Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (25 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Thirty-One

Carina and Desirae walked back inside. They froze at the unfamiliar scene before them. They'd only been gone a few minutes but a lot had changed in that short amount of time. The tables were now reversed. The chairs were spread out as before, but now all the women in the club were seated. The front row held two vacant seats.

"There they are" shouted one of the guys standing off to the side. Marco ushered them to the vacant seats while the guys huddled together and made a game plan.

"This looks like fun" Desirae bounced in her seat. "Don't mind at all that they copied us!"

Valentino sat off to the side along with the other men who weren't participating. Beatriz pouted as Brody sat next to the boss. Desirae cheered as she recognized her favorite bartender within the huddled group. Marco stood with the DJ giving last second instructions before joining the huddle.

"Are you guys taking off your shirts" one of the waitresses called out. Some of the guys nodded their heads. Screams of delight echoed as shirts lifted over heads revealing bare chests.

"Can we touch" Carina shouted to the group. They were only a few feet away but she wanted everyone to hear her question.

"Hell yes" Desirae's favorite bartender crowed. The girls hooted with excitement as the group of guys split up. Carina's brief elation quickly evaporated. She gritted her teeth as Jaxon emerged from the group. She looked at every other guy but him. There was no way Valentino would allow him to dance for her.

"Okay, ladies! Enjoy the show and let's see some nipples peeking through those tops!" The DJ proclaimed as the guys who were seated and watching cheered in agreement. Carina laughed as the music started; another perfect song choice. The guys stood in a line but quickly separated as Adam Levine's voice sang the first line. It was Maroon 5's,
One More Night.
No one was singing through a microphone; they were merely dancing or doing a strip tease to the music. Some of the guys mouthed the words as they danced.

It didn't take long for most of the guys' clothes to be removed by the girls or by the guys themselves as part of their strip tease act. Carina turned her body to watch the others. It was one of the rare occurrences when being in the first row was an actual inconvenience. She swayed to the music and listened to Adam Levine's sexy voice singing about bodies saying 'yes' when minds meant to say 'no'.

She jumped at the touch of an unfamiliar hand on the nape of her neck. She turned to see Marco's tight shirtless body leaning towards her. Carina bit her lip as she waited to see what he had planned. She wasn't sure if this was Valentino's doing or if Marco had wanted to be the one to perform for her.

Marco straddled her thighs but remained standing. His hips gyrated in wide circles, almost grazing between her face and breasts. Desirae crowed with enthusiastic appreciation as she watched up-close and personal. Carina leaned back as Marco grabbed her hair and rocked her head toward his chest. He shamelessly rubbed against her body.

Carina wanted to melt into a puddle. The man was lethal. He looked, smelled, and moved like sex. Envious eyes watched his every movement. She grabbed the sides of her seat; anything so that she wouldn't touch him. Her chest heaved as her body heated. Her taut nipples strained against the pasties. She was aware of Valentino who was only a few feet away watching them closely.

Marco bent towards her whispering the chorus. His lips caressed her skin making her shiver. She bit her lip trying to contain her visceral reaction to him. She moaned at the contact of his bare chest against her. She could absolutely relate to every word of that song.

"Move on" Valentino yelled over the music. Marco laughed and winked as he strutted away from Carina and onto someone else. Marco didn't miss her heaving chest or the flush across her beautiful bronze skin. She wasn't immune to his attention and it made him feel damn good about it.

The song ended with most of the guys grinding against their chosen victim's laps. Carina was not one the lucky few thanks to Valentino. But nonetheless, she'd enjoyed the performance. Girls fanned themselves and cheered. Bodies separated. Everyone stood, put chairs away, and headed back to their seats.

Carina didn't miss Valentino scowling at Marco. "It's all in good fun" she reassured him as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you enjoying yourself" he asked. She was grateful he'd invited them and that they'd come. Even if Jaxon was here, his presence hadn't ruined the evening.

"Tremendously" she beamed. Valentino nodded and kissed the corner of her mouth. The DJ cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

"We've got another performance!" He boomed throughout the club. Carina looked to see Jaxon holding the microphone. Valentino didn't miss her reaction; she stiffened and held her breath.

"Jaxon can sing" Ariel asked her. Apparently she was the Jaxon Wright expert. Carina shrugged. Jaxon had never sung to her. She knew he played guitar.

"Mr. Wright here has decided to go all boy-band on us. Here's his rendition of
More than This
" The DJ teased. Guys booed while girls cheered. The music started as everyone sat down to enjoy the performance. No one had seen or heard Jaxon sing before; they weren't sure if this would be wonderful or awful. Enough alcohol flowed through their systems to provide the necessary liquid courage to get on stage.

"No he didn't" Andrea scoffed in disbelief at the song choice.

"Yes he did" Desirae snickered. "Oh Carina," They sighed.

Valentino looked at Carina who stared at Jaxon. Her face scrunched in irritation and puzzlement. Were the girls implying that he was dedicating this song by One Direction to her? The group listened as Jaxon's smooth voice sang the first verse.

Valentino and Marco watched as Jaxon sang to the audience but turned to Carina for specific lyrics. He faced her for the first verse. He sang to her about loving her 'more than this'. The crowd cheered as he confidently sang in a strong falsetto voice.

Carina fidgeted as Jaxon slowly walked toward their table. His eyes locked onto hers as he sang. His eyes locked onto hers as he sang the chorus. He poured his emotions into the words. He needed her to understand his heart.

The crowd swooned, mesmerized by his performance. At the end of the song Melissa and Chelsea yelled, "We love you Jaxon" like some crazy groupies. Jaxon bowed handing the microphone back to the DJ.

Valentino and Marco left to check on things while others performed. Desirae looked between Carina and Andrea. "You know this means you have to pick something else" she challenged.

"I'm not going back and forth with him. He's fucking delusional." Carina snipped.

"So set him in his place" Andrea agreed. Carina's jaw ticked as she thought of songs that could portray her message loud and clear. She nodded her head confidently walking over to the DJ. The group bounced with excitement as the DJ smirked at her approach.

Valentino and Marco watched from the other side of the room. "Boss, did you see your little lady's performance on YouTube?" An employee approached with his phone in his hand. Valentino shook his head. This had been the second time he'd heard about this. After experiencing her group number he was reticent to see what was on the internet.

"Look" the employee coaxed. He turned the phone so that Valentino and Marco could see. "She has a set of pipes."

They watched with fascination. Carina was on a makeshift stage singing with all her heart. Someone managed to capture the performance. It didn't escape Valentino that others watching her performance had tears streaming down their faces. What he would've given to be present to see her sing like that.

"Wow" Marco breathed. "She robbed us."

"Let's see what she has in store..." Valentino surmised. "I have a feeling she's about to up the ante thanks to that jackass's performance."

"V you know that song was meant for her" Marco softly replied.

"I know" He sighed as he watched Carina. She never once looked at the blonde haired stud that had practically every other girl in the club on their knees. Did he just like the thrill of the chase with her or was it genuinely something more? Valentino had seen their interaction during the Halloween Bash. Chelsea and Melissa verbally acknowledged that he'd been with Carina numerous times and the guy didn't deny it. The guy's physical reaction to her made it blatantly obvious that he knew how good she was between the sheets.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Valentino took a deep cleansing breath. He had things to discuss with Carina. It was times like these that their age difference showed. He sat at the bar next to Marco as she walked to the center of the dance floor with the microphone in her hands. She looked around the room and smiled. He leaned back listening to the beat of the music; she'd chosen a ballad. He knew this song. If it said anything about her and this guy's relationship, he had nothing to worry about.

Carina performed Rihanna's song,
Take a Bow.
She looked directly at Jaxon when she sang about him not being sorry, only about him getting caught.

"Take a bow Jaxon" Desirae and Andrea heckled between verses. They bowed before sitting down. Carina continued singing, unaffected by their outburst. She passionately sang the bridge to him. As the song ended she gave a mock bow while her table jumped and screamed.

"Is it me or do I feel like we're back in fucking high school" muttered Marco. Valentino didn't reply. He didn't care to turn this evening into a Jaxon and Carina show. He remained at the bar while he watched her return to the table. Others approached Carina and commended her on the performance. Valentino tilted his head with interest. Carina huddled with Ariel and Beatriz. They hadn't performed as a trio yet but he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear anymore tonight.

"Tell the DJ to cut Jaxon off." Valentino ordered Marco.

"What about the girls" Marco inquired. They watched as the trio approached the DJ booth still deep in discussion.

"Let them have this last song. If it's another shot at the guy they're done too. If it's anything else they're okay."

The girls each grabbed a microphone and a stool. They huddled together one last time before taking a seat. Andrea and Desirae cheered. The DJ made the introduction, "Enjoy this special treat from these
beauties. This is record worthy y'all."

Ariel began the song. Her voice was strong and sure as she looked around the club. Beatriz sang next and led the girls into the chorus. They looked at each other as they sang "impossible". Valentino listened as the girls made minor adjustments to their harmonies right on the spot.

"This is by Shontelle, right?" the female bartender asked. Valentino nodded watching the trio. He was surprised that Carina hadn't been the one to sing the opening verse. She had the strongest voice of the three. It didn't take long for her solo. Her voice resounded throughout the club. He closed his eyes as he listened to her soulful voice. Together they sang the next verse and chorus. They had three distinct voices that blended and harmonized well. The club gave them a standing ovation as they belted their last note.

"Guess it's a good thing we didn't cut them off, huh?" Marco teased. Valentino smiled with pleasure. The club vibrated with excitement. Marco and Valentino walked to the girls' table. They darted past others who were going to speak to them as well.

"Sensational performance ladies" Valentino complimented the trio. "How many times have you sung that together?"

"First time" they simultaneously replied making everyone around them gape in astonishment. It was hard to believe. It was a strong and polished performance. Only few really noticed the adjustments they made to harmonize. No one outright fumbled through the number.

A group of guys went on next. They wanted the same adoration that the group in the corner was receiving for their impressive performance. People approached requesting them to sing more but Carina declined. Her voice was already hoarse from all the cheering and singing.


It was almost three in the morning when the party finally dwindled down. Valentino ushered staff members and guests out. He didn't allow any of his employees to help with clean up. No one was permitted into their car until the designated driver blew into a tube to determine their blood alcohol level. Those who passed drove home while those who failed or teetered on the legal edge were taken away in style with a chauffeured driver. Valentino didn't make exceptions with his rule.

Carina watched with admiration as Marco and Valentino oversaw closing procedures. Temp staff members efficiently closed the club under their direction. Valentino had chosen well when it came to his general manager. Marco wasn't afraid to voice his opinions or concerns but it was obvious that he also greatly respected Valentino. Carina gazed at the handsome and powerful men. She didn't notice time passing, all she saw was them. Only once everything was shut down, temp employees paid, and the club was completely vacant did Valentino and Marco finally pull Carina out of the club. Everyone else was long gone.

"Thank you for waiting for me" Valentino whispered in her ear. "I should've just had you go ahead but it's comforting seeing you here with me."

Marco snickered. "It's just easier to keep your eye on her."

Carina attempted to look innocent. "Why would he have to worry about me?"

Marco howled with laughter. "Carina your picture is under the word 'trouble' in the dictionary. Don't delude yourself."

She giggled. Her attempt to pout failed miserably. Marco was great company when he wasn't barking orders at staff members. "Poor Marco" She sympathized. Marco tilted his head in question to her offhand comment. "You have no one to take home. Will it be your hand or a blowup doll that will stay busy tonight?"

Marco and Valentino gaped at the little vixen. "Oh no she didn't" Marco growled. Valentino tried to stifle his laughter as he watched Carina smirk at his manager and best friend.

"Carina" Valentino playfully admonished. "He could've taken home any of the girls in your group without effort."

"Then why didn't he?" She challenged. She'd seen the girls eyeing him like delicious man-candy all night. "I understand why he wouldn't bed the staff but he had perfectly willing and able companions for the night."

"I'm right here" Marco spluttered with exasperation. They were talking about him like he wasn't there; like he was incapable of finding someone to go home with. "And for your information little troublemaker, I CHOSE to go home alone... It's been a long day and I don't want to deal with having someone in my home and then having to give her the boot when I'm through."

Carina's raised eyebrows showed her obvious disapproval. "Oh so you're one of those" she emphasized. She crossed her arms over her round breasts. Both men looked down as the gold star pasties pressed against the thin white top. Carina smirked as she looked at the handsome duo. She knew she affected Marco just as much as she affected Valentino.

"Or were you planning to come home with us" she playfully taunted. It had crossed her mind knowing that Valentino was into threesomes. Marco gaped at her statement while trying to hide the erection that formed with her suggestion.

"You told her" Marco scoffed at Valentino.

Now it was Carina's turn to gape. She looked between the two men. She knew they worked together almost every day or night in some aspect, but she'd assumed that they didn't hang out as much outside of the club. For some reason she assumed his threesomes centered around him as the only male in the equation. Carina scolded herself; she should've known better. How could she be surprised? After all, she didn't really know Valentino all that well.

Hadn't she just had a discussion with him about bringing people home with them? Sati had been obviously disappointed when she realized that Valentino meant it; no more Sati and Carina in the same bed. "Oh this should be good" She replied dryly as she leaned against Valentino's car. They were the only ones in the parking lot and it was a cool night. "Can we talk about this at your place? It's freezing."

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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