The Girl Before Eve (19 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

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She sighed in exasperation. “What do you want, Adders?”

“I was just sitting here feeling bored and wondered if you fancied getting a take-away or something?”

“Yeah…okay. What time is it?”

“It’s…erm…six thirty.” Shit she had been asleep hours. And clearly looking through her Adam photos had
helped her current state of mind.

“Okay. Give me an hour to get a shower and change. Pick something up on the way over. I’ll have my usual. I’ve got wine.” And with that she hung up, threw herself back into the sofa, and blew out a long breath. Her thoughts flitted back to her dream and shivers traversed her spine. She smiled to herself.
If only it had been real.


Chapter Twenty-Three

Back in The Saddle

May 2010

“I seriously cannot fucking believe I let you talk me into this, Lil.” Adam stood in front of his mirror reluctantly combing his thick, dark hair. “It’s only been ten months and you’re trying to marry me off again already. Do I cramp your style that fucking much?”

She giggled at his sulky face. “Oh shut up, you misery. And stop swearing. She sounded really nice. And no I’m not trying to marry you off. I’m trying to get you laid.”

He snorted in derision. “I don’t fucking want to get laid. And if I did I could find someone by myself. I cannot fucking believe you set me up on a fucking dating site! What were you thinking?”

“It’s the way things are done these days. It was a very reputable website. And this woman sounded just your type. And
swearing.” She really hoped the photo that had been sent was a true representation and not one that was taken twenty years ago.

“She could be an axe murderer or…or a man!”

Lily burst into hysterical laughter. He folded his arms across his chest, clearly not amused. “A….a man!” She held her stomach and made a squeaking noise as she laughed. “Oh shit…I need a pee.” She scurried out and headed for the bathroom.

He was overreacting, but then again, she couldn’t really blame him. It was a little unfair of her to do this to him without his knowledge, never mind expecting him to go through with it. All that said, he
agreed, albeit reluctantly. Perhaps he
ready to get back in the saddle, so to speak. She was only in the country every few months, and so she had to do something. She knew she could never have him herself, but she wanted to see him happy. Maybe if she had some control over
he was happy with…

She returned to the bedroom where Adam sat on the bed. He was leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. He was wearing black trousers and a black shirt, open at the neck. His grey jacket gave a smart image but the lack of tie added a casual edge.

“Right you. Get on. She’ll be outside the Dragon at eight. I’ll call you at half past and if it’s a no go… Well, you know the drill.” She had even booked the Chinese restaurant for them to dine at. In her own opinion she was a bloody good friend. It was a shame that Adam didn’t agree at that present moment.


Adam reluctantly walked toward the Chinese restaurant cursing Lily under his breath. There was a woman waiting outside. As he approached her, he saw her face scrunch.
Oh great. That’s a bloody good start.

“Are you Adam?” she asked as he got closer.

“Yes…I am. Molly?”

She smiled and held out her hand. “That’s me.” She snorted. “I couldn’t see what you looked like until you were in front of me. I usually wear specs but I didn’t put them on tonight…you know…I wanted to make a good impression.” She snorted again.

He was a little befuddled. “Why? Is that because bespectacled people are all bad?” he said dryly.

Molly snorted again and smacked his arm. “Oh…hilarious! I can see you’re going to keep me entertained.”

He forced a smile. She was quite pretty really. But there was no spark. And that snort… Well, that was akin to nails down a chalkboard. He held the door open for her.
God, if you are listening, please let Lil ring on time.

They were shown to the waiting area. The restaurant was busy and their table wasn’t ready yet. “So what do you do, Adam?” Lily had told her exactly what he did for a living on the profile that she had created. Had Molly even bothered to read the damn thing?

He cleared his throat. “I teach English in high school.”

Another snort. “Oh yes! Of course you do! Silly me.” Good grief she could give Peppa Pig a run for her money. “I hate kids, personally. Horrible little swines, they are.”

He felt like he was in hell. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.
. Another twenty minutes to endure until Lily was due to ring.

“Well, I’ll just go to the little girl’s room,” Molly informed him. “I need to make room for the nice bottle of wine I’m sure you’ll be buying us.” And yes, there it was…the snort…

He nodded frantically. “Well, I’m driving actually, but…yes…yes, that’s fine…take your time.” He smiled. Once she was gone, he grabbed his phone out and dialled Lily. She answered breezily after one ring.

He growled at her down the phone. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“Well, I hope this is Adam because if not I’ll be reporting whoever you are to the police.” She sniggered.

“She’s gone to the toilet, so get me the fuck out of here…now. I can’t spend another second in the company of this kid-hating-porcine-impersonating woman!”

“Yikes…that good, eh?”

“She snorts, Lil. She snorts
a lot
.” He could hear Lily laughing at the other end of the phone. It only served to make him more cross.

“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound good, Adders.”

He glanced up and saw Molly making her way back to the table, he had to think on his feet. “Oh no, what a shame. Of course I’ll be right there.” He feigned disappointment.

“Is she back?” Lily sniggered.

“Yes, yes that’s right. Isn’t it terrible?”

“Has she snorted at you again yet?”

He bit his lip to stifle the laugh trying to erupt. “No, no not yet. We’ve only just arrived. Don’t worry about it.”

“So back to mine for a take-away then, eh?” Lily was clearly enjoying his discomfort. She would pay later.

“Oh yes, that would be a good idea. Yes, you’d better give them a call about that.” Molly’s expression showed concern.

“Right, I’m on it like a car bonnet, Adders. Indian or Chinese?” Lily asked

“Oh, I think maybe the first option would be the more acceptable.”

“Okay, see you in ten.”

“Yes, yes, ten is good. See you soon. Take care.”

“Oh and Adders?”

“Yes? Yes?” After a brief pause Lily snorted long and loud down the line into his ear. He burst out laughing and covered his mouth, disguising his hysteria as a cough, and hung up.

Molly sidled over and patted his back. “Oh, Adam, are you okay? Should I get you a drink?”

He held his hand up and shook his head. Once he had composed himself, he sat up straight. “I’m so very sorry, but that was my…erm…sister. She’s…erm…broken down and I have to go help. She’s…erm…going to ring her insurance company, but I need to go and…well you know…help out.” He was a terrible liar. He knew that his story was full of holes, but thankfully Molly was clearly quite dense as she patted his knee.

“Oh no, that’s terrible. You should go. Family is clearly very important to you. We can do this another time.”

He suddenly felt very guilty.

They said their goodbyes and he took her number, feeling yet another twinge of guilt as he knew there was no way on earth he was likely to call her.


He got into his car and drove over to Lily’s. He leaned on the doorframe suddenly feeling drained. He pressed the doorbell. She opened the door and burst out laughing at him.

He scowled. “Shut up, you cow.” He shoved past her in a major strop.

“Oh come on, Adders. It can’t have been that bad.”

“Oh yes, it fucking can. Honestly, Lil. She snorted after every sentence. I swear at one point I expected her to tell me she lived in a house made of sticks!”

Lily held her stomach as she laughed. “That’s so funny!”

He slumped onto the sofa. “Funny for you.” He sniggered, suddenly allowing himself to see the funny side. “Oh, Lil, don’t do that to me again, eh?”

She plopped down beside him and smacked his leg. “It won’t be like that every time though. Whether it’s from the website or anywhere else, eventually you’ll have to give someone a chance, you know.”

His expression became serious again as he turned toward her. “Lil, why are you so hell bent on matchmaking for me?” He caught her eyes in his gaze. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again.

After what felt like an eternity she jumped up. “Ooh, I bought wine! You can sleep in the spare room if you like.” She skipped off to the kitchen.


After their take-away had been delivered and they had eaten their fill, they sat in silence drinking red wine. They had already sunk two bottles and Lily had bought a third. Adam knew he would feel shocking in the morning. But he was a big boy…he would cope.

Feeling emboldened by the imbibed alcohol, Adam decided to ask the million-dollar question. “So, Lil, have you ever actually been
in love

A look of horror spread over her face and she seemed to be struggling for the words to reply. Her mouth opening and closing rather like a goldfish. Her brow scrunched and she fiddled with the hem of her lace top.

He sniggered. “What’s up? It’s not a trick question you know.” His words slurred slightly.

Finally she laughed out loud. It sounded forced. “Me? I don’t have time to be in love. I’m either travelling around the world reporting on shit going on abroad, or I’m looking after you. When do
get the time for love?”

He pouted at her insinuation that he needed looking after. “Nah, come on, there must have been someone. In
all these years
, there must have been someone? Chris! That guy from Oz! You reeeeally liked him.” He nudged her with his shoulder.

“He was fit…and he was good in bed. But that’s kind of where it stopped. He wanted more but…”

“But what?”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, Adders, is it interrogate Lily day?” She looked angry now. “Just drop it, okay?”

He formed an
with his mouth. “There
someone! I can tell by how cagey you’re being. Come on, Lil, I’m your best friend. Come on, you can tell me.”

Her chest was falling and rising at a rapid rate and her lips were pursed. “I. Said. Drop. It.” Her words were sharp and measured.

He grinned widely. “Oooh, I’ve hit a nerve…wait a minute.” He suddenly sat bolt upright. “Oh fuck…I…I think I’ve figured it out.” He felt the colour drain from his face.

A look of panic washed over her features. “You have?” She scraped the hair back from her face, clearly alarmed.

He leaned in close again and rested his forehead on hers. “I’m so sorry I never realised, Lil. And it’s okay…it really is okay. It explains such a lot.”

She closed her eyes and bit on her bottom lip. “Oh shit.”

“I always wondered why you couldn’t be around us, and why no relationship you ever had was very long. It’s okay, Lil.” He stroked her cheek as she held her breath.

“Is it?” she breathed.

“Of course it is. How could it not be?”

“I was just…scared to say…”

“I know, I understand, but you’re my best friend in the whole world. I couldn’t care less if you like girls, and I totally understand why you were in love with Eve.”


Chapter Twenty-Four

Sketches of Spain {For Miles}

June 2010

Two weeks after Adam’s apparent light bulb moment, a cab was dropping Lily off at Edinburgh Airport. Soon she would be bound for the Spanish sunshine on a research trip for an upcoming piece for a Scottish television news channel about package holidays, the increased prices, and the effect it was having on tourism. She was happy to be escaping once again.

She had informed Adam that he was, in fact, totally incorrect about his conclusion that she was gay…or bi. He had blushed and apologised profusely, and thankfully his embarrassment at his presumption had rendered him incapable of pushing her further, even though she was sure he must have questions. After all, she had allowed him to know that there was
she’d been in love with. Fortunately, he appeared too dense to put two and two together and come up with anything remotely close to four.

It would be good to be back in Spain. She felt quite at home there. Lenora Abalos, Lily’s mother, had met her soul mate Alexander Macrae, Lily’s father, when he was on a holiday with his friends. It had been love at first sight. Lenora had come to Scotland to live, and since then, the two had had a wonderful marriage. Lily craved what her parents had, the togetherness and closeness. Lily’s looks had definitely come from her mother, and her dad had always called her his little Spanish jewel.

The distance from Adam was needed again especially after the drunken conversation following his disastrous date. She thought he’d figured it all out and was rather gutted when she realised he was way off the mark. Her secret would remain in place indefinitely now. She would be home again in a couple of weeks and would have to face him again. She couldn’t avoid him. Anyway, she needed her Adam fix. He was, after all, her drug of choice.

Descending the plane after the short flight was a welcome relief, although the wall of heat that hit her when she exited the airport had her gasping for air. Her hair had done that crazy wild thing it did whenever she was around humidity. She jumped in a cab and headed for her hotel. After checking in and locating her room, the first thing she did was jump in the shower. The cooling water lowered her temperature sufficiently to ease her discomfort.

She tumbled onto her bed and reached for her phone. She had missed a call from Adam, and he had texted. Against her better judgment, she clicked to open the message.

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