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Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (32 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Forty-One

Valentino parked the SUV and walked over to a unit that looked nearly complete. The vacant unit offered the necessary light to see the completed work. Andrea
while they looked around.

"Are these yours" Carina asked the men. They'd waltzed into the unit as if they owned the place. She made a mental note to learn more about all their business ventures.

"Yes, Marco and I went in on this together as a joint venture. The other set next to this one is already completely renovated and rented. This is the last set to be done."

"How many properties do you own" Carina asked impressed with this nugget of information. They didn't go half-ass. These updates improved the property's value and possible rental income.

"Enough to keep us busy" Marco winked. It didn't escape her that they hadn't truly answered her question in front of the girls. Fair enough, nothing that a quick search online with public records wouldn't answer for her anyways. It wasn't that she needed to know everything they owned but it was nice to see how intricately wound together Marco and Valentino were in everything business related. It was just another sign acknowledging that she'd made the right suggestion regarding their personal lives.

Carina walked through the living room and kitchen absorbing the minute details. Valentino's home and place of work revealed that the men paid attention to even the minutest details and it reflected here as well. Renters would kill to have a landlord like Valentino and Marco. It was obvious that they took care of their properties and were competitively priced if they immediately rented out their vacant units. She appreciatively eyed the steel appliances, granite countertops, and wood flooring.

She continued into the bedrooms while Valentino checked off items on a list. The duplex featured two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was a perfect place for paying roommates looking to have their own private space. Each bedroom led to a spacious walk-in closet and en suite bathroom.

"Would you ever rent here" Marco inquired. He leaned in the doorway of the bedroom watching as she took in every detail. He felt a sense of pride as she noticed the crown molding and granite windowsills.

"Absolutely" Carina replied without hesitation. "The rooms are same in size and features. It's in a great location. I'm sure it's priced right. Too bad my scholarships only pay for on-campus housing."

"I don't know" Marco shrugged. "I happen to know one of the landlords to this place. He might be willing to let you stay here without having to pay any rent." Carina's stomach tightened as she caught his smoldering gaze. Marco was potent and lethal.

"That's bad business" she playfully wagged her finger at Marco as he stalked towards her. "You have to collect something to cover expenses and compensate for renting the place out." She squirmed under his heated gaze.

"I think that can be negotiated" Marco whispered as he groped her firm ass. "I think the landlord would be willing to accept a minimum number of orgasms each month in order for you to stay here. I'd be willing to be a personal reference." He licked her neck causing her to tilt her head back and softly moan.

"Wouldn't he want a sample before he made that kind of agreement? It'd be like me buying a new car and not taking it out for a test drive first." She huskily whispered.

Marco's throaty chuckle weakened her knees. His hands yanked her skirt above her waist. "You're wearing panties" he admonished. She wasn't even wearing her sexy lacy thongs he loved so much.

"Did you want me to be panty-less while I went out clubbing while you two were working?" She lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist. She pulled him into her and ground her pelvis against his erection.

Marco hissed. "You know better" he growled. He pulled her leg away just enough to unzip his pants; completely forgetting about the others in the place. He pulled her boy shorts down her legs unable to just pull them aside. She kicked them away as he lifted her up and propped her against the wall; her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind protested that others were there but her body screamed louder. She held onto Marco's shoulders. They groaned as his hard shaft inched its way into her tight sheath. She dug her heels into his ass encouraging him to go hard. Her back thumped against the wall with his every thrust. They panted through every sharp stroke. The pain and pleasure quickly consumed her.


"What's that" Andrea asked Valentino. A steady thumping sound came from the wall that faced the other room. The place had been quiet before. Valentino and Desirae looked at each other as the thumping sound included muffled moans. Their jaws dropped with sudden understanding. Desirae rushed to the hallway with Valentino closely behind.

"No fucking way" Desirae breathed as she stood in the doorway. Andrea wrestled between Valentino and Desirae gawking at the sight before her. Marco had Carina against the wall. His pants were down to his ankles allowing them a beautiful view of that fine ass of his. Carina's arms and legs were wrapped around him as he pounded into her. They watched as her back and bottom banged against the wall. The erotic sight had them all squirming.

Desirae looked at Valentino unsure of his reaction. Technically Carina was his first. But as she turned to see if he was okay with the scene in front of them she couldn't miss his impressive erection straining against his slacks. She gaped at the sight unsure of what was making her hotter; Marco fucking Carina or the sight of Valentino's hard-on as he watched them.

Andrea pointed at his tented pants. "I guess that means you're okay with this"

Valentino stiffly nodded as he absently stroked his erection. There was no way he was leaving this place without being inside Carina. He wouldn't survive the night. The dirty bastard had beaten him to it but he couldn't blame Marco. Valentino probably would've done the same thing. It was actually a blessing that Desirae and Andrea were here. Otherwise they'd never get back to the club.

Marco's faster pace brought the voyeurs' attention back to them. Valentino unbuckled his pants knowing that Marco wouldn't last too much longer.

"This is so unfair" Andrea whined. Her mouth watered with glimpses of Marco's dick and now Valentino's. Somehow the men were completely indifferent to their presence. "I'm offering to give head to any willing parties. Carina you approve right?"

Desirae breathed in sharply as she watched Marco put his hand between them. He pressed against Carina's clit setting off a powerful orgasm. He pounded into her a few more times grunting through his release.

"Application approved" he muttered into her neck once he'd caught his breath. Carina giggled. Her legs fell to the floor as Marco pulled away. She looked at the bedroom door and squeaked with surprise to see an audience. "Shit, sorry guys" she muttered.

"Oh no big deal" Andrea replied two octaves too high. "It's not like we're horny as hell now or anything. Maybe I should grab that toilet holder thing and see if I can get off with it."

"Eww" Desirae cringed. "Use your fingers"

"Why when we have two able bodies right here." Andrea stomped her foot in sexual frustration. Sati had had Valentino. Couldn't Carina be a pal and share tonight too?

"Wow I have never seen you this wound up before" Desirae scoffed.

"Can you blame me" Andrea snapped. All she wanted to do was rip her skin off or jump the men... Either would do.

Carina looked between her miserable friends. This was her doing. The girls were sexually frustrated and Valentino was about to explode. She wasn't sure how long they'd been at the door watching them. Looking down at Marco she could see that he was ready to go again. The man was insatiable.

What was the extent of their relationship? Didn't the guys talk about an open relationship? Was she really contemplating this? Wouldn't something like this change things between all of them? Even if the guys only had sex with Carina the damage was done..... The girls had been witness to it and not permitted to participate. Sati's name silently drifted through the room. Guilt and lust coursed through her. Valentino had willingly shared her with Marco. She didn't necessarily want Desirae or Andrea in her relationship but she was horny enough to allow them something tonight.

Carina whispered into Marco's ear. His eyes widened as he looked to Valentino. He swallowed loudly before looking back at her. Reticence and desire shined in his eyes. Valentino approached them and bent down to allow her to whisper in his ear. They had a heated discussion for a few moments before the trio looked at the two desperate women in the doorway. This might be the worst suggestion she'd ever made or one of the best. She wouldn't know until it was all said and done but she wanted to play it out and see how things went.

"I will abide by your wish but there will be boundaries" Carina instructed, "Andrea go to Marco; Des go to Valentino." Andrea practically ran while Desirae remained frozen balking at her best friend. Although she'd fantasized about such a thing it was something entirely different to actually do it.

"Carina if we hurry up to the club the guys can give my favorite bartender a 20-minute break and my needs can be taken care of" Desirae stiffly responded. Her voice was off as she attempted to control her body. Her nipples screamed through the thin tank top while her hands rubbed her thighs. She was wet. She suspected they smelled her arousal but she could hold off until Devon could take care of her needs.

"You don't wonder what all the fuss is about" Valentino challenged Desirae knowing she needed to be goaded if she was going to step over this line. Carina laughed as she watched him. This was exactly the right approach to take with Desirae.

"I'd love to watch" Carina huskily offered. "Marco's already taken care of my needs and I have Valentino all night tonight." She watched her roommate and best friend wage an internal battle. She was honored that Desirae valued their friendship enough to go against what they were suggesting although she visibly wanted it. Carina couldn't lie to herself though. She wanted to watch her men pleasure her friends. There wasn't an ounce of jealousy, more like a pound of sweet anticipation.

Valentino helped Desirae with her decision. He quickly approached her and lifted her tank top. He took one breast in his mouth while kneading the other one. Desirae melted into him.

Andrea moaned as Marco kissed her neck and jaw. She rubbed his chest and ass trying to get her fill of his magnificent body. Marco slowly unbuckled Andrea's jeans. He slid his hand into her panties. He nuzzled her neck causing her to practically climb up his body.

Carina watched as Valentino moved Desirae's thong aside and finger fucked her while she remained standing. Desirae's nails dug into his shoulders as she held on for dear life. She shamelessly thrust her hips practically fucking his whole arm. Valentino pressed his body against Desirae. He pumped his hand into her swollen sex setting a brutal pace. The girl liked it rough and he was happy to oblige. Desirae groaned as she peaked. Valentino nibbled her mouth while her body quivered and shook with the powerful orgasm.

Carina turned to see Marco finger fucking Andrea to orgasm. She was pleasantly surprised by her body's reaction. It was such a turn on to see her friends writhing in ecstasy and her men being the cause of it. She didn't feel the slightest tinge of guilt or jealousy. If anything she cherished the sight of her friends and generous lovers. She knew she was an anomaly and she was okay with it.

Carina stroked her once again swollen clit. She watched in a sexual thrall as her best friend dropped to her knees. Desirae quickly pulled Valentino's boxer briefs down with his pants that were already unbuckled. His magnificent cock sprung free. Desirae whispered her adorations as she opened her mouth. Valentino stiffened and looked at Carina who already had her hand between her thighs. The room watched as Desirae eagerly sucked Valentino. Carina groaned her appreciation as Valentino's dick disappeared down Desirae's throat. Valentino was not a small man. She watched with admiration as her best friend deep throated her lover.

Desirae's hands roamed from Valentino's balls to his ass cheeks. Valentino grabbed fistfuls of her hair as she touched and sucked. The girl was extremely talented with her mouth. It was obvious to everyone in the room. In moments Desirae had Valentino fucking her face and shouting obscenities. He came explosively as she stroked between his cheeks at his rim and sensitive area. His knees buckled as Desirae swallowed every lost drop he had to offer.

Andrea quickly followed suit. It was what she'd secretly always wanted. If Marco wouldn't put his dick in her pussy this was the next best thing. She eagerly sucked him off. She tasted Carina on him but didn't care enough to stop. It didn't take him long to blow his load either.

"Clean up and let's go" Carina called to the sated group. Everyone's flushed and radiant faces said it all. "Tonight I'm all yours" Carina whispered to Valentino. He nodded still unable to properly function after what Desirae had done to him. He needed these next few hours to recover. Valentino stared with adoration at Carina's best friend. Desirae winked at him. That girl had one hell of a mouth... and she knew it too.

Chapter Forty-Two

The group parted ways back at the club. The girls headed to Blue Moon. The club had three floors that featured different themes and music on each floor. Andrea silently drove there. The club was in the heart of downtown and it took almost as long to find parking as it took to get there.

Carina hated the silence in the vehicle. She didn't want any awkwardness between them. Their friendship and respect was important to her. Self-doubt niggled at her. Had she made the right decision? Would they later resent her for it? Would the men? "Ladies" she hedged.

"Thank you" Andrea blurted. She didn't want Carina thinking there were any regrets with what happened. Hell she wished she'd someday get to have sex with the men too.

"Are we all right" Carina quietly asked.

Andrea pulled into a parking spot. She and Desirae spun to look at their friend. "Alright" they both spluttered. "That was fucktastic!" Desirae screeched.

"That's not a word" Andrea teased, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. "Really Carina... That could've been extremely awkward and you made it so seamless. If that's all I get I am thrilled... Although I'd still love to watch you three going at it sometime"

Desirae gushed. "Ditto!"

Carina leaned forward and hugged them. "Marco and I lost ourselves for a moment. I didn't mean to make you two uncomfortable."

"That was seriously fucking hot roomy" Desirae confessed. "I'm with Drea on this. If you'd let us watch I'll bring a dildo or ask Andrea to finger me while I finger her. Anything at all..."

Andrea's wide eyes revealed she'd had other thoughts of gratification but her flushed face confirmed the possibility. "You dirty little whores" Carina chastised. The girls fanned their flushed faces. "You'll be fighting off the masses in no time."

They confidently walked into the club together; they were sexually sated and looking forward to their next rendezvous. Guys and girls couldn't help but notice the trio as they strutted inside. Nothing about them screamed 'slutty' or 'trashy' just confident.

They spent the rest of the night drinking and dancing. Carina danced between the girls and some random guys. She let one or two grind against her and grab her hips, but nothing more. When one got too frisky she walked away. The trio had plenty of choices of who to go home with. Carina beamed knowing two eager men who were waiting for her. She texted Valentino to let the guys know where they were at; she silently hoped they would sneak out early.

Valentino appeared right after they announced final call. He took Carina to the dance floor. They spent the next 30 minutes rubbing against each other dancing her buzz away. She didn't have time to miss Marco because Valentino had her completely enraptured. She waved goodbye to her two friends who already had their men chosen for the night. She loved being young and free to bed whoever she wanted.

Carina signaled to Desirae reminding her of their flight. Des gave her two thumbs up and blew Valentino a kiss. Carina and Valentino exited as the club's patrons slowly dwindled with the late hour.

They climbed into his car. "Are they okay" Valentino asked. He wasn't sure what had come over Carina when she'd given them the go-ahead at the duplex. He'd had a good time but he didn't want her thinking that she could as easily open her legs to anyone other than him and Marco.

"They're honored, sated, and thankful." Carina beamed. "Actually..." she watched as Valentino slightly stiffened but she needed and wanted to say this last part. "They want to watch us. They even said they'd bring their own dildos or finger each other to get off while being the voyeurs." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Maybe she was being too hedonistic. She'd always been sexual but college seemed to free her inhibitions even more... Or maybe it was the choice of men in her life.

"But they don't want to participate" Valentino hedged. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. Desirae was fantastic with that mouth of hers.

Carina laughed. "I'm sure they'd want to if we offered but they respect our relationship. I think they don't want to press their luck but they'd gladly accept if given the opportunity."

Valentino sucked in his breath as he pulled into Marco's driveway. Carina looked at him. He appeared as if he'd had an epiphany. "What" she asked but he didn't respond. He motioned for her to follow him inside. She warmed at the unlocked door indicating that Marco was already home. Valentino grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

They heard the shower in the master bedroom. Valentino undressed Carina and allowed her to undress him as his mind swirled with possibilities. She was obviously very open to new things and ideas. He didn't want to push her but he was excited at the possibilities. She obviously had open-minded and willing friends.

Marco's spacious shower boasted two shower-heads and a small tile seat in the corner. Marco beamed at the sight of his two naked companions. "Are we having a party in here?"

"No" Valentino practically dragged him out. "Get on the bed. We'll be right behind you. There's something I want to discuss."

Marco pouted but nodded. He dried off but stayed in the bathroom and watched as Valentino was all business. He didn't fondle Carina or bathe her. He was in and out. Marco was intrigued with the change in Valentino's demeanor. He was sure they'd be later than this. Valentino had been a walking hard-on for the remainder of their evening after they'd parted ways with the girls.

"Thank you Marco" Carina's surprised voice echoed through the bathroom.

"For what" he asked. He wasn't sure what the conversation between them had been but it was obvious that Valentino was deep in thought.

"You bought girly products for me" she beamed with approval. Marco smiled. As much as he loved for Carina to smell like them, he preferred it in the form of sex and not freshly showered men's soap and shampoo.

"You're welcome baby" Marco stepped back as Valentino stepped out. He quietly watched and waited as his companions dried off and sat on his oversized bed. Marco had bought this bed with the idea of threesomes with Valentino. He couldn't have envisioned this coming out any better. He was grateful for Carina's willingness with this relationship. It might not last forever but he planned to cherish every moment.

Marco watched as Carina sat with her legs crossed, Indian-style on the bed. She gave him full view to her slick, beautiful petals. He couldn't help his cock's rigid position. Carina noticed too and squirmed. But they both owed Valentino the first round; he'd been robbed at the duplex... Although Desirae's mad oral skills might say otherwise. It didn't miss anyone's attention that Valentino's knees almost gave out when he came. Carina may have a golden pussy but apparently Desirae had a mouth of gold.

"What are you smirking about while you're staring at my pussy?"

Carina's question snapped Valentino out of his thoughts. "Thinking about how Valentino got robbed of not getting to be in that tight pussy of yours but then I realized I don't feel so bad."

"Why not" she demanded.

"Because his fucking legs almost gave out when Des gave him head."

Valentino's mouth dropped as Carina fell over laughing. "You're right I did see that too. That was certified grade-A cock sucking." The men laughed and nodded their heads in agreement.

"About that" Valentino tentatively began.

"Spit it out boss man. It hasn't escaped me that you've been internally debating with yourself since we pulled up to the driveway."

Valentino brought Marco up to speed regarding their conversation in the car. He shared his thoughts and concerns about the impact this could have on their relationship and Carina's friendship with the girls. Then he brought up his idea.

"I like the idea of Andrea and Desirae watching." Valentino paused to see Carina's reaction. Her body quivered with his words, making his dick pulsate with anticipation. He loved that she was willing and not jealous. His little sex goddess was an exhibitionist on top of being insatiable. He and Marco were so fucking lucky to have her. "We can take it a step further. What do you think about Nicholas' place,

"The sex club" Marco leaned forward liking where Valentino was going with this. The club was technically a mansion that was now zoned commercial land. It had three stories plus a dungeon. Marco and Valentino had been there before primarily as spectators. They renewed their membership every year and the invites always came but they didn't frequent the place as often as they used to. With Club 69's growing success and their other places, it left them less and less time to enjoy more personal pursuits.

"Yeah..." Valentino continued to silently contemplate before sharing his thoughts. They could go several ways with this but he wanted Marco and Carina to be onboard with it. "There are a couple scenarios we can play out." Valentino mused aloud. "We can reserve the main room for the entire night and allow invitation only access to watch us." Valentino paused to see Carina's reaction. He wasn't too concerned about Marco. "I know Nicholas can get us in no problem and he can even cater to our needs. We can have a director involved or not..."

"What do you mean a director" Carina interjected. She was open to the things Valentino suggested but there was no way in hell she planned to record this. She had enough shit to deal with when the fucking internet came to mind.

"He directs the scene" Marco replied. He caressed Carina's thigh noticing her tense posture. "Nothing is actually being recorded. Won't let just anyone get a glimpse of what we'll be doing. The director is there to make sure everyone is comfortable and consenting. They also make sure the spectators are enjoying the show. If an angle needs to be adjusted or if we're losing their interest the director makes the necessary adjustments."

Carina nodded her understanding. "So they play referee" she quipped.

Valentino and Marco laughed. "That's a poor analogy but you get the point. We could do a scene with just the three of us. We could decide to add other players. We could just go on a regular night and decide then and there if we want to partake in festivities. It's really open for whatever we want. Nicholas can fit us in easily if we give him enough of a head's up. Since you're leaving tomorrow and we have New Year's around the corner; that should give us enough time to iron out the details and set a date."

Carina liked the idea of a controlled setting that allowed Des and Andrea to watch. She was already wet with the possibility. She nodded her approval excited about the idea of visiting a sex club. The time for conversation was over. She straddled Valentino's lap and aggressively kissed him. He'd patiently waited for her attentions. Now he'd get his dues.

Carina passed her last night with her two lovers. As the hours passed they took turns enjoying each other. As dawn approached they fell into an exhausted sleep knowing that it was only a few hours until her departure.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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