The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (145 page)

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Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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454 “we wish to give …”: Russo, p. 365.
455 Manuel Artime, the political leader: ibid., pp. 169-70.
456 “I want you to …”: Gerald S. and Deborah H. Strober,
Let Us Begin Anew: An Oral History of the Kennedy Presidency
(1993), pp. 325-26.
456 “I think Kennedy …”: ibid, p. 325.
456 “She … absolutely curled …”: Lord Harlech, KLOH.
456 “that it [the pregnancy] was planned …”:
Washington Star,
September 2, 1960.
457 “I’m sure I spend less…”: AP, September 15, 1960.
457 “oddly humorous …”: quoted in Merry, pp. 353-54.
457 60 percent had voted: Taylor Branch,
Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-1963
(1988), p. 374.
458 “And I know those …”: ibid., p. 342.
458 $300,000 cash to get out the: ibid., p. 343.
458 King had been looking: Harris Wofford,
Of Kennedys and Kings
(1980), p. 12.
459 “super idealistic”: LL interview with Harris Wofford.
459 “Look, our real…”: ibid.
460 “Governor, is there …”: Jack Bass,
Taming the Storm
(1993), p. 170.
460 “The trouble with”: Wofford, p. 18.
460 “You bomb-throwers…”: Branch, p. 364.
461 “Do you know”: Wofford, p. 19.
461 “screwing up my brother’s …”: Branch, p. 367.
461 “we would lose …”: Bass, p. 171.
461 “Did you see”: Wofford, p. 28. 461 two million copies: Bass, p. 171.
461 “deeply indebted …”: Branch, p. 369,
462 Later in Honolulu: LL interview with Dick Livingston.
462 In that final week: Don Shannon papers, JFKPL.
463 The next to the last day: MP 1960, p. 371.
463 “If the younger …”: quoted in JFKMM, p. 433.
463 “Man, I’m tired …”: RKHT, p. 219.
463 “How much is that?”: John Richard Reilly, KLOH.
464 Joe shut: Arthur Krock, KLOH.
464 “You know, there …”: LL interview with Joe Dolan.
464 “I believe in this man …”: Hersh, p. 138.
465 A different story: ibid., pp. 135-36. 465 Another story has Joe: SB, p. 44.
465 In yet another scenario: Anthony Summers,
Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover
(1993), p. 269.
465 In June of that election: The author has in his possession a letter from a private collection addressed to Joseph P. Kennedy at Cal-Neva Lodge and dated June 14, 1960, PC.
465 “many gangsters with …”: Mahoney, p. 165, and J. Edgar Hoover, personal memo to the attorney general, August 16, 1962, FBIFOI.
466 Sinatra had boasted: The FBI taps of the Armory Lounge in Chicago show Giancana’s displeasure. In 1975 the FBI noted: “When Kennedy was successfully elected and when Sinatra’s representations as passed on by Giancana did not materialize when the Kennedy administration, especially the Department of Justice under Robert Kennedy which intensified the investigation of organized crime, Giancana lost considerable face because of the reliance of the leadership of organized crime on Sinatra’s representations and Giancana never forgave Sinatra for this situation.” CG 137-349, p. 11, Chicago, HSCA records, NA.
466 ninety minutes to move:
New York Times,
November 8, 1960.
467 “You know …”: LL interview with Bob Healy.
467 “The campaign is now …”:
New York Times,
November 8, 1960.
468 Jack was no more: K, p. 212.
468 “If I were he …”: Salinger, p. 49, and LL interview with Pierre Salinger. 468 bill of about $ 10,000: MP 1960, p. 377.
468 even without: Jack W. Germond and Jules Witcover, “‘Dark Side of Cam-elot’ Takes Liberties with the Truth,”
Baltimore Sun,
November 19, 1997.
468 “Mr. President”: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
468 his hands were trembling: MP 1960, p. 380.

21. The Torch Has Been Passed

471 stranding ten thousand:
January 27, 1961, p. 9.
471 One million other Americans:
Washington Post,
January 21, 1961.
472 did not even applaud: ibid.
473 Sorensen had added: LL interview with Harris Wofford, and Wofford, p. 99.
473 four million Americans:
New York Times,
January 21, 1961.
473 black ministers in the South: Branch, p. 384.
473 peoples of Europe: A Gallup poll showed that 72 percent of Germans had a favorable feeling toward Kennedy, as did 60 percent of the French, and 59 percent of the British.
Washington Post,
January 31, 1961.
473 “begin anew”:
New York Times,
January 21, 1961.
473 “radical improvement”: ibid.
474 inundated with telegrams: David Powers, handwritten note, DPP.
474 “Jack doesn’t belong …”:
December 19, 1960.
475 “I assure you …”:
September 12, 1960. 475 “I can’t”:
December 19, 1960.
475 “Goddamn it…”: LL interview with George Smathers.
476 “That’s it, general”: LL interview with John Seigenthaler.
476 known as the Irish Mafia: Stewart Alsop, “The White House Insiders,”
Saturday Evening Post,
June 10, 1961.
477 arrived by bicycle: Kai Bird,
The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brothers in Arms
(1998), p. 185.
477 Kennedy could not run: William Attwood, CUOH. 477 “I want to help …”: Steve Smith to Arthur Schlesinger Jr., March 5, 1976, ASP.
477 visited the White House only once: TR, p. 393.
477 “We had this confidence …”: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
478 “Kennedy put the knife …”: LL interview with Marcus Raskin.
478 “i
…”: Claude Hooton Jr. to Robert F. Kennedy, December 16, 1960, DHP.
478 “There is some talk…”: Robert F. Kennedy to Claude Hooten Jr., December 22, 1960, DHP.
478 “Why can’t a …”: LL interview with Sam Adams.
478 “decotative butterflies…”: Kay Halle, CBS interview, NHP.
479 they worked all night: See David Bell on Sorensen’s efforts. David Bell, KLOH.
479 the same salary: WK, p. 63.
479 He wanted no staff meetings: ibid., p. 74.
479 “Listen, you sons of bitches…”: quoted in Ralph Martin,
A Hero for Our Time
(1984), p. 223.
479 “I never knew …”: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
479 “was capable because of…”: Walter Rostow, KLOH.
480 “By ‘toughness’ I meant…”: Adam Yarmolinsky, “Camelot Revisited,”
Virginia Quarterly,
Autumn 1996.
480 He began shortly: Myer Feldman KLOH, and LL interview with Myer Feldman.
480 “People, even if…”: Lord Harlech, KLOH.
481 left by the golf shoes: Myer Feldman, KLOH, and LL interview with Myer Feldman.
481 The president had to: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
482 The mysterious coverings: Joseph Alsop, KLOH.
482 “I’d like to make this…”: Kay Halle, CBS interview, n.d., NHP, confirmed by John Kenneth Galbraith in letter to the author, September 2000.
482 One of the few calls: White House, telephone memorandum, January 26, 1961, JFKPL.
482 Mrs. Oswald had come:
Atlanta Constitution,
December 7, 1963.
482 “Jack feels that…”: Arthur Schlesinger Jr., memo dictated February 22, 1961, ASP.
483 Jackie’s stepbrother: The
New York Times,
a stickler on such matters, writes that “Jackie Kennedy was Vidal’s mother’s second husband’s third wife’s daughter.”
New York Times,
October 15, 1995.
483 “I can’t remember …”: LL interview with Harris Wofford. 483 Dulles told the men: LL interview with Myer Feldman.
483 an accomplished man who had come: TOB, p. 427.
483-84 “for practical purposes…”: McGeorge Bundy, memorandum of discussion on Cuba, January 28, 1961, in Mark J. White,
The Kennedys and Cuba: The Declassified Documentary History
(1999), p. 15. Wherever possible, more readily accessible sources than the files at the JFKPL will be cited. When otherwise not noted, the FRUS documents are from the Kennedy administration Cuban documents found on the State Department’s estimable web site at
484 from the original $4.4 million: “Inspector General’s Survey of the Cuban Operation October 1961,” in
Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba,
edited by Peter Kornbluh (1998), p. 58.
484 Kennedy had met: Clark Clifford, memorandum, January 24, 1961, Department of State, Rusk files: Lot 72 D 192, White House correspondence, 1/61-11/63, FRUS.
484 “continuing civil war”: Central Intelligence Agency, memorandum, Washington, D.C., January 26, 1961, CIA, DDO/DDP files, job 78-01450R, box 5, area activity—Cuba (top secret), drafted by Bissell for a presidential briefing, FRUS.
484-85 “My belief from …”: LL interview with Colonel Jack Hawkins.
485 “the way [would] then …”: Colonel J. Hawkins, “memorandum for: Chief, WH/4, “Subject: Policy Decisions Required for Conduct of Strike Operations Against Government of Cuba,” January 4, 1961, enclosure in Colonel J. Hawkins, “Clandestine Services History: Record of Paramilitary Action Against the Castro Government of Cuba, 17 March 1960-May 1961.”
485 “our presently planned …”: Washington, D.C., January 22, 1961, 10:00
, Department of State, INR/IL historical files, Cuba Program, January 21, 1961, FRUS, author emphasis.
485 “final planning…”: Central Intelligence Agency,
memorandum for the record,
Washington, D.C., January 28, 1961, DDO/DDP files, C. T. Barnes Chrono, January-July 1961, author’s emphasis.
485 “You don’t even know …”: Lord Harlech, KLOH.
485 “They were a strange …”: Robert Amory, KLOH.
486 Out of the sixty-nine thousand: Kornbluh, p. 77.
486 These errors were: In his “Record of Paramilitary Action Against the Castro Government of Cuba, 17 March 1960-May 1961,” Colonel Hawkins writes: “These operations were not successful. Of 27 missions attempted only 4 achieved desired results. The Cuban pilots demonstrated early that they did not have the required capabilities for this kind of operation.”
486 “not more than …”: Colonel J. Hawkins, “Anti-Castro Resistance in Cuba: Actual and Potential, March 16, 1961,” Hill.
486 “at least ten times …”: ibid., enclosure.
486 “nearly 7,000 insurgents”: CIA, “Cuban Operation, Document, April 12, 1961,” reprinted in Kornbluh, p. 131.
486 CIA Director Allen Dulles: TOB, p. 431, and LL interviews with Burton Hersh and Samuel Halpern.
486 “I was never …”: Robert Amory, KLOH.
486 done for security reasons: Richard N. Goodwin,
Remembering America
(1988), p. 176.
487 Nor did the one hundred thousand: Juan Carlos Rodriguez,
The Bay of Pigs and the CIA
(1999), p. 18.
487 When the CIA’s operatives: These CIA figures are for the period from October 1960 to April 15, 1961. Hawkins, “Anti-Castro Resistance …,” p. 9.
487 “prompt free elections…”: NSC action memorandum 31, Washington, D.C., March 11, 1961, reprinted in
Politics of Illusion: The Bay of Pigs Invasion Reexamined,
edited by James G. Blight and Peter Kornbluh (1998), p. 226.
487 “the risk is too …”: President’s Special Assistant (Schlesinger) to President Kennedy, memorandum, Washington, D.C., March 15, 1961, NSC files, countries series, Cuba, general, 1/61-4/61, JFKPL. See also Blight and Kornbluh, p. 222.
487 “Castro has been able …”: memorandum of conference with President Kennedy, January 25, 1961, FRUS.
488 “to intimidate so as to obtain …”: “Propaganda Action Plan in Support of Military Forces: D-Day Until the Fall of the Castro Regime,” n.d., National Security Archive web site,
488 “Assassination was intended …”: CY, p. 134.
488 In late August: “Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (1975),” report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, chaired by Senator Frank Church, pp. 74-76.
488 These agents were in: interview of James O’Connell by Jim McDonald, September 25, 1978, House Select Committee on Assassinations, HSCA 189-10140-10362.

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