Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (28 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Not fair" Valentino's husky voice broke through their labored breaths.

"Soon baby" Carina panted reaching out for him. She wanted to stroke his cock but the one currently inside of her didn't allow her the capacity to coherently function.

"Damn Carina" Marco moaned as he twisted his hips and dug his feet into the bed. She felt the base of his dick pressing hard against her and she loved every sensation. She tilted her head back and hips up as Marco's pace frantically increased. Now that Valentino was awake they didn't have to take it slow and easy. Marco held her shoulders down as his pelvis slammed into her.

"You better come dammit" he commanded angling his next thrust. She cried out in surprise as the pleasure-pain blindsided her into orgasm. Her muscles contracted with force as he thrust in hard and deep a couple more times. He groaned shuddering his release. Marco lay over Carina, pressing his dead weight on her. She hugged him tightly, content knowing that she'd done this to him.

Valentino quietly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He came back moments later with a wet washcloth. He pushed Marco off and cleaned Carina up. She smiled at him remembering when he'd done the same with her and Sati. Valentino tossed the washcloth aside and crawled over Carina. He licked her nipples then nibbled them. He winced as his overly sensitive dick grazed her hip. He was too wound up to be useful.

"I want you on top" his hoarse voice commanded as he lay next to her. Carina obeyed. She straddled him and rubbed her swollen soaked core over his erection. Valentino needed to be inside her. He grabbed her hips and quickly impaled her on his shaft. They gasped and shuddered with pleasure as his velvet steel quickly became encased in her wet warmth. Valentino bent his knees and pushed Carina back so she could lean on his thighs. She was deeper this way and he loved the way her tight body looked from this angle. She lifted her hips and rode his length. Her eyes rolled back as she twisted her hips. He knew he had a good angle as her pussy tightened around his length. He grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples. The sensations were too much for her. Carina slammed into him. She leaned forward and took full control.

"Fuck" he shouted as her ass pounded against him. She wasn't playing around. Valentino opened his legs wider as Marco gently grabbed, stroked, and pulled his balls. He lifted his hips to get deeper into Carina and allow Marco full access.

"More" she chanted as her breasts bounced to the rhythm of their thrusts. Valentino's muscles tightened as Marco caressed his perineum. He placed his thumb over her clit making circular motions. Her pace quickened as his balls tightened.
he thought. He wouldn't last much longer and he didn't want to rob her of her second orgasm.

Carina stiffened and trembled as the orgasm rocked her body. She sucked in her breath and closed her eyes as pleasure tore throughout her.

"Yes" Valentino growled. She felt his cock swell and jerk inside her as he came. Carina fell on his chest, trying to regain control of her jagged breathing. She had no problem waking up like this every day.

Valentino rubbed her back as his breaths returned to normal. "Good morning" he teased kissing her hair. Carina grunted in response causing both men to laugh. Marco slapped her ass as he rose from the bed.

"Shower and food" he called out as he entered the bathroom.

Valentino reached out and fumbled around until he found his phone. "Fuck is it 10 already?" he called out.

"Yep" Marco replied as the shower turned on. "We gotta be back at the club by noon."

Valentino squeezed Carina tightly. She tried to maintain an indifferent expression. She didn't want the guys to know how disappointed she felt. She thought she'd have the weekend with at least Valentino, if not both.

"What is it love?" He asked. He nuzzled her neck in hopes of getting her to relax.

She shrugged trying to sound indifferent. "I thought we'd have this weekend. I won't be able to spend the next two weekends with you..." she trailed off unsure how to proceed. She didn't want to sound clingy or whiny.

"We will" he assured her. "Marco and I have to make sure the employees show up and that the club will open in time. But I promise you that I'm yours after that."

Carina nodded. She nestled her head between his neck and shoulder. Valentino's strong arms around her made her feel safe and warm. She hadn't been sure how she'd feel the morning after bedding two men. The rational part of her demanded that she feel somewhat dirty while the uninhibited part of her wanted to go at them again.

"You better not be going for round two without me" Marco shouted from the shower. Valentino shook his head laughing. He gently nudged her motioning for them to sit up. He chastely kissed her before she slid off the bed.

"Damn" he muttered as they watched semen trickle down her thigh.

"Oops" she giggled as she rushed to the shower. "Scoot over" she scolded Marco before jumping in.

Valentino watched from the doorway. Seeing Carina and Marco together in the shower didn't affect him like he thought it would. He thought he'd be jealous and overly possessive of Carina. He felt that way whenever another male was around her but not with Marco. He felt a sense of peace watching them in the shower together. The only reason Valentino had called Marco out when he was dancing for Carina during the party was to ensure that none of the other guys got any bright ideas. Otherwise, he'd been enraptured watching them together.

Carina poked her head out of the shower. Valentino laughed as she bit her lip watching him hold his dick and spray his stream into the porcelain bowl. "You're such a pervert" he playfully admonished. "What is sexy about me taking a piss?"

"I wish I was holding it for you" Carina huskily replied as she chewed her lower lip. Her gaze hadn't left his now half-hard cock. "You're hung" she waggled her eyebrows not the least bit ashamed to inform him of the fact. She loved seeing the bulge of his cock in every pair of pants he wore.

"Behave troublemaker. You stopped his flow because you're getting him all hot and bothered." Marco lightheartedly scolded her.

Her eyebrows shot up. Valentino had stopped peeing. "Oops" she muttered for the second time that morning.

The trio laughed as Marco exited the shower. Carina turned her focus to his muscular back and tight ass. She was rather proud of herself for looking and not touching. Valentino snickered as he watched her.

"What" she innocently asked as he joined her. They quickly showered and dressed for the new day. Marco headed to the kitchen grabbing the necessary ingredients to make omelets. Valentino made coffee while Carina solemnly prepared a small bowl of fresh fruit to accompany their meal.

"What's with the pouty face" Marco demanded. "Didn't you come like half a dozen times between last night and today" he smirked.

"Ha" she scoffed. "You need to up your game if that's the case." Her face returned to its previous pouty state. "I thought we were going to stay in bed all day."

Marco's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "She's insatiable isn't she" Valentino teased with a knowing wink. He pressed her against the kitchen counter and kissed her until they were gasping for breath. "We'll take care of your needs soon baby."

Carina smiled brightly, pleased with his response. The trio sat at the breakfast bar with Valentino in the middle. The guys discussed how to proceed with the day's to-do items for the club. Carina listened as they planned how to maximize their efforts while minimizing their time spent there.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Carina's phone rang through their strategic planning. She slipped off the stool and followed the ring. Her purse was still by the front while her overnight bag had somehow ended up in the room. "Hey big bro" she cheerfully greeted.

"Hey muñeca!" Diego replied. "What have you been up to?"

She walked back to the counter and grabbed her coffee. She took a seat at the dining table as Valentino and Marco silently watched her. She was very cognizant of their interest in her conversation. "Hanging out" she cheerfully replied. "Exams are coming up and Desirae wants to do some shopping before we fly home."

Diego tsked into the phone. "That's what you
to do" he emphasized. "What have you
been up to
is what I specifically asked."

Carina scowled at her brother's tone. Apparently Diego wasn't looking for small talk. "Just say it" she growled at her brother getting the men's full attention.

"Don't you realize that your every action is now being watched" Diego's irritation leaked through the phone.

"What the fuck's that supposed to mean Diego? I know I sure as hell don't have any sex tapes floating around out there."

Valentino jumped out of his chair and stalked into his office. He brought out his laptop and placed it next to her. Marco sat next to her while Valentino opened a browser and typed in her full name. She recognized most of the links. She frowned as her eyes zeroed in on new links.

"Fucking-A" she groaned. Carina gently moved Valentino's hand aside as she clicked the first link. Marco leaned forward trying to see what she was looking at.

"That's right muñeca" Diego reprimanded. "Everything you do from here on out will appear on the internet."

The trio watched the footage on the screen. Carina breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the group's little lap dance performance from the night before. She could handle that.

"Which one are you looking at" Diego demanded.

"The one where me and the girls are dancing for the guys" she muttered. It was tastefully done and she was one of the few that didn't hump every guy she danced for.

"Which one is he?"

"Which one is who" she reticently asked. She closed her eyes dreading his response.

"Either one muñeca; I want to be able to ID them."

"You've already seen both their faces" she snapped chagrined with his bullheadedness.

"Is that the club owner you're dry fucking at the end of the song" Diego hissed.

Valentino's head snapped toward Diego's harsh voice. "My performance was child's play compared some of the other hoochies on this video" Carina couldn't stop her voice from rising in octaves and decibels. Diego had ruined her enjoyable night with this bullshit.

"Did you just include yourself as one of those skanks" he scoffed.

"Anything else big brother because I'm about maxed out on my 'this is bullshit' quota before midday." Marco snickered in the background as he massaged her shoulders. She closed her eyes relishing his comforting touch. She inhaled deeply. His touch and their combined scent helped ground her.

"Look at the other links" Diego quietly replied.

Carina clicked over to the next hyperlink. It was connected to a string of other links, all grouped under "The J & C Saga continues". She choked back the bile that threatened to make its way up her throat.

"I thought that cease and desist order prevented this" she couldn't hide the rising panic that seeped into her voice. Her hands curled into tight fists. These assholes could link anything they deemed "Jaxon & Carina" worthy under this heading.

"I've left a message with my attorney but I won't hear back from him until Monday morning. The prick was smart about it this time around. They've removed any comments that show your name and since they only use the initials 'J & C' they have a viable claim."

"But I thought you removed that original video" she helplessly stammered as she stared at the humiliating video. She smacked Valentino's hand when he attempted to press play.

"I could when they had your name attached to it but now they don't. I'll get back with you once I talk to the attorney and see if we have any legal recourse." Diego's tone softened with understanding and empathy. "You've gotta be more cognizant muñeca... If I catch the fucker who's doing this I'll knock all his teeth out; then break his fingers so he can't mess with another computer. But until then know that all your actions involving this motherfucker will be recorded and posted for the world to see."

"Thank you Diego... It won't happen again" she softly replied adding, "I love you" before hanging up. Carina quickly placed the phone down. She stared at the computer screen waiting for one of the men to say something. Instead Marco reached over and played the video. She leaned back motioning for Marco to get a better view.

"I already know what's on it" she shrugged. Carina sat back and watched their expressions as they viewed the video for the first time. She saw the confusion turn to surprise and finally to anger.

"This is the same fucker from last night" Marco hissed with the realization.

"Yes" Carina replied flatly. How many more times was she going to have to endure the aftermath of this video? She wasn't even the one who Jaxon had bent over and fucked in front of several dozen people! So why then did she feel as humiliated as Catherine-the-skank?

Valentino intensely stared at her. He knew from the way her friends were acting about this guy that there was a back story. He just thought it was a simple lover's quarrel. Carina was talking about cease and desist orders. "It's time you told us your story" he softly urged.

Carina silently nodded. Marco closed the laptop while Valentino angled himself to better face her. She stood up and took a deep breath pacing as she talked. She spared them no details; letting them know of their initial three-week fuck buddy stint and how she'd walked away. She went on to tie in the video they'd just seen and how she and Jaxon had made a feeble attempt at a relationship. She talked about Thanksgiving Break and the aftermath. She even shared about her irritation with the assumption of people and her lack of surprise at Jaxon's infidelity. Carina paraphrased Jaxon's theory about not cheating through touching as long as there was no fucking. That thoroughly impressed the men. They gawked at Jaxon's stupidity and audacity. There was no need to tell them about yesterday's events; they were there...

"Did you have feelings for him" Marco quietly asked. There was too much history in the short time period for this drama to be all based on sex.

"I didn't love him" she replied. "He's fun to be with. He's smart and we like a lot of the same things... and as you've probably surmised we're extremely compatible in bed."

Marco coughed back a retort as Valentino raised his eyebrows. Watching Jaxon come at just the sight of her made it a complete understatement.

"But" she emphasized "That's what Jaxon can't get through his lust-laden head. These things aren't enough. I never invested myself emotionally with him. I walked away from Jaxon the first time because I didn't trust him with my heart."

"And you never gave him a glimpse of your heart this last time either." Valentino quietly surmised. He remembered Jaxon's pleading expression last night. Even the song he'd chosen gave an insight about his feelings towards her.

"No" Carina acknowledged. She ground her teeth and looked away expecting the same speech that Diego and Desirae had given her.

Marco nudged Valentino. "Now that's an interesting reaction" He nodded toward her.

"What" she threw her hands up in exasperation. "Are you two also going to harp on me that although Jaxon's an ass I never gave him a chance?"

"I'm glad you didn't give him a chance" Marco retorted.

Valentino's scrunched face said otherwise. She expectantly looked at him waiting for his response. "Does anyone have a chance to win your heart?" He softly inquired.

Carina's shoulders slumped in relief. "Yes" she breathed, trying to fight the tears brimming in her eyes. She didn't know if and what would happen between her and Valentino but it would go a hell of a lot further than anything with Jaxon. She already placed more trust and faith in this relationship.

Valentino nodded. His shoulders relaxed at her admission. He walked around the table and embraced her. "Thank you for telling us."

Marco walked around and embraced them both. Carina felt a special kind of warmth in the arms of both these wonderful men. She closed her eyes and breathed in their scents. Even if this didn't work out, she'd remember this moment forever.

Marco and Valentino's phones simultaneously rang. "Shit" they cursed as they raced to answer their phones. Carina looked at the time. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon. Where had the time gone? They were late because of her.

"You coming or staying" Marco stated as he reached for his keys. He was all business.

Carina followed them out the door. There was no way she planned to stay cooped up alone and without means to go anywhere. The trio loaded into Marco's car and raced to the club. Valentino answered call after call. She looked at the two amazing men in front of her. She hugged herself thrilled with the private knowledge that she had them both.

She scurried after the long legged men as they hustled into the club. Marco immediately barked orders at people standing around as Valentino headed to his office. Staff members timidly waved at Carina trying to hide their surprise. She knew no one would question if she'd come in with Valentino alone but they'd all come in together, and late, in Marco's car.

After texting Desirae that she was fine, Carina walked around the club. She rearranged napkins and coasters and walked past Valentino's office several times before giving up. His phone was attached to his ear as he signed off on some things and delegated tasks to others. She marched up to Marco and offered her services. He gaped at her offer then blinked when he realized she hadn't meant sexual services. The cook in the kitchen snickered as Carina rolled her eyes at his one-track mind. Marco composed himself and instructed her to inventory supplies while he finished up behind the bar. By four o'clock, the club was fully recovered from the party and ready for business.

"Good work in there baby" Valentino praised as he swatted her ass. Carina shrieked before avoiding the next slap. He liked that just a little too much. The trio exited the club. She ignored the stares and murmurs as they settled into Marco's car.

"Maybe we should put her on the payroll..." Marco waggled his eyebrows.

"Uh-uh... no way..." Carina shot down any bright ideas that might be dancing in their heads. She'd done part-time jobs during the summer and she wanted no part of it during the school year. Her scholarships more than provided for her during the academic year.

Marco stopped for Chinese take-out on their way back to the condo. They discussed business while they ate a late lunch. She appreciated that the men involved her in their discussions. It was a simple gesture but it meant a lot to her. She didn't have the kind of input they had but at least they included her. Afterwards, they headed to the private floor and soaked in the oversized hot tub. The men didn't move until they were overheated and pruny.

Once back in the condo Carina showered separately from them. She took her time washing the chlorinated water out of her long hair. She made a mental note to bring an extra set of toiletries to Valentino's place. Although presumptuous she wanted Valentino to have a constant reminder of her while they were apart.

Carina stepped out of the shower but didn't get very far. Valentino and Marco were there waiting for her. She squealed with delight as they picked her up and tossed her onto the nearest bed. They spent the rest of the evening doing just as Marco claimed that morning.

Valentino and Marco had every inch, every orifice, and took every pleasure with and from her. They alternated getting to know her body together, enjoying her warmth, while other times simultaneously filling her to the brim. Carina loved hearing both men chant her name as they came.

Dinner was forgotten as the hours passed. Carina watched in awe as Valentino took Marco from behind. Valentino looked at Carina the entire time he slammed his hips against Marco's ass. Marco's glazed expression and flushed face said it all. They'd missed out sharing this kind of intimacy with each other. She was humbled to experience it with them.

She crawled beneath Marco and sucked his cock while Valentino pummeled his ass. Marco vigorously ate her pussy connecting them all together. Carina couldn't believe it was possible to time their orgasms but somehow they managed to.

Just like the night before, they collapsed in a heap, sated and exhausted. She was deliciously sore but didn't mind. This was the best kind of discomfort anyone could ask for. She snuggled in breathing deep the smells of sex, musk, and sweat. She hummed her appreciation as darkness swept through...

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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