The Heartbreak Cafe (30 page)

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Authors: Melissa Hill

BOOK: The Heartbreak Cafe
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You could get a lift with whoever’s dropping off the

Oh, to help with the party, you mean,’ Emer said in a
patronising tone that got right up Nina’s nose.

reddened. ‘Of course not! No, Nina please don’t misunderstand, I
mean absolutely as a guest. It would be lovely to have you,’ she
assured her and Nina could tell from her tone that she genuinely
would like her to come – perhaps as some form of ally? In which
case she’d only be happy to accept, especially if it browned off
the other two.

I’d be delighted,’ she said with a smile. ‘Thank you for

Chapter 23

It was
the following Friday morning and Ruth was getting ready to go to a
hospital appointment. She looked in the mirror and realised that
these days she had a glow about her; her face had filled out a
little (as had her body) but she didn’t mind.

Today she
was having her first ultrasound at a private maternity clinic in
Dublin. As her parents still knew nothing about her pregnancy,
she’d called a taxi to take her within walking distance of the
hospital so as not to arouse suspicion. For the same reason, she
had arranged to meet the driver in the centre of Lakeview rather
than have him call to the house to collect her.

She was
walking into town, deep in thought and thinking about what it would
be like to see living proof of her baby’s existence, when a car
slowed alongside her and she heard her name being


looked up and to her surprise found that the driver of the car was
none other than Charlie.

Oh hello there.’ She smiled and waved, trying her utmost to
appear relaxed and unaffected. Still, she couldn’t ignore the way
her heart skipped a beat when she saw him and she quickly resolved
to put those thoughts away.

Where are you off to? Can I give you a lift?’

Just into town, and no I’m fine walking.’

Are you sure? It looks like it’s about to rain and you don’t
want to get caught out in it.’

looked up. The skies did look formidably dark and no; she didn’t
want to get soaked – not in the circumstances. ‘Well, if you don’t

Not at all. Get in,’ Leaning forward, he opened the passenger
door and Ruth slid in alongside him.

Nice car,’ she said, taking in the top-end Mercedes’ plush
leather interior.

Yeah, well there are some benefits to being in this business,’
he said smiling. ‘But seriously, it’s not mine, it’s actually a
display model.’

Oh. Well it’s very nice in any case.’

He pulled
away from the kerb and they sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence
as he drove towards town.

So how are you these days?’ Charlie asked eventually, his gaze
surreptitiously moving to her stomach.

I’m great thanks.’

Are you feeling OK? Any morning sickness or

looked sideways at him. ‘No, just a little at the beginning but
nothing for a few weeks now.’

You’re lucky. My sister, Kelly – do you remember her? She
suffered with it for the full nine months.’

The poor thing. I guess I am lucky. How is she now and what
did she have?’

She’s great and she had a little boy, Lenny. He’s almost two
now – a mad fellow altogether.’ Charlie smiled fondly and shook his
head. ‘You couldn’t keep up with him.’

I can imagine,’ Ruth said, finding it hard to picture herself
running around after an energetic toddler. It still didn’t quite
seem real, although she supposed it would after today.

So all’s going well then … with everything?’ Charlie continued
and Ruth wondered why he was so interested now when he’d reacted so
badly to the news initially.

Pretty much but I’ll find out more today.’

How so?’

I’m actually on my way for an ultrasound.’

Really? Where?’

Mount Carmel.’

He looked
surprised. ‘I didn’t realise you were seeing someone here. I
thought you’d wait until you got back to LA, you know just in

I know what you’re thinking but honestly there’s a much
greater chance of my keeping it under wraps here than in LA. One
phone call from a dodgy nurse and the stalkerazzi would be down on
top of me in no time.’

I suppose you’re right. Well, I hope it goes well … although,
wait a second – how are you getting there – to the hospital I

I’m taking the train – my folks still don’t know, so I thought
it would be safer.’

Don’t be stupid, I’ll drive you.’

Charlie no. It’s good enough of you to drop me into

Forget it, I’m driving you. The last thing you want is the
likes of Maeve McGrath or any of the nosy crew spotting you on the
train, following you to the hospital and working things out,’ he
argued, referring to one of the town’s longtime gossips. ‘Then it
would definitely be all over town.’

thought about it. It certainly would be safer having someone who
knew her situation drive her there, and certainly less chance of
her getting caught out on the way.

Thank you for the offer but I’m sure you must have lots of
other things to do – ’

Ruth, shut up.’ Charlie’s tone was gentle but firm. ‘I’m
driving you – and I’ll drop you back afterwards too. As I said, you
don’t want to take any chances.’

looked at him, touched by his concern. ‘Thank you Charlie. I really
appreciate it.’

No problem.’ At the bottom of the road, before they reached
the centre of Lakeview, Charlie took a left and drove along the
main road out of town.

As they
drove towards Dublin, Ruth sat alongside him in a comfortable
silence, faintly relieved that she didn’t have to take the trip on
her own.

So it looks as if Lakeview is growing on you,’ Charlie stated

smiled. ‘I know, I’m sort of surprising myself actually. I have a
routine and some friends and well, it’s all just so easy, I

When do you suppose you will go back to La-La Land?’ he asked
his features darkening somewhat.

I’m not entirely sure yet. The plan was to stay until the end
of September, but of course I hadn’t bargained on this,’ she said
motioning to her tiny bump. ‘Still, the break is nice and I’m
starting to question some things.’

Like what?’

Oh, just things,’ she said, being intentionally vague. ‘I’m
finding myself more relaxed than I’ve been in quite some time, and
I’m wondering if it’s me who has changed or this place. You

smiled at her but said nothing.

Less than
an hour later they reached the hospital, and Charlie pulled into
the car park outside. Stopping the car, he got out and came around
to Ruth’s side to open her door.

Thanks,’ she said gratefully reaching for his hand as he
helped her out.

No problem. What time is your appointment?’

We’re a little early actually but I’m sure it’ll be

Right. So do you want me to…’ he trailed off and Ruth looked
at him.

What?’ she asked, rifling around in her handbag for her
referral letter.

Never mind, it doesn’t matter.’

frowned, wondering what was up with him. ‘Are you sure you don’t
want to just head back? I shouldn’t be too long in there, but then
again, I don’t know what to expect from these places, there could
be a line a mile long and I really don’t want you waiting

I’m in no rush honestly. And I was just going to ask if you
wanted me to wait with you.’

Her head
jerked up. ‘In the hospital … with me … really?’

I’m sorry if it’s inappropriate, it’s none of my business
after all and – ’

Ruth was
touched. ‘Actually no no, please do come, that would be nice,

I’m not intruding?’

Not in the least, I would welcome the company.’

Well, okay, if you’re sure. I thought it would be easier than
having you wait on your own – and at least then I’ll have some idea
of when you’ll be out.’

Makes sense.’ Ruth smiled but still couldn’t help but feel
taken aback at his request. It was a strange man indeed that
offered to wait at a prenatal clinic amongst other women in various
degrees of pregnancy, but if he insisted…

It was a
only a half hour before Ruth’s name was called and in the meantime
she and Charlie sat awkwardly amongst the other women, some with
partners, others without and a few with children in tow. It was a
weird experience but one that Ruth figured she’d have to get used

It was a
private maternity hospital – the most exclusive one in Dublin – and
luckily none of the other mums seemed to recognise or have any idea
that the woman with her hair in a ponytail and whose skin was free
of makeup was the famous TV star of Glamazons. And again, Ruth
found she didn’t mind. She was tired of being stared at and
assessed and it sort of felt nice to just be normal, the same as
everyone else.

the nurse came out and called her name. ‘Thanks.’ She picked up her
bag and stood up, and for some reason saw Charlie do the same. ‘I
think I can take it from here,’ she said grinning and he

No, you should come along too,’ the nurse insisted.

laughed, and Charlie looked mortified. ‘Oh no, no he’s not the
father,’ Ruth clarified. ‘We’re actually old friends; and he’s just
here for moral support.’

Well he can give you moral support in there too if you’d
like.’ The nurse walked off leaving Charlie and Ruth staring at one

If you want me …’

Do you want to?’

that they now had an audience, the two quickly followed the nurse
out of the waiting room and down the hallway towards the
examination room.

I’ll wait out here instead,’ he said and Ruth

Oh for goodness sake – I won’t have you standing out here in
the hallway. Come in with me if you like.’

Ruth, honestly …’

sonographer popped her head round the door. ‘Ah, it’s nice to see
the dads involved in the appointments; so many men can get
squeamish here. Better get used to it though; you’ll be standing
right there when the little one pops out!’

Actually, I’m not … ‘ Charlie began but the woman had already
disappeared back inside. Ruth shrugged and beckoned him to follow
her in.

Sorry,’ she mouthed and he shook his head and smiled, fully
aware of the ridiculousness of it all.

When they
came inside the sonographer smiled at them both. ‘Before you ask,
he’s not the father,’ Ruth blurted out, suddenly nervous at the
sight of the exam chair with its stirrups and the formidable
looking medical machinery.

Well, that’s allowed. And I think it’s always nice to have
someone else here for this,’ she said. ‘It is a big moment after

popped up on to the examination table. ‘I have to admit; I’m kinda
nervous about it.’ Her lip trembled a little as she spoke and she
looked in Charlie’s direction, noticing that he was watching her

Perfectly normal but there’s really no need,’ the woman
smiled. ‘Alright, then, let’s get started.’ Charlie stood back as
the sonographer started to get set up for the ultrasound. She
pulled up Ruth’s top and spread the cold jelly all over her
stomach. Charlie stared at her tiny baby bump and she met his eyes
and smiled.

Okay, so there we go… see there you can just about make out
the heart beating?’

nodded, trying to make sense of the image that was on the screen.
Gosh, could that little blob really be a baby, her baby? ‘I think
so,’ she replied, tears in her eyes. Staring at the screen she was
suddenly overcome with emotion. ‘Look, that’s my baby!’ she cried
to Charlie, who reached across and took her hand.

It’s wonderful Ruth,’ he said softly. He scanned the length of
her body, allowing them to rest on her belly for a moment. He
didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t have to. Ruth knew that of
course he was thinking about what this would have been like if
things had been different and the baby they were now looking at was

Ruth and
Charlie said little as they left the hospital and drove back to
Lakeview. As they approached her house, he slowed the car and
pulled into the side of the road.

looked at him, wondering what was happening. He’d been quiet for
most of the journey back and she knew that what had happened at the
hospital was bothering him.

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