He learned that there were: Robert F. Kennedy, “Buying It Back from the Indians,”
March 23, 1962.
714 “I’ll talk to Ethel…”: William V. Shannon, “Bobby’s Day,”
New York Post,
May 6, 1963.

31. To Live Is to Choose

715 “long, hard fight…”:
Boston Globe,
November 17, 1963.
715 “The New Frontier …”: AP, August 5, 1963.
715 “Of course, they are …”: John F. Kennedy and Harold Hughes, telephone conversation March 9, 1963, presidential recordings, tape E, JFKPL.
716 “I don’t know …”: John F. Kennedy and C. Douglas Dillon, IRS rules on expense accounts, March 12, 1963, ibid.
716 “We might just as well…”: John F. Kennedy and Paul Fay, naval base closings, March 12, 1963, ibid.
716 “to keep them …”: John F. Kennedy and Arthur Schlesinger Jr., prospective posting to Latin America for Samuel Beer, March 22, 1963, ibid.
716 “withdrawal from Vietnam …”: presidential doodles, April 2, 1963, JFKPP.
717 “Military aid … aid etc …”: notes of President Kennedy written during a NSC meeting, April 20, 1963, ibid.
717 In January 1963, General: Kaiser, p. 188.
717 “they didn’t know …”: quoted in ibid., p. 245.
717 Diem’s own elder brother: Ellen J. Hammer,
A Death in November: America in Vietnam, 1963
(1987), p. 62.
718 almost been killed in 1962: Kaiser, p. 275.
718 “an authoritarian organization …”: ibid., p. 61.
718 “To govern is to choose”: John F. Kennedy, notes, August 26, 1963, JFKPP.
718 That summer:
Cape Cod Times,
November 20, 1983, and O’Donnell and Powers, p. 13.
719 “felt that he had …”: RKIHOW, p. 394.
719 “plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S….”: national security action memorandum no. 263, “Subject: South Vietnam,” Department of State, S/S-NSC files: Lot 70 D 265, NSC meetings (secret), printed in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John P. Kennedy, 1963,
pp. 759-60.
720 “Viet-Nam is not a …”: from Saigon to secretary of State, October 16, 1963 (top secret), Roger Hilsman papers, JFKPL.
720 “The United States can …”: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. papers, vol. 2, Massachusetts Historical Society.
720 “McCone hated …”: RKIHOW, p. 397.
720 “Diem and Nhu were undoubtedly…”: Department of State, memorandum of conversation, “Subject: Viet-Nam,” August 28, 1963 (no distribution), Roger Hilsman papers, JFKPL.
720-21 “You’d better get…”: quoted in Kaiser, p. 264.
721 “The difficulty is, I’m sure …”: president’s office files, October 29, 1963, meetings recordings, tape 118/A54, JFKPL.
722 A top-secret October 25: “Top Secret Check-List of Possible U.S. Actions in Case of Coup,” October 25, 1963, Roger Hilsman papers, JFKPL.
723 “taken alive …”: memorandum of August 30, 1963, quoted in Hammer, p. 295.
723 “It’s hard to believe he’d commit…”: assessment of the coup in Vietnam, Ex Comm meeting, November 2, 1963, president’s office files, meetings recordings, tape A55, JFKPL.
726 “One two three …”: president’s office files, telephone recordings addendum, cassette M, JFKPL.
728 bases in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: memorandum for the record, Special Group meeting, November 12, 1963, FRUS.
728 “Bob Kennedy, it seems…”: Blight and Kornbluh, p. 122.
728 trained for an operation: Jack Anderson, “Oil Raid Story Told,”
St. Paul Dispatch,
April 22, 1971; LL interviews with Bradley Ayers and Samuel Halpern; and Bradley Earl Ayers,
The War that Never Was
(1976), pp. 210-36.
729 “He [Fitzgerald] offered me …”: Rolando Cubela Secades, HSCA interview, August 28, 1978, p. 10.
729 “I have looked …”: quoted in Russo, p. 433.
729 the administration began: Peter Kornbluh, “JFK and Castro: The Secret Quest for Accommodation,”
Cigar Aficionado,
September-October 1999.
729 “the U.S. must require …”: memorandum for the record, minutes of the special meeting of the Special Group, November 5, 1963, FRUS.
730 FitzGerald was convinced: Russo, p. 390.
730 The president spent: appointments book, president’s office files, JFKPL.
730 “Look who’s here, Dad”: Dallas, p. 11.
731 At least his foreign aid:
Boston Globe,
November 16, 1963.
732 “complaints … to pour …”:
Boston Globe,
November 3, 1963. 732 “During her nearly …”:
November 3, 1963.
734 “vibrating so violently…”: DP, p. 85. 734 “You know, last night…”: ibid., p. 121.
736 “two high-powered rifles…”:
CIA Targets Fidel: Secret 1967 Inspector General’s Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro
(1996), p. 90.

32. Requiem for a President

738 already sent the
Honey Fitz:
LL interview with Ham Brown, Secret Service agent attached to Joseph P. Kennedy.
738 “Uncle Joe, there’s …”: Dallas, p. 14.
738 “Hey, chief, it’s…”: Saunders, p. 227.
739 “He was so …”: LL interview with Kerry McCarthy.
739 Bobby asked him: Thomas, p. 277.
740 “One of your boys did it”: Thomas, p. 277, and Russo, p. 303.
740 Then he called Julius Draznin: Thomas, p. 277.
740 “Castro could have made …”: interview, Alexander Haig.
741 Teddy’s rental suit: DP, p. 576.
741 New Yorkers:
Atlanta Constitution,
November 26, 1963.
741 the picture that tens of millions:
TV Guide,
January 25, 1964.
742 now they broke down: interview, Malcolm Kilduff, and DP, p. 597.
743 seek the light: Kerry McCarthy recalls Rose Kennedy talking literally about the light they had lost.


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Adams, George.
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Adler, Alfred.
The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler: A Systematic Presentation in Selections from His Writings.
Edited and annotated by Heinz L. Ansbacher and Rowena R. Ansbacher. New York: Basic Books, 1956.
Aguilar, Luis.
Operation Zapata: The “Ultrasensitive” Report and Testimony of the Board of Inquiry on the Bay of Pigs.
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Ainey, Leslie G.
Boston Mahatma: A Biography of Martin Lomasney.
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Old Money: The Mythology of America’s Upper Class.
New York: Knopf, 1988.
Alsop, Joseph.
FDR, 1882-1945: A Centenary Remembrance.
New York: Viking, 1982.
Alsop, Joseph, and Robert Kintner.
American White Paper: The Story of American Diplomacy and the Second World War.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940.
Alsop, Joseph, with Adam Piatt.
I’ve Seen the Best of It.
New York: Norton, 1992.
Amory, Cleveland.
The Proper Bostonians.
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Anthony, Carl Sferrazza.
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