The Girl Before Eve (18 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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Once the boat was safely docked once again, Adam looked back over his shoulder one last time.

Goodbye Liberty. It was nice to finally see you in real life…not that the building block version wasn’t impressive…but…well you’re the real deal. Oh, Evie…I remember that day like it was yesterday. We vowed then and there that we’d see the real thing…one day. I think Central Park is next. You’d been desperate to go there ever since we watched
. That film has a lot to answer for.

He smiled as he began to make his way in the direction of Central Park. After walking for thirty minutes, his restless night began to catch up on him, and his legs grew more and more tired with each step. He hailed a cab and made the rest of the journey in air-conditioned comfort.

Central Park was like an oasis of calm in a sea of chaos. The skyscrapers skirted the edge of the vast green space as if waiting to step inside. Budding trees framed the pretty lawned areas where families were picnicking on plaid blankets despite the March temperatures, making the most of the glimpse of sunshine. Adam bought a hot dog and a bottle of water from a vendor who stood reading the
New York Times
. Adam inhaled deeply as he glanced around himself.

Oh, Evie, you would just love this…the place is amazing. It’s so colourful even at this time of year. It’s busy, yet somehow peaceful at the same time. What I wouldn’t give to be able to lay out a blanket and sit with your head in my lap whilst I stroke your hair. You’d read a book and I’d be people watching. I love that this place exists amongst all the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple. Oh…a horse and carriage…and yet another couple who look deeply in love.

He watched the horse and carriage pass by as he licked the relish that had begun to drip down his arm. An elderly couple walking hand in hand toward him stopped.

“Here you go, doll. Looks like you need this.” The lady, clearly a New Yorker from her accent, was wearing lilac trousers and a yellow fleece jacket embellished with diamantes. She held out a folded paper handkerchief to him. “It’s clean.” She smiled.

He cringed, realising ketchup was now dribbling down his chin. “Oh heck, thank you…thank you very much. That’s very kind.” He took the hanky and wiped the sticky mess away.

“You’re welcome, honey. Can’t have a handsome young fella like you getting all icky on the way to meet his lady.” She winked and she and her husband carried on walking. Adam smiled to himself and shook his head.

Now if you had been here, Evie, we’d be going for coffee with that old couple right about now, and you’d be inviting them to visit us back home in Scotland.

He came across a pretty little arched bridge and walked up to the mid-point. He stood and watched a couple of teenagers as they rowed a little boat along and argued jokingly about who was doing the most work to propel them forward. He inhaled deeply once again.

It’ll be time to go home soon, Evie. Back to Scotland. Back to life in the real world. The world that no longer has you in it. But you’ll always be in my heart, Evie. No matter what. Even if…and it’s a big if…but even if I meet someone…I’ll still love you. I hope you know that. I’ll never forget you. How could I? I have so many happy memories, Evie. But I need to get on with moving forward. Looking back can only sustain me for so long. I hope you understand. It doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten. It doesn’t mean you’ve been replaced. Because you were one of a kind, Evie. My beautiful girl. My love…the missing piece of my soul. My Evie.


Chapter Twenty-Two

I Miss You
(Stevie Nicks)

March 2010 (35,000 feet above the Atlantic)

“Are you okay, Adders?” Lily whispered when she glanced over at Adam, who sat staring into space in the dim light of the plane. Lily always hated flying but at least flying at night usually afforded a little sleep. Not tonight though.

“Sorry?” Adam turned to her.

“I just asked if you were okay. You’ve been quiet since we left the hotel, that’s all.”

He smiled but it was fleeting. “Yeah. I think this was always going to be difficult for me. I took the time to say goodbye whilst I was out yesterday. But coming home feels like I’m leaving her there…you know?”

Lily reached and squeezed his hand. “I know.”

“I just… I suppose I know that eight months isn’t such a long time and I’m wondering if maybe it’s too soon.”

“Too soon for what?”

“Too soon to let her go, Lil.”

“Adam, please don’t take this the wrong way…you know how much I loved Eve… But well…you’re young. You can’t live in the past. I can’t imagine how hard losing her was. I know how hard it was for me but… She was your wife, so I know it was a hundred times harder. But you have to look forward now. I’m not saying jump into a relationship with the first woman that comes your way. But at least give yourself the chance to be
to meeting someone. You know?”

He huffed and leaned his head back. He didn’t speak for a few moments as if processing her words.

Turning to her again, he had a sad look in his eyes. “But she was one of a kind, Lil. And I have no clue
to meet someone else. I’ve been with Eve forever. I’m not sure what to do. And I’m not sure I actually
to do anything.”

“You don’t
to do anything. Maybe… I don’t know, maybe you’ll just meet someone naturally…you know? Maybe you’ll meet someone at school.”

His brow creased. “At school? Are you having a laugh, Lil? I
with those women. The last thing I want to do is
one of them.”

“It was just an idea. What about one of the student’s mums?”

He laughed, trying his best to do so quietly. “Er…no way, Lil. Don’t you think that would be a tad inappropriate? I can just imagine parents evening. ‘Oh yes Mrs. Johnson, little Simon is doing really great in English, but anyway, are we shagging at your house or mine tonight?’ Absolutely no way.” He shivered as if the idea made him feel dirty.

“Okay, yes, I get your point.” She sat back and pondered for a while. Suddenly, she sat up and blurted out. “I’ve got it!”

His eyes darted around. “Shhh!” he whispered, spraying her with saliva in his eagerness to quiet her. “People are sleeping and
I’ve got it
isn’t something you want to be announcing in the small confines of an aeroplane.”

“Eeeuw, Adders! Ever heard the phrase
say it, don’t spray it
? I had a shower before we left, okay? I don’t need another one.”

“Okay, sorry. What have you


“You said
I’ve got it

“Oh, yes right. Okay…what about…and keep an open mind, okay? What about online dating?” She held out her hands as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He did not agree. His face contorted into something akin to disgust. “Not a fucking chance.”

“Come on, Adders! It makes sense. I can help you set up a profile if you like.”

“Nope.” He folded his arms, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.

“Why not?”

“Because…and I don’t mean this to be offensive in any way…but I always imagine those websites to be filled with desperate people who can’t find someone anywhere else and have resorted to the last chance saloon, that’s why not.”

Lily huffed. “That is
offensive. And actually that’s where you’re wrong. I know several colleagues who have met their partners that way.”

“Don’t believe you.” Adam was not prepared to budge.

“Okay… Hannah, one of the editors at the channel. She spends so much time at work that she has no time to go out. She signed up two years ago and met Graham. He’s a really nice guy and they hit it off. They’re getting married next year.”

“Ha…then he will murder her and chop her up into little pieces and eat her remains or something.”

She shook her head at him and pulled her face into a look of incredulity. “Don’t be so bloody melodramatic.”

He peeped out from his half-closed eyelids. “Well…anyway. I’m not doing it.”

She persisted. “Jeff in the weather room… He met Sonya through online dating and they’re expecting their first child.”

“Then he will announce he’s gay and it’s all been a cover up.”

Ever determined to convince him she continued. “Stefano in the finances department—”

Adam snorted. “Green card.”

“Clara and Phil…married three years.”

Adam opened his eyes and turned to face her. “Look, Lil, I am not and I repeat…I. Am. Not. Signing. Up. For. Online. Dating.” He repeated the words slowly and clearly.

She was the one to get huffy now and turned in her seat so that she faced the window. “Whatever…I was just trying to help.”

“Yeah…I know…but just…I don’t know…
, okay?”


Lily couldn’t get to sleep. Plans were whirring around in her head. She had to show him online dating could work for him. It would be a start anyway. If he was too scared to get out there…and if he didn’t want her—which he clearly didn’t—then she had to figure out a way to get his confidence up.
No he definitely doesn’t see me that way. We shared a bed in New York, and I was half naked for God’s sake. He had a perfect opportunity then and didn’t bloody take it. More’s the pity.
She just had to come up with a plan. But she would have to be devious. Very devious. Make him think it was his idea. Yes that would work…wouldn’t it? Or she could just…
Oh yes, that’s it.
Get Adam Laid
was going to come into full force. Soon.


Arriving home in the early morning hours whilst it was still dark, Lily’s mind was still whirring. Adam had offered for her to stay at his house but she declined, preferring her own bed and surroundings in which to cogitate on her mischievous plan. She stripped and dressed in her comfy pyjamas and collapsed onto her bed.

Sleep eluded her for hours, and after dozing, she made her way downstairs. She fired up her laptop and did an Internet search for the website that Hannah had tried to get
to sign up for. Made For Each Other was quoted as being the
matchmaking experience of a lifetime for individuals whose lives are just so hectic that love takes second place
. She quickly scanned through a couple of profiles and decided that this was the one.

She clicked on
Build Profile
and began to do her best to make Adam sound as appealing as possible.
Who am I kidding? He is bloody gorgeous. And he’s funny, kind, caring… Hell, I wish he didn’t think of me as his bloody relative or something.
She sighed and went to make coffee. Once she had shaken her self-destructive train of thought, she returned to her computer to continue with her mission. After completing the personal details of her best friend, she began to trawl through the photos she had of Adam in order to find a suitable one for his profile. There were so many, and if he ever saw them he would wonder why on earth she had them all. To say she was slightly obsessed would be an understatement.

Once the profile was complete, she flicked through it to make sure it was the best it could be. The photo she had chosen showed him with a beautiful smile on his face and his hair flopping onto his forehead. A line of stubble enhanced the strong square line of his jaw, and his eyes had a come hither glint to them. The photo alone would attract any female with a pulse.

Feeling herself getting tired, she decided to nap on the sofa. She awoke abruptly when someone sat at the end near her feet. Looking up, she realised it was Adam.

She sat up. “Hey. I didn’t hear you come in.” She yawned.

“No…I was very quiet.” He smiled that smile that made her core clench and she stifled a moan.

“What’s up? What’re you doing here? I thought you’d be shattered after the flight.”

“I was, but I needed to see you.”

“Oh? Why? What’s up?”

He stood and gazed down at her. The look in his eyes was one she had never seen before. It looked like…like
. She gazed into his hooded eyes feeling more than a little confused. He dropped to his knees and without speaking he ran his hand down her cheek and to her breast. He molded it in his hand and she gasped.

“Adam?” He stopped her mouth with a deep, wet, luscious kiss. This was really strange behaviour. She had no clue what was going on, but couldn’t bring herself to stop him. Especially when he reached up and removed his shirt. She lifted her hands to touch his sculpted abs and they trembled under her touch. He closed his eyes briefly, and when they opened, he bent again to kiss her. His hand began to slip lower…lower…lower until she arched her back and closed her eyes as he slipped his fingers inside her pyjamas and caressed her. The feeling was like nothing she had ever experienced, and she couldn’t help the whimper that escaped.

Somewhere she could hear music playing. She felt as though she were at the end of a tunnel as the sensations of Adam’s skilled touch washed over her body. On the verge of exploding, the music got louder…louder…louder.

Suddenly, she sat bolt upright.
. That had been one very vivid, very erotic dream. She reached for her phone.

“Hello?” She answered breathlessly.

“Good grief, Lil, what’ve you been doing?”


Heat rose in her cheeks. “Erm…nothing, I was just…erm…sleeping and you woke me.”

He chuckled down the line. “Oh yeah? Did I wake you from a dirty dream or something?”

How the hell?
“Don’t be ridiculous, Adders, I just had to hunt for my phone. I thought maybe it was an emergency or something and I panicked. That’s all. Good grief.”

His laugh got louder. “I think the lady doth protest too much.”

She huffed. “Okay…you got me…you and I were shagging, Adam. Is that better?”

He stopped laughing. “Alright, stroppy cow. So you weren’t having a dirty dream. I was only jesting.” He sounded sulky. He was even oblivious to the bloody truth!

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