The Indian Ocean (75 page)

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68 Paul Routledge, 'Consuming Goa: Tourist Site as Dispensable Space',
Economic and Political Weekly
, 22, 7, 2000; Devika Sequeira, 'Tourism: Battling the Global Downspin',
Goa Newsletter
, November 2001.


69 Alexander Frater,
Chasing the Monsoon
, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1991, p. 44.


70 Routledge, 'Consuming Goa', pp. 2647, 2651–2 and passim.


71 McDougall, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism', pp. 55–6; Denis Fair, 'Tourist Trends in the Indian Ocean Islands',
Africa Insight
, XXVII, 1997, pp. 279–83; 'Life's a Beach',
Orient-Express Magazine
, XI, 4, 1994, pp. 60–3.


72 McDougall, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism', pp. 57–8.


73 David Kirby and Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen,
The Baltic and the North Seas
, London, Routledge, 2000, p. 275.


74 'Shipping: Arabian Fights',
The Economist (US)
, 10 April, 1999, vol. 351.


75 Charles Geshekter, 'Somali History and Regional Sub-Cultures: A Neglected Theme of the Somali Crisis', in
New Directions in Maritime History
, ICMH/AAMH Conference, Fremantle, 6–10 December 1993, typescript.


76 Jennifer Ackerman, 'New Eyes on the Oceans',
National Geographic
, October 2000, p. 112; Clive Wilkinson, Olaf Linden, Herman Cesar, Gregor Hodgson, Jason Rubens and Alan E. Strong, 'Ecological and Socioeconomic Impacts of 1998 Coral Mortality in the Indian Ocean',
, 28, March 1999, pp. 188–97; 'Maldives face extinction',
Indian Ocean Review
, I, 4, December 1988, p. 11.


28 October–4 November 2000, p. 44.


78 S. Carpenter, 'Polluted Air Chokes Northern Indian Ocean',
Science News
, 19 June 1999; 'Rimwatch',
Indian Ocean Review
, XII, 2, September 1999, p. 2; Charon Birkett, Ragu Murtugudde and Tony Allen, 'Indian Ocean Climate Event Brings Floods to East Africa's Lakes and the Sudd March',
Geophysical Research Letter
, XXVI, 1999, pp. 1031–34.


79 Rhys Richards, 'The Maritime Fur Trade: Sealers and Other Residents on St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands',
Great Circle
, VI, 1984, p. 25.


80 Jacques-Yves Cousteau,
The Living Sea
, New York, Nick Lyons Books, 1963, pp. 147–8.


81 Rodney Fox, 'The Sea beyond the Outback: The Coast of Northwest Australia',
National Geographic
, Jan. 1991, p. 48; Bruce Montgomery, 'Skullduggery Galore in the Great Patagonian Toothfish Conspiracy',
Indian Ocean Review
, X, 4, December 1997, p. 6.


Sydney Morning Herald
, 22 May 2001.


83 Thor Heyerdahl,
The Tigris Expedition: In Search of our Beginnings
, Garden City, Doubleday, 1981, p. 175.


84 Geoffrey Till, 'Security Concerns in the Indian Ocean: Making Waves?',
RUSI Journal
, 142, June 1997, p. 16.


85 'Rimwatch,'
Indian Ocean Review
, XIII, 1, March 2000, p. 2.


86 Frater,
Chasing the Monsoon
, p. 83.


87 Brian Shoesmith, 'The Place of Indian Popular Films in the Indian Ocean Region and South East Asia: Some Speculations',
Indian Ocean Newsletter
, VII, 1, March 1986, pp. 6–10.


88 John Sinclair and Mark Harrison, 'Globalisation and Television in Asia: The Cases of India and China', in D. Ghosh and S. Muecke, eds,
UTS Review
, 2000, VI, 2, 'The Indian Ocean', pp. 79–82.


89 Michael Lambek, 'Choking on the Quran: And Other Consuming Parables from the Western Indian Ocean Front', in Wendy James, ed.,
The Pursuit of Certainty: Religious and Cultural Formulations
, London, Routledge, 1995, p. 277.


90 K.M. Panikkar,
India and the Indian Ocean: An Essay on the Influence of Sea Power on Indian History
, London, Allen & Unwin, 1945, p. 7.


91 William G. Hanne, 'From Moscow, South By Southeast...'
Military Review
, 56, 1976, pp. 47–55.


92 Patrick Wall, ed.,
The Indian Ocean and the Threat to the West
, London, Stacey International, 1975, pp. 9–11.


93 Philip Towle,
Naval Power in the Indian Ocean
Threats, Bluffs and Fantasies
, Canberra, Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, 1979 is especially sensible. Also D.B.G. McLean, 'The Soviet Navy in the Indian Ocean',
Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
, 118, 4, 1973, pp. 59–65; William F. Hickman, 'Soviet Naval Policy in the Indian Ocean',
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
, 105, 8, 1979, pp. 42–52, and for a Soviet view, Alexander I. Chicherov, 'South Asia and the Indian Ocean in the 1980's: Some Trends toward Changes in International Relations',
Asian Survey
, 24, 1984, pp. 1117–30.


94 David C. Potter, 'Superpower Rivalry in the Indian Ocean and the Foreign Policy Choices in India and Pakistan', in Borsa, ed.,
Trade and Politics,
pp. 103–20.


95 Vivian L. Forbes, 'British Indian Ocean Territory: Chagos Archipelago',
Indian Ocean Review
, V, 1, March 1992, pp. 16–19; John Pilger, 'A Little-Known and Suppressed British Atrocity in a Faraway island [i.e. Diego Garcia]',
New Statesman
, 27 September 1996, 4302; Joseph E. Harris, 'The Ilois Tragedy',
TransAfrica Forum
, 7, 1, 1990, pp. 25–30; Jean Houbert, 'France in The Indian Ocean – Decolonizing Without Disengaging',
Round Table
, 298, 1986, pp. 145–66.


96 Kirby L. Baker, 'Diego Garcia',
Indian Ocean Review
, II, 3, September 1989, pp. 27–8; Harris, 'The Ilois Tragedy'.


97 Jaswant Singh,
Defending India,
Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1999, pp. 113–28, 179; Jole Larus, 'India and Its Ocean: The Atypical Relationship Ends', in Robert Bruce, ed.,
The Modern Indian Navy and the Indian Ocean
Developments and Implications
, Perth, Centre for Indian Ocean Regional Studies, 1989, p. 65.


The Hindu
, 17 December 1999.


Sydney Morning Herald
, 8 February 2002.


100 Quoted in Satvinder Singh Rai, 'India's Strategy in the Indian Ocean: Indian Aims and Interests in a Historical Perspective',
Internationales Asienforum
, 20, 1989, p. 140.


101 Singh,
Defending India
, pp. 225, 232–4.


102 Vivian L. Forbes, 'Acts of Piracy: A Mystique of the 1990s',
Indian Ocean Review
, XI, 2, December 1998, pp. 10–15.


103 Rai, 'India's Strategy', p. 148;
UN Chronicle
, December 1989; Walter K. Andersen, 'Soviets in the Indian Ocean: Much Ado About Something – But What?',
Asian Survey
, 24, 1984, pp. 919–20.


104 McDougall, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism', pp. 59–60.


105 'Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation',
Indian Ocean Review
, XIII, 1, March 2000, pp. 3–7; Chaturvedi, 'Common Security?', pp. 718–19.


106 'Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation', p. 3.


107 See Stilgoe's whole chapter on this matter,
, pp. 369–402.


108 Chaturvedi, 'Common Security?', p. 705.

Select bibliography


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