The Indian Ocean (72 page)

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8 Lakshmi Subramanian, 'Power and the Weave: Weavers, Merchants and Rulers in Eighteenth-Century India', in Mukherjee and Subramanian, eds,
Politics and Trade
, pp. 52–82.


9 Butel,
The Atlantic
, p. 229.


10 Lewis R. Fischer and Gerald E. Panting, 'Indian Ports and British Intercontinental Sailing Ships: The Subcontinent as an Alternative Source of Cargo, 1870–1900', in K.S. Mathew, ed.,
Mariners, Merchants and Oceans: Studies in Maritime History
, New Delhi, Manohar, 1995, pp. 371–84.


11 Mariam Dossal, 'Indian Maritime Historiography: West Coast Merchants in a Gobalizing Economy', in Frank Broeze, ed.,
Maritime History at the Crossroads: A Critical Review of Recent Historiography,
St Johns, NFLD, International Maritime Economic History Association, 1996, pp. 191–2.


12 Doug McLean, 'Complex Relationship: Shippers and Shipowners in India's Overseas Liner Shipping, c. 1890–c.1925',
New Directions in Maritime History
, ICMH/AAMH Conference, Fremantle, 6–10 December 1993, typescript.


13 Frank Broeze, Kenneth McPherson and Peter Reeves, 'Imperial Ports of the Indian Ocean,'
, 10 March 1985, p. 2.


14 For excellent overviews see Frank Broeze, 'The Ports and Port System of the Asian Seas: An Overview with Historical Perspective from c. 1750',
Great Circle
, XVIII, 1996, pp. 73–96; Peter Reeves, Frank Broeze and Kenneth McPherson, 'The Maritime Peoples of the Indian Ocean Region since 1800',
Mariner's Mirror
, 74, 1988, pp. 241–54; K. McPherson, F. Broeze, P. Reeves and J. Wardrop, 'The Social Expansion of the Maritime World of the Indian Ocean: Passenger Traffic and Community Building', in K. Friedland, ed.,
The Maritime Aspects of Migration
, Cologne, Bohlau, 1987, pp. 427–40; and especially important an outstanding essay by S. Bhattacharya, 'The Indian Ocean in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries', in Satish Chandra, ed.,
The Indian Ocean: Explorations in History, Commerce and Politics
, New Delhi, Sage, 1987, pp. 302–16.


15 Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell,
The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History
, Vol. I, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000, p. 43.


16 Peter Gifford, 'The Effects of the British Seaman's Strike of 1925 on Fremantle',
Great Circle
, XIV, 2, 1992, p. 74.


17 Anthony Reid and Radin Fernando, 'Shipping in Melaka and Singapore as an Index of Growth, 1760–1840', in M.N. Pearson and I. Bruce Watson, eds,
South Asia
, 1996, XIX, Special Issue, 'Asia and Europe: Commerce, Colonialism and Cultures: Essays in Honour of Sinnappah Arasaratnam', pp. 61 et seq.


18 Fanny Parks,
Wanderings of a Pilgrim, in Search of the Picturesque
, London, P. Richardson, 1850, 2 vols, II, p. 480; Roy T. Sawyer, 'The Trade in Medicinal Leeches in the Southern Indian Ocean in the Nineteenth Century',
Medical History
, 43, 1999, pp. 241–5.


19 A.T. Yarwood,
Walers: Australian Horses Abroad
, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1989.


20 Curzon,
, I, p. 4.


21 Andrew Pope, 'The P&O and the Asian Specie Network, 1850–1920', Typescript, 1992, p. 1; Andrew Pope, 'Australian Gold and the Finance of India's Exports during World War I: A Case Study of Imperial Control and Coordination',
Indian Economic and Social History Review
, 33, 2, 1996, pp. 115–31.


22 David Mitchell,
, London, Thames and Hudson, 1976, p. 11.


23 P.A.B. Thomson, 'Jean François Hodoul, Corsair of the Indian Ocean',
Mariner's Mirror
, 83, 1997, pp. 310–17.


24 George Windsor Earl,
The Eastern Seas, or Voyages and Adventures in the Indian Archipelago in 1832–34
, London, W.H. Allen & Co, 1837, pp. 38–42.


25 Quoted in Lakshmi Subramanian, 'Of Pirates and Potentates: Maritime Jurisdiction and the Construction of Piracy in the Indian Ocean', in Devleena Ghosh and Stephen Muecke, eds,
UTS Review
, 2000, VI, 2, 'The Indian Ocean', p. 22.


26 Charles Belgrave,
The Pirate Coast
, New York, Roy Publishers, 1966, p. 33.


27 Sultan Md. Al-Qasimi,
The Myth of Arab Piracy in the Gulf
, London, Croom Helm, 1986, p. xv.


28 Ibid., p. 226.


29 Curzon,
, II, p. 308.


30 Ibid., II, pp. 450–1. For these events see Patricia Risso, 'Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Piracy: Maritime Violence in the Western Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf Region during the Long Eighteenth Century', in
Journal of World History
, XII, 2001, pp. 293–319, and Qasimi,
The Myth of Arab Piracy
, passim. His conclusions have been vigorously challenged in Charles E. Davies,
The Blood-Red Arab Flag: An Investigation into Qasimi Piracy, 1797–1820
, Exeter, Exeter University Press, 1997.


31 W.A.R. Richardson, 'An Indian Ocean Pilgrimage in Search of an Island',
Great Circle
, XI, 2, 1989, pp. 32–51.


32 Rhys Richards, 'The Maritime Fur Trade: Sealers and Other Residents on St Paul and Amsterdam Islands',
Great Circle
, VI, 1, 1984, p. 24.


33 Butel,
The Atlantic
, pp. 232–4.


34 David Arnold,
Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India
, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 104–5; Daniel Headrick,
The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century
, New York, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 19 et seq.


35 Frances Eden,
Tigers, Durbars and Kings: Fanny Eden's Indian Journals, 1837–1838
, London, Murray, 1988, p. 57.


36 Quoted in Arnold,
Science, Technology and Medicine
, p. 105.


37 G.L. Sulivan,
Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on the Eastern Coast of Africa: Narrative of Five Years' Experience in the Suppression of the Slave Trade
, London, Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1873, p. 133.


38 Ida Pfeiffer,
A Lady's Second Journey around the World
, London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855, 2 vols, I, p. 103.


39 K. Dharmasena, 'Colombo: Gateway and Oceanic Hub of Shipping', in Frank Broeze, ed.,
Brides of the Sea: Port Cities of Asia from the 16th-20th Centuries
, Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 1989, pp. 152–72.


40 Gillian Tindall,
City of Gold: The Biography of Bombay
, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1992, p. 137.


41 Quoted in Freda Harcourt, 'The P&O Company: Flagships of Imperialism', in S. Palmer and G. Willians, eds,
Charted and Uncharted Waters
, London, National Maritime Museum in association with the Department of History, Queen Mary College, University of London, 1982, p. 6. Harcourt is the great authority on this and the following matters. See also her 'British Oceanic Mail Contracts in the Age of Steam, 1838–1914',
Journal of Transport History
, IX, March 1988, pp. 1–18, and 'P&O and Orient: A Cool Partnership, 1886–1914',
Great Circle
, XVII, 1995, pp. 73–94.


42 Pope, 'The P&O and the Asian Specie Network', pp. 3–4.


43 J. Forbes Munro, 'The "Scrubby Scotch Screw Company": British India Steam Navigation Co.'s Coastal Services in South Asia, 1862–1870', in Lewis R. Fischer, ed.,
From Wheel House to Counting House: Essays in Maritime Business History
, St John's, NFLD, International Maritime Economic History, 1992, pp. 45, 65, 71.


44 Stephanie Jones, 'British India Steamers and the Trade of the Persian Gulf, 1862–1914',
Great Circle
, VII, 1985, pp. 23–44.


45 J. Forbes Munro, 'Shipping Subsidies and Railway Guarantees: William Mackinnon, Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean, 1860–93',
Journal of African History
, 28, 1987, pp. 209–30.


46 Frank Broeze, 'From Imperialism to Independence: The Decline and Re-Emergence of Asian Shipping',
Great Circle
, IX, 1987, pp. 82–4.


47 Frank Broeze, ' Merchants from Steam to Sail: The West Australian Shipping Association and the Evolution of the Conference System, 1884–1910', in Fischer, ed.,
From Wheel House to Counting House
, pp. 273–301.


48 Headrick,
The Tools of Empire
, pp. 142–8, 165–6; F.J.A. Broeze, K.I. McPherson and P.D. Reeves, 'Engineering and Empire: the Making of The Modern Indian Ocean Ports', in Satish Chandra, ed.,
The Indian Ocean
, pp. 264–5.


49 Account of a voyage to Australia by Joseph Woodhouse, Australian National Maritime Museum, 1884, n.p., typescript.


50 Freda Harcourt, 'P&O and Orient', p. 73.


51 Munro, 'The "Scrubby Scotch Screw Company"', pp. 52–3.


52 Account of a voyage to Australia by Colin MacKenzie, Australian National Maritime Museum, 1890, n.p., typescript.


53 Sulivan,
Dhow Chasing
, p. 167.


54 Boyd Cable,
A Hundred Year History of the P. & O. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
, London, I. Nicholson and Watson, 1937, pp. 111–16.


55 Tompsitt,
A Diary
, p. 11.


56 Curzon,
II, 467–8.


57 Broeze, 'From Imperialism to Independence', pp. 78–80.


58 J.N.F.M. À Campo, 'Perahu and Kapal: The Interaction of Traditional and Modern Shipping in Colonial Indonesia', in Everaert and Parmentier, eds,
International Conference,
pp. 343–66.


59 Alan Villiers,
The Set of the Sails: The Adventures of a Cape Horn Seaman
, London, Pan, 1955 (first ed. 1940), p. 246.


60 Eric Newby,
The Last Grain Race
, London, Picador, 1990 (first ed. 1956), p. 152 and passim.


61 Quoted in David Kirby and Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen,
The Baltic and the North Seas
, London, Routledge, 2000, p. 221.


62 Villiers,
The Set of the Sails
, pp. 136–7.


63 Janet J. Ewald, 'Crossers of the Sea: Slaves, Freedmen, and Other Migrants in the Northwestern Indian Ocean, c. 1750–1914',
American Historical Review
, February 2000, 105, pp. 75–6.


64 Mark Twain,
Following the Equator: A Journey around the World
, Hartford, American Publishing Co., 1897, p. 331.


65 Accounts of voyages to Australia by Lancelot L. Earl and Richard James Whyte, Australian National Maritime Museum, n.p., typescript.


66 Newby,
The Last Grain Race
, pp. 112, pp. 117–18.


67 Parks,
Wanderings of a Pilgrim
, I, 11.


68 Jackson, 'The Decline of the Wool Clippers',
Great Circle
, II, 1980, p. 93.


69 Burton,
, pp. 397, 64–71.


70 Gavin Young,
Halfway Around the World: An Improbable Journey
, New York, Random House, 1981, pp. 243–66.


71 Burton,
, p. 65.


72 A much-studied subject. See Hugh J. Schonfield,
The Suez Canal
, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1938, p. 111; Frank Broeze, Peter Reeves and Kenneth McPherson, 'Imperial Ports And The Modern World Economy: The Case Of The Indian Ocean',
Journal of Transport History,
VII, 2, 1986, p. 1; Elias H. Tuma, 'Suez Canal: Another Dimension in the European Network',
Journal of European Economic History
, 24, 1995, p. 623.


73 Tuma, 'Suez Canal', pp. 623–5.


74 Ewald, 'Crossers of the Sea', p. 79.


75 Quoted in Malcolm Tull,
A Community Enterprise: The History of the Port of Fremantle, 189
to 1997
, St Johns, NFLD, International Maritime Economic History Association, 1997, pp. 123–4.


76 Quoted in Broeze et al., 'Engineering and Empire', p. 259.


77 Mrs Jemima Kindersley,
Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil, The Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies
, London, J. Nourse, 1777, p. 81.


78 Ibid., pp. 82–3.


79 Parks,
Wanderings of a Pilgrim
, II, pp. 474–5.


80 Maria Graham,
Journal of a Residence in India
, Edinburgh, A. Constable, 1812, p. 148.

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