The Girl Before Eve (16 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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A: I miss you already, Lil. Can you come home please?

A: Hi Lil, it’s me again, sorry about my last message, I know you can’t come home yet but I’m bored and sad.

A: Me again, what time do you land? You’re not answering me and I’m worried.

A: Hi again, please can you reply when you get this message? My mum is trying to get me to go stay over the half term break and I don’t want to. I need help with a good excuse.

A: Too late she has convinced me to go stay. My mum that is. She wants to feed me coz she says I’m getting too thin!

A: Lil, where the fuck are you? You should be there by now! TEXT ME!!

She threw her phone across the bed where it landed and bounced onto the floor.
Oh shit
. She scrambled to the end of the bed, expecting the phone to be in pieces. Thankfully it wasn’t. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was eleven at night. Guilt washed over her, and with a groan she picked up the phone and dialled Adam’s number.

He answered after one ring. “Lily? Are you okay? I’ve been worried sick.”

“Adam, I’m fine. You have to stop worrying. The flight was delayed that’s all. Then I got in a cab with a sweet old guy who wouldn’t stop talking, and I have just collapsed onto my bed and found half a dozen messages from you.”

“Ah…yeah…sorry about that. I don’t like it when you don’t answer.” Silence took over the line for several moments. “I worry, Lily. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened—”

“I’m fine. Please stop okay? I’m shattered and need to sleep. I have an early start in the morning.”

“Okay…sorry…I just worry.”

“I know. It’s fine. I’ll talk to you later in the week okay?”

“Okay…night, Lil.”

“Night, Adam.”


She sighed. “What now?”

“You keep calling me
. You only do that when you’re pissed off.”

“Sorry. I’m not pissed off. Just tired.”

“Okay, night.”

“Night.” She hung up before the ridiculous conversation could carry on.


Chapter Nineteen

Alone in This Bed
(Framing Hanley)

March 2010

Adam had been dreading his thirtieth birthday. If Eve had been here there would have been big plans afoot. The simple fact that this was his first birthday without her made his chest ache. Other than the anniversary of her death and Christmas…and her birthday…and their wedding anniversary…this was the date he was dreading most. Who was he kidding? Every day was difficult. But for this day to be so significant made the ache grow deeper. He pulled the pillow back over his head. Thank goodness it had landed on a Saturday. People at work had been very kind. There had been lots of knowing looks during the week, which had just made him feel more and more lost.

He thought back to the birthdays he had celebrated when Eve was with him. She always made a fuss. He would usually awake to the smell of bacon cooking. She would bring a tray up to him and sit beside him whilst he tucked in to his favourite food. She would shower him with thoughtful gifts and little tokens of love. His favourites had been the small things. A heart shaped key ring, a mini Statue of Liberty ornament, even a white pebble she had found on the beach and had written
Forever Yours
in twirly writing on. Memories of those times made him so happy…so angry…so very, very sad. His eyes began to sting.

He was torn from his reverie by banging on the front door. He groaned loudly. Glancing at the clock, he realised it was after eleven. He had no real reason to get up, however, so what did it really matter? Sinking back under the duvet, he ignored the hammering.

“Oy! Adders, you lazy pig! Get up and open the effing door before I resort to breaking in!”


He clambered out of bed and made his way downstairs in just his boxers. He yawned widely as he opened the door.

She gaped. “Good grief! Put your flesh away, Adders! It’s your thirtieth! No one wants to look at a naked old man!” She shoved past him and dragged him by the arm toward the stairs. “Get your arse upstairs and get a shower whilst I make you a fry up. Then get your
arse down here because I have something to tell you.”

Reluctantly, he followed her instructions and once showered in jeans and his favourite old grey T-shirt, he made his way back down to the kitchen, following the teasing smell of bacon and sausage. He sat down at the small table as she placed a full plate of heart attack inducing food in front of him.

Sitting opposite him without any food, but with a smile on her face, she slid an envelope across the table. “Happy Birthday, you old git.”

Chewing on a mouth full of crispy bacon, cooked just the way he liked it, he glanced at her. “Oy! Less of the git.” He grinned and opened the card. He shook his head at the joke inside.
Typical Lily

She giggled for a few moments, but then her laughter subsided and her face became serious. “When you’ve finished that, I need to speak to you about something…something very important.” She chewed her lip.

His interest piqued, Adam placed his fork down and took a gulp of the fresh orange juice in his glass. “That sounds ominous. Is everything okay?”

She nodded. “Just finish your food, okay?”

He munched away until his plate was empty and his belly was
full. He followed her through to the lounge with his cup of coffee, and she gestured for him to sit next to her on the sofa. He sat down. His brow pulled in at the middle.

Placing his cup on the floor, he turned to her. “Lil, you’re worrying me. Please, can you tell me what’s going on with you now?”

She took a deep breath. “Okay…you have to promise that you won’t get angry, okay?”

He pulled his lips between his teeth. His palms were sweating, “Awww, now I’m really worried. And usually when people say
don’t get angry
it means that you will do just that. What have you done?”

“This is going to be difficult…for me too…but just hear me out.”

He was getting annoyed. “Lil, just spit it out, will you?”

“Right…okay…here goes… Last year…before Eve died, she and I were talking about your…about your thirtieth. She wanted to plan something big for you, and she wanted my help. So together we planned something pretty huge. It was all done using my credit cards so that you wouldn’t find out…but…” Her lip began to tremble. “But then she was killed by that fucking idiot drunk driver…and…I wasn’t sure what to do.”

He slid across the sofa, his own emotions needling at him just beneath the surface. “Hey, hey…don’t cry. It doesn’t matter, Lil. Don’t worry. I’m not bothered—”

“No, Adam…you don’t understand…let me finish…” She took another deep breath. “Anyway, Eve knew how much New York meant to you. How much you had always wanted to go. She wanted to be the one to visit Times Square with you…to visit places like the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty…”

Adam caught his trembling lip between his teeth as the salt water welled in his eyes. “You didn’t?” he whispered.

didn’t, Adam…
did.” She handed him an envelope. With shaking hands, he took the white envelope from her and opened it. Two first class flights to New York.

He gasped as the tears overflowed from his eyes and covered his mouth with his hand as he read the note that accompanied the tickets.

June 20

My Darling Adam

It’s a bit weird writing this letter when you are sitting at home wondering why I’m spending so much time at Lily’s. But all I can say is it was important for me to write this now whilst I’m so very excited about what I’ve done! I hope that, seeing as when you get this almost a year has passed and the money has been spent, that you will simply smile across and hug me. No doubt I’m sitting biting my nails as you read this! Go on, look at me and check. See told you!

New York has always been our dream destination and so I know that when you calm down you will forgive me for booking the Waldorf Astoria for four nights…whoops! I forgot to mention that before (hee hee hee). But ever since we watched
it’s been a dream of mine to stay there, and so I know you will enjoy it too as all you have ever wanted to do is make me happy. Well, now it’s my turn, my gorgeous, wonderful, handsome husband. Have I told you today how much I love you? I’m guessing I have but just in case I have been too pre-occupied making your favourite breakfast I will write it now… I LOVE YOU! More than anything in this world. Never forget that.

Now get over here and kiss me!



A painful sob broke free from his body as he slumped forward, head in his hands. His body shuddered as he clung to the note. The note that Eve had written. The note that was his last connection to his beautiful wife. The note that told him she was thinking about him but was expecting to be sitting opposite him as he read it. Why wouldn’t she have been expecting that? It was too much to bear. His sobs were loud and unabashed, and all the raw emotion connected to the day poured out of him. He felt arms encircle him and squeeze him tight. A damp face pressed into his neck.

Eventually his sobs subsided and he lifted his face. Lily’s red-rimmed eyes stared back. A look of worry plagued her features. “I’m so sorry, Adam… I didn’t mean…”

He frowned and shook his head, touched her cheek. “No, don’t be sorry, Lil.” He sniffed and wiped his hands over his tear stained face. “It was just a little overwhelming…the letter…the tickets…the fucking
Waldorf Astoria
?” He smiled. “But after everything that’s happened…with her not being here…the note alone is the best I could have hoped for.”

She returned his smile. “The thing is the flights are tomorrow. I spoke to the head teacher at school and you’re booked off for the week. Special dispensation.”

His eyes widened at the realisation. “That explains the looks I’ve been getting this week.”

She squeezed his arm. “You can go and just enjoy it. Think of her and know how much you meant to her.”

He looked at the envelope containing the tickets, which had fallen to the floor. “But there are two tickets, Lil. I…I don’t really want to go alone.”

She rubbed his arm. “Then ask your mum. She would
to go. She really would, Adam.”

He chuckled. “Erm, I don’t think it’s the kind of place I want to go with my mum. Can you imagine her face if I get drunk? No, you helped plan it.
should come.”

Her heart pounded. She felt a little lightheaded. “Erm…erm…I…erm.”

He placed his hand over hers on his arm. “Look, you helped to organise this and you’re my best friend. If anyone should go with me it should be my best friend. Don’t you think?”


Chapter Twenty

New York, New York
(Frank Sinatra)

March 2010

“Oh…my…God!” Lily gasped as they stood in the entrance of the suite at the Waldorf Astoria. “This is the most luxurious place I’ve ever been in, and I’ve stayed in many hotels. Some of them quite nice. But this…”

Adam swallowed the lump in his throat. “Yep, my girl had taste alright.” He glanced around and his damp eyes settled on the huge king-size bed. “You take the bed, Lil. I’ll sleep on the floor or…or the sofa.”

She swung around. “You’ll do no such thing you, Muppet. We’re both adults. We’ll share the bed.”

He felt the heat rise in his cheeks. “Oh…okay.”

She cringed. “Oh heck, Adders…I didn’t mean…I mean I know that Eve and you were meant to… I’ll take the sofa.” She stumbled over the right words to say.

He shook his head. “No…no it’s not that at all. I just didn’t think you’d want to share the bed, you know?”

“Yeah, well we used to share a bed when we were kids. It’s no different. We’re best friends, Adders. It’s fine…as long as you don’t mind, that is.”

“Nah. I’ve put up with your snoring before. I’ll just poke you or slap you if you get too loud.”

“Me? Snore? I don’t think so, matey. I think you’ll find it’s you that turns porcine in your sleep!”

“Yeah? We’ll see, eh?” Adam chuckled.

The friends unpacked their belongings, rested a short while, and then made their way out onto the busy and bustling Park Avenue. They were greeted with a cacophony of car engines, sirens, aeroplanes, and loud chatter. Lily went into David Bailey mode, snapping pictures of anything and everything that stood still long enough. She had visited New York before for work but had told Adam she had never had the time to do the sightseeing, touristy part. It was almost like she was seeing the place for the first time.

Adam puffed out his cheeks as she made him pose for the hundredth time. They walked across town to the famous Bloomingdales store where Lily was like a woman possessed. Adam ended up loaded down with bags and bags of clothing, gifts, toiletries, and goodness knows what else. He just smiled. It was good to see her enjoying herself.

Eventually, both exhausted, they stumbled across a nice looking coffee shop and collapsed into a booth. “I think you bought the whole of New York, Lil. You do know there’s a limited baggage allowance on the way back, don’t you? The bloody plane won’t get off the ground at this rate!”

She giggled as she looked at the mountain of purchases. “Whoops! I think you may be right. I may have to charter my own private jet to get home.”

He took a drink of the nectar-like coffee in his mug. “Jeez Louise, that’s a damn good cup o’ joe.”

His fake American accent made Lily laugh out loud. “Yeah…I hueard it was gooyed caawfee hea.” She mocked in her best attempt at a Brooklyn accent but it came out a little nasal and whiny.

He threw his head back and his shoulders shuddered as he guffawed. Coffee was not quite as good when it went up your nose. He spluttered and wiped his nose and chin. “Eeeuw!”

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